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Posts posted by EeHee2000

  1. The problem will be fixed next revision as the admins'll be setting the /tpmode to 'allow' as default. I don't believe the issue itself with 'ask' mode will be fixed any time soon, but at least confused players that don't know how the /tpmode system works can still use it without the complication. Just on a side note, most players just send a /msg asking for them to /tpaccept. It's not a massive problem but will be simplified next rev.

  2. What's your thoughts on the direction Creative is heading in?

    What're you looking forward to next revision of C?

    Anything you want added to Creative?

    How many frying pans are hanging from your ceiling right now?
    Are there any pickles inside the nearest fire extinguisher? If not, why?

    How many times have you pressed your "8" button on your keyboard?

  3. I play almost everyday with Nickeox and NEVAstop (sometimes Eehee). (literally playing at the time of this message)

    I'm not ranked yet, though I should be hitting level 30 this week.


    You can usually find me playing on NA under the accounts "Machnyus" (main) and "Magnyus" (smurf)


    If anyone plays on EUW, I also have accounts on there, all you need do is ask, and I'll add you.



  4. I don't see it taking off what so ever. It's more of a joke chain then it is an actual currency. Currency on p doesn't work well because it's a bit hard to make people see something of little value worth trading for.


    I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

  5. My guess is that it'll really flourish toward the mid-end of the rev. That's when people have enough resources to accept shitty trades in order to raise the price.

  6. Just a tip for anyone confused about link posting, these forums need you to go into the formatting bar and click the 'Link' button. It's on the same row as the Italics, Bolds and Underline tools, underneath the Sizes button.

    • Upvote 1
  7. You either wouldn't be able to buy Diamonds with $pudcoin due to the value of it going down to Dirt, or the value of Dirt would rise. Which it honestly wouldn't as it's so common.

    If the majority of $pudcoin trades are for Dirt, the value of it would plummet and it would become incredibly useless. Whereas if the majority of trades were for say, Diamonds, the price would skyrocket and essentially become the same worth as Diamonds. It's a repetition of whatever's on demand for $pudcoin.

    Trade useless things = $pudcoin becomes useless.

    Trade useful, rare things = $pudcoin becomes worth a lot.


    The price should always be changing, like Bitcoin, Dogecoin, etc.

  8. I'd doubt that would have a fix as it's caused by players clicking in the wrong spot or holding shift as they click, djt. Well, as far as I know anyways.


    I really don't think there should be a cooldown. It's not going to stop runners as the majority of 3 seconds is spent in the air by the pearl. On a few instances, yes it's going to help. But it's also going to take away the ability to quickly save ourselves, for instance - pearling out of a trap before you hit the bottom.

    It means that most traps are an endgame, whereas it was possible to escape the simple drop ones before.

    This plugin will take away the non-PvP aspects of pearls in order to help the PvP aspects of them.

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