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Added Added and I've never even heard of it ha.
Hi guys/gals, this years donation drive will be held the weekend of June 7th to coincide as closely with our 5 year anniversary as possible (it's officially on a Tuesday).We will be doing a similar CTF event as last time (we will probably do the space event in a few months) and so we need some builders to help finish the map. I've got the event server setup on 1.7.2-1.7.9 @ nerd.nu:35565 and if you want to help, post here and I will white-list you. Once on you can use "/mvtp build" to teleport to the build/staging area. Don't feel pressured to help just because you are on staff as you are free to just play and have fun. You will be able to use /modmode on the server (for official mod duties only) so you don't HAVE to choose to just mod or just play. The official map is being worked on by kitcatbar and should be done within the week at which point we need to have all the wall/building designs finished so we can integrate them. Here are a few of the things we will need to build: Team spawn room/building Team spawn walls Outer safe zone walls Flag pedestal A large tree with a climbing/jumping puzzle with a buff in it An ice themed buff (going in an ice spikes biome) A nether themed buff that will be in a cave in the jungle This is a fairly short time frame but with us having run this exact plugin before I believe we can pull it off. We will be announcing the event to the public this weekend sometime which will effectively set the date in stone. Let me know if you have any questions!
Should I go ahead and announce in MCP for anyone wanting to help build? Does anyone have any qualms with doing it the weekend of the 7th or would anyone prefer the next weekend? If its the 7th, we should plan to announce it this weekend.
Yes. I think the game will mostly be the same as last time unless anyone has any suggestions.
I think we are wanting to do it for the weekend of the 7th? For the 5th anniversary?
@kitcatbar : when do you think you could have the map ready? I'm going to get the event server setup with some extra dimensions so we can start building the bases and stuff. I would really like to try to get them done this week. I've found one bug so far, it seems you can destroy your own flag and it will drop the wool block and respawn the flag essentially giving infinite wool.
Ah! So now we need to think about specifics for this event. What tweaks do we want to make to the gameplay? The following are some things we can change Number/position of flags per team Different block effects (step on a block and a potion effect is applied to you) I think totemo originally wanted to use MobDisguise with the event, which would be very cool. The overall 'theme'?
Hrm I don't remember us turning flow off. I know blue team surrounded their entire base with water and i thought that was closer to the end of the event. Oh well. I've got the server setup running 1.7.9 at hostkey.nerd.nu:35565 and the ctf plugin seems to be working beautifully.
I liked how last we could switch last time. Though i'm not sure what modreqs we really had besides team grief ones? Flow was on by default i think. I am going to go ahead and get the server prepped with the plugins tonight to see what needs to be done plugin wise.
Yay look at all the activity! lol So I did get a response from buch as follows I'm not really confident in using that event if entire new plugins need to be written in time. Personally, I would recommend we go with the CTF and add some tweaks if we want too. I think this could be a really strong event to play up to bring in new people as well as get the existing player base fired up. With that in mind, we need something solid that we know will work. We would have 3 weeks from Fri/Sat (depending on when we run it) so for me to be comfortable with announcing, that's just over a week to get it "setup and working" so we can announce it 2 weeks in advance.
Looks good to me Mrloud
I reached out to buch to see how far he is with his event and will update when I find out. I would love if we could do it for our 5 year anniversary as that is kinda huge! The 10th is a Tuesday so we could either do it the previous or following weekend. If we choose the previous weekend that gives us exactly 1 month. I think we should announce maybe 2 weeks in advance but i don't want to make the announcement until everything is setup and known to be working. Which ideally gives us 2 weeks to set everything up. If bach is close to having this working we may be able to use his event. If we use the same setup as last time, i know we can get that up in time without any worry. In fact, I am going to go ahead and start prepping it and even if we do go with buchs idea, it can be a backup.
Restarted. If it happens again just ping a tech. The script seems to die every now and then without an warning or notice.
I agree that we should advertise pretty much wherever we can. Here are some quick links to their guidelines, title formatting, description formatting and here is some formatting to get us started. TItle: MCPublic [Hub][Creative][PvE][PvP][semi-Vanilla] Description: * **Server Name**: MCPublic * **Server Locale**: United States * **Website**: http://www.nerd.nu * **SubReddit**: /r/MCPublic * **Wiki**: http://redditpublic.com/wiki/ * **Server Address/IP**: c.nerd.nu, p.nerd.nu, s.nerd.nu * **Version**: 1.7.2 * **Game Play Type/s**: [Creative][PvE][PvP] * **Additional Worlds**: --- * **Description**: Someone else write this ;) * **Rules**: No Grief/Theft!; No advertising; / [Official Rules](http://www.nerd.nu/rules)
Ban for4 123bioshock on4 c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C. Encouraging griefing in chat nerd.nu/appeal by4 LetsBFehr on4 2013-07-08 16:08:28 (no more bans, no notes) Please wait for the mod to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal.
I'll start off: 1) What are the goals for this drive? Just to get enough money to cover us for our current setup for the next 6-12 months? Do we want to look into getting a second box for more servers? If so, we could use it for events, testing out new types of servers etc. 2) What kind of game for the event? People still love CTF, so no real need to change that, however something new could be fun. 3) When should the event take place? I'd say no earlier than 2 months from now. ESPECIALLY if it requires any kind of custom plugin. We HAVE to have it all (map/plugin etc) setup like 3 weeks in advance. I don't want to be responsible for another failed event because we ran out of time. I'd say we don't even announce the event until it's completely setup and ready to go.
It's about time again for a new donation drive. Here are a few things we need to discuss. 1) What are the goals for this drive? 2) What kind of game for the event? 3) When should the event take place?
To me, it's almost all about attitude. S seems or has in the past seemed to encourage a more asshole atmosphere. Sure fighting is antagonistic by nature, but the levels there I feel greatly dissuade new players from sticking around and anyone voicing an opinion that it could be toned down a bit has historically been downvoted/shunned as not a real s player etc. Just my 2 cents
Thanks for the images! I've added them to the site :)
Yea, i've had to remove the "pretty url" feature as it was the cause of the 404s and we were unable to determine the reason for now
Most peoples issues right now are their local cache, so if you have any more problems clear it or try a fresh browser to see if its still not working. Also, I don't think I've ever seen any favicon and I don't see one on the server anywhere hrm ill try to look a bit more
https://nerd.nu/forum/ (all stuff here) should redirect to the correct new url however I believe our caching service seems to be screwing it all up. The changes I made today made the following adjustments https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/forum/8-problems-issues/ now is https://nerd.nu/forums/forum/8-problems-issues/ https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/1871-site-maintenance/ now is https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/1871-site-maintenance/ Primarily they are simply prettier URLs but also will be needed for future changes. * bah, striped out my urls
I will be doing some maintenance on the site for the next week or so. If a problem persists for more than say 20 minutes, please let me know about it here. If it's only a intermittent issue, bear with me for a little bit.