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Posts posted by dizney07

  1. After posting this in the subreddit, I've decided to quote the responses here to show different thoughts of players :]


    "I really like these ideas. They add more to the server that I feel the random spawn took away. The only thing is that i feel the dragon looting might get out of hand pretty fast." - usernametakenFFFUUU

    -With dragon looting being only a once every two days thing, I can't see it causing that many problems besides creating more pvp in the end for the drops. In the end, that would only be about 28 drops over the course of an entire 2 month rev


    "I would rethink the number of random loot drop locations. That or somehow the drop time interval changes when there are fewer players online. Off times I can see someone just standing next to a chest and collecting tons of loot when no one else is on or when other players are at other drop locations doing the same thing.

    Hope this makes sense. Typing on my phone.

    Edit: other than that I love the ideas and can't wait for the new Rev and what you are implementing." - Adda717

    -At first I agreed and tried to find a way to balance this, however the more I thought about it, it seems that would be hampering players who play more then those who don't. To me, if you play more then another player, you SHOULD have a better advantage over them

    • Upvote 2
  2. The past few days I have been brain storming about ideas for S, while looking at successful servers and even other games. I wanted to make a separate post from my "State of survival" post because I wanted this thread to focus on the opinions of players on my idea and how it would suit S. I'm not pushing to get this implemented, just merely brain storming to create and experience all players can enjoy.


    First off I wanted to say that after playing this rev, I truly dislike random spawning. This is because in my opinion, it takes away from pvp, and makes it more about surviving and hiding rather then pvp. Even players who enjoy pvp find it hard to find each other unless fights are organized (which I personally don't find as fun or as thrilling as finding someone randomly). Saying this, my idea is actually based around random spawning. The core of my idea was to find away to improve the server as it is right now instead of changing to something completely new. So without further ado:


    Goodbye Enchanting: I know what you're thinking. "Oh dizney you've always been against enchants blah blah blah" and yeah you're right, I've always been against enchants. But this is different. I'm not saying get rid of enchants, just enchanting. Remove enchanting tables. Make it so the game doesn't revolve around players sitting in a grinder for three hours to get good armor. Now I know what you're thinking again: "dizneypls you cant have enchants without enchanting tables" and you'd be wrong! Anvils. Using enchanted books, you can enchant your gear (however I suggest taking away the need for levels to do this).But you would need to get enchanted books, and where might we find those enchanted books...?


    Random Loot Chests: This idea I 100% stole from rust. Sue me. Ok don't sue me I don't have money. But this idea suggests that there are chests that drop random loot. Loot that could be enchanted books. This is the core of the idea. If there is a set area (such as an abandoned town) that has chests that randomly generate a different enchanted book every 10 minutes when there isn't enchanting to begin with, then you have successfully created a pvp area. Players will flock to these locations to try and acquire the loot that other players can't get. It centralizes pvp to a certain area, lessening the need to search for players randomly in the wild. This not only benefits players that pvp, but also players who want to stay far away from the pvp action. With players less likely to hunt far away, players are free to live on the outskirts of the map. Now players could be saying to themselves "well dizney, wouldn't the players who receive better enchants be at an advantage?". No. Because if a player has enchanted armor, that's rare. And players love rare items. Meaning they will try and kill the players wearing the armor to receive the loot (ayyy more pvp). "well why would they do that if they're just going to lose their armor" well armor isn't hard to find, and with iron grinders a thing, irons value has dropped alot this rev. Meaning why not risk a little to get a lot? So going back to the locations, how will the players find out where these.. lets say 4 locations that spawn loot are...?


    BRING BACK THE ROAD: Reread that. It says road. Not roads. I dont want cardinal directions. I want one, small road that makes a circle (or some weird shape) that goes around the map and goes through the 4 locations.This again creates a focal point for pvp. Take the roads to the other locations to find loot? Boom, you meet up with someone else. Do you run, fight or try and make peace? You decide. This can also help newer players with finding people, and can help players who want to avoid pvp by letting them know to not go that way.


    So with all of this said, a few smaller things have been brought up that I added to this idea:

    -Make a map. I want a map like PvE's map, however without players being on it. This helps the players know where these locations are, find the roads easier and all around just a nice thing to have. 

    -This next one I'm quoting straight from the other thread: "Static things placed over the map that provide buffs of some form that can be captured and controlled. The buffs would be relatively minor so you don't become a PvP god if you manage to capture them all, but still helpful enough to where you want to go after them. They could serve as attractors to bring people to an area and encourage PvP, and be protected with a decently sized region to discourage building bases around them to make it impossible for others to cap them. " - TheRandomnatrix. I think this a great idea and can be implemented into the four areas.

    -The End Portal is at 0,0. No more hiding the end somewhere. Why is this a big deal? Because then anyone can go for the dragon, creating more teams, and more enemies as you try to deal with fighting what is supposed to be the hardest boss in the game. I get it, it's a great achievment finding the end and end dragon, but honestly the players who don't care, still aren't going to care in the long run. UNLESS ->

    -The End Dragon drops good loot. Good enchanted books such as prot IV or sharp V. This encourages everyone to try and fight the dragon, and then creates a tense end when players fight with each other to try and claim the god books. Muahahaha I'm evil. Oh but players who aren't on the first night won't get the chance to fight the dragon. True. UNLESS->

    -The End Dragon RESPAWNS. Randomly. Anytime between 24 and 48 hours after being killed. This creates more reason to go to the end and try and farm god books off of the dragon, even though it can only be done once every 1 or 2 days.



    Well that's about it. I know it's a lot, but I hope I made it entertaining enough for you. Please leave your thoughts and opinions, both positive ad negative. This isn't for me, but for the server that I only want to see improve. 



    • Upvote 10
  3. I haven't been around the past week, and it seems the development log hasn't been updated in almost two weeks. Are we going to get an update on what is happening behind the scenes at all, such as information on rev 26? 


    It also seems that there isnt much pvp happening on S at the moment. I haven't been on in a week, yet it's showing that I am still 12th on the "rankings" page (which is interesting because when I left I thought I was 13th..). Has anything been discussed in terms of improving the amount of pvp on the server?

    • Upvote 2
  4. How do you feel about the new changes to the next revision of S?


    As far as I'm aware, there isn't anything set in stone is there? But anything the community majority thinks will move the server forward I'm all for. I'm just here to play minecraft with friends :]

  5. As you recently became a citizen of Seneca, what will you do to colonize S?

    What do you think about the practicality of methadone clinics?

    Are you worried about Disney claiming copyright infringement?


    I do not want to reveal my strategy, but let's just say there will be a lot of carrots, tacos, and a missing buzzie.


    How practical is something practical when you put something practical into the eyes of a practical overseer who oversees the practical use of something practical? 


    HA. Disney should be afraid of me claiming copyright infringement. Who do you think they stole it from? 

    • Upvote 2
  6. See: 






    Hey beast, instead of disliking my post you could just tell me what you disagree with? Thanks :)


    I read your post, however I was more asking Duff if he had a plan in place for this already. I wasn't taking the "suggestions" into account, because they possibly wont be included in this. Thanks though :)

    • Upvote 2
  7. This was brought up in the Survival Mumble meetings by myself and a couple others, and it's appreciated that nerd.nu (on the majority) seems happy to look into having a full meeting. 

    During the Survival meetings, there were a few problems that couldn't be solved as the input of other servers was required in order to make a reasonable decision. 

    For a few of us, this brought a bigger picture to mind and, upon contemplating it a little, made us realize that we really need a Community Meeting.

    I understand that the staff are finally kicking into top gear, trying to get nerd.nu moving to where it should be, but I really feel like I need to stress this point:

    Don't let this slip.

    Staff, please, don't ignore the fact that we need this meeting to happen if we don't want to become a ghost network. It's the most efficient way to work toward fixing the rifts between the servers whilst actually getting an idea of what we need to do in order to progress. 

    It should be obvious that before we start trying to welcome players into the community, we need to repair the wounds between the three servers. 

    The main rift is between Survival and PvE, (I admit that I myself contributed to this rift about half a year ago) a rift that's gotten stupidly complex over time. I have no clue how we can fix it, but as a community I'm sure we're going to be able to think up a way to put our differences aside. 

    Again, please don't hesitate on this. 


    Honestly I don't see a rift between S and P. Maybe personal opinions of people on other people from other servers exist, but I went on P and was immediately welcomed into a city and the server. 


    You're also asking a staff of people who do this in their spare time to focus on not only the problems on S and creating something interesting and fun again, but to focus on making a meeting for everyone? I want to go back to Mumberthrax's (ignored) post: "Could you elaborate on this? It is not quite clear to me what things you are referring to. If we know what the issues are, then we can make more informed decisions about your proposal." (this could have been answered privately, but if so, why can't the community know the answer?)


    I could also be crazy and there could be huge problems between the servers, but I personally haven't seen anything.

    • Upvote 3
  8. Initially I was thinking about it depositing items into the hunter's inventory directly, but my concern was that their inventory might be full at that time (or the aforementioned death immediately after target execution). My thought had been to give them an option to claim the bounty in the allotted time, but I see what you're saying - it would be a set timer that will try to put the reward in their inventory on timeout regardless of their interaction with it. I think that's a workable solution too.


    But both methods are still susceptible to the system being used to safely deliver resources over long distances. Maybe it can have some kind of cap on how much you can put on a bounty, and some kind of cooldown on how often you can use it. hmm. But yeah, clanmates/friends of the target collecting bounties would not really be in the spirit of it. So what I'm thinking is that there should probably be some penalty beyond just death...


    BUT the problem there becomes the same sort of one that exists with prisonpearl. Make it too powerful of a tool to be used to abuse or harass beyond what is sportsman-like, and it will most likely be abused. Totemo was making the point that providing mechanisms that influence gameplay or conduct is much more effective than trying to socially engineer behavior, so if we made something that made a good effort at being balanced and coupled that with moderation policies against abuse... it still would likely be an imperfect setup.


    Still ideas to be ironed out if that citadel plugin is to be used - which is definitely not a set in stone plan btw.


    edit: oh i know, maybe you can optionally define a blacklist along with your bounty. So if you know that a target has buddies who will basically share the reward with them, then you can add their names maybe so that they can't claim it? hmm...


    I love the idea of a bounty system. On paper it adds to pvp and the thought process of the players as in "do I really want to grief this and get a target on my back..". I don't think it would be too powerful of a tool, because it would be much harder to get things that players would want, such as diamonds. It seems that prisonpearl would just require enderpearls. I actually feel it would be harder, especially if players are in diamond, to get a bounty worth going after. Why would I fight a guy in diamond for the reward of just 2 diamonds? And if you have enough diamonds, why wouldn't you just make a suit and go after the griefer yourself? The more I think about it, the more crazy that I would pay diamonds just to see someone die once. I feel without an economy based system, it wouldn't really work.In an economy based system, maybe the player wouldn't have to have tons of diamonds to be considered "rich" (for example a shop owner that sells basic gear for 'gold'). 

  9. As one possible alternative, the sadmins have been kicking around the idea of a bounty plugin - so you place a bounty on those who have griefed you and players have an incentive to kill that griefer. A bonus is that the plugin would be used to encourage PvP even if there has been no "crime" or grief comitted. We didn't want to use one that depends on an economy plugin, but it turns out that such a non-economy plugin is difficult to find - so I decided we could write one and I'd take steps to learn commandhelper and implement it through that. It seemed straightforward - allow the player to put the bounty in a gui inventory, when the target is killed then whoever caused the most damage in the previous X seconds gains access to the reward. But each method I thought of to fulfill this function came along with the question and answer of how it would be abused.


    • You could just use an existing plugin like LWC to enable delivery of bounties, but without a way to confirm for certain who killed the target players would likely deceive the paying player. Alternatively, the person who put the bounty on the target might not uphold their end of the deal. It's also somewhat complicated/inconvenient to arrange a bounty in this manner to deter something that might be a regular problem.
    • If you make it so that the bounty is deposited directly in their inventory upon success, then they might instantly be killed by the target's buddies and the bounty goes to the wrong party in the end.
    • If you make it so the bounty hunter can wait to collect the bounty when they are in a safe location, they might abuse it as safe storage of valuables - defeating the purpose of allowing chests to be raided.
    • So you could set a timer on it - if they don't claim it within a day or an hour or something, then the bounty vanishes. But then, the question came of using the plugin itself as a method of instant item delivery across long distances. If I want to send bob on the other side of the map some gold, I put a bounty on joe using the gold as the reward. Bob goes next door to joe's house, kills him, and gets the delivery. No need to travel across dangerous roads.
    • So we make it so that the bounty has to be collected at a specific location, rather than it being deposited in the player's inventory, but where are these locations, and wouldn't players just set up base adjacent to them and use them as mail depots anyway?


    etc. etc.



    Why not set up some sort of timer, where the reward is put into the bounty "winners" inventory after a certain amount of time. That gives players the chance to flee the scene, and if they were to die, the timer wouldn't stop. That way even if they die after 30 seconds, in the next 30 seconds they would receive their award. An argument to this could be players camping the player, but if they have a solid minute to get away, that's on the players.


    The biggest problem I could see with this plug in is clan mates killing each other to get the bounty. Man this whole "players abusing the system" thing is really annoying.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Claiming the rev has been dead for a few weeks shows you are out of touch. In the last couple weeks there have been several builds at spawn going on as well as several scattered around the map.

    Pushing for chaos now before a decision is even reached(let alone plugins coded, maps created, etc) is begging for a stale chaos period, which has happened before--such as when we pushed for an end of a rev and chaos while waiting for an update (1.5 or 1.6, can't remember for sure.)

    By the time bukket was updated and all the plugins based on it were ready, S (in chaos mode,) had been dead for over 2 weeks.

    I agree with AvadaKedavra, at least let a decision be reached and give a couple weeks before asking for a change to Chaos.


    I've been on everyday for the past two weeks, I have seen the builds, and I think they are quite amazing. That doesn't change the fact that everyday I get on, there are less then 5 players on. To me, S is supposed to be a pvp community, where you risk building extraordinary builds while people continue to try and kill you. That's part of the fun of S. The problem now is the builds are barely getting seen, and there's no risk to it. Why not build these in P, where everyone can actually enjoy the project rather then on a server where 8 or 9 people at most are going to see it.  Also the idea isn't to just make the new world chaos, it's to take past rev maps from S and P and create chaos on there. This worked last summer, and it never got stale for a majority of players due to the exploration, destruction and looting aspect of the chaos maps.


    • Upvote 3
  11. Chaos will become stale too, and you'll ask for the next rev to come sooner. If that isn't substantially different from this rev it'll become stale too, and have low player numbers. Maybe it would be better to enjoy this part of the rev, and see if people stick around because you're enjoying it?


    Chaos alone would become stale, but it's not just about chaos. It's about exploring past creations, finding good loot, and enjoying the game in a different way then just normal S. It's hard to enjoy this part of the rev when there is rarely anyone on. 

    • Upvote 1
  12. I agree with Ridiculous. Even if a decision isn't made, we shouldn't be content with letting S just sit there with less then 5 people a day while we wait for something to happen. What would be the harm in moving to chaos, or going through chaos on past revs? Would the majority of players truly be upset that the rev is over? Because imo it's been over for a few weeks anyways.

    • Upvote 2
  13. I mean not a x8 exp, and not an OP enchanting system. (People are just zergling with stone sharp V... this is not what we are looking for)

    But without that, there's less incentive to grind for armor. I normally have to spend about an hour making a set that I either never use, or lose in a quick match because I'm bad at pvp. It's pretty hard to practice and get better when you can't go into multiple fights in a day without grinding hard the day before. Which then leads to why should I pvp, I'm just gonna lose my sets, which leads to why should I even play on this server when I don't even pvp. Honestly the only reason I still play on the servers is the friends I made before enchants were a thing and everyone pvp'd and had a good time. I'm still holding out that S will get back to where it once was, but making the game even more difficult to pvp wont increase pvp on the server.

    • Upvote 1
  14. I'm usually the one who's trying to calm everyone down, but the petty complaining about everything is wearing a bit thin. How about instead of complaining about times which work for ALL involved and not just America, everyone just calms their farms and concentrate on getting their voices heard? The behaviour I've personally witnessed is counter-productive.;


    I'm slightly confused. What behavior is counter productive? Behavior of players, admins, and/or the server in general?

    • Upvote 1
  15. If my name changed to djtpls, how many diamonds could I expect from you on a monthly basis?


    When do you play on S?


    Do you think negative connotations (e.g. "toxic", "shantyclones") towards Survival spread around by the nerd.nu community have hurt its player base?


    What is your favorite type of taco?


    On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate my 'stache? 10 being excellent, 1 being scrubby.

    1. Well since it was my idea, I assume you'd actually be paying me ;]

    2. Normally early in the afternoon, or really late at night (2, 3am) on US CST 

    3. Honestly the only negative connotation I've really heard about S is that the player base are mainly "dicks". I think any negative connotation can hurt a server though, if people talk about something in a negative fashion, people wont want to play on that server. Word of mouth marketing is probably the most important, and with more and more new players not really enjoying their experience (assumed by the fact that they leave after a day) they can easily tell their friends who tell their friends who tell their friends...

    4. I'm a soft taco kind of guy, mainly because when I was younger I bit into a crunchy taco and it cut my tongue.. it was a bad experience.

    5. 1000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 at least

    • Upvote 1
  16. Is your forum picture supposed to be the wheels on a stretcher or a bicycle or something? I'm confused.

    Training wheels, I'm still new to the forums ;-) 


    Wow I am clever.


    Wow I am not clever.

    • Upvote 2
  17. Were you around for the revision where they removed enchantments?  Did you enjoy it?

    I was around that revision yes, and it has been my favorite revision so far. It was actually one of my first, so maybe I'm a little biased, but I felt like it truly was a server where I could spend 10 minutes gathering materials and could immediately join the battles. This made it so when I died, I wasnt as upset as I knew it wouldnt take much more mining to get back to where I wanted to be. I felt the biggest problem with that revision was the decision to not remove bow enchants. Bows became too over powered, but all in all it was a really fun revision.

  18. What's your opinion on the rules governing player behavior on survival?


    Do you think there should be more rules restricting player behavior, or fewer?

    Oh man this is difficult to answer (I've sat here for about half an hour trying to find a good way to answer). To be honest, I feel player behavior is a very broad topic, but the way the rules are in place right now are set up the way they are to try and make sure that the server is going in the direction it wants to go. I feel the rules are very well defined, and I think it fits in a very nice place between too many, and too few. It's kind of hard to go more in depth because player behavior can be defined in many different ways, but all in all I think the rules are fair enough for everyone, and are pretty easy to follow. 

  19. How scrubby are you on a scale of 10-10?

    When's the next episode going to come out?

    If you pull through the modvote and become a mod, what will be your first goal in order to improve Survival/the servers?

    What're you looking forward to in 1.8?

    Where did you get your username? 

    If you could change one thing about nerd.nu, what would be be and why? 

    1. 1000000/10

    2. Probably going to have to wait for next rev for that, we started the series pretty late..

    3. Hmm that's tough. In my opinion the most damaging thing about S is the accessibility to pvp material as a newer player. New player gets armor/weapons after spending an hour or two of their time, runs into 3 players from a big clan, gets murdered by big clan, and the new player leaves not wanting to waste more time. This cycle kills the number of people on the server within the first two weeks of the server back down to its mediocre 10-15, filled with the regulars, the ones who live on the edges of the world, and the newer players who missed the start of the rev and will inevitably fall into the cycle. In short, I want to find a way to help S become more accessible, and more of a server people would want to stay on and play. And I want to do that whether I become a mod or not.


    5. A high school nickname :-)

    6. Personally (completely personal opinion pls dont hurt me) I would remove enchants. It makes pvp accessible to all creating more pvp. More pvp=server growth. 

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