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Everything posted by totemo

  1. Ban for king_fry on c.nerd.nu for xray and crop grief on survival; ban evasion of vasculitis (xray); permanent nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2013-08-21 07:37:53 (no more bans, 1 notes) I've checked the addresses involved and I'm willing to accept your version of events. We hold you responsible for the actions performed by your account. However, you are not permanently banned. Xray bans are for one month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 21st of September, stating that you will abide by them from now on.
  2. We do have cautions against xraying signposted at spawn, as well as written in the rules webpage and in the rule book you were give when you spawned. I do try to set the record straight whenever I see someone trolling in chat like that, but I can't be around all the time. For the record: the overwhelming majority of our players mine all of their diamonds legitimately. Your ban is for one month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 21st of September, stating that you'll abide by the rules from now on. Your edits:
  3. Ban for omgitsazza on c.nerd.nu for xray on pve nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2013-08-09 03:31:19 (no more bans, no notes) Thanks. Your xray ban is for one month starting on the 9th of August. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 9th of September, stating that you will abide by the rules. Opening a new appeal on that day, rather than just keeping this post open, acts as a reminder to us. Your edits:
  4. Sounds good. Can you read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules), please, and reply below when you have done so.
  5. Omission of LWC at this stage was an oversight on my part. We can do that, more or less. The g: syntax indicates a permission group, but I'm not allocating players to permissions groups when they're on teams. Given how unreliable bPermissions has been lately with ModMode, I think it would be tempting fate to do so. I would probably change the (primary) base region names in the configuration file to red and blue (from red_base, blue_base) and then use the WorldGuard API to add members to those regions. Players could then /cprivate r:red, much like they do on PVE currently.
  6. My intention was to have the admins as "always on" staff, exempt from team allocation and to set up the moderators so they can play the game, and only see all the team chat when they enter ModMode. A couple of years ago when we ran this, moderators had no moderation powers during the event, which I found frustrating as a moderator because there seemed to be a lack of responsiveness from the admins at the time. That event was plagued by a several problems (apart from the usual first few hours where the plugin was usable): lack of ModReq, griefers (potentially enemy team alts) raiding team chests. I'm keen to fix as many issues as possible with that. I think I can set up the permissions so that admins can choose to be allocated to teams anyway, still see all chats, and use ModMode for official duties (and in ModMode, the helmet would change the helmet to a different block to indicate staff status - though perhaps not essential since we usually vanish anyway). Does that sound like something you would want? What were your expectations as an admin, in terms of being able to play?
  7. I've rewritten the CutePVP plugin more or less completely and I need staff to volunteer to check it out. I've installed it on [redacted], white listed and with most of the usual suspects on the list. But let me know if you need to be added. I've set up a condensed map for testing with two team bases quite close together. In front of each team base is a flags area with two flags per team. There are also two team buffs - beacons. A team member can capture those for his team by clicking on them and they deliver potion effects to the whole team. The basics of the game are as follows: You're assigned to a team: red or blue. Red Team players wear red wool on their head, Blue Team players wear blue wool. Your name appears in the team colour in chat. When you walk on wool of your team's colour, it gives you a configurable buff (resistance). When you walk on wool of the enemy team's colour it gives you a configurable harmful potion effect (wither). You spawn inside your team base. Only team members can build in the team base region (red_base or blue_base, with configurable support for multiple regions in fact). These are WorldGuard regions with the build allow flag set. The CutePVP plugin prevents enemy team members from editing in the region or hurting you in your own base. The flags are protected in WorldGuard regions that prevent all players from either team from editing. We also have the LWC plugin installed and players can lock their own chests. You steal an enemy flag by clicking on it. This is recorded as a "steal" in your own personal score and the team score. If you are killed, log out, or type /drop, the flag is dropped on the ground. If you click on a dropped enemy flag, you pick it up again. If you click on your own dropped flag, you return it back to its home position and this is counted as a "return" in your personal and team's scores. You capture the flag (score) by taking it back to your flag area and clicking on one of those flags. This is counted as a "capture" in your personal and team scores. Your enemy(s) can prevent you from capturing by stealing all (both) your flags. You can see your score and that of the teams with /score. Your score will also show you kills of enemy players. You cannot harm your team mates. When you chat, it goes to your team members only. To send global chats, use /g. Staff members: admins and mods in ModMode, will see team-only chats by both teams, as well as global chats. You can list all team members with /teams. You can get the coordinates of the nearest flag stolen from your team with /flag. Compasses also point to the same location. A dropped flag is automatically returned home after 5 minutes. If a dropped flag is moved in any way except by being picked up by a player (e.g. using a piston), that is detected and the flag is automatically returned home. Team buffs are captured by clicking on the respective beacon and last for about 30 minutes. They can be stolen by an enemy team clicking on the beacon before that. Times, potion effects, number of teams and their names, colours and team protection options are all configurable. In addition to potion buffs/debuffs from the the team-coloured wools, this version of CutePVP supports "power blocks" which are blocks that confer configurable potion effects when walked on. We'd like to keep the exact details of these a secret from players at this stage so that we have the option of them discovering the effects for themselves. But in short, for you to test, the blocks and effects are: diamond block - 10s of jump boost 10 - for scaling the walls of enemy bases ;) gold block - 10s of regeneration 1 emerald block - 10s of confusion 3 iron block - 10s of damage resistance 1 - same as the wool - maybe change ice - 10s of speed 2 quartz block - 10s of invisibility glowstone - 10s of fire resistance coal block - 5s of blindness orange stained clay - 10s of health boost 2 (4 extra hearts max health) yellow stained clay - 10s of poison 4 purple stained clay - 10s of night vision - may need to be longer - sort of flashes as if the potion is wearing off the whole time black stained clay - 10s of weakness 2 The idea is that players can exercise their creativity to build base defences with these blocks to their advantage and their opponents disadvantage. The above blocks apply their effects equally to both teams. I've been given a suggestion to track which team placed the blocks and always make them work to the best advantage of whoever placed them, rather than either way. I'll look into it, but if it is in any way complex to implement I probably won't have time to do it. The above list should suggest a range of things that you need to test. At this stage, I expect there to be some minor difficulties with ModMode and or staff type commands. The biggest issue I still have in this area is exemption from team assignment, which mainly applies to ops (I've removed the admin exemption for now), so for this reason I have cleared the ops list on that server. The other work that remains to be done is: Automatically assigning IP alts to the same team. Adding the option for coloured leather kits and other items when spawning. Fixing the way the plugin's reload command handles team membership (just don't play with it). I'm also keen to experiment with using the Citadel plugin (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/citadel/) for protections, subject to time constraints. The way that would work is that I would disable WorldGuard protection of bases, and possibly LWC too. Players would then use Citadel to reinforce their builds (base spawn area and fortifications outside the flags area where all edits are denied by WorldGuard). Citadel allows players to reinforce blocks with one smooth stone, iron or diamond per block or container (chest). The value of the reinforcement material determines how many times someone must break the block before it finally actually breaks. Diamond reinforced obsidian takes many hours to break under this scheme.
  8. teddylover: I logged on to the mumble server and removed your registration with the old certificate. (The server remembers that the certificate is associated with the name "teddylover" and prevents anyone else from using your name because they don't have the certificate.) You should be fine to log in to mumble now. When you have done so, right click on your name and choose the option to register yourself. That will cause the server to remember the new certificate so nobody can pretend to be you. If the server doesn't allow you to do that, contact a mod or admin, or reply here.
  9. Ban for ryanmack1999 on c.nerd.nu for xray texture pack on pve nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2013-08-19 08:57:47 (no more bans, no notes) You mined straight to diamond, all of which were in contact with lava. You avoided touching the lava itself, which shows that you did not find the diamonds by swimming with a fire resistance potion. The low ratio of stone edits to diamond edits demonstrates foreknowledge of the locations of the diamonds. That is, it was not luck. And it was all over in 5 minutes, which nobody can manage without cheating. You're banned for a month. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 19th of September stating that you will abide by them from now on. Screenshots:
  10. Ban reasons are swapped. Come back next month. Do NOT try using another account to evade the ban. Moving thread to closed.
  11. A quick update on the state of the plugin: most things work and have been tested. I've tested commands to set up the flags and buffs, loading and saving of teams, scores, buff state, flag steals, captures and returns, buffs applied from team and enemy blocks, setting the wool helmet, respawning, compasses pointing to the nearest own team flag. The only thing that I haven't tested at the moment is special building blocks with their accompanying buffs. But they share a lot of code with own/enemy team wool buffs and the capturable team buffs, so I don't expect them to give me much trouble. After that I will have run out of things that I can test on my own. I'll set up a simple test map (actually what I had on red server a while back) and enlist staff to try to break it.
  12. Okay. Tomorrow, when it is convenient for me to do so, I will swap the bans for these two accounts. From thenceforth, x115Gaming will be permanently banned and dynamicflamex will be unbanned on the 28th of September if you reappeal.
  13. The centre of the map is a bit crowded with ores too:
  14. Seems to be a good deal more intense than any plump I've seen before. I'll have a look at the centre of the map now for funsies.
  15. You're banned for one month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 17th of September stating that you will abide by them from now on. The screenshots show that you blatantly xrayed iron and diamond.
  16. The whole point of a ban is to stop you from playing. The point is not to make you log on with a different account. As such, this is all in order and dynamicflamex is permanently banned as it was used to evade a ban on your other account. This is our policy. As for x115Gaming's xray ban... You tunnelled straight down onto ores or diagonally to them. Tunnels straight to diamond. Low ratio of stone to diamond edits. It's blatant. Stop lying. And by the looks of it you also xrayed as dynamicflamex. x115Gaming is banned for a month plus two weeks for the ban evasion and probable xray on dynamicflamex. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 28st of September stating that you will abide by them from now on. Have a great day! :) dynamicflamex:
  17. Alright. Thanks for that. I recalled seeing something along those lines before and was too tired to tackle it. I still think that it's in the category of the spoken word and the sped arrow. So, although I have followed those instructions to purge the repository of the history of that file, we'll run with a configuration that uses stained clay instead of wool for those buff blocks. I had a look at the map on my desktop just now. It looks very nice. I have a few comments on it: It's rendered out to +/- 768. Just want to verify that that is the intended size. There's loads of clay in the swamps, which is nice. I'm of the opinion that the ore plump is a little bit too full-on. I'd like to get some contrasting opinions though. Mining in straight line (mostly ignoring the other ores and just taking the diamond) I got a stone:diamond ratio that never went much above 10:1 which is very easy for branch mining. I did some Watson shots and also ended up using //removenear to get rid of stone/gravel/dirt.
  18. Interestingly enough, you both appealed from the same IP address. For the sake of equality, I'm setting kingdragon's ban duration to a month and a week so that CalculusGuy314 cannot use kingdragon's account to evade any of his ban time.
  19. You were mining with CalculusGuy314. You broke the diamond ores. He stated in his appeal that you received some of the diamonds. You are as guilty as he is of benefitting from xray hacks. See the screenshots and also those from CalculusGuy314's appeal. You broke all 12 of the diamonds. You griefed crops and just left it on the ground. You had been warned by staff at least twice for this before I came along. You also griefed an enchantment set. Your inability to take responsibility for your actions does not speak well of you. EDIT: as stated below, since you are appealing from the same IP address as CalculusGuy314 I will assume that he has access to your account. You're either the same person or share a computer. I'm setting your ban duration to the same as his. I'm banning you for one month for benefitting from the xray hacks and an additional week for all the grief after being warned. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 22nd of September stating that you will abide by them from now on.
  20. Your account of events concurs with my observations of the logs. I did wonder if you had deliberately conspired with kingdragon to confound investigation of xray by having him mine all the diamonds. I can see that you created the tunnels to the diamonds. I can also see that you have shared an IP address on at least one occasion. With regard to the grief, I can see that you were warned at least once and you stole an iron block from richeddi's base a second time after it had been rolled back by a moderator. So, you've griefed and xrayed. You're banned for one month plus one week for the grief. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules). Open a new appeal on the 22nd of September and state that you will abide by the rules from now on. You'll then be unbanned. Screenshots: your edits connected by blue arrows, kingdragon's edits connected by yellow arrows. Xray: These later screenshots only show your edits, irrespective of arrow colours. Grief, starting with the iron block and the bricks in richeddi's base:
  21. Kindly read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules), reply below when you have done so and we'll unban you.
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