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About twilexis

  • Birthday December 28

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  1. Heyyyy Turns out my daughter griefed animals while using my alt account and I only just noticed the note. She no longer has access to this account, can I please have the note removed? ily ❤️
  2. twilexis

    Rev 23 PvE Awards

    ahahahahaha what. ily gk_ryo
  3. That would actually be amazingly adorable, I'm in :D
  4. Only if I can adopt Little Defie LAWL okay.
  5. This would never happen, too many towns have tree farms set up to prevent that (to the detriment of my plan to eradicate acacia from the map forever).
  6. Yeah, there would need to be some type of scale for region sizes. Say the consensus is to bump the buffer from 5 to 25. Would a figg hut that qualifies for protections get that buffer size? Would a larger collection of builds qualify for a higher buffer size, say 50 blocks? Would towns have different treatment to solo builders? And to throw in my 2c; this isn't something the general server population should be weighing in on. This type of decision should be made at admin level.
  7. Editing out duplicate post from internet derp
  8. While I agree with the ideas you propose, my concern is that region protections are too open to interpretation. For something like this to work there would need to be more unification of the region expectations. Example. One rev I built a compound starting with the walls and building in. The moderator who created the protections for me protected the walls in 4 child regions, leaving the centre unprotected. This rev I did the same thing, but the staff member protected the whole lot and then some. Or, instead of using claim fences to protect foliage, up the expected buffer without having to go stupid with regions.
  9. Dumb idea. Basically what Troop said.
  10. How radical would you like to go, though?
  11. Don't get me wrong, I'm always for change and moving forward. You can't move forward while looking at previous revisions for inspiration, though.
  12. While that whole event was sad, one player is entitled to not be happy with how things are and are well within their rights to leave. They should not influence the shift of the servers just because they threw a tantrum on the forums.
  13. And while that was awesome for the good old days, this is the culture of PvE now and therefore needs to be balanced and catered for with this in mind.
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