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Posts posted by EeHee2000

  1. I'm not sure how to describe myself, but if I had to compare it to something... I'd say it's pretty close to being Brad Pitt in a porno setting...

    I've unfortunately had issues with bad weather that I've been having to deal with that has kept me away from mine craft more than I'd like. hopefully I'll be around more as soon as I get a break from the weather.

    bat or flower? either. They both aren't big enough to do shit with.

    I'm dissapointed that you left the 3rd question out, 3/10 would not make a song about. 

  2.                                                                                                                  very plugin


                                                          such implement


                                                                                                                                   very permissions


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          wow chat

    • Upvote 4
  3. Thinking on that, I can understand why you chose to have that in place in the first place. However, it's rather that people don't realize they'll regret making a thread/post. They could accidentally offend someone, or unintentionally sound like a huge dick. It would be nice to be able to have the ability to apprehend for that properly, rather than making an edit that probably won't be seen. It's also nice to be able to start a fresh thread on a failed topic, rather than being referred to said failed topic. There's a few conventional uses, but those are the main ones. I feel that AMA's should be delete-able, as well as Problems & Issues threads. 

  4. I'm assuming you're talking about reddit.

    For your first problem, you may wanna check your post history to see if you've been posting anything else. Sign out of your account, close browser, sign back in. Check that your account hasn't been compromised, add a backup email to it. I don't know much else to do, sorry. Geta's advice was pretty solid, I suggest that. 

  5. I'm guessing you know that we can't delete posts/threads on here, I'm also guessing it's intentional. My question is - why? Sure, we can edit our posts and replace text with [REDACTED], but that's a little unorthodox and takes up space in a thread. 

    I can live with that, sure. But what about threads that we'd prefer gone that we created? Right now we can only remove our personal thread-starting posts, not the thread itself. Sure, if we could delete them, issues would occur with users deleting threads purely to delete a comment made by someone else, and I see how that would affect important threads. However, a simple way around this would to have a backup system for all threads. Have it auto-backup to an archive whenever a thread/comment is posted, edited, upvoted, downvoted, the works. We don't need a fancy, fully decked out public access website, just a simple place to backup forum posts in-case people delete their threads to troll. 

    A Tech Admin could simply restore the post in that case. I think it's quite obvious that being unable to delete posts is a pain, and the current way of avoiding that is for no solid reason nor is it successful in doing so. Thoughts?

  6. What about having plots where limited world edit can be used? The event contest showed us that world edit, if kept to a small area, can be controlled without much of an issue. Maybe we could have limited areas for use of world edit commands! It would also let us see larger more impressive builds which in turn, could bring more players in to play on the servers.

    We've already added in WorldEdit, just recently actually. It's been tweaked, just needs some instructions for new users.

    We can't nessecarily make a gigantic ball of End Portals, but we can do nifty tricks like setting //pos '. 

  7. YES. I agree that the biomes are redundant and boring. Can we please get some more Mushroom biomes? I can't stand the dull green grass in mountain biomes. Especially in speedbuilding. Don't even get me started on that. I was having to use green wool instead of the grass because it looked so bad.  :sad:

    *Hint Hint, Creative staff- Speedbuilding NOT in mountain biome next rev!*


    Also, more unique biomes with overhangs and enormous cliffs would be interesting, like the ones on Survival(Extreme setting, I think it is?).


    Molten lava biomes with Volcanoes sound spectacular and sinister. I definitely think some nice builds would come out of those.


    Anyways, this is a good collaborative post, EeHee. MCPublic could use more proactive players like you.  :biggrin:

    :D <3

  8. I really don't want a new revision yet, even though it has been 5 months it still seems like too soon to end a revision right now

    I'm gonna assume that you don't want an immediate new revision, in less than a week? I'm sure we'll be given some time to finish this revision off, with (hopefully) some chaos, some teaser posts on the sub and eventually the new map released. Don't stress it, we won't be snapped into a rev immediately. 

  9. The current revision of Creative has been going on for around 5 months, more than double than the revision length we're aiming for. It's actually fairly close to the length that last revision went for, and as we know that wasn't a good thing. It's been said a lot that the current revision is getting boring and dreary, so I figured I'd ask. Will we be cranking the gears for a new revision soon? 

    Just to kickstart this, I thought I'd add in some pointers just-in-case a new revision is already in development.


    • Interesting, diverse map. 
      Yes, this revisions' map was pretty sweet to begin with. For the first two months or so players absolutely loved it, as there were some pretty cool biomes, it was a relatively open map, there were some pretty massive mountains around the place, a long river running through a distance of the map, and the lake dotted with islands. However, it was too plain. Flying around, we see the same block again, again and again.
      Grass. Grass. Grass. Sand. Sand. Sand. You get the point. We need a living, vibrant world. Perhaps this revision we could go a little insane and add some volcanoes, some large forests, have the End world tweaked to allow for an all around eye-tease. Rivers running down mountains and through clearings in musty forests, eventually leading to the ocean. Cliffs that overhang vast swamps dotted with ponds and creeks. Again, you get the idea. A truly exceptional world with a vast array of landpoints is what we need. Some natural-looking landmarks might be nice, too. Such as a gigantic tree somewhere.
    • Active development. 
      Last revision in particular and this revision didn't see much engaged development and furthering of Creative. By this, I mean that things stayed mainly the same and not much changed despite the Creative servers' best cries. I understand that we just got a bunch of new toys to play with, and I'm pleased with that. What I don't want is for that to have been a one time thing. I, along with essentially the entire Creative server would support further movement to restoring Creative to a certain standard of incredible as it once was.
    • Moderation. 
      Ladies and gentlemen, it's our favorite discussion on Creative. The moderating status of the server! 
      To start with this, we now have a passable staff team on Creative. nickeox, Diamond_Lover123, NEVAstop, WayneByNumbers, LetsBeFehr, Dumbo52 and marting11 are names that come to mind. 
      Yes, we just got a couple new staff members, which is brilliant and was very well taken by the Creative community. WayneByNumbers and NEVAstop have been more active as of late, and the CAdmins are making some smart moves after being firmly poked with many sticks. But hey, why stop there? Whilst there isn't exactly a massive palette of suitable players on Creative, there are still capable players around the place. As we've finally got some traffic coming to Creative, we should be looking out for potential staff members more than ever. 

    Okay, that's all I've got for now. Thoughts? 

    • Upvote 3
  10. I think nerd should do something with its current Steam group. We've never done any full-blown community gaming on anything except Minecraft. Why don't we get together for a match of something? I feel that if we gamed outside of Minecraft,, the community could become much tighter packed. Pkaying other games could introduce nerdians to eachother and forge a few new friendships. I'd really love to see this happen sometime.

    • Upvote 2
  11. The only system of trust I want is the reputation attached to ones' name. A major reason I stuck with nerd.nu when I started was that I, as a brand new player, wasn't viewed by others as worthy of any more suspicion or implicitly less worthy of joining in a project.


    Server activity is pretty well encapsulated in stats; newbie questions are almost always answered (and get asked) promptly in public chat; we already have a system of notes; we do sometimes have extended ban lengths for people who "should know better". "Visual representation of a player's identity" brings to mind every color of the rainbow used to tag players at various levels of trust. You say you're looking for ways for us to stand apart from other servers, yet our current system rejecting ranks or trusted groups is a great thing that sets us apart from many, many others. The only "incentive" we should have for playing on these servers is the joy of playing with friends. Becoming a moderator or an admin should not be an incentive - mods have no legitimate advantages in gameplay over that of everyone in general, only duties and the tools necessary to fulfill those duties.

    This is essentially an exact repeat of what Magnyus said, I'm not sure how you got 7 upvotes for saying it again.


    That aside, I've got a question. Would these so-called trusted user groups be attached to a name in chat for all to see?

    If so, I'd much rather it be a lookup system, perhaps /serverstat (user).

    There could be an entire subforum for it, or maybe just a small website listing all the names. 

    The only negative I see to this is how we'd go about adding every user's date-of-join, ban count, etc. Unless we have a bot to do that, It'd be a slow and tolling process.

  12. I very much like the informal reputation system that we currently have. Ranked groups (Elite, Lord, King, etc) take away from the sense that we make ourselves whom we want to be. No-one will argue with an xxxLORDxKINGxxx ranked player simply because they have a colored name. I always hated that about other servers. A nine year old kid could practically control a server simply because he pulled $200 out of his father's wallet. On nerd, we all start equal. If we want to aim higher than that, we work for it. We negotiate with one-another, decide which friendships to make, what to build, whom to kill on Survival, how involved we are in the community's various branches such as IRC. Reputation is locally recognised, rather than clogging up chat with needless titles. Players need to participate in chat to be able to create friendships and in turn be known amongst players.



    • Upvote 1
  13. I'd like to ask a question- 

    Are nether portals in/under spawn a problem? I've made this suggestion, and so have others so I wonder if there is an issue about it. For what I can tell, players don't really get an advantage, and it's faster to leave spawn if you want to. That can be an alternative to having spawn in the nether?

    Now that you've mentioned this, I'm curious. This could bring in some new ideas for spawn designs (future revs), much less countless hours bounding down the roads and more playing s.nerd.nu. The portals at spawn system seems to work well on P, it could work even better on S because the portal/s would hold a lot of strategic influence and bring players to make choices - Overworld or Nether? 

  14. I'm not sure if this is possible, but is it possible to implement a 'Tagged Posts' search feature? I believe that this, coupled with tagging posts being compulsory and the colored tags (Mag's idea), would effectively allow users to search for posts related to their respective servers whilst not restricting an overview of the forums for anyone else [again, if possible]. We have a similar feature on the subreddit, and it works well on there. Why not have it here? I'm not sure how these forums work and so I have no clue how to make this happen, but it'd be good to get some word on this.

    To clarify, the "compulsory tagging" feature I suggest just means that players would have to take 1.4 extra seconds to click a button and press "OK".

    Personally, I don't see any downsides to this. Any thoughts? 

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