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Everything posted by totemo

  1. As of a few minutes ago I've checked in the updated CutePVP 2.0 code. It's completely untested at the moment. I'll be doing my own basic testing of that in the next day or so and then hopefully it will be ready to open up for staff testing. In a moment of inattention, I checked in my configuration for the special building materials and their buffs. I've deleted that off github and tried to cover my tracks, but I'm no expert on git. There's a chance that some of the sharper ones will go over the commit message and see that stuff. All is not lost though, since I intended to change many of those to use stained clay instead of wool. The possibility of much of that being a complete (only discoverable in-game during the event) secret is still there.
  2. That would be a sad min policy decision to un-nerf health in the first instance. If they're happy, we'll merge the code.
  3. Thank you. Xray bans are for one month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 13th of September, stating that you will abide by them from now on. Your edits:
  4. This is just my personal opinion and not me speaking in an official capacity: giving people free stuff in game is not something we do. It would be a huge cultural change for the server - to put people to work doing their daily ad impression on a server listing site. I consider the only legitimate and lasting way that we'll get more players is by making the game more fun.
  5. Hi, cab417, please add crop grief to this ban:
  6. Players can now place their own fire using /i fire or using flint and steel. WorldGuard has been configured to notify when either is placed. Item frames and TNT can now be placed by moderators when requested with /modreq. C now has a jail set up (Cyotie911's Big Box-O-Shame). The commands for that are /jail <player> and /release <player>, which unmutes them and sends them to spawn (or alternatively /unmute <player> and /tphere <player>). Region flags for that are currently set so that players are muted, in addition to the muting that occurs automatically with /jail. There may be some additional work needed on the /jail command to allow players to /msg without being able to escape jail with /spawn or /home. I will investigate in due course. With 1.6.2 I've added the new ModMode plugin to C as well. Both moderators and admins can use it and it brings the following benefits: It remembers where you last were and puts you back there when you leave ModMode. It maintains a separate inventory for ModMode, so you don't have to shuffle items in your hotbar when doing moderator tasks. It logs your ModMode edits under modmode_<playername>, making it safer to do small rollbacks on yourself when you have to make temporary edits during moderator tasks. You will show up as ModMode in /list. You don't have to use ModMode, but it's very handy and there are few disadvantages to using it. The one disadvantage is for admins: at the time of writing, admins who use ModMode will find that they don't have access to admin-only commands like /ab while in ModMode. I'm still weighing my options for how we should fix that.
  7. I'd like a full 2 hours because there are in fact three configurations I want to cross check: survival pre-chaos, survival-chaos and survival preparation on event. I expect it will come in at around 1.5 hours, which gives us a full half hour to thor buzzie71. I don't work well under time constraints and it's important that we thor buzzie right. My basic plan is as follows: Back up the map and plugin configurations on the preparation server in case I get things backwards. Take down S at about 7:30 am Adelaide time. Back up the post chaos S map. Swap in the world folders and the WorldGuard config from survival preparation, with all the regions. Configure white listed with a different MOTD and bring S back up. I'll then iterate on comparisons of the other plugin configurations and restart every now and then. Once we're ready to start I'll take S down, and take a final backup of S. Thor buzzie71 while whitelisted until the appointed time.
  8. I rechecked these on my test server and on PvE. All works for me. Just confirmed with you that you are not able to reproduce this problem. I can only speculate that the server was lagging due to load and appeared unresponsive.
  9. The way /petowner is written, you have to look at the ground near where the animal is standing for it to work.
  10. I decided that if I implemented /give-pet <playe> players would misspell the recipient's name and then I would have to implement an admin command for us to change the owner (I may still need to do that but we'll see). Instead, I opted to allow players to untame their pets with /untame. (https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/712-one-more-new-command-for-pve-players/) Also, please note that that I have added a KitchenSink.petadmin permission. Anyone with this permission (P admins) can bypass the owership check on /unlock-horse, /lock-horse and /untame - you can apply those commands to animals you do not own. You will see a warning message showing the original owner of the animal when you do so.
  11. You can now untame your pets by typing /untame and right clicking on the animal. It will work for dogs, cats and horses. This is useful if you want to give or sell a pet to another player. That player can then tame the animal in the normal way. Please note that the /unlock-horse command does not change the ownership of an animal. It's simply a way for the owner to allow any player to ride the horse, exactly the way Mojang intended the game to behave.
  12. Admin command /find-pets is implemented. Example: /find-pets 50 dog,cat,horse totemo Fluffy Run the command without arguments for usage help. The last two arguments (player and pet name) are optional and act as wildcards if omitted. There was a problem with leashes interfering with the command. Upgrading CommandHelper fixed that on my test server and I have upgraded PvE and Survival to that version of the plugin.
  13. Ah yeah. I haven't been keeping up with my mails. Apparently that's in 1.6.2-R0.2 which we're on atm. We can wait a few days and see what happens with WorldGuard. I'm anxious to get back to work on the CTF plugin. If WorldGuard is going to take a long time I can look into integrating leash management with the existing /unlock-horse system.
  14. We'll see how the experiment goes during peak times. If capping them when spawning doesn't help much, I'll remove Squid from that section of the configuration. I'm hoping that Spigot will help a lot.
  15. I'm discussing this in MCP for now due to the sensitive nature of the Zombie AI bug and its potential to be used to induce crippling lag. Here's what has changed and will change technically over the next day or two on PvE: With 40+ players we experienced a very low tick rate - around 3.5. Other data points: 20 players - 10 tps, 11 players - 13 tps, 8 players - 15 tps. I've experimentally modified MobLimiter to enforce the configured per-chunk, per-mob-type caps when the specific listed mob types spawn. It's currently configured with a cap of 0 Zombies per chunk when spawned naturally because of the path finding AI bug (https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-17630). Reading that bug again, it occurs to me that since it mainly concerns path finding when the player is unreachable, perhaps mob-spawner zombies should be disabled too. The change I've made (not yet checked into GitHub) has the option to enforce the same cap for mob spawner zombies too, but I have not enabled it yet. I've set a cap on squids of 1 per chunk, enforced when spawning, simply because I can and I don't think anyone will even miss them. They tend to be over-represented. I'm tempted to add a cap of 1 PigZombie per chunk, enforced when spawning. What do you think? LadyCailin fixed a bug in CommandHelper to do with getting entities within a certain radius, and consequently my /count-entities command is now working properly. You can use it to get a better handle on the number of each type of mob. A player lost his horse when pushing it through the portal at spawn. I tested an untamed horse in the same manner and it too disappeared. I intend to write an admin command in CH: /find-pets [ []] to list the coordinates of mobs of specified types (comma-separated list) with optional owner and name tag so we can substantiate similar claims more easily in the future. It's a server glitch, but I would be inclined to refund this one anyway and warn people in future that horses and portals don't mix. What do you think? Note that as currently conceived, that command could also be used to locate hostile mobs and mobs without an owner. I don't think we've adequately communicated the temporary nature of /unlock-horse. People have used it for horse sales. I intend to add a /give-pet command tomorrow to fix that. In the meantime, I've changed one of the alerts to underscore the temporary nature of /unlock-horse. And finally, in the background I'll investigate the viability of switching P over to Spigot and see what configuration options that would give us for dealing with lag. Looks promising. I want to experiment on my test server first before switching P over though.
  16. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below when you have done so and I'll unban you.
  17. I worked around the downed repository and compiled RebalanceVillagers. It's installed with Draykhar's config.yml and offers.yml files on event.nerd.nu (although that server will be repurposed for CTF testing soon) and also on s.nerd.nu.
  18. Tharine: tompreuss' crafting recipes for saddles include two diamond blocks at the head end, three diamonds for the body and a piece of leather in the middle. All up, 21 diamonds. Similar in cost to a set of player armour actually. We can enable those. Also, depending on how much time I get, there's still Rebalance Villagers (all hope is not lost there) and I may also make the KS recipes customisable. (In reality: if we had to run with two versions of KS on the day until the code could be generalised to use configuration data for the recipe, while not ideal, we could do that for a while too.) I'll get back to you on RebalanceVillagers tomorrow probably.
  19. I've been working with the P admins over the last week or so to provide technical measures to protect horses on P. As described here: http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/1jpop6/162_coming_to_a_pve_rev_near_you/ If you tame a horse, people who are not the owner cannot right clicked on it to ride it unless the owner types /unlock-horse and right clicks on it. LogBlock does log kills and I have written commands for admins to provide an exact replacement of a horse in terms of colour and markings. It is up to you to establish proof of your horse's appearance with a screenshot. Normal P practice of replacing griefed mobs will apply, as substantiated by the kill logs. Locked horses can't be right clicked on by non-owners without permission, meaning no use of leashes to steal them. Doing brain surgery on LogBlock is not worth it at this time because there's no Bukkit API for leashes at all. Heroic measures to write code for version-specific classes from CraftBukkit will just increase the time it takes us to update next time, so we prefer to stick to the Bukkit API only.
  20. It doesn't mean you'll be banned forever. You do, however, face the normal consequences of xraying: a one month ban. Please open a new appeal on September the 4th, to remind us to unban you at that time. I haven't updated my fancy xray detection mod yet, so the evidence is some old fashioned screenshots.
  21. The points that apply to me: The map building server's configuration is based off normal survival's config and as such (I'm told) was deliberately configured to zap special carts when we had the troubles with hopper carts. I should be around for the launch. RebalanceVillagers is not building because their repository for downloading dependencies has been down for many days at this stage. I'll try to work around it when I have a moment.
  22. Finally, I'll leave it to a headadmin or someone else with more time to register the servers at http://minecraft-mp.com/ Somebody, probably not staff, has already registered c.nerd.nu with that site: http://minecraft-mp.com/server-s10432 Please, someone take the necessary steps to reclaim C in that listing. If there are technical steps that need to be taken, such as setting the MOTD as with the Curse minecraftforum.net listings, please inform me when you get to that stage.
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