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Everything posted by Darkelmo

  1. My plan at becoming the ultimate xrayer has backfired :o
  2. So what if I mine 5 diamonds via xray then log off for the rest of the day then repeat. If the edits above are for a 24 hour time frame and listing by those who have highest diamond breakage counts (This is assuming the placement count being irellevant due to the fact that they are diamonds) then can't I xray in little intervals while being masked by the higher ore counts of legitimate active players throughout that period? After which of course the interval will have been set anew for my diamond count never to accumulate above the natural amount for that time period. Unless you recieve the highest diamond count in relation to stone in one list, then xrayers could simply avoid detection due to their low diamond count even though realative to play time, their diamond count is quite high. For example I could have placed or broken 5 wool today but I would never appear on that list. And assuming the implications of the above counts aren't for greif but rather diamond mining (Where numbers of 1000 are no less banable than an xrayed amount of 45 diamonds) then I as an xrayer would never appear on your list. And you would have no reason to check my individual stone edits to contrast with my diamond edits? Do I have a valid point?
  3. Can you do the time period specific thing for that list of players as well? Or is it most wool of all time?
  4. And you just type in the same for smooth stone to compare with the diamond?
  5. Oh sweet, what determines the order of names?
  6. This may have already been adressed but I find the search bar on both this forum and less so the archive forum utterly useless. There are just some names I can type in that detect nothing. And the filters are set to find the appropriate thing. I attempted to search up a player with their name exactly as it has been stated on their ban appeal and other topics where their name has been mentioned and i get no results for comments or topics. The only thing I can get is if I search under users. I don't understand whether it is broken for me or if it is just really crap quality search coding. Not to critisize you guys, I know that there is alot to ur work more important than my search bar issues but if you could check it out, that'd be quite nice! Thanks, darkelmo
  7. Well, not to seem unconvinced, but we get thousands of people on the servers (I think, unless it's just massive in my mind) And I've seen that the plugin to check edits is done on an individual basis there is the stone to diamond ratio plugin (But i'm pretty sure this requires you to type in specific names, meaning alot of typing) and the other one i know is the destroyed/placed block log. They are both individualized (Or maybe you just edit them to show the one ur referencing) so I don't see how you can pick the needle out of the hay stack straw by straw. To place it in a metaphor (I'm bad with words sometimes) are there ways for you to check allot of straws at once? Forgive my poor communication skills, but i'm really interested as to how you would find the time to do this. And I am very aware that you do not ban without proof, especially when xray leaves a tonne of evidence. thanks for commenting cyotie99
  8. Computer factory, can't post pics for legal reasons.
  9. Alright, for a third time, I'm pretty sure the mods don't just randomly browse everyones diamond edits every morning, I was wondering what causes them to look at this information in the first place. Here's an example. Police bust these people for pot plantation evidence: Sketchy movements in and out of the house, past criminal history, dodgey emails to crime lords. My concern is, what causes the police to park outside the house and watch them, and when do they decide to browse their emails unless thay got a tip from someone who had tipped them off? Do we get what I'm asking... I read ban appeals, I read more of them than some banning moderators do. I've seen hundreds of screenshots of xrayers. What makes them check those things?
  10. No, I meant what is it that leads them to investigate if someone is xraying, I am quite familiar with xray ban appeals, they are quite amusing. I just want to know when they know something is up, i know how they find evidence of it. Like, how are they alerted to decide upon inspecting someones mines. You're a few steps ahead of my question, but thx for commenting anyways!
  11. Do moderators just fly around spying on random people while they mine? do they have a program that informs when diamond to stone ratio has gone funky? Do they check eachother? Do they only do it to those who beat them? Do they just wait for a player to act suspiciously? My concerns are that either they aren't checking that many people or if they are spying on me all the time lol. Like, how does it work guys? And how do you stop yourselves from learning where bases are? Question for mods not 4 xrayers, i do not wish to hear moderator slander Just interested :)
  12. Perhaps I should discuss my opinion how I originally intended to. If you see my above comment, it was written in that nature due to the fact that I was caught writting a response during my history class and my teacher spotted my comment. In an attempt to feign relevance that this forum had to the topic at hand, I moddled my response off the historical events revolving around Red Cloud, a native american. But to give my honest opinion, what is it that you find discomforting? The look of the desert border being unnatural? If you don't own it, you shouldn't have exclusive say in how that collection of land mass should look like. If you want it all to be pretty again, you should place the blocks to do so. You can't force others to build stuff for you because you don't like the look of what is in it's place. Greifing is about the removal of blocks from a structure another player has made or the deliberate change to the structure. Whether it is wholey the players making or whether it incorperates the natural landscape and blocks you have placed (Such as an underground house, walls may be natural but you still own the shape of the structured space). In this case, you are up in arms because people are taking blocks away from the biome you live in (these blocks being irrelevant to your own creations) You didn't place the sand there and you didn't place anything adjacent to it. If somewhere in the juggle I live in, there is a spot where someone flattened the side of a cliff, I'm not going to make them fix it up. I don't want the blocks and I'm not using the blocks for anything, there is no reason for them to build something (When i say build i mean place blocks deliberatey) because I happen to live in the same biome as the not so cliff-like cliff. And if it is causing me horrible stress, I can stop playing, get over it or fix the problem I have with it myself. If the majority of people want it to look nice, I'm sure 'they' would have done so instead of leaving it the way it is. Also, trees are useful to replant, placing cobble and grass isn't really that productive to the circle of life. And due to the scale to which they are removing sand, they would have to keep an equal amount of the resources to fix it with, plus that would take them a lot of time, which I am sure is the annoyance that would stop you from doing it yourself. I don't mean to be cruel, but this isn't 'greifing'. Those who wish to preserve the natural beauty of the landscape can take it upon themselves to fix it up. I could complain and say that others tunneling into my own mines surrounds me with block spam and intterupts my mining. But it's all just stone and ore. If I wish to have it organized so I can navigate my mines, I'll find a spot where I won't be disturbed by perpendicular tunnels. Sorry about my response and it most certainly isn't the response you want to hear. It's a perspective though...
  13. The problem is that minecraft is about enjoying the natural landscape and then humanly destroying it for resources. Such is the circle of life. I'm assuming your issue is that they are eating away at the biome you are situated at? slowly decreasing it's size in a very mechanical fashion. I'll admit, it looks pretty ugly, but it aint yours mate, you don't have a wall to protect it so like the colonial Americans did to the natives, they gonna get the gold, cut the trees and in your case, straighten the sand. Ain't nothing you can do unless you create a form of treaty on these forums, forbidding the colonial minecrafters from further tainting your proud pixelated land. Of course this may be upheld if it is the good nature of the politicians nerd.nu staff to protect this great land that you have rightfully claimed beforehand, not in structure or containment, not by large walls or warfare, but by the spirit of the sioux weazol people. Too long have you excercised the futility of peaceful understanding, you must make way to the crushing power of industrial factories furnaces and powerful muskets diamond armor. You may have to migrate to other deserts. Which will be untouched for now, but soon the map will become more bare, you'll have less land to call home. Fewer desert biomes to inhabbit. Soon you will have lost your land, you'll see it in a form where it reveals only what structural obssesions lie behind it, in a transparent form almost to suggest that the sand now as glass serves to reveal the beauty of buildings, unaware of it's own personal beauty within nature. I see your struggle. What madness of those players to suggest greif is 'progress', Are you not an individual cuboid avatar like them? You are not a mere squid villager like they think of you. You have a unique skin, you can enchant items just like them. You share the same server do you not? What claim have they to the land you have inhabbited for nearly a rev! They would destroy it in a matter of 4 in game days. It means nothing to them. Don't listen to them weazol! The moderators only wish to calm you with their lies before they stab you in the back with a new rev. You may protest! did you not give yourself to the grand CTF event that determined the future of nerd.nu funding? They used you to secure their future in the name of freedom avo-free minecrafting! 'They made us many promises, more than I can remember. But they kept but one--They promised to take our land ban the drama llamas that stood up for the nerd.nu common player...and they took it banned them' - hot pink evaporated clusters of moisture in the sky, weazol clan leader My point after posting this master piece: It's a game lol, Shit happens to nice looking things.
  14. Well, as we well know, minecraft is a good game. But what are it's flaws? What has mojang done wrong I am seriously interested in what kind of deep and meaningful reviews that the community could write about this game. Is it a 10/10 across the board or what? I'd like to know what you guys think of it Please no 3 word posts, i want this to bear alot of thought. thanks guys
  15. I have a lot of franchises that I love. My favourite probalbly being uncharted... However, My favourite game of all time has to be Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Good music, Great combat, good platforming, good puzzles, good graphical design, great Ai, great acting and voices Including Uri L. before he started to sound like a 14 year old boy (lol), great story, new ideas This game kicks modern Third person adventure games in the face (Excluding Uncharted) and I challenge the community to find it's flaws. Someone agree with me that POP.SOT was the shit.
  16. I am able to respond from home for now (I'm not really supposed to), but i wish to draw attention to a few points in light of the above linked comments before the banning moderator handles my appeal The in game bans happened years ago (Around 2) and while that may not be much time for someone to change, for a young one like I, it is. One was concerning myself complaining about the moderation of a particular player (I broke no rules while doing so) And I got muted for it due to annoyance. I took this very personally as I saw it as unjustified, and my real offense was spamming modreq to be unmuted. It was a simple concern of policy where I was arguing the wrong side and I overreacted to the mute. That is all. Secondly my ban for spamming caps was stupid but a minor offense of a tiny rule where I said a banned word in caps along with other completely acceptable (Though not very polite) words. Don't see how that is related to this ban if this is concerning 'behavior' and not 'chat spam' The third and fourth ban regard my over reactions to playful insults thrown at me in mumble. One of which involved a personal judgement of character by Tharine who decided that my worth as a human being should be determined by someone who plays minecraft with me. I tried to keep calm during the conversation which was at a personal level and clearly shouldn't have been taking place via a videogame chat application especially when I don't know this person on a personal level. Tharine continued to throw passive aggressive assessments at me which were blatantly wrong and also slightly offensive (Though this I did not mind as much). I couldn't bare to have more nonsensical dribble thrown at me so I was a little rude about it (And was muted for being rude). When I had enough, I informed her that I did not wish to continue the conversation. She pretended to 'respect my choice' and then went on scolding me for being too 'ignorant', 'young' and'immature' to see things her way in light of my wish to discontinue the conversation instead of submitting to the life teachings of Dr Tharine. It was then stated that my ban would have been given aside from my PM sent following her having a final bash at me and then bolting to the safety of a staff channel. Now these are all interesting bans sure sure. But I don't understand how these instances are related to me getting a little tipsy and jumping on irc. They simply shed light on how I do not see eye to eye with the majority of individuals on the servers and I don't think while drunk, that I decided to display 'behavior' worse than being a little spammy. However if I did do something like stir drama and stuff, I would like to see evidence of such (You obviously didn't save it, another word for word based ban) kudos if you saved it. Anyway, Probs be the last post in a while
  17. To be honest, edk may not have been the one who banned me. I think it was him but I don't know for sure. If he wasn't could someone plz change that?
  18. Well, I am not too sure as to how long the ban was for, but I cannot check due to the fact that I am no longer allowed to access my home computer unless for school work, and I cannot check to see if I am still banned from the current PC due to the fact that I am at school (Firewalls and stuff). As I vaguely remember, I drank but a little too much last night, enough for me to get so bored that I decided to have a chat with the people of nerd.nu. I may have spammed chat or something but at the time I couldn't tell what the ban was for because the irc message didn't make alot of sense to me. If I was banned for something other than spam as I am quite aware that I clearly did, I would like to see the evidence of such logs. I also remember sending a message to the head admin or something, I don't remember what I said though. I really don't remember what happened last night and this was one of the least of my troubles. When I am less grounded, I will be able to access irc anyway, but in the case that I am still banned or if you think I need a touch up on the irc rules, I am appealing in advance. I am very sorry for my actions and I do hope that this does not in anyway give off an impression of my regular conduct/ mentality. Thank you for listening, -Me Edit: Oh, I forgot to check my messages (DERP) to see what I said about the Head Admin, No need to quote that for my memory.
  19. I'm not trying to say that P should be more survival like. In a perfect world, I wish there was an entire server dedicated to this hybrid of S and P. This is too costly though and wouldn't be that popular but what I thought instead was just that there could be a minor modification to PVE that could allow a little bit of both (Most of the map needs to house, supply and be explored by the P players). Although this seemed to be a good idea in my head, I'm starting to worry about the extra work that this will make for the staff on P. Plugins would need to be developed or copied over from S and rules would need to be enforced. I am entirely happy for this to be ignored since it has come to my attention that there is a cooperative Arena system and I am most certainly content with this. I do think it should be a little more obvious though as I had no Idea (Although this might have been mentioned at spawn, as a long time nerd user I don't tend to forget the rules so I don't read much) Thanks for the information, - Darkelmo
  20. I often find that what scares off players from survival isn't the restriction of playing in the first hour by other armored players but this aspect in general when trying to carry out life minning and building continuously. I think it is important for players to be able to prepare themselves minning for and building with supplies without a constant fear of in-game death. I always wished that I could get competitive with other players on S but there are so many scenarios that can occur within the vast world and I think arena based fighting along with safe living help to promote an orderly and not so hostile experience. I think the true PvP experience comes from the arena battles. Fighting under your own will with certain promise of benefits seems to be a good way of living in my opinion. I would like an experience in PVE where you can have a clash with other cities' inhabbitants in a designated area like that of the wilderness in RuneScape ( Though I do not wish to advertise or even endorse the stupidity that Jagex created). The area wouldn't have to be huge but one that could include a chase and hiding so that confrontation can be secondary to fleeing. I find that the whole 'Everything is a struggle to live in this world" mentality of S intense and thrilling but what I find to distract from this is players reluctance to play due to the dominating pressence of combat (and therefore spite and rivalry) that occurs with activity they clearly don't want it included in. There is practically no reason to armor up in Pve as you only really fight mobs. The difficulty in PVE is not very punishing and I love to fight with my diamonds but I can't find anything worth using them on! :( I in no way want to turn S into P or vis versa but I do wish that there was some kind of combat in PVE that people could find rewarding. I apologize if this is a post concerning only my interests and not that of others in the community which I estimated to be in favour of this also ( I could be the only one in favor of this and if so disregard it entirely). And if there is an arena like so in PVE and I am completely unaware of such a thing, please fill free to downvote this post to hell or even delete it as it will have been a waste of time for me to write and for you to read. Thanks guys, - Darkelmo
  21. Hey guys, I just had a quick question regarding minning. As I'm sure many of you are aware of this, Digging a mine under a house that is not in the middle of nowhere without comming across others mines is very unlikely. I do tend to enjoy having a mine right under my house but when I run into others shafts which effectively go in all sorts of crazy directions, how do I go about making my own tunnels without ruining theirs? Most of the time they won't use all of their tunnels more than once but what if they have a secret grinder or something that I keep blocking their path to with my over tunnel. I have a fear of getting reported for grief after filling a tunnel below me with two blocks so I can travel over it. What is acceptable and what isn't? and if I didn't want people screwing with my tunnels, how would I go about protecting it. Could I? I'll leave it with you guys for there are the wiser than I among thee Thanks all, -Dark
  22. My favorite server by far is s.nerd I am not in a town currently, however last rev of Pve i made a nice little house in endor by a snowy cliff side. I play minecraft about a few hours a week. I check these forums every day though, even at school during my free periods. (Hard to study in year 11 with access to nerd.nu) I am very much a huge fan of pvp but lag and my obsession with retaining all of my diamonds makes me scared to armor up. I play all soughts of games. I am a true gamer. I play L4d2, killing floor, payday2, prince of persia (all of em except that shitty anime version), all the Assassins creed games, splintercell (all of em), rainbow 6 vegas 2, star wars the force unleashed, GTA 4, all the total wars, portal, l4d1, uncharted 1,2 and 3, infamous, batman arkham asylum and arkham city, just cause 2, sleeping dogs, red dead redemption, The Last of us, Metro last light, Battle for Middle earth, BF3, spider man web of shadows, Tf2, Amnesia (I had a youtube channel where I played this but I never got any views so i quit), Sims 3, Transformers fall of cybertron, rising storm, Bioshock 1,2, and 3, Dead space 1,2 and 3, and about every COD, tes skyrim and oblivion and daggerfall and thats all I have played in the last month. C:
  23. No, swag x yolo /2 = swolo yolo +swag = swagolo
  24. Cod? RPG? What? Since when is Call Of Duty an RPG shooter? Not to bag on you but could you please specify?
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