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missileman211 joined the community
Its 4pm im still not unbanned
Thumbtoe joined the community
You were Banned for Netherite xray, please review the PVE rules regarding this in the included link. Your inventory and all edits have been cleared. Your Ban will be lifted 1 week from today, on 18 March after 4pm CDT.
I was banned today bcs i was cheating its true i was cheating and i accept any punishment ingame i will take it
ozuwy401k joined the community
You were warned previously and kicked by the anti-cheat, talked to by a mod, and kicked twice last night by me. Please make sure you re-read the rules here. I have snipped a small section: You are now unbanned, any repeat offense will be subject to a longer ban.
i was repeatedly kicked by the anticheat for the litematica easybuild function. A mod told me that this function upsets the anticheat. At that moment i thought that the problem was with the anticheat not that using this feature in itself was a problem i understand that now and wont use it again in the future
cookie_nekromancer joined the community
MsAlexiaGaming started following PvE , Minecraft General and Creative
MsAlexiaGaming changed their profile photo
MsAlexiaGaming joined the community
Steveguise joined the community
PS2 oddałem my te bloki
AntoszkGamming changed their profile photo
AntoszkGamming started following defiex
AntoszkGamming started following fazaden
Ps akceptuje te zrasrady
I ni yapuj daj ub bo ja zrobię unwazje botów poooozdro Dej ub szybko
Dobra nic
Hello infinite_cyclone, Since XeTrain is no longer on staff, I'll be taking care of your appeal. You were originally banned for griefing on PvE ( Please take a moment to review the rules. As it is past the usual ban length for your type of ban, I have removed your ban. Welcome back! -defiex(head admin)
Hello, You were banned for griefing in another player's copper base. You killed a parrot and broke many blocks leading to a lava spill: (Zostałeś zbanowany za zamartwianie się w miedzianej bazie innego gracza. Zabiłeś papugę i rozbiłeś wiele bloków, co doprowadziło do wycieku lawy:) In the future, don't break blocks in another player's base without their permission. If you read the rules at, and reply here saying that you understand those rules, you can be unbanned. (W przyszłości nie rozbijaj bloków w bazie innego gracza bez jego zgody. Jeśli przeczytasz zasady na i odpowiesz tutaj, mówiąc, że rozumiesz te zasady, możesz zostać odblokowany.)
woshidadashabi [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to woshidadashabi's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
There is no need to count down the days here. The ban is now on an automatic timer and will be lifted exactly 7 days from my original reply. -
woshidadashabi [TemporarilyAlive]
woshidadashabi replied to woshidadashabi's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
this is the third day -
woshidadashabi [TemporarilyAlive]
woshidadashabi replied to woshidadashabi's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
this is the second day -
woshidadashabi [TemporarilyAlive]
woshidadashabi replied to woshidadashabi's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
this is the first day -
woshidadashabi [TemporarilyAlive]
woshidadashabi replied to woshidadashabi's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
ok sorry about that i totally accept it -
woshidadashabi [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to woshidadashabi's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
Hi woshidadashabi, Attached below are screenshot evidence of some of the 6 ancient debris you xrayed. All of which bordered a lava source and were tunnelled to directly from behind or below using other players old mines. (these show the same ancient debris piece, one showing the path to tunnel up to it from the existing mine, the other showing it rolled back from above in the lava lake) (these 2 were directly tunnelled to from behind using other players existing mines nearby. Viewed from in the lava lake they bordered) As this is your first offence you will be unbanned 7 days from now. As per our xray policy all of your edits have been rolled back and your inventory/ender chest wiped. -
PPGOME started following TemporarilyAlive
woshidadashabi started following woshidadashabi [TemporarilyAlive]
summarize events as best you remembered them: i used x-ray resourse pack,and mine some ancient_debris (exactly its six) state your point of view: i think im banned because it broke the balance of the game
Ok understood. I had replaymod for going back to look at builds but I will not use it anymore. I did also have a clear lava that was on that I have had on for so long I never even think twice about it and never saw it stated being not allowed. Thanks
Hi Sleets, You were banned for xraying ancient debris in the nether. All 31 of your ancient debris edits were from the bed of a lava lake with minimal netherrack edits. The only way this could be achieved in the timeframe you did it in is with resource packs, mods or glitches that enable you to see through lava. This is an unfair advantage as vanilla clients would see this: Below is some screenshot evidence showing some of the 31 ancient debris edits. As this is your first offence you will be unbanned 7 days from now. As per our xray policy all of your edits have been rolled back and your inventory/ender chest wiped. I would also like to add that replay mod is not allowed as this too can be used for xraying.
Sleets started following Sleets [TemporarilyAlive]
I just started playing on the server a few days ago. I was playing for a good few hours getting gear, learning about the server, and getting base tours from some of the regulars. I logged out and hadn't been on in a day and a half or so and when I log back in I am banned for xray. I am going to assume this was because I mined 30 or so netherite? I was using Fire Res potions and swimming/using elytra in lava to look for the netherite. Plng was with me at one point and observed me doing it. I also have a replaymod video of this I can show if needed.
I'm sorry for what I have done, last summer I stole some emeralds and I sincerely apologize. I want to be apart of the server again, and I hope that the team will understand. Thank you.
Head Admin Changelog and Announcements
defiex replied to schererererer's topic in News & Information
January 2025 Changelog iceberg76 joined staff as moderator - January 4, 2025 -
AntoszkGamming started following Antoszkagejmingg [fazaden]
Perm za nie wiem co ale podobno jakieś niszczenie baz ale nie umiem angielskiego więdz się nie doczytam pozdro dawajcie ub szybko
LordFatzberry changed their profile photo
Thank you, you have been unbanned.