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Everything posted by Natdog

  1. It does seem like not every one had a chance to vote/decided to vote. First poll: (49 member(s) have cast votes) Second poll: (32 member(s) have cast votes)
  2. Posting original poll from back in June, 2013 https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/419-upvotesdownvotes
  3. Hello everyone just a reminder that this poll will close in 1 day, August 22nd. This is your last chance to get your votes in before the poll is locked. At this time I'd like to thank all of you that have voted and also to thank everyone that has been decent and courteous. I would like to touch base on why I made this thread and lucky for me Roastnewt summed it up rather nicely. To these reasons I would like to add the reasoning why the OP was essentially just a copy and paste of Mrlouds post. I wanted the post to be as basic as possible I didn't want to say anything that could fog the results of the poll and discussion, I felt like telling people how to act or telling what to or not to do would effect the overall outcome, I wanted the thread to unwrap as naturally as possible. It has come to my attention that some people felt that I was disrespectful by making this thread and I would like to say that I'm sorry that you feel this way my goal was not to start drama or to be hostile, but instead to unite the community and not alienate it A Message To The Admins: I fully understand that a public poll for mod nominees isn't likely to be implemented, but I would ask you to take a peek at the results here maybe even compare them to the your own poll https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/2451-august-mod-voting-thread/#entry17966, the results for the most part are nearly identical and I think the data is worth taking a look at. A Message To All: To everyone whether or not you call yourself a moderator or an admin I want you to know that if you help this community in any way,size,shape or form you should view yourself as a member of staff because without everyday players like you these servers are nothing. And to anyone in this community that feels they are looked down on or not appreciated, you do matter and your time and sacrifice are much appreciated you are part of what makes these servers great, I thank you for you loyalty your dedication and your resolve. Thank you, Peace And Love
  4. Here is an enderman ender. Some Pros and cons: Pros: Dont need sticky pistons Very easy redstone work Cons: Like most end grinder that use pressure plates to active the pistons it sometimes bugs out and leaves the pistons turned on. It does use a bit more redstone resources than typical end grinders. Full Picture Album http://imgur.com/Xx0Qbfc,HItqPHF,SwUsrXD,BtaLIXN,19ScFPA,D2LIxDw#4
  5. Here Is a string obsidian grinder. Some Pros and cons: Pros: Nice if you have a lot of string Can use both string and redstone if needed to turn into obsidian Cons: Only works if the machine is facing north to south If the lava is activated and no string or redstone is placed down it will destroy the Hooks Full picture album below http://imgur.com/9JOvhfH,srCIHOi,nxwkIyx,b1lYmQz,MAu3z89,GzIfyRt,Rv3XJFy,aj75hAV#0
  6. A thread for all types of redstone creations.
  7. I love the positive attitude you have here Geta. Thank you for sharing you thoughts, very well said.
  8. Hes full in-game account name is actually kd8gpm. Sorry about that.
  9. Rcub3161 and PolarTux are in both the Moderators list and Past Moderators list
  10. I have edited 3c33s polling name to include hes known account for clarity on who he is. Edit: Also you can use the Delete My Vote option in order to re-vote if needed. Edit2:Warning: Clicking the above link will delete your vote.
  11. (This is an unofficial vote please keep in mind any data gained from this poll may or may not be used) Hello everyone, After many weeks of discussion, we have come up with a list of possible mods. Everyone on this list has been contacted and asked if they would like to be included in this vote. A few things to keep mind before you vote: "Yes" means "I am supporting this person, and want to see this person as a moderator." "No" means ""I don't think this person should be a moderator." "Don't know well enough" means "I don't know this person well enough to make a decision." The results are public, so anyone will be able to see who you voted for. As always, if anyone has any concerns about anyone on this list please contact (Mrloud15, thrawn21, Dumbo52, Draykhar, Cyotie911). Voting will end in 1 week, August 22nd, and new mods will be announced no later than 1 week, August 29th, after voting has ended. (This is an unofficial vote please keep in mind any data gained from this poll may or may not be used)
  12. y u lie? and v Do all Irish people dance like this v http://youtu.be/SGJcc4mmWgM
  13. I enjoyed your short lets play on rev 24. Glad to see this coming back. : >
  14. I would have to agree with TornadoHorse, this seems like a non-issue. If a member of the community is so angered about what is being said that they need to attack you by clicking on a little red down arrow, then that is fine. I would rather have someone do that, instead of writing out a verbal assault that isn't going to contribute to the discussion. In most cases the upvote/downvote system is going to show a general consistence of what the community agrees or disagrees with.
  15. "Not having the plugin does make it harder for someone to track where the last pearl landed, but its not impossible." Would need to look up how fast a pearl travels/amount of time it takes a player to fall from a height over 24 blocks It's a plugin that removes a way to get away from a fight the objective is fairly clear A plugin that hinders your survival on a survival server was my point
  16. Not having the plugin does make it harder for someone to track where the last pearl landed, but its not impossible. It doesn't "stop" you per se, but it does hinder you from using pearls normally. If I throw a bad pearl and hit a side of a tall object i'm gong to have 3+ second delay before I can throw my second pearl and stop my fall to my death. Also in PvP I can throw a pearl to eat/refill bar with pots if I make a bad throw here and end up close to my opponent with hunger bar lowered and no health pots on the bar I'm very much likely to lose the fight. Adding a plugin to prevent people from pearling away from a fight,but also have it so you can pearl away from a fight? This plugin just makes it easier to kill someone,giving an advantage to a player who already has the upper hand in the fight and a disadvantage to the other. This is a Survival server, the objective should be to survive.
  17. I think this happens more than you know. "It's not the end of the world if you die whilst harvesting, it's just a slight inconvenience." No one is saying that it is the end of the world, If you break piston coal ore doors I could just call that a slight inconvenience. You could easily go get the materials and replace it just takes some time, and discourages general game play. There are rules currently that can and are abused, running threw a field and randomly smashing crops looks a bit different than harvesting crops normally. Nothing is stopping you from killing the player. If there trying to avoid combat by destroying crops, then they are griefing and abusing the rules. Make a modreq. \/ Modreq yourself saying you were killed before you could replant, If the player who took the crops is involved in this type of behavior regularly a warning could be issued. Any one caught abusing the rule will be warned/banned.
  18. Please consider the following situation. Player 1 is harvesting Player 2s farm. Before Player 1 can replant, Player 3 kills Player 1. Player 1 then returns to the farm, Player 3 has not replanted the crops nor has he returned the crops to Player 1 in order for him to replant. In order for Player 1 to replant Player 2s crops he will need to go to Player 4s farm, harvest/replant there and then return to Player 2s farm to replant the crop grief. Currently there's no rule saying Player 3 can't do this, the situation above is edging on this rule: I believe the rule description needs to be reworded to - This means that players cannot try to get other players in trouble by tricking/forcing them to destroying any item placed by a player in an attempt to get the player warned or banned. Please Discuss.
  19. I also think future revs should abstain from using these colored clay blocks, I would enjoy going back to resource blocks (Redstone block, Lapis block, Iron block, Gold block.etc). They are far easier to tell which road is which, and look a hell of a lot better than whats currently being used.
  20. There was a CTF event on event.nerd.nu, its been canceled all regular servers should be up.
  21. OptiFine 1.5.2_HD_D5 (updated Fog:OFF not to affect lava, water and blindness fog, updated Clear Water to save block light values, compatible with Forge #738) Tested this on creative seems to have solved this "Issue"
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