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Everything posted by Cyotie911

  1. Pretty much the reason behind not doing this, is because it makes a lot of extra work for the staff. Keeping track of who does what. Writing the extra plugins to enforce a player to be able to only dig and not place blocks, setting up a way for players to be able to choose between service and a ban length and then the time it takes to determine an appropriate service length. Just way to much work.
  2. We had, at one point in time, a live carto of our maps. However, in trying to keep server costs down, and trying to keep lag at a minimum. We have decided to nix the live carto's due to it eating to much of the server resources. This isn't to say that they might not come back in the future, but for right now we'd like to use all of our resources for game play.
  3. If you build in this area, I'm going to hope that every one will build above ground so that people will have an understanding how your contraption works. If that guideline is followed, modreq it and an admin should be able to move it easily with world edit, so long as everything is visible.
  4. Okay, I'll chime in with my 2 cents. I actually really like this idea. My only concern is the possibility of crippling lag that might be created by so many redstone devices located in a confined area. I believe that we could try it and see how it goes, just hopefully everyone will understand if the area has to be disassembled and it's pieces moved to other parts of the server or removed all together for the sake of gameplay on the server. Note: I'm not the only Creative Administrator so just because I'm okaying it, doesn't mean it will happen.
  5. Just an update. Have been experiencing this a lot in using an android mobile. Seems to happen more when editing a post rather than posting a comment for the first time.
  6. Yes, this is relevant. This are the reason for the lag issues we are having at the moment. As I had said earlier on the server, the tps and ram usage was within normal range however players were still experiencing lag. Please be patient with us and we'll have the issues fixed as soon as we can.
  7. You have been banned for quite a while from our servers. It seems that you also have another ban for having your account compromised: Ban for ethanjhayward on hardcore.hcsmp.com for Compromised by savoie on 2012-03-27 02:57:27 UTC+0000 Before I unban you I'd like for you to take steps to make sure your account is secure. Please go to minecraft.net and change your password. Then go to http://nerd.nu/rules . Finally reply back here stating that your account is secure and that you understand and will abide by the rules from now on.
  8. Hello ethanjhayward, You were banned for: Ban for ethanjhayward on c.nerd.nu for nerd.nu/appeal by verros on 2012-02-11 12:37:34 (1 more bans, no notes) Please be patient a staff memeber will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  9. For reference: https://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/70382#Comment_70382 Your unban date was June 4th so I'll be unbanning you now. Please don't end up here again and you might want to reread the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules before rejoining the server since you will be responsible for knowing them.
  10. Closing due to inactivity. Player may reappeal when they want to deal with their ban.
  11. Okay, unbanned. Please don't end up back here again.
  12. Okay, unbanned. Please don't end up back here again.
  13. This point is not up for discussion unless you are willing to take responsibility for the actions of your account. This is what this statue looked like before you griefed it: And this is what it looked like after: If you ever want to take responsibility of your actions, please reappeal and we will see about possibly unbanning you and setting a ban length. However, at this point in time.. Appeal denied.
  14. If you look closely at the pictures that Trevor posted you will see your edits. Your edits show that you griefed the server. You destroyed over 300 wool blocks that you didn't replace and you spammed numerous trees . You have been associated with a grief group and your IP proves that. You evidently aren't being honest and you have no intention of accepting responsibility for your actions, so consider yourself permabanned. Go find somewhere else to play
  15. my bad, I, being an old school player, was thinking of another mod that has a similar feature but yiu dint hsve to enter the lava.
  16. I am currently away from my computer. If another mod sees this before I get back to my computer go ahead and unban them.
  17. I am currently away from my computer at the moment. Another moderator wants to unban them before I can get there please do so.
  18. ^^This is how you bump. okay, looks like you have been banned for a little while so I'm willing to give you a second chance. Please go read the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and then reply back here stating that you understand and will abide by them from now on.
  19. Hello Fleft, You were banned for Ban for fleft for Griefing on C with bigmidge. Sapling spam. nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2013-05-15 16:54:20 (no more bans, 1 notes) Please be patient and trevorman will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  20. Hello Master_Hawk, You are banned for: Ban for master_hawk for Griefing on S. Appeal at nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2011-10-04 19:13:03 (no more bans, no notes) Please be patient and trevorman will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  21. Hello KevothaChief, You are banned for: Ban for kevothachef for Racism nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2013-06-03 13:01:19 (no more bans, no notes) Please be patient and trevorman will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  22. Hello JayKay2000, You are banned for: Ban for jaykay2000 for 1k edits, no good build edits, hacked client. nerd.nu/appeal by nevastop on 2013-04-27 02:18:44 (1 more bans, 1 notes) Please be patient and nevastop (or another staff memeber) will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  23. Closing due to inactivity. User can reappeal when they want to deal with their ban.
  24. Assuming that there's no problem as there wasn't another post here, so closing and moving.
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