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About NatalieIsNot

  • Birthday 09/24/1988

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    Outside of a box
  • Interests
    Minecraft, fixing stuff, throwing a wad of money at a poor person and watching them start to get angry until they realize what was thrown at them and become happy instead, crafts.

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  1. I just figured by this point that this one would have been abandoned and a new one started. Idk, my forum-fu is rusty.
  2. Attempting to worm my way back into a community.

  3. This thread is still going? Eh, it's been two years. Have an update.
  4. I'll start. I've been pretty much inactive on the servers lately. I've picked up a few new projects (okay, a lot) both minecraft-wise and irl. I can't see myself being active on here any time soon, So i'd like to be moved to the inactive list. I do fully intend to come back later, once I have more free time. Thank you!
  5. I had a thought about having a single thread that we could use to note if we are going to be inactive in our moderating positions on the server, instead of a bunch of different threads in Mod Chat. I would think it very helpful to let it be known if we are going to be inactive, as it allows for the rest of the staff to gauge how many moderators we have active at one time. So, this should be that thread.
  6. Well, you're (kind of) in luck! There are quite a few episodes after the ones on Netflix, plus an hour and a half long 50th anniversany special! If you do manage to find them, be ready to spend the next chunk of episodes exercising your tear ducts.
  7. Staying on topic is good, mmkay? What happened in the CTF event was an ideal situation where there were plenty of mods and players online. All three of the servers have their lull hours in which there are very few players and no mods online. If we didn't have safebuckets enabled, someone could come on in those lull hours and grief a large part of the server without anyone noticing until much later. It may be true that the original intent of the plugin has become redundant, but it still stands as a great and simple anti-greifing plugin. If we were to limit the use of this plugin, I'd agree that there is little need for water flow to be restricted, though I still fully stand by restricting lava flow. I've suggested Glacier in a meeting a few months ago for PvE, but there were some concerns about permissions in large town-type protections, which can reach upwards of 200 members in a single protection, and how that would complicate things. I've talked to the author of the plugin about this, but from what I can remember, we came to the conclusion that there would have to be an exclusive distinction between the type of protection in WorldGuard (town or private) for Glacier to hook into, which doesn't currently exist.
  8. Well, we already have the nerd.nu/applyformod page. Why don't we update it to say what our actual process is for nominating moderators, and have the input box actually dump into a file that we can read the names from. (Not sure if it does that already or not, but we could set it up so we pay more attention to it.) Once we see a proper entry, we can start watching the player to determine how well they would do. Note: I believe the upside to using that page is that we won't be announcing or letting on in any way that we are considering a player. All they do is put their name in, and after a few hours, they'll typically have forgotten that they did so. (At the very least, it won't be the first thing on their mind.) That way we can see them in their natural habitat without them expecting us to be watching.
  9. it'll be another week before i have a computer again, but i'd love to help.
  10. Same. I'm up for helping plan and set up.
  11. I second this. I'm sure the community can come up with some pretty good ideas for icons. To tell the truth, I spent part of the day earlier laying out some icon ideas for various servers. I think I have a few ideas for the Nerd servers...
  12. Please be more mindful of the activities of your account in the future. Unbanned. Welcome back!
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