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Everything posted by totemo

  1. We hold the owner of the account (that's you) responsible for any actions performed by it. So actually who did what really doesn't matter so much as what was done. You should take steps to ensure that xray doesn't happen again because the next ban will be longer than this one. Now, that said, the standard ban for xray is one month from the date of the ban. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 31st of June. In the appeal, state that you will abide by the rules from now on. Your mining edits:
  2. I had a look at the diamond edits numbered 7 - 10, in person, on S just now. I agree with Tharine that these are conclusive evidence of xray. I queried your diamond edits for just that day and the day before (so the numbering in my screenshot is different). On the day in question you snared 13 diamonds for just 99 stone. You homed in on the those diamonds in the most unlikely fashion.
  3. OK. Thank you very much. You're unbanned.
  4. Sorry, no. If you're honest with yourself, you'll probably recognise that you knew that xraying was giving you an unfair competitive advantage without even having to be told. Also, I doubt there are any serious servers that allow xraying since it's basically equivalent to giving players free diamonds. Xray bans are long to act as a strong deterrent. Xraying is easy and detection/enforcement requires human effort that we'd rather expend doing something more productive.
  5. The standard ban duration for xray is one month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 11th of July, stating that you will abide by them from now on. Oh and also I note that I screenshotted your crop edits too and that you did not replant any of those. Next time you play, replant all of the crops you harvest. Screenshots of your mining edits: Smile for the camera!
  6. Here ya go, no don't thank me. So I need you to read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and tell me that you're going to do the right thing.
  7. A long time ago, back in March of 2012, we banned you for xray, and then in February of this year you did it again. What on earth were you thinking? It's been a few months now, so you are due to be unbanned. I think this is your last chance. Don't do it again. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below stating that you will abide by them.
  8. It was quite a long ban I gave you. I think you're near enough to the due date. http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/69793#Comment_69793 Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below stating that you will abide by them and we'll give you another chance.
  9. No worries. And I just worked out where the glowstone and spider eye settings came from - the default configuration kicks in when there are errors in the config file (which I fixed). Mystery solved. Case closed.
  10. I "fixed" this issue a couple of hours ago (you can brew with glowstone and spider eyes), but am keeping the issue open on github until such time as I'm certain it won't recur. Currently the running code does not appear to match the github sources. I'll be following up with the other techs.
  11. For completeness, I added BabyPigZombie and BabyZombie to complement the BabyZombieVillager predefined type. Mostly working on a MobCombat plugin for the CTF at the moment, though.
  12. Sounds good. When you have read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and confirmed that you have done so we'll unban you.
  13. Thanks. See you on the 8th.
  14. I'm not sold on the large number of flags. In past CTF's you'd be hard pressed to get a single player guarding just the one flag. Depending on the scale of this you'd now need up to 12 people keeping an eye on them, or else you resign yourself to a purely reactive style of game where by the time you discover that the flag is gone it's already well outside the base. If, as is normal, you are working inside the base, then the flag carrier has a significant head start on you. If it's not possible to defend, then it will just come down to the number of players on a team actively trying to steal flags. In short, I think we need to be careful about scale in order to ensure that players can feasibly build defenses.
  15. Unless I'm very much mistaken, you haven't just broken into someone's base. Instead, you've made off with a significant fraction of it. I haven't highlighted all of your edits in these screenshots, but looking at the summary of your edits in the bottom left I can see that you have destroyed (and not created) some 483 torches, 63 crops, 90 rails, 62 cobble stairs, 22 bookshelves and an enchantment table, glass and other types of crops. It doesn't appear to me that you had any intention of fixing this. You just trashed it. And it obviously took a significant amount of time to do. You should always replant, and edits to break into a base should be minimal and preferably replaced immediately. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below when you have done so. Some images after your edits were rolled back: I only highlighted the powered rails here but IIRC you took the rails as well:
  16. Thank you for your appeal. The standard ban for xray is one month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 8th of July, stating that you will abide by them from now on. Selected images of your mining follow:
  17. Thank you for your appeal. The standard ban for xray is one month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 8th of July, stating that you will abide by them from now on. Selected images of your mining follow:
  18. Added a ChargedCreeper predefined type, which I had forgotten about. If there are any other types of creatures that can't be spawned with the existing code let me know so that I can add them.
  19. Ok. Thanks. I could tell from your remarks after that that you knew you had slipped up. Consider the possibility that apart from being against the rules on the servers, that it just not a good look in any situation and it's a behaviour that you should drop. I'll unban you in my morning time, tomorrow, in about 16 hours.
  20. In the meantime you can also use LogBlock to your advantage. For example, say you need to flow some water for someone. You show up and you're not sure what water exactly. So make sure your Watson display is on and query LogBlock for their water edits in the last day: /lb time 1d area 20 player Notch block water coords And you'll be able to see all the water. Also, say you have to flow all the water in a pond and you're not sure whether you've actually replaced every single one: /w clear /lb time 15m area 20 player aMasterCommaThef block water coords If you can't find grief at a ModReq location, try: /lb area 20 time 3d sum p (sum p is a short way of saying "sum players" in LogBlock) And then use Watson to highlight some edits by a specific player: /lb area 20 time 3d player NinjaH4x0r007 coords
  21. Alright, thanks for your honesty. You're now unbanned.
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