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Posts posted by EeHee2000

  1. Can you count to 5?
    DAE le reddt?
    Are you a redneck?
    How many bowls of cereal do you eat per 3.7 days on average?
    Do you dip cheese wheels in paste? If not, why?
    How clean is your shirt right now?
    Did you ever see Steve Irwin dipped in raspberry cordial?

    Do you ever drink raspberry cordial? (If so, does it contain traces of Steve Irwin?)

  2. Hey, let's chill a little.
    Whilst change for the servers is always a pos- oh wait, it isn't. At all. 
    Drastic changes to a fundamental part of S can, and likely will fuck shit up if we jump straight into it. Long discussions are required for huge changes, and even then it's hard to come to a good conclusion. 



    It seems to me that some players that hardly get on S tend to describe everyone there as "toxic". By labeling all of us in a negative way, nobody from any other servers (such a C and P) would be inclined to give it a try. As a community with 3 separate servers for 3 different play styles, we still need to remember we are all part of the larger nerd.nu community.

    There's a keyword in here: "community".
    Servers shouldn't have gaping rifts plotted against eachother. I know I'm one of the people that founded the hate of many Creative players for PvE, but my mindset since then has changed drastically. I think a lot of us forget, myself included, that we shouldn't be promoting a hate of other servers. 
    It's gotten to the point where if a Survival player joins a PvE channel in Mumble, the room goes quiet. Same goes for the opposite. That isn't really how it should be. The tension the servers is a bit ridiculous if you look at it from a distance. I'm not telling you all to forget incidents that have happened between servers, but rather pointing out just how fucked we are in that regard. 
    I love a little competition between servers, but it's gotten to the point where we despise eachother - something went wrong. 

    • Upvote 3
  3. To me, it's almost all about attitude. S seems or has in the past seemed to encourage a more asshole atmosphere. Sure fighting is antagonistic by nature, but the levels there I feel greatly dissuade new players from sticking around and anyone voicing an opinion that it could be toned down a bit has historically been downvoted/shunned as not a real s player etc. Just my 2 cents


    Survival can be a dick server at times, I get that - but we aren't nearly as bad as you would think.

    I've seen many of our experienced players avoid killing new players, allowing them to get settled in and generally feel a little welcome. I often Skype with a few of the more "toxic" labelled players of S, but I've noticed that there's recently been a good-guy personality when it comes to meeting a new player. I've seen clans attack and kill another member of their clan because of killing a new player. 

    Something that's becoming more frequent is people seeing a new player and leaving him alone, saying something like "Ah, he's new, I'll let him live this time." People are starting to understand that killing people the minute they step onto PvP-enabled ground is going to drive them away - because it does drive them away. 


    DerpyNewPlayer has joined the game.

    <DerpyNewPlayer> Hello to all.

    <DerpyNewPlayer> Where can I find land to build upon?

    DerpyNewPlayer was killed by ToxicCockwad using Diamond Sword.

    DerpyNewPlayer has left the game. 

    I've seen the above scenario happen far too many times in the past, and it still happens. It's not necessarily a horrible thing to do, this is a PvP server after-all. However, it's healthy for us as a server to allow new players to actually settle in, rather than being insta-killed. 

    I can understand how people can be a little intimidated if they're killed by a player in full Diamond Armour within one minute of setting foot on the ground. Sure, you can just jump back into the game, but if you're server-hopping, you're looking for something that you will thoroughly enjoy. Being killed by a Golden Apple isn't really what you're going to be looking for.

    Don't get me wrong, I love being a toxic asshole, most of you should know that by now. But if we want a playercount injection, we're going to need to go easy on the new players a little. I don't mean treating them as gods, but rather allowing them to at least build a shitshack in the woods before hunting them down. 

    And hey, if you really need to go so far to kill them, at least have the courtesy to leave their shit behind for them. You most likely won't be needing it. 

    Going onto the lockpicking idea, I'm a very strong no. That would kill PvP very effectively. Lockpicking a clan's supplies would become more important than killing them, because that's all you would need to do in order to kill in the first place. Having a chest full of Stone Swords out the front of your base would be useless, and any other chests you'd have would be completely ransacked to the point where a rivalry won't mean shit - because you're going to be forced to fistfight a fully armored player. A newbie effortlessly scoring all of your Diamond Armour, Swords, Bows, Potions, without needing any experience of any sort would be terrible. 

    A new player could just jump on, take your shit and leave. I can't comprehend a plugin like that being able to outweigh its negatives.


  4. I kinda believe that Command Blocks would take away the novelty of Redstone builds. It'd also make Redstone far less useful. 
    Don't get me wrong, this is a good idea with a good intent, but Command Blocks are incredibly OP. 
    As far as I know, most things that are achievable via Redstone are also achievable via a quick Google search and a CTRL+V, when Command Blocks are brought in.

    I guess I don't have too many arguments against this despite being a fairly strong "no" on it, apart from raising that Redstone builds will no longer be required. 

    If it were to be brought in, I'd like to see a strict approval system for it - only allowing Command Blocks to do things that Redstone can't without intensive effort / things that Redstone can't do altogether. By intensive effort, I actually mean intensive effort. If it gets to the point where people use them to make simple clocks, I'd be a very strong no. Otherwise, I'm okay with it under the circumstances I've written.

  5. How many kilograms of pepper do you ingest per week?

    Does the smell of bedposts in the morning give you an urge to plug your HDD into your optical drive?
    Have you ever read the Privacy Policy for these forums?
    r u 1137 h4x0r FaZ3 klann?
    How to I am even be do?
    Have you ever been stabbed by a butterknife wielding bogan? If so, was it covered in butter? If not, was it covered in Vegemite? 

    • Upvote 1
  6. I actually once moderated a server with a plugin that did just this. The health bars showed (with the plugin we used, this is) only after a mob was hit. It's a nice little tool but really, really doesn't have a place in nerd.nu. It's the exact thing that gives off the impression of a modded server. 

    • Upvote 3
  7. I feel this is particularly something that Survival needs to remind itself from time to time. It especially goes for combat logging, less for PvP hackusations. Creative and PvE seem pretty peaceful in this regard but S can erupt with drama caused by it from time to time. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. I'd be against it for S, however I can't say for PvE as I rarely play there. My reasons against having it for S is because it's the Survival server. It shouldn't be so easy to kill mobs, we need proper challenges around every nook and cranny of the map. We should be pressed to using basic skills in order to get anywhere. I myself have grown accustomed to counting the amount of hits it'll take to kill a mob. When fighting a horde of Spiders, I keep track of the ones with higher health than the others, and I often target the ones with lower health. Same goes for Pigs, Zombies, Skeletons, even Endermen. It's just one of those little details that makes us feel like we're being challenged in every way possible, and in all honesty that's the way it should be - it's the Survival server.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Seconding what Magnyus said above. Map rotations really help to spruce it up, Revision 23's Survival Chaos is a great example - although that got sour after time due to anticipation of the new Rev. 

    Destroying stuff isn't all there is to Chaos, either. People often make some hilarious contraptions, often involving TNT. I've seen people trying to build houses only to look up and see dozens of TNT blocks falling toward them. TNT launchers are also great fun to experiment with, I've got fond memories of killing people high in the sky. Chaos is really the place where we go for nostalgia, experiments, edgy encounters and a shitload of explosions. 

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