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Everything posted by totemo

  1. Yes. The player must be online, at least in the current implementation. :)
  2. Make it official and get a C admin to weigh in on this and then it will be done.
  3. In short: we still don't have an event. We don't have a plugin yet. Deaygo is planning to do more work on it soon. I don't know what we have for a map. We have a few things on our plate at the moment. We've just ended the Survival rev, and even a small event like that takes a little bit of effort. We're moving to 1.6. Deaygo has updated all of the NerdNu plugins, except ModMode which is going to take a bit more work. We're moving the servers to new hardware, and the deadline is the end of this month. Today, I'm in the process of putting a test 1.6.1 server on the new box so that the S admins can work on the map for the new revision. With the help of several moderators, I was mostly ready to run my MobCombat (fight as monsters) plugin as an arena minigame on P, but I discovered that (apparently) DisguiseCraft conflicts with ModMode, and I haven't had a chance to dissect those plugins to work out why just yet. I've been working on resolving long standing bugs and moving all of our CommandHelper scripts into version control so that we don't lose anything, as well as ensuring that all three servers run identical versions of that code to reduce maintenance problems (e.g. "fixing" a bug on one server and not the others). LadyCailin is continuing to improve her CommandHelper plugin to enable development of new facilities on the servers. Jcll is away for a few days at DEF CON (http://www.defcon.org/). Slide hasn't been around.
  4. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below when you are done. Your xray edits from chaos a few months ago are shown below.
  5. You're banned for a month. Open a new appeal on the 9th of August, stating that you will abide by the rules from now on. Your edits.
  6. I had a few hours before end of rev chaos was due to start on Survival today, so I implemented a command to manage rotating broadcast messages. /alertShow help for sub commands. Anyone can run this. /alert listShow the full list of all broadcast messages. Anyone can run this. Handy if you missed one. /alert add <message>An admin-only command to add a new message to the rotation. /alert remove <number>An admin-only command to remove a specific message. Use /alert list to find out what number to use. /alert intervalShows an admin the interval, in seconds, between broadcasts. /alert interval <number>An admin-only command to set the number of seconds between broadcasts. /alert load <file>An admin-only command to bulk-load many messages from a text file. These are added to any messages already present. You need a tech to put the file on the disk. Use with caution. Survival (chaos) and PvE are now set up. I will be bulk-loading messages on Creative in a few minutes.
  7. For Moderators On PVE: /send-pet-home Look at spot on the ground where a pet is and run this command. You will be teleported to the bed spawn of the owner of the pet (to load the chunks). 3 seconds later, the pet will be teleported to the bed too. There must be exactly one pet at the spot where you look, otherwise it is ambiguous as to which pet would be teleported and you will be given a list of pet owners (/petowner) instead. On all servers: /list-invisible [radius] List players who have the invisibility potion effect within the specified radius of you (default 30 blocks). Conceived by buzzie71 to deal with invisible interlopers in arenas on Survival. /tpnext [player] /tpprev [player] Sometimes, you want to quickly visit all players to check for large numbers of mobs or drops. These commands teleport to the next or previous player in the list of all players. If the optional player parameter is specified, it is treated as either the name (case insensitive and inexact: tote will match totemo) or 1-based index of the player (that is, if there are 50 players, it can be from 1 to 50). Staff in ModMode and Admins are skipped. The sequence of players to visit may change if/when players log out. On average, though, if there are 50 players and you run this 50 times, you'll visit just about everyone. I will be adding better diagnostic commands for lag in due course. And since we have such a beautiful jail on survival, I have added the following commands (also available on the other servers): /setjail An admin command to set the location of the jail. The /jail command is unusable until an admin has run /setjail. /jail player Send the player to the jail and mute them. On creative, also change their game mode to survival. /release player Unmute the player and send them to spawn. On creative, also change their game mode back to creative. The /jail command is currently untested on creative. If the C admins want to use it there, they'll need a jail location set and we'll need to test the interaction of /mute and gamemode setting with /tp and /warp to make sure that jailed players can't use commands to escape.
  8. Normal rules apply right up to the end of the revision. We make it a practice to allow players to download the maps of prior revisions from http://nerd.nu/backups and people expect their builds to be intact. I've rolled back your edits and you will be starting over from scratch. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below stating that you have done so. You will then be unbanned.
  9. Oh.. I just noticed that comment. I'll do it now.
  10. Make a new profile in the new Mojang launcher. Select "release 1.5.2" as the version.
  11. Thank you. You are unbanned.
  12. And just a quick addendum to note that I've added two more variants on the ban commands above, to allow for a better level of laziness: /rbbancrops player [additional]Same as /bancrops player [additional], but does a full global rollback too (/lbrb player). /rbbangrief player [additional]Same as /bangrief player [additional], but does a full global rollback too (/lbrb player). Example: /rbbangrief totemo no legitimate edits Does (on survival): /ban totemo grief on survival; no legitimate edits /lbrb totemo
  13. We tend to issue a lot of warnings for grief (crop grief in particular) on survival and elsewhere, and I want to make this as easy and lazy as possible. I habitually /addnote the players I warn so that I know whether they should get a second chance on the next occurrence. I've added commands that provide standard wordings for a lot of these warnings and bans, customised to the server you're on. The majority of warnings we issue are to new players who probably haven't read the rules or who may come from a server where a more chaos-like style of game-play is permitted, so the warnings assume no prior knowledge of the game, or jargon like the word "grief". /warncrops player [additional] Adds a note "warned for crop grief on <server>". Sends mail messages: If you take crops planted by someone else, you must replant them. -- Moderator That includes: potatoes, carrots, nether warts, sugar cane and cocoa. -- Moderator If additional words appear after the player name, these are sent as a mail message too. If the player is online, /cmsg's them telling them to check their mail (and how to do it): You have been formally warned by a moderator for not replanting crops. Check your mail: /mail inbox, /mail read 1, etc. /warngrief player [additional] Adds a note "warned for general grief on <server>". Sends mail messages: You must not edit other players builds without permission. -- Moderator Either the first or second message, depending on whether the server is creative, or a survival mode server: Only staff members are allowed to clear old builds. -- Moderator Do not steal blocks. There is no such thing as an "abandoned" build. -- Moderator Additionally, on the PVP server only:You can break into a base to fight, but you must put back the blocks immediately. If additional words appear after the player name, these are sent as a mail message too. If the player is online, /cmsg's them telling them to check their mail (and how to do it): You have been formally warned by a moderator for editing builds without permission. Check your mail: /mail inbox, /mail read 1, etc. /bancrops player [additional] Simply: /ban player crop grief on <server> If there are additional words after the player name, "; " is appended and then those words:i.e. "/ban totemo crop grief on pve; ignored prior warning". /bangrief player [additional] Simply: /ban player grief on <server> If there are additional words after the player name, "; " is appended and then those words:i.e. "/ban totemo grief on creative; no legitimate edits". Finally, note that the /xray-edits command can now take an optional final parameter, which is a duration in LogBlock syntax. In that case it will query diamond ore destructions over just that period. Examples: /xray-edits totemoQuery all diamond destructions in the last 28 days. /xray-edits totemo 1dJust the last day's worth. /xray-edits totemo 12hJust the last 12 hours. EDIT: Also I've added /rbbancrops and /rbbangrief that do full global rollbacks. Scroll down for the full description.
  14. You're unbanned. If we find any evidence that this account is used to evade bag1bag2's ban, DiabloZeSlayer will most likely be banned permanently.
  15. Alright. I'll borrow one of you to debug this. I'm still getting used to the permissions setup we have here. EDIT: and fixed.
  16. Unfortunately for you, your younger brother omitted to mention that he is in fact your brother: Accordingly, I have legitimate concerns that he is planning to use your account to circumvent his ban. I will confer with other staff before deciding on a course of action.
  17. Thank you. I accept this explanation of your part of the events in question. You are unbanned.
  18. You're banned for one month. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 30th of July, stating that you will abide by them from now on. I will confer with other staff on whether to unban DiabloZeSlayer at this time or not.
  19. I made the initial suggestion. It's about a two line change in the LWC configuration. I require a work order from the S admins to make this happen though.
  20. /nv (or equivalently /nightvision) - toggles night vision on and off when in ModMode for checking tunnels or doing modreqs more efficiently. It is still available unrestricted on C only for default players. /spawn-tame-mob type player - spawns a dog or cat owned by the specified player, for use in instances of mob grief involving pets. Wolf and ocelot are synonyms of dog and cat respectively. /cregion regionname owner1 ... - /cregion can now take more than one region owner in its argument list. See also: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/513-two-new-commands-for-players/
  21. On all servers, you can see the approximate time before the next restart with /nextrestart On PVE, you can see who owns a pet. Aim your crosshairs at the block where the pet is sitting (or very close) and type /petowner. (The requirement to look at a block and not the pet itself comes from limitations of the APIs.) One further thing to mention, /nextrestart is based on the time when CommandHelper scripts are loaded. As such, if a tech admin happens to be modifying commands written in CommandHelper (and there are a lot of them) and reloads the scripts, /nextrestart will give inaccurate results. There are no plans at this time to make this work perfectly under those circumstances.
  22. Your banning moderator, salamanderxander, is currently inactive. Your ban dates back to about 1.5 years ago: Ban for jgood57 on c.nerd.nu for griefing nerd.nu/appeal by salamanderxander on 2011-10-10 17:24:52 (1 more bans, no notes) Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below stating that you will abide by them. I note that you are banned for grief on at least one other server. If you grief again here, we will apply a longer or possibly permanent ban.
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