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https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/2407-malvagio87s-side-of-the-story/ For anyone that cares to see what i have to say.
So here is my side of the story, In light of me closing my server after 3 years, I had decided to come back where Minecraft had started for me. Had it not been for the experiences and fun I originally had playing here back in beta, I don’t think I would have ever really played Minecraft and I thank those that helped run and dev the servers back in those MCCondom days. During my time playing on s.nerd.nu I had made many friends and many more enemies, which is common on a PvP server. Back in beta (for those of you who don’t know) PvP was a lot different. There was no hunger, no sprinting, no potions or enchants, mushroom soup was the food of choice, and only fools would be in diamond armor. Spawn would be at 0, 0 and have roads going in every direction. There were no beds to sleep in or multiple nether portals to go through, just the one under or very close to spawn. It forced everyone to stay near spawn and that model worked great until around beta 1.8 which is when Minecraft changed into mostly what it is now. It took the simplicity out of the game and made it more time intensive to gather the necessary materials needed to successfully pvp. To me all of the revs prior to the 1.8 beta release were the best on the server. For those of you that say I was a bad mod I am sorry. Maybe it was because I was one of the only active mods that would constantly PvP and try and find people to kill vs. build a nice base and raid sparingly. When I was modded, no one explained to me what to do or what was expected of me, which is why when I was first modded I got myself into trouble. Despite barneygale’s lovely post accusing me of hacking where he said, “Within days he was caught rifling through hundreds of chests belonging to a clan. When asked what he was doing, he replied "I'm bored". His moderator powers were temporarily removed.” This occurrence did not happen days after me being modded, but weeks and at the end of the revision when the map was scheduled to reset the next day I had gone exploring because I was in fact bored, but did not have my mod powers removed. Barneygale then goes on to say, “Days later he was caught xraying on the first day of a survival revision.” This is not true. Weizbox, who had never liked me and was the reason I inevitably quit the server, would watch or go through logblock to find anything close that resembled cheating. On the first day I had a claim built right at spawn and went strip mining. During this time I found a cave system around level 12 and went exploring. After going through the cave system and finding many exposed diamonds I had got lost heading back to my base. (This was before I was aware of Reis or possibly it hadn’t been developed yet.) In short I had broken a block that had diamonds behind it. I was happy and didn’t think much of it at the time, but it wasn’t until later was this brought to my attention and I had to defend myself to these accusations. It was during this time that my mod powers were temporarily removed until a decision was made. I was not banned during this time, nor had I ever been prior to that for any reason, and was found to not be guilty of xraying since there were multiple diamond deposits unmined in my mineshafts I had created. Barneygale then goes on to say, “he had created a huge lava moat by spawn, to cause FPS lag for new joiners. His request was initially denied by an admin, but he asked around until he found a mod willing to do it.” This is almost true except for the part where I was trying to create lag for new players. A friend I played with at the time by the name of roastnewt had built a base about 100 blocks down the road and created a lava moat to prevent players from easily gaining access to his base. I spent a majority of the day, digging a 5x5 hole even with the road protection to create a moat. After asking about having it filled in mod broadcast weizbox, the sadmin at the time simply said no. When asked why he/she said, “Because new players could fall into it after leaving spawn.” Now to me I don’t see how that is anyone’s fault but the player who would run into it. So I then questioned why other players were allowed to have motes he/she logged off. So after being pissed off that I had wasted the day I asked another mod about filling it in and they didn’t see why it would be a problem since it wasn’t against the rules. About it being griefied there was no way for the lava to get onto the road so I do not know how other mods mentioning it being griefed would be possible unless they were talking about other players putting stuff into it. Btw the moat had stayed there for a few weeks until I removed it because after speaking to other admins they said it was fine. Barney then goes on to say, “Eventually he decided to squeeze MCPublic one last time by logging in and advertising his rival server to everyone online via PMs. For this, he was banned,” which is probably the closest thing he has said to the truth in his post. I did get banned for “advertising” my server, but I wasn’t messaging everyone I was messaging the player I had played with for the past year, but that was deemed bannable. Adversely, Four_Down has a server and everyone seems to know about it, yet he was never banned? Obviously he never mentioned it to anyone in this community and they all found it naturally. In regards to trolling in mumble I do not recall any of that happening and it definitely wasn’t six month because I quit playing on S during the above revision. Now the reason I quit and resigned being a mod wasn’t because I was asked to or because I was forced to, it was because I was killed by weizbox who had abused his admin privs, but no one seemed to care because back then admins were essentially allowed to do whatever they wanted and no one would monitor them. For those of you that honestly care about the truth this is what happened. After mining for a few hours I had a lot of valuables on me. I was armored up while doing so in case I came across anyone. After coming across someone I thought to myself should I try and kill them or should I stash my stuff at the base first and come back? I decided to attack and during the fight he had logged out on me (this again prior to combat tag being installed because it was deemed at the time not an important plugin to have which I disagreed with). Now since the player logged out on me I was not allowed to make the note or ban the player but in fact had to get someone else to do it. I looked at the /list and weizbox was the only player on, so I asked he/she to come assist. I informed weiz that I had been mining and had a lot of valuables on me but wanted to kill this guy because he had been mining as well and probably had valuables on him. Weiz then responded with, “I will be right there” during this time the player had logged back in and out again, but I was unable to kill them due to the join protection. I then asked weiz if they had witnessed it, but to my surprise they logged off. So I sat there waiting and while I was waiting I noticed weizbot (weizbox’s alt) had logged on. After messaging them multiple times in regards to where they had went, I was then confronted in the mines with a fully diamond armored and potioned weizbot who without any challenge killed me, took all of my stuff, and said bad luck. The next day when I brought this to ludeman’s attention, he in essence said that that’s not what happened but would not provide me any proof that weiz didn’t tp to me on his main and then come kill me after getting the cords with his alt. So right then and there I messaged Amaranthus and asked him to remove my mod privileges as I was done playing and helping out on the server. So I took a break from nerd.nu started playing on Legendarycraft with Four_Down and roast and this ladies and gentleman is where I learned how to use Nodus. After four and roast had explained to me how everything worked they then went on to show me how by using nuker I could get unlimited xp on that server. So I did. I used the radar I used the tracers I used it all and got good at it, but at the end of the day I stopped because it took the fun out of the game. Now while all of this was happening roast and I opened up a server. Four_Down, however, did not like the fact that roast was doing this and refused to play on the server, but when he did he was sure to make it a complete pain in the ass by exploiting everything he could so I banned him for it. Now this is probably why Four hates me so much. I banned him using the same plugin that nerd uses which is MCBouncer. For those of you that do not know what it does, it is in essence a plugin that informs you of anything you have ever done or been banned for on any server that uses it. So if you get banned for xraying on server A and you log into server B, both which are using MCBouncer, it notifies the staff of your previous bans and any notes added to your account. Four knew this and threw a tantrum complaining to Deaygo to remove the notes because he said it was unfair, but it was mainly because he didn’t want everyone to know that he had cheated. Roast after a few months so graciously abandoned the server leaving me in charge of the growing community with no tech admin to control it. This combined with the 1.3 release of Minecraft sucking horrifically killed my server’s community for the most part. Now during all of this I managed to get myself a nice little recording that I could use as blackmail if four ever pissed me off enough. On the nerd servers I had snuck into Randomdoor’s mumble and recorded them talking. After giving one of their clans members coords to people four and another member of his clan which I thought was Fathersouth but could have been wrong decided to go check out the cords. In the mumble you can hear them pointing out areas of their base, who is wearing what armor, and where to tunnel into their base. You can’t clearly see this from the surface nor can you even see the name tags since they were at bedrock. But if you have xray you can and low and behold I had it on my jar at the time. So as they are talking and I am recording I am toggling between the xray and basic view so you can see what they are talking about is in fact 100% true and the only way it could possibly be done is by xraying. But after talking to Fathersouth he had asked me not to post it because that would mean there entire clan would more than likely be banned and out of the respect I had for him at the time I didn’t post it. Mind you this was not a recent rev but one around 14-15. For those of you that don't believe any of this to be true here is some evidence. [Remove image] I will be visiting my parents next week and while I am there I will definitely be looking for my old desktop that has this video on it and once I find it I will gladly post it on a nice new forum entitle: Four_Down the definition of hypocrisy. Now let’s fast forward to the present. My server closed because there was not enough community members to support it. It was a good run for about 3 years and I made a decent amount of drinking money out of it so I can’t complain that it was a total failure. Now with my free time I decided to come back to where Minecraft had started for me. And after seeing what it had become and how bad it was it made me sad. This was once a large server with 100+ on constantly and now with little to no players on made no sense to me. I spoke to Mrloud at the time and gave him my thoughts and asked to get my mod powers back so that I could help support the server that made me play Minecraft and he did, while monitoring me to make sure I wasn’t abusing any of my powers. After doing so I began to talk with some SAdmins, tech admins, and head admins about opening up another nerd.nu box and adding to the 3 servers they already offered. Ladycalin, denevian, and others were on board, however, it never happened due to the concerns of members who did not play on the servers anymore. The main one being that I could turn off the box anytime I wanted. I responded with, “even if that was the case wouldn’t it be worth giving your community something fun and new for a day then not at all,” but they decided not to give it to them. Which leads us to where we are today. I like to think that I helped stir the pot to get the changes needed to be done on S to make it a server where players wanted to play again. I joined this revision, excited and happy to again be playing on nerd with 80+ players on it. During this time I decided to help write a guide so that new players and old returning players could have a quick reference to the changes and what they needed to know to get on their feet. I built a base, I mined, I raided other bases and was enjoying the game again, however, my presence on the server was constantly complained about as if I was breaking the rules by being remodded. I had been remodded 5 revs ago, and people seemed to care then but not the past 4 revs when no one played much at all. Now that they had come back they had a problem with me being a mod even though I had done nothing wrong and anything that I may or may not have done wrong had happened 3 years ago. And the harassment was a daily occurrence, which I was told to ignore and did for pretty much all of it until now. While playing I had been asked to take a look into someone cheating. During this episode I saw the player appear to be able to break an obsidian citadel protection with a pick, and switch to his sword during the few ticks the block was broken enough to hit the players behind the block and then immediately switch back to his tool to start breaking the block again. He blamed it on lag, but I thought it was a modified client. Regardless in my mind he was using the citadel block lag as an exploitation to gain a pvp advantage so I wanted to ban him and after discussing it with mods that were online I decided to wait until an admin came on to discuss it with them. After discussing it with MrLoud he said that if it was him he would just warn but it was up to me and I could ban him if I wanted to. So I did and was instantly harassed via private messages and other mods in mod broadcast for doing so, because “I had a problem with the player” which I honestly didn’t even recognize the name let alone have a problem with. So after being called biased and cheating, we decided to see if any of us could replicate the situation and no one could. Therefore we blamed it on lag and he was unbanned with a warning. The kick is one of the mods accusing me of being a cheater and biased to the ban then a few days later came on and told me they found out he was using triggerbot to do what he did, but would apologize for being a dick to me because obviously I made the ban because I didn’t like him and not because I was witnessing him cheating. Then there was the Dando incident where I, according to everyone on the server, used alting for a pvp advantage to log in and kill Dando, which wasn’t true and was proven by beastbrusier that dando had the worst timing in the world to have killed a clanmate. In short this is what happened. I have 1 main account and 2 alt accounts. My 1st alt account was in a DRO box by my grinder making the mobs spawn, my main account was logged off next to it, and I was currently playing on my 2nd alt exploring the map. At the time I had switched on to Malv to kill the 400 mobs in my spawner, dando decided to come ot the base. I had begun killing the mobs and saw dando on all of our snitch warnings which to me was common because he has been there before and pvped the civ players on other servers. So I went about my business enchanting books, but then dando decided to kill sanwi, so I chested all of my stuff, geared up, and went to pvp him. It was a good fight but he lost and then the onslaught of accusations began that I had used logging for a pvp advantage and multiple modreqs were made, even though dando was the only one present at the time. Beastbrusier findings will show that what I said happened actually happened and that Dando just had really shitty timing. And then after talking to Mrloud about using my keybinds and macros mod “which moderators are allowed to have” I asked him if he wouldn’t mind me having a sneak toggle macro instead of me having to install another mod since I had one that could do what I needed to get done. He said he was okay with it, and I made the poor choice of typing it in wrong which displayed the code in chat which apparently makes me a hacker. My leet if then statement hacking I guess. Btw this is the script if(sneake); log("&2[Macro] &fSneak off."); unset(sneake); keyup(sneak); stop(); else; log("&2[Macro] &fSneak on."); set(sneake); keydown(sneak); endif; Legit hacking right there let me tell you. Everything I have done or thought of doing I have asked for the admins approval before doing it. I have also been livestreaming this entire rev for those of you that thought i was using xray and other pvp hacks. I dare anyone else accused of these things to livestream all the time, but you won't and you know why. So at the end of it (and for those of you that cared to actually read this far) I have given up and those who wanted me gone have won and those who have without a doubt and probably still to this day cheat on this server get to stay. I tried to be a productive member of the community and help it grow but apparently that makes me a bad mod so I officially resign from being a mod and from playing on this server. I pretty much just wanted to get this all out there so at least those not corrupted by negative players can at at least get my side of the story. Maybe I will change my name, come back and get modded like others have. Thank you to all of those who made the nerd.nu servers an enjoyable place to play. Best of luck. Sincerely, Malvagio87 P.S. Im sure the first people to post will be the trolls that wanted me to quit lol.
After further discussion with Mrloud and Beastbruiser we have decided to unban you.
Take a look at the below. I spoke to FatherSouth and we came up with this idea so I edited the original post.
I disagree. I could care less about a player having my head if it meant i got to have 2 diamonds. The issue I have is that i doubt anyone will at all put a bounty of 20 or 40 or 60 diamonds on someone they really want killed, because 1. If I already have the players head but havent claimed a bounty on it yet I could just claim that big bounty that was just made even though it was issued after i had already killed the person. 2. I highly doubt anyone wouldnt trade 20 40 or 60 diamonds for there head if offered. 3. There should be more to lose than just your head which is why integrating it with prison pearl, I think, is a good idea. That way if there was a bounty on FatherSouth for 60 diamonds, none of your allies would "turn on you" if it meant you would be trapped because of it. To combat that then the player that makes the bounty has to make a "pearl chest" via a command /bounty chest and if the player is not online when the bounty is claimed then it would go into that chest. They could put the 12 diamonds in the chest instead of having to pay 12 diamonds to make the bounty that way the person who claims the bounty can decide how long they want to put the player in prison for. I agree with both of the things Diznatch said
Beastbruiser and I spent a majority of the morning testing the current plugins so that I could better write the “Beginner’s Guide” that can be found here https://bitly.com/Guide_To_SREV26 During this time we discussed some potential new ideas/changes to current plugins that we think would benefit the current play style of S. Please vote on the poll and make comments below in regards to what you think. Bounty Plugin Changes We both believe that the bounty plugin is a good idea, however, is at the moment a bit pointless due to many reasons. The two main ones being: Clan members can claim bounties on other clan members by simply killing them You don’t immediately have to “claim”a bounty when you kill the person so you could wait until someone later makes a better bounty and then claim that one even though you may have killed the person days or weeks ago. Bounty plugins normally work best on HARDCORE or DEATHBAN servers where people will actually try and claim bounties to get that person off the server. Our idea is this: To create a bounty it costs 12 Diamonds Plus a reward to whoever claims the bounty The bounty hunter must have the player prison pearled to claim the bounty When the bounty is claimed the person who created the bounty is notified If the person who created the bounty is online they will get the players pearl and the 12 Diamonds back. If the person who created the bounty is offline, they will get the players pearl when they log in and some diamonds back depending on the amount of time the player has been pearled. If there are multiple bounties on the same person the bounty hunter, like they can currently, can claim the bounty they want to receive. Players would be able to add rewards to their current bounties, however, they would not be able to remove bounties. The reason for this is to prevent people from using the bounty system to protect items. We chose 12 diamonds for 24 hours however this could change to 6 (12 hours) or 3 (6 hours) depending on what the community thinks is fair. We believe doing this would actually make people hunt for bounties vs randomly collecting them like they are now. Maybe also integrate it onto the website so people can view bounties from the site and see who has claimed bounties and bounty stats to see who the best bounty hunter is. After talking to FatherSouth we came up with this as a possible solution. Create an entirely different plugin or integrate it into the current plugin. To create a Pearl Bounty there is a minimum reward that must be given to create the bounty. For example 5 diamonds. To claim the bounty the user who issued the bounty must be online. If the user who issued the bounty is offline the bounty hunter would be required to keep the pearl safe until the issuing user logs in if they wish to eventually claim the bounty. This may cost the bounty hunter some diamonds to do. When both the bounty hunter and bounty issuer are online you could then claim the bounty while holding the pearl in your inventory by entering a command The pearl would then be sent to the issuer and the reward sent to the bounty hunter. Better Clan Chat I personally think the clan chat we have no is annoying to use. The main cause of this is having to enter /c every time i want to talk to just my clan. Also since snitches are a thing they both start with the same color which makes it more difficult to identify if its clan chat or snitch warnings when you aren’t really looking at chat. In a perfect world what I would like to do is somehow have the clan chat integrate into our SimpleClans plugin. That way you don’t have to create a custom clan channel and add members to it but instead just have whoever is in your clan automatically be added to the channel. The other thing I would like to do is make the chat system a toggleable system. For those of you familiar with Factions servers you understand this concept. In short there would be commands: /chat clan - allows you to only talk to clan members /chat ally - allows you to talk to only allied members /chat enemy - allows you to talk to rival members only /chat public - allows you to talk in public chat When you enter one of these commands it would turn your default chat into that chat type. That way you dont always have to type /c before everytthing you want to say. This could prevent you from accidentally saying stuff in public chat for example coords. Also each chat, except for public, would have a colored prefix. For example: [CLAN] <Malvagio87>: This was said in /chat clan [ALLY] <Malvagio87>: This was said in /chat ally [RIVAL] <Malvagio87>: This was said in /chat rival <Malvagio87> This was said in /chat public Juke Alert (Snitches) Adding color codes to snitches i think would be helpful. Let us know what you think and if you are confused/ want clarification on what I mean by anything above just ask and I will edit the post. Link people to this post using this link here >>>
Survival Revision 26 Beginner’s Guide and Information (because I can't find Totemo's) Share using this link https://bit.ly/Guide_To_SREV26 The two biggest changes are: Griefing is allowed LWC is no longer installed meaning no more /cprivate or /lock but you can still protect chests Main New Plugins Citadel – Item and Block Protection Plugin Juke Alert – Alerts you to nearby players and edits made Prison Pearl – Allows you to imprison players The Guide CITADEL In short Citadel is a block protection plugin that allows you to reinforce blocks that you place. What reinforcing does is makes the block you place harder to break depending on what you reinforce it with. Reinforcement Information Stone – 25 Breaks to destroy block Iron – 250 Breaks to destroy block Emerald – 1000 Breaks to destroy block Diamond – 1800 Breaks to destroy block Therefore, if you reinforce a chest with iron, someone would have to break the chest 250 times before it would open. You on the other hand can bypass your own protections depending on the permission you have and type of reinforcement. Types of Reinforcement Private Reinforcement Group Reinforcement If it is a private reinforcement YOU and ONLY YOU can bypass reinforcements. If it is a group reinforcement you must be at least a mod to bypass and reinforce. Being allowed only gives you access to using the reinforced items. Ways to Reinforce Reinforce Fortify The difference between fortify and reinforce is that reinforce makes you click on each block individually and fortify allows you to place blocks and have them automatically reinforced as long as you have the reinforcement type in your inventory. How to Reinforce Privately Place the item you want to reinforce down for instance a chest or double chest Use the command /ctr Punch chest with the Smooth Stone, Iron, Emerald, or a Diamond in your hand. Use the command /ctr again or /ctoff to stop reinforcing Group Create a group using the command /ctcreate <groupname> Add the players you want to the group by using the command /ctallow <groupname> <playername> If you want the player to be able to break the reinforced blocks within the group add them as a moderator using the command /ctaddmod <groupname> <playername> Now place the item you want to reinforce down for instance a chest or double chest to reinforce with the group of players you created Enter the command /ctr group <groupname> Punch chest with the Smooth Stone, Iron, Emerald, or a Diamond in your hand. Use the command /ctr group <groupname> again or /ctoff to stop reinforcing Now those players have access to the group How to Fortify (you should be doing this with at least smooth stone when building your base since it will help prevent random or alot of griefing) Privately Hold the item you want to reinforce with in your hand Enter the command /ctf Then start building and your as long as you have the reinforce material in your inventory it will reinforce what you are placing. Group Hold the item you want to reinforce with in your hand Enter the command /ctf group <groupname> Then start building and your as long as you have the reinforce material in your inventory it will reinforce what you are placing.Hold the item you want to reinforce with in your hand Other Helpful Commands /cti - allows you to see the reinforcement of a block Full List at - http://redditpublic.com/wiki/Citadel_%26_JukeAlert JUKE ALERT taken from HERE JukeAlert provides an easy-to-use means by which one can record player activity within an 11 block radius. In short it lets you now when players are near your “snitches” word Creating Snitches To create a snitch reinforce a jukebox or a noteblock. This will create an active snitch block. Jukeboxes snitches will save logs and notify you whenever someone enters the 11 block radius of the snitch, whereas noteblock snitches only notify. Recommendation: It is highly recommended to properly name your snitches with /janame to make your own life easier when trying to determine the general location of the snitch. Access to a snitch can be controlled with Citadel groups. By reinforcing the snitch to a group with /ctr group group-name, any member and above on the group will receive snitch notifications. Note: If you are receiving a snitch notification and are unsure what group that snitch is part of then use /jalookup x y z to find out. Checking Snitches Walk within the radius of the snitch you are in the group for and type /jainfo. This will load the snitch logs for the first page. You can check other pages by typing /jainfo page-number. Only jukebox snitches save logs and as such using /jainfo only loads logs for jukebox snitches. PRISON PEARL Taken from HERE The basics of Prison Pearl are simple. Have at least one ender pearl in your hotbar and when you kill a player, they will be pearled. Once a player is pearled, they are trapped in the end until they are released or until the chest they are in runs out of diamonds. If the player who trapped you doesn't put you in a chest with diamonds you will be released on the next restart (every two hours). Pearls need to be stored in a chest with diamonds for them safekeeping. One pearl costs 12 diamonds per day for five days if the pearled player logs in. This is called the charge time. If the pearled player goes five days without logging in then the pearl stops costing diamonds until they log in and reset the charge time. Warning: If you log out with a pearl and there are no other players within render distance than the pearl will be released. If other players are within render distance than the pearl will be dropped. The moment a pearl is outside of render distance the pearled player is released. Pearls must stored in chest with diamonds for safe keeping. Most criminals are stored in highly secured vaults that can cost thousands of diamonds and obsidian to make. It is highly advised to store criminal pearls in secure vaults. Warning: Do not store the pearl in an item frame. If they type /ppl then they will be freed immediately. Being Pearled If you are pearled than you are trapped in the end until you are either released or the chest you are stored in runs out of diamonds. Being released is dependent on why you were pearled in the first place. Finding Your Pearl and Broadcasting If you want to locate where your pearl is being held use /pplocate. This will tell you the location of your pearl. You can type /ppbroadcast player-name to share the coordinates of your pearl whenever you type /pplocate or whenever it is moved. In the event people are trying to free you, using /ppbroadcast is highly recommended. Summoning and Returning Prisoners Prison Pearl allows you to summon pearled players. Equip the player's pearl in your hand and type /ppsummon or /pps and this brings the pearled player into the overworld with only pearls in their inventory and the armor they are wearing. No other items can be transported by a summoned player. You can also use /pps player-name range to set how far away from you they will be at when summoned. Note: Any other items in the pearled player's inventory will be dropped on the ground in the end at the location they were prior to being summoned. It is advised to notify the player you are summoning so that they have time to prepare stash their items. Only ender pearls and equipped armor can be transported through summoning. All other items are dropped on the ground. Toggling Damage, Block Break, and Changing the MOTD for Prisoners Summoned players will take damage if they wander too far away from you. You can change the distance they can travel with /ppsetdist numbers. Additionally, it is advisable to type /pptoggledamage so that the pearled player can't kill you and free themselves. You must either hold their pearl in your hand or type their name like /pptoggledamage Dr_Jawa. You can also use /pptoggleblocks to make it so that the players can't break blocks. You can also change the message of the day a pearled player receives by either holding their pearl and typing /ppsetmotd your text here or typing the players name /ppsetmotd Dr_Jawa You have 100 diamonds in reparations remaining. For the purpose of receiving reparations, you can summon them and allow them to drop the pearls and in exchange give them wood or such and then type /ppreturn to send them back to the end. Note: Any items in the players inventory when they are returned stay in their inventory. You can use this to your advantage. By providing the pearled player some cheap armor, food, and wood planks and returning them to the end they can in turn farm pearls for you. Freeing Prisoners With the pearl in your right in your hand, right click and they will random spawn away. Alternatively, you can type /ppfree and they will be freed at your feet. Note: If you put the pearl in a chest with no diamond, then after server restart the pearl is freed and you actually get a useable pearl back. Make sure to share this in game using this url: https://bit.ly/Guide_To_SREV26 EDITS: 7/29 - Removed information in regards to posting on civcraft
Since people keep asking in chat here is a short tutorial on how to "lock chests" PLEASE NOTE: You are no longer able to lock chests like you were back when LWC was used. To "lock chests" now you must reinforce them with either Iron, Emerlad, or Diamond. What reinforcing them does is prevents people from opening them, however allows the chest to be broken if hit enough times. Therefore, the better item you use to reinforce the chest, the longer it will take for someone to break it. To lock a "PRIVATE CHEST" - meaning you and only you have access to it. Place chest or double chest down Use the command /ctr Punch chest with the Smooth Stone, Iron, Emerald, or a Diamond in your hand. Use the command /ctr again or /ctoff to stop reinforcing To "Add People to a Chest" - you must reinforce the chest with a group and have the member you want in that group Create a group using the command /ctcreate <groupname> Add the players you want to the group by using the command /ctallow <groupname> <playername> If you want the player to be able to break the reinforced blocks within the group add them as a moderator using the command /ctaddmod <groupname> <playername> Now place the chest you want to reinforce with the group of players you created Enter the command /ctr group <groupname> Punch chest with the Smooth Stone, Iron, Emerald, or a Diamond in your hand. Use the command /ctr group <groupname> again or /ctoff to stop reinforcing Now those players have access to the group Use this link to send people here in game http://bit.ly/lockchests_SREV26
man ... got all excited this was today.
Survival Survival Staff Meetings - your input appreciated
Malvagio87 replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
I think we need to determine what the identity is of the Survival server and then go from there. It used to be PvP focused but now it seems a lot more spread out and Survival focused. -
I banned your son based on a modreq that he was griefing, verified that it was in fact your son that made the destructive edits (even though there weren't many if i remember correctly) and due to the multiple notes associated with his account that he had griefed and been warned about it in the past by 4 separate staff members. Because of that and his previous ban for greifing he was banned again. In regards to the notes i do not know those instances of what and how much he griefed, however, i can verify that he had destructive edits on blocks that were not placed by him not on his land. I have no problem unbanning him, but i would like to defer to MrLoud15 in making the decision since there have been many notes in the past and i believe a previous ban for griefing. Possibly unban him with a final warning.
Separate the community how? The community is already separated by multiple servers so why would separating the forums be any different. If people care to look at what is going on in a different server they can by all means click that subforum and if they are too lazy to do so then that's on them.
I first off think that under Server Discussion there should be subforums for Survival, PvE, and Creative, but apparently no one likes organization. However, if there were actually subforums I believe that S would do well with a Land Claim subforum. Therefore, if players wanted to make land claims they could do it on the forums that way they would be more easily seen by everyone and dated properly. This would avoid admins and mods having to look through 1000s of modreqs to see who claimed what when and also bring more players to the forums. Discuss.
Thinking about starting a Team and server again. Let me know if youd be interested.
Stop trying to change my bad topic to another topic lol