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Posts posted by EeHee2000

  1. For me just about everything rubberbands with chests. I could win a fight against player A, chest all my gear and be killed later - but drop the same shit I chested 5 minutes earlier. Annoying as shit to have to relog every time I feel the need to use a chest, breaks gameplay pretty badly.

    tex pl5 ficks

  2. Hey there, I was banned for command spam. It's been discussed in mumble and the ban was a little hasty and poorly thought out. A warning could've been better than a ban, especially considering there were many others spamming the exact same command. 

  3. I guess I'm fine nearly every upside-down night from AEST 5-7 PM. I'm 15 hours ahead of anyone in the EST timezone (most of Northern America). I'm also free on weekends if it counts, but I wouldn't leave Den out like that. 

    Sorry if that hurt your eyes, but I must keep the train going. Such responsibility is now passed to whomever posts next.

    I'll bring the alcoholic kangaroo-blood mixed with bikie tears, but it's brutal shit - once you drink a shot, it feels like you're upside down and suddenly you feel butterknives sprouting from your gut. 

  4. I wasn't bugged by SimpleClans at all, it was quite handy to know what clan someone's in right off the bat. However I think it was removed because the KDR feature was scaring people away from PvP. On a side note, I wouldn't mind it coming back if we removed the KDR feature and set the visibility of tags 'off' by default. 

  5. If you were a Head Adm-.. oh.


    Got any big plans for the servers anytime soon that we may not know of?

    I haven't seen you very active recently, is this due to you selling whiteboards to Somalia in your free time?

    How many blocks of cheese do you eat per hour?

  6. I get this problem quite a bit too. It's frustrating, because the forums are an 'open on startup' page on my browser, but if I were to look at my notifications, hover over someone's profile etc, I'd have to first click the logo in the top left for the secure connection icon which grants is access to most of the content on here. I think I made a post about this in the past but only a different aspect of it. 

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