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Posts posted by EeHee2000

  1. What we need, at the moment, is to find new source of players (specifically for C, and for the servers in general). The only way to accomplish doing so is to advertise, and not to make a contest out of doing it. While a nice idea, it's not an effective method for it, and in my eyes seems to only be a delaying method for actually advertising. We've had more than enough time to consider the sources, the image we want to put out, everything involved in the process since it was first suggested months ago. What I propose is the following, in reference to this point:


    -A more interesting, less-barren, easier to embrace Lobby spawn should be constructed. Now. The current Lobby, in addition to paying no attention to the player-spawn orientation, is just sad-looking. It suits our purpose to just exist, but little else. A new spawn, more arrow-shaped, will do wonders for new players connecting to our network.

        -I've seen that FatherSouth has provided a temporary lobby world to us. This should be used, at least for now, as it's less likely to drive off players looking for a professional-looking/feeling server.


    -Direct connection IPs should not be posted outside of the game. While a nice convenience, we want new players to see everything we have to offer, and not just jump into what they think they will enjoy. By forcing a player through the Lobby world, we will present all our options to them, which might otherwise go unnoticed. Direct connection IPs should be posted in the spawn of each individual servers, along with signs advertising the other servers.


    Should staff members concerned with physically creating/writing advertisements for the server- among other players, I am more than interested in assisting doing so. Contact me with your plans as soon as possible, or post your status on this effort with the same haste.

    Yes, advertising's been brought many times now, it's very likely that some ads will be done soon. However, I fully agree with not making it a contest and just doing it. 


    EDIT: Totemo, are you fucking kidding me? Why the downvote? 

    • Upvote 1
  2. Gonna link this creative discussion thread posted by Difficult1 a couple of weeks ago. Quite a few suggestions were brought up but nothing came of it, it's worth a read. I don't know whether creative is beyond fixing now, but if you seriously want it to get better then you're going to have to be more open about new ideas. Ideas that originally would never have been considered on C. Us being afraid of change is why we're so behind all of the other minecraft servers. I'm not saying we've got to ditch our morals and turn to donations or anything like that, but just being a bit more open minded and working together for a better change could go a long way.


    I can't confirm some of all of the things you've pointed out just because C isn't a server that I play on too often, but I certainly agree with what you've said about moderator selections seeing as S was and still is lacking active mods (at least it is for my timezone). I think the problem is that moderators are selected too late in their time on these servers. Take Magnyus for example, I honestly can't think of anyone better who should have been modded that wasn't. He was put in the vote right at the end of his time at nerd, somehow he didn't get it despite having a lot of support and now we've lost out on the opportunity for a fantastic staff member. If a player has managed to get that far in the voting procedure and has that much support, especially from the players, why not just give them a chance? In the worst case scenario they do something wrong and get demodded. 

    Yeah, I saw that thread, it died down a little too fast.

    However, Creative's been very optimistic about trying new ideas. We've been speaking to admins about advertising, we've got the SB contest coming up very soon also. We've tried a lot of options, there's a whole bunch of stuff going on behind the scenes which we've experimented with. Yes, I want to revive C, but I don't really see too many good opportunities to do so despite the best efforts of our players. This is because we need the community to pitch in a little.

  3. Alright, first off, Creative is in a terrible state. 

    You mightn't agree with this, and I'm fine with that. However you mightn't know all the facts. Here's a general summing up:


    Creative is considered the "old horse" of the community. We average about 5 or so players online at a time, and on a good day we can reach around 15 or so. 

    We have zero active, dedicated moderators able to attend to Creative. With the banning of ROCKONN, a mod who's spent over 350 hours online this revision, there aren't any more frequently active, focused moderators able to attend to Creative. Sure, we have admins, such as Buzzinbee and LetsBeFehr, but they aren't always on, either. Perhaps with the low player count, there aren't all that many modreqs to do, and I agree with that. However that should change. The Creative server shouldn't be so devoid of players that there aren't even any modreqs to do. 

    Going further into the moderators issue, I'd like to raise a few points. 

    I was told with confidence that the Creative server would get a small amount of mods, maybe 3 or so, by 3 admins, one whom is also pushing for the development and revival of Creative. 

    Two Creative players were put into the voting thread, and I'm perfectly okay with that. What I'm not okay with is the fact that they are the two lowest voted players, despite one of them being a veteran of the servers, and the other having spent a whopping 370+ hours on this revision alone, holding first place for usage stats. It's been raised so, so many times by many people that Creative needs new mods over the past year, yet even a player such as Magnyus, who's now left the servers, couldn't get it. It's impossible for a C player to get mod. Not to attack PvE in any way, but to rather state an obvious truth, PvE has most of the power over who does and doesn't get moderator. PvE usually has in the least 3 moderators online, which would be at about 3AM EST. During the day, they'd usually have about 10~ moderators online at some point, correct me if I'm wrong. 


    With this taken into account, none of the PvE players come onto Creative except to plan town builds. No socialisation is done between the two servers. The contrast just completely rips apart the "community" sense of nerd, because of the huge differences between them. 


    Here's a memory jogger: Remember the 3M meetings? A lot of people attended that, to our surprise. Run by Magnyus and Nickeox, with NEVAstop and myself running the secondary meetings, it proved to be filled with thoughtful, well spoken conversation. Dozens of suggestions were raised and none were dismissed. It was formal, it went perfectly.

    Now, tell me two things that came from those meetings.

    Fun fact: Nothing ever came from them. Nothing at all. If you think there's a reason to disagree with me on that, go ahead. But first, please listen to the recordings. Please don't argue if you just disagree for no reason, because the evidence here is overwhelming.


    All we can really do for Creative is watch it die, as much as I'd love to think otherwise. PvE mods will always vote for PvE mods, whom shall vote for more unnessecary PvE mods. Will Creative get a share? No. It hasn't, and after this modvote it likely never will. Because it's dying. I know there are certain admins pushing hard for Creative's revival, and I really sincerely appreciate that. But nothing ever comes from it.

    It's just ridiculous, and certain admins can't bring themselves to do anything about it. Why? Because they couldn't care less. That's the honest answer. Survival also needed mods quite badly, so they got their batch of mods last vote. If Creative needed them badly back then but didn't get any, how badly do we need them now? Very badly. Do we get any mods? Nope. PvE and Survival do. Let me know what you guys think. 


    EDIT: Just to mention, I could ramble on all day and night about this. The list goes on, and on, and on. And on. I want this to be a discussion toward developing Creative and finally pulling it out of limbo, not PvE players arguing with me for no reason. If you take offence to what I've said, go ahead. 

    • Upvote 7
  4. Aw, sucks to see you go totemo. We had a couple short good memories, a bit of derp on C, some more derp on S. Although we didn't know eachother too well, it's impossible to dismiss what you've done for these servers. The work you put into all of this is staggering, and it's very much appreciated by the entire community. Take care and make the most of life, wherever it takes you. Sucks to see you go. :c

    We need to hire another spy.


    /me salutes

    • Upvote 1
  5. It depends, from what I've seen. Usually, the player that's killed the other player whom was trying to replant will replant for them, which is good. It's a massive dick move to camp a farm and generally hold another player responsible for something that they have caused, on purpose. I guess it's grief on the killing player's behalf in my eyes. Even though Player 1 broke the block/s, Player 1 was also killed by Player 2 who now has the block/s in their inventory. I guess it's the sort of thing in which players need to use some common sense and help out, despite PvP differences. I guess whoever has the items in their inventory is then responsible for it and should be required to replace it. That's because it can get very tricky with named blocks, enchanted items in Item Frames, Anvils with a certain amount of uses, etc. 

  6. Water washing away rails and redstone can occasionally be useful, is that toggleable?


    Yeah, with a modreq for flowing water. 


    Or have water blocks place still water and buckets place regular, http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/1ud8e1/region_water_flow/]This relevant topic on our subreddit might be of interest


    Perhaps we could modreq for static water? That'd be pretty cool and would fix all problems that would come from this addition,

    • Upvote 1
  7. Mob-d KOTH.

    Generally another KOTH arena, one with a few hostile mob spawners placed inside. 

    When players run in, they fight to the death but also need to defend themselves from hostile mobs, IE spiders. Generally KOTH with a bunch of mobs chucked in. Maybe the mobs that spawn from the grinders could be modifed to drop specific items that could help kill mobs/players? A zombie dropping an Iron Sword once every so often would be pretty cool, as it'd add a lot of strategy and luck to the game.


    Spleef. Not sure if we have an arena for it this revision, correct me if we do.


    Can't think of anything else at the moment.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I've got no suggestions for a bounty plugin, I'll leave that to other people. However, I think it could be very enjoyable if it were to be restricted. For example:

    • Don't use an in-game currency for this. Keep it as a simple plugin that offers a reward of x many of y item. Announce bounties via [server], with perhaps a link to a webpage listing the bounties, bounty-givers and rewards. Perhaps the bounty-giver could back out on giving out a reward? I'm hoping this won't clog chat by listing bounties or by players arguing non-stop. "plzzzzzzz no kil" 


  9. I believe we should stick to our free-for-all, equal and simple playstyle. That doesn't mean dicking around with things that will annoy people, such as the colored chat, donation perks, and things that generally give certain players a reputation they paid for / didn't earn. However, we should look for ways around the annoying parts of certain plugins we want to add, and look into it. That was my suggestion with the Worldedit area limitation, and this shows it can be done:

    There are servers that work that way. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/plotme/ for example.


    Things like colored chat are fairly hard to get around, for obvious reasons. I'm all for any plugin that doesn't disrupt the current playstyle negatively and keeps our good-and-true traditions on hand. Anything that unbalances the fairness of the server is a massive no from me. 

  10. Don't have it all plots, have many 50-100 around spawn and the rest of the map the normal terrain. It would give people a choice.


    That's the solution. Don't have Worldedit access for the entire map, don't have it as a default permission, just have a large array of differently sized plots surrounding spawn. /modreq for one, get it, and along with it perms for that area. I'm sure it can be done, we just needs the techs to work hard on it, put some care into it. 

    • Upvote 2
  11. I've heard a lot of hate towards the colored tags in chat. I think it might be better to just turn them off.

    Also, there are certain types of intra-clan damage (i.e. snowballs) that are not blocked by the plugin.


    Eggs, Snowballs and Ender Pearls can kill allies and clan members. Whilst (I think) eggs and snowballs deal no damage, enderpearls do. All 3 items knock players back a short distance, and so they can be used as a way to bypass alliance friendly-fire. Can confirm, I accidentally killed BadExample a few days ago.

  12. I certainly approve of the beds, a lot. It leads to far more intense fights in bases, and there's a better chance to keep the fight going on without borderline spawn camping. It saves a lot of boredom, running down the roads every damn time we die. Don't get me wrong, I loved not having beds. I guess it's just great to have a change in the spawning system, and a fairly positive one. It still allows for tough PvP fights, just closer to homes and most like with more risk.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Good luck with that Warchamp. While avo was actively attacking nerd, Carver was a moderator defending against griefers and hackers, while you set up raids and caused a huge amount of damage. After avo stopped attacking nerd, you got bored of them and moved on to other things, while Carver joined them and helped them turn from "griefing team" to "gaming forum".

    I don't know whether you should be unbanned, but you certainly did a massive amount of damage while carver did almost none.

    edit: my downvote on buzzin was accidental :/


    I can't help but to agree with this, but even so aVo stopped griefing a long time ago. They represent no threat, and obviously they ones still hoping to inflict harm have split up as you can see after a bit of lurking on their forum. I'm all for unbanning Carver, we should look into Warchamp's unban in another thread. I don't believe that either of them pose any harm, we're mainly sorting out how much of a threat they did pose, and how much of that they dealt out. (Oh, I fixed buzzin's downvote thingy.)

  14. Large difference between the real life activities of an individual, which have little to no affect on nerd, to the online activities of an individual, which in this case, is very directly related to it.

    I was already one of the least active 'griefers' with aVo at the time, and stopped pretty much entirely when I started dating Raven. She was never really around the rest of the team nor the forums for a long time, and after that, was only an occasional poster on the forums.

    You on the other hand, were very often in the company of the others, and on more than one occasion actually involved in griefing attacks on servers, and more or less being a very active member of the group, and eventually became a moderator on our forums.

    Quit being a tool and comparing apples to oranges. If you wanna get unbanned, go for it, but don't go trying to pull cards like that.




    To be honest at this point you're more of a member of aVo than I am. I talk to Storm once a month at best and Krysk maybe slightly more than that, and I almost never visit the forums and don't even have the Ventrilo information since I reformatted three months ago.



    If you'd read any of my post, that's exactly the point I was making.

    Raven's association was with me, personally, and she was never connected in any way to anything aVo related despite our relationship. You were, and arguably still are.




    My argument is regarding originally, the period of 'association' in question. Not 'at this time'



    All you've written on this thread has been in contribution toward Carveritup staying listed as a banned member, however as Carver implied here:


    why would it matter if you think I'm "more of an AVO member" than you?


    it really shouldn't matter all that much to you. Your past with aVo was a strong one, as well as Carver's. There's no denying that, whether it was history made in the gaming forum phase of aVo or the griefing phase. Nerd.nu has very strong dislike to aVo either way, a lot of which is rather exaggerated and unrightly in place. We're working to decide whether a past aVo member should be unbanned or not, and comparing yourself to Carver won't help much because your histories there differentiate so much, and of course the affiliation(s) with LRO tend to tangle things up somewhere down the line. Of course, if you're willing to help us decide on Carver's unban, by all means please do. But at the moment, you're arguing over pasts at aVo, and not with the intention of supporting the decision. 

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