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Posts posted by SpiderMan

  1. How do you grow a community if you essentially ignore any community feedback or never consider any community suggestions?


    The PvE server is thriving because the PvE admins listen and interact with members of the PvE server. Why is that completely off the table for the s community?


    In the last nerd.nu mumble meeting, I remember that the s admins were going to hold another mumble meeting with community participation allowed to discuss ways of making the survival server more appealing to new players, this hasn't happened yet. Is there an ETA for when this community meeting will happen?


    Here's a link to all the threads that have been tagged as "survival" btw.





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  2. Regarding our usage stats on S, P, and C:

    Beastbruiser, redwall, and I all play on S, and like many of you we play on the other nerd servers as well. We even play non-minecraft games or do other things in our leisure time. Some of us even play on non-nerd minecraft servers occasionally. I don't think this is controversial.


    The reason this thread exists doesn't have to do with the other games you play, but the lack of activity that has to do with actually keeping the survival server fresh.


    When s was first started, it was essentially a pvp server. It still was when beastbruiser, redwall, theacademician, and you built egreth. It isn't so much anymore.


    The majority of people belive that has to do with the lack of community requested features, others believe that it is a move to make it more like the thriving pve server.



    Our focus is currently on creating a more appealing gameplay style, something novel and with long-term attraction.


    Would the community input be part of creating the next map revision. Most people believe that wasn't the case with the current rev, and have the user count as an example. If you need ideas, there are currently a ton of threads that have essentially gone nowhere.


    I personally think that in order for the survival community to grow, community ideas have to actually be considered.



    • Upvote 3
  3. I would like to hear Mr Loud's reasoning on this (as he seems to be the only active head?) Don't get me wrong, I know aca played alot a long time ago and shes easily the nicest person ever but why aren't they promoting from within?  Perhaps I'm missing the part where the admin is no longer expected to play on their server?  


    Everyone seems to have a different opinion on the matter.


    The people who don't have an opinion will just link to the historical players graph.


    Unfortunately, the reasons for not picking someone who actually plays on survival is not up for community discussion.





    • Upvote 3
    1. Want the server to get more people? Start helping out, NOW. Do something that is positive. Go play, help newbs, fight trolling! I don't care if you have in the past and are tired. If you won't help the servers then the servers simply can't get better.
    2. Want staff to be more open? Stop taking everything we say as immediately negative (like the start of this thread). Stop attacking us for everything. Stop trolling us. If we ask you to stop doing something, we aren't doing it for the fun of it, we see it as detrimental in some way. (This point is directly related to a few of the people responding to this thread and their signature.... if you are trying to upset staff, you are trolling and we are tired of it....so very tired lol We do like to have fun, just not at other peoples expenses)
    3. Want to know more about whats going on? Ask us directly! You are more likely to get a response with a direct query. This will probably be how it is until we can publicly post something and not receive enormous amounts of negativity.
    4. Want to be taken seriously? Act respectful towards others, present your arguments in an objective way. Posting negativity filled rants and using super large fonts that are bolded and red or other colors hurts your message by hiding it.


    1. Lets set up a public github project github.com/nerdnu/survivalplanning or pveplanning or creativeplanning where people can upload plugin suggestions and working configs, so everyone can contribute in fine tuning the plugins. It'll reduce tech work greatly and it'll show who are the talkers and who are the do-ers.
    2. Make a forum where mechanics criticisms and bugs are discussed, once a middle ground or resolution is found, implement the feature and close the thread.
    3. A lot of servers have a weekly update of sorts, lets do that too, doesn't need to be formal.
    4. Address concerns and criticisms directly and objectively instead of immediately disregarding them based on who said them.
    • Upvote 2
  4. As of this moment, there aren't that many references to the word "toxic" on the public sections of the forums, but if I were able to check the deleted comments, I'm sure I could find a few.


    The point is, there will always be a keyword used to label people that aren't liked my that specific person. Words, like troll and toxic, that are used to group people in order to disregard their criticism or opinions or for other reasons.

    • Upvote 4
  5. Why dont we have a page on the forums for non-minecraft games and who is playing what? Keep the steam group up, but let people know what is going on when and how many people can play/who is playing. And not everything should or can be scheduled


    Totally agree.


    That way, everyone can pick and choose what they want to play and who they want to play with.




    • Upvote 1
  6. This.

    Even on PvE in times such as now for Seneca, as an example, we are forced to reevaluate our current methods because we have no players. So pooling for ideas is the good and obvious first step, now where do you go from here? Do you continue with the same thing that is known to have 8 players max on after 2 weeks? Or do you do the drastic changes such as civ-craft addition? Keeping in mind there are other ways you can change it and possibly please more players such as possibly creating a PvE with a wilderness type area as suggested before.


    I don't think civ was a good idea, there was nothing unique about our interpretation. The moment the guest clans from civcraft got bored, they left and the player count went with them.


    I think totemo's last comment hit the nail on the head, btw.




    • Upvote 2
  7. Reddit threads were downvoted, but here we'll have little idea what isn't liked.


    The point of this thread is to post opinions of actual players.


    People will reply, then it'll turn into hostility and the thread will be locked. Could we save ourselves the trouble?


    Why not have a moderator delete the hostile comments?


    We have had one group's point of view many times over, and that will be 90% of what we hear here.


    Yes, because those people actually play on survival.


    Can we do something specific to get new voices on the forums?


    Actually implement the features that the members of the survival community have suggested.


    The activity page tells me something different. I'd like to at least hear from more people once - telling us that you speak for them, or that they don't want to use the forums.




    There are a bunch of threads, lol.





    • Upvote 3
  8. We would like to keep it a surprise. We haven't been pls 2 ignoring this post from two days ago, have just been quite busy.


    Combat Rebalancer Source






    # default config.yml


    # How much to divide damage by


    scalingFactor: 2





  9. Well, it's inevitable.


    Might as well do it now.


    The pvp server has been dying for a long time. Every iteration has made it more like pve. Horse locking, redstone protection, autolocking placed chests rules against griefing, shop constests, you see the point.


    Everyone that actually pvp's has already left, anyways. Plus, most of the s admins have considerably longer play time on p than s, so it wouldn't be a massive change.


    If you disagree with any of the points I have given, please reply and tell me exactly how I'm wrong.




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