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Posts posted by SpiderMan

  1. Why would the world have to massive for it to be effective? Sure, this one feature could be on other servers, I don't get why that's a problem though? Many servers try stuff from other servers to see how it would work with their player base (for example, civcraft).


    The issue is... the current player base is only a fraction of what it once was. If you want new people to stay, there has to be enough exploration areas for the target player base and features and things that they're already accustomed to.



    But how would this affect the server running? If it would work I would be interested in hearing more for sure. 


    It wouldn't affect the server stability at all.



    If it would work I would be interested in hearing more for sure. 


    It's clearly working. Factions and similar types of servers have considerably more player numbers than vanilla survival with pvp enabled servers, by orders of magnitude.

    • The areas, ghost towns, whatever/wherever the chests are will no longer hold enchanted books. Instead they can house any kind of ore, and any kind of armor.
      • This puts an emphasis on going out into these areas to try and scavenge for armor and diamonds, instead of focusing on the mining aspect. Maybe I'm wrong, but mining in general tends to be a bit boring, and while it's still an option, this just feels like it adds more to gameplay having to explore and search. At the same time it's a risk/reward situation.


    The world would have to be massive for that to be effective 20k square. Also, that is a feature on a lot of servers that have mcmmo installed.



    More balanced enchants/kits for pvp. Honestly I have seen this come up in countless threads about S and I think it would be very important now that I actually know what it means. I'm not huge on PvP that doesn't require a stone sword and an angry person who just lost his carrots, basically because I never thought it was worth it to spend maybe an hour on a set for a 5 minute fight that I'll likely lose because I don't have great pvp experience, or I win and now I have two broken kits that need repairs. So with this, enchants and potions would be balanced out in the best way the community sees fit. Since I don't pvp a lot, I don't know what is the "perfect kit" to make pvp rewarding (actually earning a kit instead of having two broken ones) but I have talked to a few players about it and many seem to know what would be the best.


    A lot of the major pvp servers actually rebalanced the game mechanics. It's a lot of work, but it guarantees unique pvp gameplay. Most pvp servers actually rebalance strength potions and enchanted golden apples already, so doing the extra step is a no-brainer. A few servers also limit enchants too. So rebalancing while creating additional progression is a concept that can become popular, for example, mcmmo and factions.



    As for the kits, I just started to PvP this rev so I don't have the most experience to know what is or isn't good. I know for Rev 27 it was exremely easy to kill someone with 3-4 Harming II pots while your opponent was in fully enchanted diamond gear. I would definitely like to see some of the restrictions on enchantism removed.


    The major problem with enchantism is that it allows people to get to the endgame ridiculously fast. It kills progression. It's not that noticeable on servers with large player bases because of the constant influx of new random players, but on this one, it creates gameplay stagnation relatively fast.



    That idea has been shot down in the past due to fears of clans camping there. Could you suggest a way this wouldn't be a problem?


    There's absolutely zero evidence that has ever been an issue caused through gameplay. It's more of a "walking into a pit of lava" type of problem and only happens with centralized spawns where there's no other path to take to exit.



    How would the mining affect new players, who may not know that the slowness is intentional?


    I'm 100% sure people who play on multiplayer minecraft know how to play minecraft. Mining is one of the fundamental aspects of the game. As long as the method is obvious and straight forward, I doubt anyone will have a problem.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Thats it. We need to stop allowing people to stir up shit with "good bye" posts and then allow those same people to return and return to stir the pot. I'm not going to hide my intentions Twixilis and Barneygale in particular are guilty of this. Enough is enough. 


    Edit: Nice goodbyes are fine, "I'm in school" etc. Just the shit stirrers. 


    Yeah, a few posts are essentially the following:




    * DIsclaimer: The word Community in this context is defined as a specific mumble channel, the Whiskey Bar.

    • Upvote 7
  3. This is just my opinion, but one of the biggest problems I think is that this is a PvE Server and that the vE part is not emphasized enough. Every Rev it is generally the same thing: Land rush, build infrastructure, build city/town, host events, rev ends. I think there needs to be a much bigger focus on the "vs Environment" part. We aren't fighting other players we are fighting the environment but the environment really is not that deadly. We don't fear going outside or fear the creeper next to that building over there.


    One of the things that I liked yet disliked at the same time were those skeletons with player heads. (forgot the name)


    When I joined pve in order to see what's up, I thought that they were naturally spawning, but it turns out that they weren't. That was one disappointment. I think making mobs like that naturally spawning would really emphasize the VE part. You could eventually add more RPG type mobs. Maybe making the end dragon invicible too.


    Also, one of the things that makes it hard to join once the map has started is that everything is built by spawn. Personally, I think that spawn should be part of a pre-existing,yet natural looking road system with a build radius around it, so it's easier for everyone to venture out and find land in a "good" spot easily.

  4. Misunderstood what you were implying when you said "fresh start" apologies


    Fresh set of eyes to refresh the OLDEST PVP SERVER in all of minecraft.


    To bring it back to what it once was. S was the premier pvp server (in all of minecraft) back in the day.


    Currently, the servers that take up that spot are HCF, Kohi, Badlion, and others. S is nowhere close.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I'll do it :biggrin:


    Too bad I'm persona non grata :sad:


    Vouch, You and Four_Down obviously have the skills needed in order to run a SUCCESSFUL pvp server.


    It makes sense for you to run the OLDEST pvp server in minecraft.


    Edit: wow, it's actually the oldest continuously running pvp server.

    • Upvote 1
  6. The way mumble images are disabled is that there's a character limit on messages.  Why not increase that character limit enough that people can post reasonable images, but not so far that people can post images large enough to lag people out?


    I'm sure a reasonable middle ground is possible. If it were completely off the table, I'm sure the admins would have already told the community so.


    I don't think they're the types of people that like to give others false hope.






    As per a conversation on IRC, it has been decided NOT to allow images on mumble for an indefinite amount of time.


    PM me if you want logs.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Natdog has done this a couple times now, I don't think its caused any issues in the past, so I don't see why it has to now. Its just a fun post for the rest of the community to vote, it doesn't have any implications towards their chances of getting staff. Its not anything serious, so lets not take this and turn it into something that will cause drama. Just have fun with it!


    It didn't cause ANY drama the past few times.


    I think people should stop making mountains out of molehills.

    • Upvote 5
  8. No meetings where promised for each server, and none have happened since the general meeting.


    The general meeting took place on September 27th. The most recent PvE meetings took place on July 26th and August 2nd. The most recent Creative meeting took place on June 8th.


    I was referring to the group discussions had on mumble as a result of the following threads, their respective server admins were in the channel, so I mistakenly thought that they were actual meetings considering their channel size.








    Thanks for the responses Aca! 




    Hopefully mine isn't skipped. :D



    • Upvote 1
  9. Most of the players that were considered for admin (as I think is what you're addressing) tend to be immature to each other because that's how we've been conditioned on survival. Almost 95% of what we say are joking around with each other. But if you directly talked to any of our staff in game, we should show signs of professionalism and maturity to answer any questions or help in ways we can. 


    Also, considering the competitive environment, it's easy for people to hold long grudges that may negatively affect ones opinion of that person.


    For instance, I was recently told that someone still holds a grudge for a thing I did at the very first ctf event. It was a few years ago. Someone is still mad at unce for stealing from chests that their friend was added to.


    It's ridiculous, but human nature.



    • Upvote 1
  10. In the last nerd.nu general mumble meeting, it was promised that there was going to be a secondary mumble meeting for each of the servers. The creative server has had its meeting and the Pve server had one a week or so ago. Is there an ETA for the survival server general mumble meeting?


    Also, was my last post hidden?



    • Upvote 2
  11. Greetings everyone, your new S-Admin Aca here.

    I know you've all been wanting to hear more from us on the admin team regarding the future of S and what our plans are to address the obvious problems. I don't have answers for everything, but I will do my best to address some things.


    :D That's fine, it's good that you are communicating with the community.


    Mumber, redwall, and Beast have been actively collecting suggestions over the past few months for how to rework the gameplay of S to be more, quite frankly, fun. There's only so much that Minecraft vanilla PVP can offer and it seems like S tapped this out a long time ago.


    lol yeah, a really long time ago! :D


    Over the last week or so I've looked back through all the S posts tagged on the forums for suggestions, and I can say with confidence that 90% of them have been tried in revisions to near 0 effect on popularity of the server.




    I think that's why there has to be a mumble meeting like the p and c servers, that way a coherent plan of action can be done in a way where everyone looks and the pros and cons.


    I know many of you like the vanilla-esque style of gameplay that S currently has, which was supported by the fact that the S26 (Civ) feedback post here was entirely a call for the admins to return to that gameplay.


    I think that post was flawed, there was a large discussion about it and everyone wanted parts of the old gameplay but not the whole thing and in the end, the features most wanted were the features that everyone recognized even though everyone picked different ones. It wasn't unanimous.


    However, it's become clear that not only are a rather vocal minority of S players tired of this type of gameplay, the community as a whole doesn't seem to be consistently supporting it either given the player numbers we have been seeing over the past few months.


    It's no longer a minority when the majority agree and the extremely low return rates prove it.



    Due to the amount of suggestions and the fact that many of these require technical considerations are the main reason behind the lack of communication from the S admin team to this point.


    There's no communication because there are too many community suggestions?


    We honestly don't know at this time what S28 may look like, and there are no specific details to share on our considerations at this time. Know that in all likelihood S28 and beyond may be a very different style of gameplay than you're used to on S.


    If you guys are taking community suggestions, shouldn't this not be happening at all?


    However, the focus on S will always be PVP, and, more importantly, to try and make that PVP worth engaging in and sticking around for. This is not an easy task, and it takes time.


    The best place to find out about PVP mechanics stuff is asking people who actually do enjoy the competitive aspect of PVP.


    Lately a great deal of posts and discussion has come up about how the S community can better help form these next revisions. I've seen calls for public meetings and logged IRC development chats among others. The Nerd admin teams as a whole have always been very open to community ideas and suggestions, and S is no different. If players or groups of players want to provide us with additional suggestions we're all for it and happy to receive them. That being said, we have no plans at this time to publish any public information on our current revision plans or participate in public meetings to discuss how the new S revision should be built.




    Ultimately the S admin team requires the latitude to craft the gameplay of S with community suggestions, but not community interference.


    What kind of interference would the community provide. When the survival and pve servers were first split, both had admin teams that were constantly looking for community input and had the player numbers to show it.


    When we have a better idea of what our plans our, and have had the time to internally review it with the rest of Nerd staff, a public post will follow for everyone to discuss what they feel about it.


    But at that point, the idea what the revision will be like won't be as malleable as during the initial planning stages.





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