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Everything posted by Ozomahtlii

  1. So you're banned for one month and all your stuff will have been rolled back so you'll start from scratch. You can re-appeal on the 27th of march and I suggest you get familiar with our rules. Closing this post tomorrow if discussion is over. Ban for oscelot_tamer on c.nerd.nu for Xraying on PvE nerd.nu/appeal by Ozomahtlii on 2015-02-27T17:41:22.802
  2. Hello Oscelot_Tamer I banned you for xraying and griefing, though I changed the ban to just xraying as the griefing was a mistake on my part. There are multiple instances where you are mining and suddenly change directions straight into an ore vein, for the most part into diamond veins, that would not have been visible to you without xray. Here are some of the instances (For clarity: this last one with glass is to show that you went into another persons mine just to dig straight to diamond) Do you still stand by your statement that you have never xrayed?
  3. X-ray offences have mostly resulted in one month long bans. This thread was indeed an appeal, but this thread will moved to closed appeals to keep the forums more organized so you will have to make a new appeal.
  4. Ban for oh_apollo on c.nerd.nu for Xraying on PvE nerd.nu/appeal by Ozomahtlii on 2015-02-26T21:00:56.380 You may re-appeal your ban in one month, so 26th of March. Also please re-read the rules and follow them when rejoining the server. (Will close this thread tomorrow if there are no replies)
  5. Hello Oh_apollo You have been banned for xraying on PvE, too bad you are denying it but I have lots of proof to back up the ban. In all of my next screenshots it will show that you went into somebody elses mining tunnels, and mined left or right straight to diamonds or other ores. First instance: The light blue colour at the left is diamonds and at the right are other ores, the light gray boxes are stone you've mined to access these ores, as you can see the ores were not visible and you would have to be quite lucky to randomly turn left or right into someones tunnel to find such ores Second: Same as before, I added both glass (where you mined stone) and black glass (where somebody else mined stone) to show the different players mining Third: Second part or third: Fourth: And some others Does this changes your mind of your previous knowledge of xray?
  6. There was a post about having a facebook page a couple of months ago, not much intrest from the members of the community:
  7. Hello furugutten, Since this is your first ban on our servers and this ban is more than 8 months old I'll unban you right away, though I would appreciate it if you read the rules. Enjoy playing on our servers :)
  8. Once player has been killed he has the respawn option or the disconnect server option on his screen, since he's been killed nolog doesn't count it as a log I believe so there wouldn't be a problem there
  9. I don't think that's the right attitude for this as I believe anyone should be allowed to play on the servers if they stick to the rules. I would see it as players from other server coming on survival, testing the waters but with a lower risc at start (by hiding further out the map), they will from time to time get killed or maybe try killing other people themselves, and might have fun from it, leading to more actively pvp'ing players. Also right now any more players would probably be a plus for the server... (though that may be just my opinion) I think having it on for a week or maybe two weeks would certainly be a good start, I'm certainly looking forward to it. But having a smaller map may be a partial solution for the far out bases.
  10. Hello athos, Since your ban is old I'll just go ahead and unban you. Just a friendly reminder, even if things seem silly, there are still rules that you will have to follow if you don't want to end up here again, and I hope you won't. Enjoy your stay :)
  11. Closing due to inactivity (2 weeks without replies) Please reappeal when you wish to be unbanned
  12. When you say removing them, do you mean removing them just before the suggested mods get modded, or as in not being allowed to voice negative opinions on suggested players? If it's the latter then we'd just see a lot more names put in the real nomination list and a lot of no votes from the people that would have voiced negative opinions. I suppose you mean the first but just wanted to make sure
  13. Also a question considering the policy of using this, what about farms? Would farms also have the possibility of being protected even though most people do replant?
  14. First of all, you were banned for hacking. Some users reported you in mumble and also in modreq so I came to check it out and noticed you were setting off a lot of no cheat plugin notifications and you were also going awfully fast, a bit later you started flying over trees at which point I kicked you with a warning to remove your hacks You rejoined without hacking for a bit then you started flying again towards a player, that is when I banned you for hacking Do you have anything to say about this?
  15. It is indeed linking to google, and he sends you such links as a sublte way of telling you to stop submitting unnecessary posts / questions that you could easily find the answer of on google. Had you searched on google you would have been able to update it already right after you asked that question, in stead of making another useless comment 4 days later
  16. You were warned the 26th of august in private message about your homophobia at that time http://mcbouncer.com/note/33646 You acknowledged my message and said sorry and you wouldn't do it. So you were properly warned about this
  17. Survival players don't hate mods because their friends gets banned, most survival players don't even hate staff at all... Some players (in general, not limited to survival) will cause trouble if they do not agree with a decision by staff, involving a ban for example. Though there are sometimes (heated) discussions involving a ban this does not mean (S.) players hate mods, generalising for such things isn't very good...
  18. You don't need to vote every day, we have a pretty big player base so we'd probably get a bit up (ofcourse not in the top because those are servers with 300+ every day), so even if you wouldn't vote there would be others voting. Also having votifier does not stop us from doing these things, and neither do these things stop us from getting votifier, it'd be something as extra...
  19. I'm not taking anything into a personal matter, I'm just saying that I would like to keep comments in this post actually about the post and not about something of which there is another post open already where she could comment.
  20. I usually only downvote you when you make pointless comments in post that have no (positive) effect on the discussion, me disliking you has nothing to do with this, I will downvote people who act like that, you should stop taking everything personal. Like right now I'm not sure how this comment you made has anything to do with this post? There are posts open about the down and upvoting systems, why not post it there? Also saying 'why can't all players just make an effort to get along', you should definitely try that sometimes, heard it does wonders :)
  21. Wellspring will miss them, home of squids (a bit more per chunck may be better maybe?)
  22. Hello Kayla_Kros, Your ban is almost two years old and you were banned for using a hacked client. Ban for Kayla_Kros on c.nerd.nu for Hacked client. nerd.nu/appeal by maxxymus666 on 2011-08-22 16:46:59 (no more bans, no notes) You're unbanned and welcome to play on our servers again, but do not use clients that are against the rules. Links: http://nerd.nu/rules http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/List_of_approved_client_mods
  23. Spawn: I think kiwi99's design is the nicest one, it looks good and seems simple enough for new players to easily get out of spawn, though it's easy to pearl into spawn, I'm not sure if we are using something to block pearls from entering spawn but I know it is possible to do, so that may be useful if this design gets chosen. Clan hall: Draykhar seems the most fit one as it's also pretty open which is always nice. Would the clan hall be in a pvp zone or a no pvp zone though, this will probably depend on the location too I guess :p Arena: I'd obviously choose my own arena ;) but from the two other submitted designs I prefer Unce's one though it seems a bit empty and open which would give more advantage to people using the bow which is quite annoying during arena fights imo... Roads: No real opinion on how the road layout would be, but I love your design Tharine, having the rails under it is also a pretty awesome idea. Creeper spawners: Seems like a cool idea but how many would there be, if there'd be only 1-4 it'd probably be protected quite much and traps everywhere (which is good, but a bit to advantageous for the people who own it, towards people who don't know of the location or are unable to get there, if there'd be a public one protected and easily accessible for everyone (in a pvp arena so that people could still kill eachother which is still kind of the point of it imo). Horses: How would this be handled? As I'm guessing most horses will either be locked up by people who want to keep them and hide them, or they will be killed by people who don't want other people to have horses. Possibly there could be a horse spawner so that everyone can have horses, this would certainly change pvp quite a bit though as it's easier to run, but it'd also be easier to chase people or to go from one side of the map to another.
  24. 2218494 graysephir Kohlse c.nerd.nu Griefing on S nerd.nu/appeal 2012-03-18 04:01:15 Seems like the ban is quite old already so I'll go ahead and unban you, I hope you do understand the rules as you said and you do not grief anymore.
  25. I too would like to be whitelisted and help wherever I can if theres a list of things to be done :)
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