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Everything posted by iamdarb
Any idea who owns that portal? I'd be interested in making a road/rail if at all possible.
I mean, yeah. This is what I want, and hopefully once we've cleared enough land for a flatland PvP area I'm hoping more former S players will join in. The thing PVE needs to realize is that S is just as Nerd as the rest of the server. PVE, just like S has a few volatile members who are very outspoken. It breaks my heart to see an S player come into chat and ask "so S is dead eh?" only to see overly aggressive replies about how good it is that S is gone. My goal atm: Create a Survival valley anyone can visit, for nonstop PvP fun. There will of course be safe zones, and of course all PvP enabled zones will be partitioned in such a way that the PvP happening in PvPCity will never include someone who doesn't want to be involved. I believe we're pretty far away for this not to even remotely be an issue. What's the harm in that? Again, S players were just as Nerd as anyone else. And if you're a former S player, we need your help to make this happen as quickly as possible. I need more people to build, create obstacles and hell "indirectly influence the revival of S", but not in an "occupy pve until our demands are met, sort of way" rather a "look, we're here and we want to play. we're doing it peacefully and getting along with everyone." HMU in-game, I'll add you to the region.
I'm around 450/2500. I'm building it further in the south away from the bigger cities. atm I'm just gather supplies and clearing land. spider/zombie spawner. I was gonna see if I could border off the area, make it pvp, but allow players to be safe in their homes(if they choose to live there) but pvp would be enabled in a few areas + an arena.
Sweet. I'll start logging into P everyone in a while... I may even make a Survival village if I have time, though I doubt they'd flag a small area for PVP without it being an event. Question: Is S on the back-burner until 1.9 drops and the plugins are updated? I'd honestly like to see another 1.8 release, but with a much smaller map.
My main concern: Is this only something Nerd is looking to do as an event, or is this more of a test run that could move us toward having a permanent S server again? edit: and I just realized this is all hypothetical. I support it regardless. Consider using a very small map... no bigger than 2k x 2k. editdos: Another question: Leave 2 rule or no? Personally I think all animals should be fair game as they are necessary to survival.
YES. I would love an actual hard mode and support this fully. I've only ever really been invested in S, but the one thing I've noticed is a lot of the players just derped and didn't actually have to survive. People would be like "food is hard to get, I hate mining for diamonds" and you know what? Good. The game shouldn't be easy on a survival server. Inb4 go to P for the environment factor, and to that I say no. What does S stand for? Survival. Honestly, I just never felt like I fit in on P, and rightly so. I'm a terrible person at the end of the day, I need an atmosphere like S where I may consider a few people friends, but at the end of the day they could still cut me down behind my back. During rev 27 I think, they implemented the blood moon and had it been better balanced I think it would have been an excellent addition to surival. It had a lot of risks, but it was supposed to have a high reward if you were able to survive the encounters. I am very interested in helping with this... Please let me know if you guys need any help with anything. One suggestion. Do not allow the locking of chests. In past revisions the biggest complaint has been how safe users are. We spread out and those of us who are good at surviving have plenty, but we get complacent because the actual PVPers aren't really tempted to leave the cardinal roads. There needs to be incentive to search for other players. To placate those that don't fair well in Survival maybe consider a simple kit? Leather or iron, 1 iron-(axe, shovel, sword, pick), 12 porkchops, 8 torches, 2 chests, 4 oak wood. You only have access to this kit at spawn, if possible once a day. Also the most important thing I saw that absolutely CANNOT be in survival is that Grief Prevention teleport. There must be a way to balance that. When S had the store the most abused command was porting to the store. It absolutely ruined PVP. Rather than shifting trying to run on their own, players would just TP to the store. That cannot happen again. sorry for formatting, spelling, grammar. Very tired.
Just curious, is there any estimated time that S may return? Where did all the S players go? P?
The next Player Arena will be hosted on 05/02/2015 at 7PM EST. That's this Saturday night, at 7 PM. The arena is located mid-way on Red Road, on your left after the first Nether portal. You really don't want to miss it this weekend! Click here to convert to your timezone! I have lots to give away in terms of prizes and the final event alone is worth donning your best set of gear and stepping into the Player Arena. Also, among various other PVP beneficial prizes, I will be giving the winners of each bracket monetary incentive! If you don't have a set, don't fret. Most of the matches gear is provided, but won't be in the BYOG bracket and this weekend's upcoming final event. Note: you will not be able to leave with any gear that is provided by the arena. The kit is primarily iron gear, a few helpful pots, bow and arrow, with colored leather helms to help make identifying teammates more accurate. Something new this weekend will be the usage of a beacon for regeneration so the kitted matches can last just a bit longer. We'll be disabling the beacon for the BYOG Brackets. The Following Fights are Planned as Follows:Itemless FFA (winner gets 100 coins!) 1v1 Kitted Tournament (winner gets 300 coins!) 1v1 BYOG(bring your own gear) Tournament (Winner gets 500 coins!) 2v2 or 3v3 Kitted(both depending on player turn-out) (Winners get 100 coins a piece!) Kitted FFA (Winner gets 200 coins!) SPECIAL EVENT! see below for more details For this arena I've decided to end it with a little special event to convey my gratitude to everyone who's been supportive with their attendance! I'm going to thank you guys with a Wither Free For All. You can bring whatever you want into the arena, but only 1 person will be walking out alive. The winner gets a Nether Star, obviously. I look forward to seeing you guys shed blood! Again, this Saturday night at 7PM EST.
This event has concluded and this post can be moved! :D Thank you to everyone who participated! You guys were so cooperative!
I'd like to announce that I'll be hosting the first Player Arena for Survival Revision 28 this Saturday, April 18 at 9 PM EST*. The arena is located on Red Road shortly after the 1st portal on the left. The arena is designed with 3 doors that are completely accessible by the participants with no mod intervention. The Following Fights Are Planned as Followed:Armorless Free for All(bring your own food) Kitted 1v1 Tournament(Kit signs will erase inventory, go in naked) BYOG 1v1 Tournament(Bring your own gear, pots, and food) Kitted team fights(will be decided depending on turn-out) Kitted FFA I'd like to mention that kit signs will erase your inventory and the server is not responsible for any lost gear. I will make sure that this known before the kitted matches commence. Players will also not be allowed to leave the arena with any gear provided by the arena and the arena itself will have a disposal area set up. Leaving the arena with any gear will count as an immediate disqualification. You will also be disqualified if you enter the kitted matches with any active potion effects. The rules of each bracket are simple, kill and move forward to the next round. The winners of each bracket will be rewarded with prizes that will prove beneficial to PVP. Also in the BYOG there is a chance to win some coin from your kills. Again the arena is set for this Saturday, April 18 at 9 PM EST. I look forward to watching you fight! To find out the arena time in your timezone click here!
Lok'tar Ogar friend!
I'd personally like to see regular nether quartz replace the nether quartz blocks as prizes in the Mob Arena.
I usually start a town, get a good cash influx and then realize I hate it all and start alllll over again. It's an endless cycle that I wish I could break out of.
Honestly removing the ender chests does seem like the best idea. You're basically at your base when you warp there, and it's no issue for shop owners to have what they need in their inventories. Customers don't need to be able to use an ender chest, and shop owners(myself) could cope without one very easily.
Is it possible to get a refund or transfer my shop region to the overworld? Edit: Someone mentioned so spawn doesn't become such a camp fest because of this, that maybe we have warp signs at the portals instead?
I can definitely get behind that change. So the survival aspect as far as environment isn't altered, but the PvP aspect is.
Personally I want the regen1 potion to stay in the game. I think it has very useful applications as far as the wither goes. One feature that I'm just not liking at all is the mechanic that leaves an in-game avatar when you log out. I think it'd be a great feature if it was able to differentiate logging out versus getting "timed out" or disconnected. My connection was fine through most of the day, but later I was getting disconnected almost every 5 minutes. I died several times because of baddies that I was already fighting and it was just overall very frustrating having to go 100+ blocks to retrieve my stuff, disconnect, retrieve my stuff, only to time out while fighting a baddy and die again.
Honestly, if it isn't a holiday I think the lobbies should be as simple as possible. Maybe some light floor design, but nothing too thematic.
"In addition to the standard SAL winner prizes (head at spawn, post of honor, and subreddit flair, etc), we will be also adding in a prize of a $50 steam gift card." First off, that is an amazing prize. I'm assuming that will be a one time prize? Surely that'd be too expensive to give away everytime there's a SAL? I also wanted to add that in addition to the server-ran arenas, Avadakedavra03, Veltoss, and I will be hosting player-ran arenas, weekly, for most of this revision and we may host one as early as next weekend. edit: Also, what was the reasoning behind decreasing the xp plump? Is the economy gonna compensate enchants in some way?
WOOO! Thanks for this announcement duckman.
Overall I think it's great that you'd want to build on S and partake in the revision and I hope you enjoy playing, but this is a terrible attitude to have. People PvP on S and they will look for your peaceful community, don't blame them for doing what the server is ultimately intended for. I support this and while I'm not gonna be peaceful(as in not pvp) on S the only advice I can give you is to build 1000+ blocks from spawn. Players don't tend to wander into the wild much on S.
https://youtu.be/wlwnbcxBuzI Seriously guys, my body is ready for some kind of official announcement! The economy only satiates one part of my curiosity*, pls sadmins pls.
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More incentive to find people's bases and kill their villagers.
No offense to you because I do not know you, but I would not assume that you are the former of this quote by the way you've presented yourself in this thread. You come off as very hostile and unfriendly. Also mentioning that you donate makes you seem entitled and is almost irrelevant to this thread. You added that to make it seem like your opinion matters more than the opinions of other users. Instead of "Minecraft Discussions" this subforum might as well be called "Negative stuff about Nerd.nu".
Nice! Are the stands utilizing barrier blocks?