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Everything posted by totemo

  1. I like that idea. It probably wouldn't work correctly on the second and subsequent chests when used with /cpersist, but it would be benign, since /cpublic would be the persisted command, rather than /unlock.
  2. LWC doesn't have an option to do that. For the shared materials chests of towns it might be useful, but for individuals within towns it would suck, since everyone in the town could access your private chests.
  3. This of course makes perfect sense because most of the griffers join the server during their middle-school lunch time and really only have time to trash a farm and a few windows. They certainly don't have the patience to gather arrows or craft a bow. I suspect that the Bukkit API does allow the shooter to be tracked (PVP kills come to mind), but that LogBlock currently doesn't do anything with the information.
  4. Yesterday I did modreq #646: 646 PanickedPacman need chest protected This is far from the first one of these I've seen or dealt with. Even with regular server messages, people are confused about how to lock their chests. This will eliminate that confusion. Other chest protection reqs: 595 zach382 mass protect chests for me if possible 298 m79specialist I need my chest, furnace, and dungeon protected please. Thank you! :D 297 Herbrin3 someone took *all* the potions out of this chest (and prob the one above)? (wait you're not in favour of automatically locked chests? >.<) 12 Roboman00 Locking my chests so i cannot remove them (someone else locking this guy's unlocked chests) And by my count there are 1.5 out of 2 P admin votes in favour of this. Are we waiting for someone else or has the go-ahead been given?
  5. I think for the most part being able to see in lava is a non-issue. There's usually nothing in there worth getting anyway and the tedium of slow movement in lava acts as a deterrent. The majority of diamond mined out of lava tends to be of the illicit variety, and those people usually give themselves away and get banned. For the people who actually do legitimately swim in lava and just use optifine to see further, I don't see how we would have any hope of detecting that and so I don't think it's productive to care.
  6. For the most part, community chests these days are /cmodify r:regionname. There are public chests but they are less common than shared private. There is no per-user customisation of LWC automatic locking. Ask yourself though, how many of your chests are not locked or are /cpublic?
  7. Free dark skins, as a possible starting point: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/category/111-dark-skins/?dosort=1&sort_key=file_updated&sort_order=desc&num=20&filter_key=free Graphite looks suitably generic and the author has not placed any restrictions on its use: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/2843-graphite/ A couple of others have been authored with some restrictions on changes: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5661-gothic2-dark/ http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/2479-medevil-magic-revisited/
  8. Prior bans for: Chat spam: http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/19415 Homophobia and illegal PVP on P: http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/19449 And he was only unbanned a couple of days ago: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/72-micktan-totemo/#entry371
  9. @jcll: If people come up with extra themes, can they become options in the "Change Theme" popup at bottom left (presuming they would need to be installed server-side), and can everyone choose their own individual theme from the options presented without affecting anyone else?
  10. Can we limit the discussion to P this time around, please. And can we have a (favourable, official) decision on it soon, pretty please. http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/19560
  11. What are your alts and on what server do you currently spend the most time?
  12. Okay. Remember: just because you are referencing popular culture does not mean that you are excluded from the hate speech rule. It is possible for that reference to cause offence to people who are not familiar with the material. You're unbanned.
  13. Your sexuality is not a get out of jail free card and I really don't care about some lame pop-culture reference. We have a rule. Stick to it. Read this: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/20-banned-for-a-homophobic-or-racial-slur-read-this/ Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules). Then reply back here.
  14. Down the bottom left of that image are two columns. Number of a particular kind of block created by you and the number destroyed. They are, in particular: Created Destroyed 96 80 crops 0 72 potato 0 36 carrot Those are the totals for two weeks, up to 10,000 blocks from that location. For reference, I was there within 24 hours of you taking the crops. The zeros mean that you did not plant any potatoes or carrots. The highlighted blocks are places where you harvested potato and carrots. Kicking up a stink on the subreddit does not help at all. What would help is following my instructions above.
  15. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules). Take your time. Wouldn't want you to miss any in the rush. Then you can reply below, quoting the rule you broke.
  16. I might add as one final note on this evidence: Tharine ran a WorldEdit count on the branches on both sides of the large chamber containing rails above. You and kyle_yardley, who was also banned for xray, mined all of the branches containing diamonds, and left all other branches untouched. The WorldEdit selection was 30 blocks deep and wider than that on both sides. It was also considerably taller than what a two block high branch would give access to. Only 4 unmined diamond ore were left behind, and only on one side.
  17. Although only your second xray ban, it is technically your third xray offence. You xrayed on both PvE and Survival last time. I note in that discussion that you also attempted to evade a ban. I think I summed it up pretty well last time we were in this situation: Above, you wrote: That's your excuse. You believe the behaviour to be excusable. I disagree. You've consumed the time of a server admin and several moderators, who took every precaution to ensure that you were not banned in haste and that the evidence against you was conclusive. You haven't learned not to xray. All that you appear to have learned is how to attempt to be more sneaky about it. Going over my screenshots of your mining I see that we also almost banned you again in January, using similar technique to what got you banned this week. Tharine has advised me that a permanent ban is warranted and accordingly, you are no longer welcome on these servers. Appeal denied. January 2013: April - May 2013:
  18. Thank you for your sincere appeal. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 11th of June, stating that you will abide by them from now on. You will then be unbanned. Selected images of your mining follow:
  19. What build of yours on C pleases you the most?
  20. You should shop some diamonds into your avatar there. You are forgiven. We cannot positively confirm that you never took a peek with the magic sunglasses before now, and in any case this is your punishment. Your stuff is gone. You're banned for one month. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 15th of June, stating that you will abide by the rules from now on. And now, on with the slide show:
  21. Codswallop. You broke a mere 8 stone for every diamond you struck. The first image shows that you made a beeline through the ceiling and then into the side of a rail tunnel direct to diamond. It also shows you digging straight down to diamond number 5. You repeated the pattern of mining direct to diamond off the side of tunnels, turning directly towards ores for no reason and meticulously backfilling with cobble to hide your tracks. You're banned for a month. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 16th of June, stating that you will abide by them from now on. The damage that you have caused to TheRandomNatrix's build will be repaired at the discretion of a server admin. You're in no position to dictate server policy on what should be done when someone cheats.
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