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Everything posted by totemo

  1. I've set up server listings at serverlistminecraft.com. You can find our listing by searching for "Reddit" here: http://serverlistminecraft.com/searchquery.php The site supports a voting system called Votifier that allows votes for popular servers to be registered. It's a Bukkit plugin that receives notifications from a voting site. I've seen it used on other servers to bribe players into voting for the server on listings by giving them items in-game when they vote for the server on a listing site. The site is a bit amateurish IMO, in that it requires that you register a separate account for each server you run (I realised this after I had registered event). The accounts are: event.nerd.nu - RedditMC c.nerd.nu - RedditMC_c p.nerd.nu - RedditMC_p s.nerd.nu - RedditMC_s Password is the same as what we are using for minecraftforum.net. Contact me or a head admin if you wish to update the details. This site accepts a 468x60 pixel banner (per server). Someone artistically inclined should make these, please. It also provides a way to include the banner image with server details included on web sites:
  2. At this stage I have submitted a bug report to Curse because their server listing seems unable to update our entries, whereas other publicly available query tools are able to query our servers. At the moment I have only configured event.nerd.nu for this until the Curse/minecraftforums respond to the bug request. Bug report: http://support.curse.com/requests/2423 Server listing for event: http://servers.minecraftforum.net/servers/6725939 Query tool: http://dinnerbone.com/minecraft/tools/status/ Use port 25565 with the query tool.
  3. Xray, ore radar, whatever you were using, the consequences are just the same. You've just served a prior ban for xray, now when I look at your edits today I see this: Also from the day before (which changes the numbering when I include those edits): Most of those are minimal edits off pre-existing tunnels made by other players. Some of them into the floor or ceiling. All of those edits are improbable in some way and that's not even all of them. Stone:diamond ratios are low, also indicating improbability. You're banned for another month and a half. Open a new appeal on the 15th of September. Read the rules again.
  4. All three servers are now enabled for GameSpy query on port 25566 (normal Minecraft port + 1). They are associated with a shared Curse account set up by JohnAdams1735 for this purpose. They temporarily have a sequence of digits in the MOTD (message of the day) which Curse requires for us to establish that we do indeed control the servers. Once Curse is happy and updates its server listings, those digits will be removed. This change will take effect on the next restart, in about 80 minutes. Previous concerns about players using this service to stalk each other on survival have been superceded by the /list-all command, which allows them to do that anyway.
  5. That never really sat right with me. Let's disappear it while nobody's looking.
  6. It's enabled for a brief bit of testing. I'll do that now and then it will be disabled on the next restart. Thank you.
  7. When I was reconciling the inventory management code for the three servers recently I noticed that /give was set up as equivalent to /i, probably unintentially, so I fixed it. I'm aware of the potential for it to be abused. I've just changed it so that it tells the recipient who is sending the item. People can deal with spam using /modreq. The commands are logged.
  8. That's fine, thanks. You're unbanned.
  9. Thanks. You're unbanned.
  10. We usually only ban xrayers for a month unless they're repeat offenders. Please read the rules and reply below saying you agree to them and we'll unban you.
  11. For the nether biome, please include naturally occurring nether warts. These need to occur in enough locations that it is unlikely that a single team will have exclusive access to potion ingredients. We also need some glowstone for brewing, and players need to be able to obtain blaze rods.
  12. I will keep the actual configuration file off github then.
  13. Okay, map looks cool. I've been working steadily and want to confirm some details of what will be available in the finished plugin. Expect the following: Support for multiple flags. It's configurable. I think two per base is probably a good number. The way I've designed it, in order to score (capture) a stolen flag, the carrier has to click on one of his own team's flags. That means that stalemate is only possible if both teams steal both opposition flags. Support for multiple buffs. A buff is a distinguished block, like a flag. Clicking on it applies a potion effect for your whole team. There's some work to do here but I will probably make the buff apply for about 30 minutes or so. Then you need to renew it by clicking the buff block again. With the map you're working on, there could be a buff in the NE and SW corners. The configuration file specifies the number and locations of the buffs, and also allows each buff to apply a distinct set of potion effects. I'm thinking one buff for speed and another for regeneration. And, because there are two, teams must make a choice of how they allocate their resources. Smart building materials. In C45Y's original CutePVP code he allowed wool of the team's colour to do damage to opposition team members when they walked on it. I've generalised this idea to any kind of block imparting any kind of potion effect. The original idea is still supported: red wool will cause a wither effect on blue team members. But also, red wool will also give damage resistance to red team members when they tread on it. And of course the same story with red and blue teams swapped. In addition to this, I'll be configuring the following effects (subject to testing and feedback before the event). These effects apply to both teams equally. The idea is that you must use them judiciously in the design of your base defences to give you a tactical advantage over attackers: diamond block -> Jump Boost x10, 10 seconds (this will be fun to test!) gold block -> Regeneration I, 10 seconds iron block -> Strength II, 10 seconds lapis block -> Speed II, 10 seconds redstone block -> Confusion III, 10 seconds orange wool -> Poison I, 5 seconds purple wool -> Night Vision I, 5 seconds black wool -> Blindness I, 5 seconds I hope that these will allow players greater flexibility to create defensive and functional features of their bases and to give them potentially more interesting uses for mined valuables. Note also, that the jump boost on the diamond block might be used by attackers to enter bases, but at the risk of carrying around extra diamonds. I hope to be able to make a test environment for the above available on the event server before this coming weekend.
  14. Alrighty. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below saying you'll abide by them. We hold you responsible for any actions performed by your account, so it's in your best interests to ensure that it is not misused again. These are some of your edits. Note the totals of created and destroyed blocks.
  15. It could be done. The way I can see it working, we'd lose WorldBorder protection and rely on all the chunks around the border being pre-generated as empty, or WorldEdited as such. (To prevent them from being filled in by the generator.). As far as I know, WorldBorder's region is always centred on the origin.
  16. It looks good. The plump might be a bit too intense, though. I think we need a nether biome roughly equidistant from the two bases, for acquiring netherwarts and blaze rods. We'd need to paste the minigames area in there somewhere. Perhaps that goes in the centre? Deaygo seems to be too busy at the moment to do his CTF plugin so I'm working on improving the CTF plugin we ran a year ago. It would probably work as-is. I am, however, interested in adding the ability to do multiple flags and multiple capturable buffs. We could paste some ruins into the SW and NE corners. Buffs could go there or we could just do one in the middle. Er.. EDIT: except the code has to be tweaked to do 2 flags instead of 4. I'm generalising it instead of hacking.
  17. /painting lets you choose the next painting you place in advance. Note that it doesn't give you a free painting. You still have to supply your own. It will be available after the next restart on PvE and Creative, and when Survival returns to normal gameplay. To list all available paintings, type /painting. To place a specific painting, select it with /painting <name>, e.g. /painting wanderer Also note that the game still imposes its own restrictions on what painting will fit where. If the selected painting won't fit where you place it, you'll get a different painting.
  18. You're banned for one month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 23rd of July, stating that you will abide by them from now on. Your edits:
  19. The command is implemented in terms of the load time of CommandHelper scripts. No other easy options for implementing it come to mind. If they are scripts are changed and reloaded, the results will be inaccurate until the next restart.
  20. Closing this. Appeal again, following my instructions above when you come back, Graysephir.
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