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Everything posted by slide
That's actually fine. That is where we make public any resolved mod discussions.
So I'm wanting to do a post-rev UHC event, similar to the style of the Mindcrack UHC series. I'm looking for feedback on what y'all would most like it to be. My original idea was this: 5 teams of 3 players 1000x1000 vanilla world that becomes smaller as the event goes on Each team would be randomly spawned together in the world on start I was thinking for team selection, you could submit a team and your combined ranking in the Survival Leaderboards would determine entry. Using the leaderboards to me adds the secondary effect of encouraging PvP during rev. Obviously the leaderboards aren't perfect, but it would remove any partiality. We could potentially stop people from just killing their teammates by excluding those kills from the final leaderboard we use to do the rankings for the event. You can submit just yourself or yourself and a friend as a team and others will be matched up to try to get the highest ranked teams. Each team has 1 player live stream so that everyone can watch I'm not locked into any of these choices so let me know what you think! We could just allow everyone in, and essentially have a large kill off at the beginning. Doing that though I think it'd be harder to get everyone to stream though. Alternate team selection methods: Random, get a committee together and 'craft' the teams to maximize fairness, and everyone plays.
Hi Mankyv, sorry for the delay. If you would please go read the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and reply back here with the rule that was broken. Once you post back here I will unban you.
Unbanned, though next time just email admins@nerd.nu.
Sorry, meant the 4th
CTF Event Run Through - 2014/06/04 @ 8PM EDT We are on track for the event on Saturday and need to perform a run through with everything set the way it will be during the event. I will be making a full backup of the entire server before we start and then we can go around trying to break all things! wooo
Profile views seem to have stopped updating on the forums.
slide replied to EeHee2000's topic in Problems & Issues
Fixed -
For every single ban we review the logs to get an accurate representation of the situation. You used a racist word and got caught. I won't debate this anymore. So, you purposefully logged into mumble the day after you were told you were banned......... that is ban evading. Your ban length was determined based on this ban and the history of your past bans. For each subsequent ban, the ban length increases. I've made every attempt to treat this ban appeal with professionalism and respond as straight forward as possible and I'm sorry you feel otherwise. As this is literally going no where, I'm closing this appeal. You will be unbanned at the following times: Forum: August 24th @ 3:12PM CDT Mumble: June 24th @ 3:12PM CDT Minecraft: June 7th @ 3:13PM CDT After your Minecraft ban is done, I will be willing to re-evaluate the lengths based on your behavior but the lengths stay for now.
We have a VERY clear policy of absolutely no racism and 'nigga' has no non-racist meaning. It does not matter if you didn't mean it that way. Even ignoring the mumble instance where you contacted Mumbertrax. You still evaded this mumble ban. You logged in a day after under the name 'Abiuv-'. You clearly knew you were banned. I'm sorry you feel your ban length is too long. I gave you a chance to set a reasonable length in my original response. You however decided to place no blame on yourself and say you should have no ban length. Which left the decision of ban length up to me. This is what I feel is appropriate and what the ban length will stay at. Please next time, if we ask you to stop trolling and/or misusing the services, simply stop.
I feel like we are going around in circles here. These are the core reasons you are banned and the evidence for them is all above Forum ban evading - FACT, cannot be disputed Excessive trolling - Staff opinion. You may disagree, but I and the ones I consulted with viewed that it had become excessive. Rules violated: If you are banned under one account you cannot play on other accounts on the server while the ban is still in effect. If you are caught playing on alt accounts while your main account is banned will result in your alt accounts being permanently banned. - Though the language here tends more towards Minecraft, it carries over to all the services individually. Excessive trolling in general will not be tolerated and may result in a ban from the forum, mumble, and/or the nerd.nu servers. This includes trolling with your nickname.
One more thing we need to build, the new player spawn location that holds the instructions. You can build a design in the build world (/mvtp build) and you can go see where it will be, (/mvtp world_the_end)
Your signature showed that you were still trolling, which is the reason this ban was issued. There were at least 5 separate warnings: Initial warning by Mrloud Second warning after continuing to change birthday Account suspended Alt account suspended/banned Me warning you in the Survival Mumble Meeting Past bans and notes are brought up for nearly every ban, so no exception was made for yours. The changing of your mumble comment alone, is not trolling, but as part of all the rest of your behavior, was. I'll quote wikipedia in regard to 'Nigga' which should end the debate on this matter. 2014-05-23 19:55:02 | [Forzaire -> player] I think I was banned from da mumble 2014-05-23 20:00:01 | [Forzaire -> player] hab change ip to different location, such undercover now 2014-05-23 20:00:10 | [Forzaire -> player] beat da system 2014-05-23 20:05:49 | [Forzaire -> Mumberthrax] I was wondering if I was banned from mumble or anything?, because I can't caonnect to it, but I 2014-05-23 20:05:55 | [Forzaire -> Mumberthrax] can connect to every other server You clearly stated that you had already changed your ip to get on mumble before talking to staff. 2014-05-23 19:56:05 | [Forzaire -> player] dun wanna make an appeal and theyre like "lol ur not even banned scrub" This ban was not issued because staff were 'upset', nor was it issued because you changed your birthday. It was issued because of your refusal to follow the rules. This entire situation would have gone no further had you done what you said and stopped. Every step we've taken has been only in response to an action of yours. In regard to me handling this ban. I was in constant contact with all the directly involved staff and each of my responses has been vetted and approved by most of the admin team. You would be receiving similar responses from other admins had I not issued the ban myself. You are free to read the forums at your leisure, you simply can't be an active participant for the time being. I'm not really sure where this notion came from that if you are banned from one service you can't and won't be banned from any of the others. In fact, the trolling rule specifically states that you can be banned from the other services. The reason the bans have moved to in game is because you obviously feel the forum ban to be so inconsequential as to disregard it entirely (evading it). Maybe arguing isn't the best approach? Early on we opened a polite line of communication in hopes to resolve all this amicably.
So we have a few things left to accomplish, mainly with the buffs The Nether Buff needs to be integrated into its surroundings We need an Ice Buff - I think there is one build, anyone want to help with it? We need a Tree Buff - We have a few started, but none finished yet. Maybe go help out with the one you like best? I want to have all this done this weekend to give us a good week head time in case anything disastrous happens.
So I think I’ll start with what I consider the most relevant piece of that reply, your signature If you wanted me to take your appeal seriously, not continuing the trollish behavior that got you here in the first place would have been a good start. I do see that you have now removed it, but why was it needed in the first place? I completely agree that this has gone way too far. However, at every step in this we’ve presented you with a line and said, at first, please don’t cross this line. You proceeded to step over it and we drew another line and more forcefully said, do not step over this line. Again, you ignored our warnings. The one and only reason we are here, is because you ignored numerous warnings and stepped over the line one too many times. Should appeals not be handled diligently and thoroughly? If I were on the receiving end of a ban I’d prefer knowing that things were looked into as much as possible before a decision was made. Your ban and appeal is not tied to your current name, it is tied to you and your past actions are a part of you. Your alts were included here because they became relevant to this ban when you used them to evade. It helps to show the pattern of trolling. Maybe it’s just where I’m from, but I've heard numerous people say racist things and then say, oh it’s not REALLY racist because i didn't mean it. “Gay” has a legitimate definition and use and is not always homophobic, “nigga” on the other hand has no meaning other than in a racist connotation. Unfortunately it’s a limitation in Mumble that you are not presented with a ban message. The fact that you thought you were banned AND had to create a new IP AND a new cert/username to get connected should have thrown some red flags up. I’ll grant you the last statement, however that was still AFTER evading. Had you gone immediately to staff this wouldn’t even have been mentioned. I’ll quote your tl;dr to refute this. I came into mumble to see if you were still on to actually issue the mumble ban. I attempted to politely ask if you (as PolarBearSwagz) were in fact ‘Forzaire’. I was not 100% sure it was you, as neither you, nor your friends would give a non-trollish response. I then issued the warning that if you were in fact still on, it would become evading. Neither were misunderstandings. You knew full well that you were banned in both instances. Your past actions show your character and are relevant to any bans and the ban lengths that go with them. It’s your own actions that have discredited you, not me displaying them here. It’s sad how little you think of the feelings of others. I’m handling this because I’m tired of the way some people treat staff. You don’t have to like us, you don’t even have to respect us. But you will follow the rules or else be banned. It’s as simple as that. I shouldn't have needed to implement this. It took time out of my life and is truly an unnecessary modification to the forum software. Closing: I’m tired…. of the trolling, of the rule lawyering. Just be respectful of others, is it that hard? The changing the birthdays is almost the most irrelevant thing about this. You simply continued to cross the line each time it was drawn. Showing that you either don’t care about, or are actively trying to disrupt the community. The following ban lengths will apply: Forum: 3 months Mumble: 1 month Minecraft: 2 weeks
Hi, Forzaire, thank you for admitting that you are at fault and for being patient in waiting for a response. So, what started this? You would update your forum profile birthday every day to be that day. What effect did this have? Your name would show up on the homepage under Todays Birthdays and on the calendar on the current day. Why is this bad? Your forum profile contains information about you, if you choose to display it. You have only 1 birthday (does anyone else feel dumber having read that?) By continuously changing your birthday, you were misusing the forums birthday feature. Not only that, but any legitimate birthdays may not show up because yours was taking up their space. People look to the calendar for birthdays to congratulate others, not to be trolled. How did it come to this? 4 warnings, forum ban evasion using 2 alt accounts 'Forziare' and 'abiuv', and numerous instances of 'trolling' (see definition below) which has crossed the line to excessive. The table below documents the events as best I can see. Including you updating your birthday the day this ban was put in place (2014-05-24) which was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. The reason that you are currently banned on the forums, mumble and in minecraft is because of the severity of your blatant disregard for the rules and this community in general. The primary rule you have broken is as follows, which clearly states you may be banned from them all: Excessive trolling in general will not be tolerated and may result in a ban from the forum, mumble, and/or the nerd.nu servers. This includes trolling with your nickname. troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. Where do we go from here? You have a history of spamming, griefing, trolling, hacking, racist remarks and ban evading. Why do you think that you deserve to be unbanned, and what ban length would you suggest? Timeline 2014-05-15 12:15AM CDT - Initial report of abusing the forum birthday field (it had been updated on multiple days before this report). 03:54PM CDT - Asked by staff to set a single birthday. http://i.imgur.com/X0LmC49.png 06:41PM CDT - [Forzaire -> Mrloud15] And I'll stop with the birthdays and what not, sorry bout that all. 11:25PM CDT - Staff noticed update to birthday after first warning and apology. Sent a second warning. 2014-05-16 10:40PM CDT - Deleted and recreated ‘Forzaire’ account http://i.imgur.com/38R7apW.png - Set birthday to the 16th http://imgur.com/BpgpcU1 2014-05-17 03:39PM CDT - Account suspended for 5 days for altering birthday again. Also given another warning and explanation as to why the suspension was issued. 05:22PM CDT - Alt account ‘Forziare’ suspended for 2 weeks. 07:36PM CDT - Alt account spelled slightly differently than main account was deleted. “Forziare” 08:50PM CDT - (Channel) Forzaire: Why do the Sadmins hate birthdays? http://i.imgur.com/B2yzeQd.png 09:07PM CDT - (Channel) Forzaire: Its going to be Fourzaire's birthday tomorrow huehuehue 09:08PM CDT - Warned again about ban evading and abusing the forums and that bans would carry over to other services next. 17th-22nd - Evaded the forum ban with abiuv http://i.imgur.com/dt8s5xK.png 2014-05-18 - Mumble comment http://imgur.com/YIPIQyt 2014-05-23 07:55PM CDT - Racism - Line #19 http://paste.thezomg.com/14092/68006140/ 08:00PM CDT - Admits to evading ban via new ip - Line #29 of paste above 2014-05-24 - Changed birthday to 2014-05-24 http://i.imgur.com/DTfmna6.png 12:13PM CDT - Forum birthdays were disabled 02:03PM CDT - Trolling forums with post https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/2114-birthdays-on-the-forums/ 2014-05-25 01:09PM CDT - Evaded mumble ban using account ‘Abiuv-’ Forzaire notes Note #36742 for Forzaire on c.nerd.nu: Warned for command spam. by mrloud15 on 2014-03-23 18:45:05 Note #36861 for Forzaire on c.nerd.nu: Warned for team griefing obsidian generator by mrloud15 on 2014-04-03 15:20:38 Abiuv past bans July 2013 harassment August 2013 fly hacking on S April 2013 chat spam March 2013 wasting moderator's time and resources January 2013 xray Abiuv notes Note #26132 for abiuv for combat logging on s on 2012-12-25 20:29:30 by brianherman Note #26335 for abiuv for minor griefing on s, user warned on 2012-12-29 16:14:38 by uni0 Note #28302 for abiuv for 2012-02-19: more minor grief on S - cauldron on 2013-02-19 21:41:50 by totemo Note #28738 for abiuv for Warned for logging to avoid pvp encounter on 2013-03-03 00:31:03 by Tharine
I've disabled the offending accounts ability to edit their birthday and re-enabled them on the calendar / forum index. You haven't even set a birthday here you silly face.
Just a note, you now can use either event.nerd.nu or /event on one of the servers
I won't go too deep into it because it's an active ban, but the user ban evaded to keep up the trolling. I'll try to not take too long with the fix. (if its more than a couple days, remind me!)
I agree, it really is a shame that some people simply cannot act maturely. I will be adding in some controls for us to disable birthdays for particular users as currently it's an all or nothing kind of thing. Until I can do that unfortunately they will remain disabled.
Deaygo has reset the channels password and instead of giving out the login information directly, can grant other admins access with their accounts. I also think it would be great to see some activity on the channel.
Added Added
buchanman: Yea, you can help and still play. I think if we do any kind of hidden stuff, they will probably be placed by admins or people not playing though. Also, i've whitelisted you.