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Posts posted by Denevien

  1. Can we make a new standard for posting here? Many times people are typing their thoughts elsewhere, then copying it over to the forums to post. This causes the text to be unreadable when using the minecraft theme. There is an option when posting to remove formatting. Can we all take the time to click that before posting?


    A Blind Old Man

  2. Oh yes, if we got the go-ahead, I'd definitely make an area (with hopefully a warp?) for easier judging later. Also, I feel that P is my server, and if I want to do something on someone else's like this, I ask the ones who run it for permission. Rather take extra steps, than to step over my boundaries.

  3. Eventually, the PAdmins would like to add in a villager using the shopkeeper mod to sell saddles/horse armor. Before we do this, we would like to allow players to design a stable to put at spawn. Being that many players are needing supplies to build their own town, we'd like to host this contest on C. This will allow players to easily see each other's builds, as well as save resources and get some players onto C. Would anyone have problems with this? We'd especially like to hear from the CAdmins in this.

  4. There has been talk about clarifications on some rules, so we took a look at some of our rules and decided to make some changes. We discussed this at length, and feel that the players will be happy with these proposed changes. But, to ensure we are all on the same page, we'd like to see how everyone feels about these. We plan to run this poll until October 4th (ending the same time as the hard-mode poll). Then should be having another mumble meeting in the days to follow. If you have any questions regarding these changes, feel free to ask away below.






    Old Rule: No killing or trapping other players in any manner except in clearly marked PVP arenas. PvP arenas must be clearly marked, completely enclosed, and access-restricted builds. The PvP-enabled area may not exceed 40x40x40 blocks, and may not interact with other PvP areas in any way. Enabling of the PvP flag will be done entirely at the discretion of server admins.

    Proposed Rule: No killing or trapping other players in any manner except in clearly marked PVP arenas. PvP arenas must be clearly marked, completely enclosed, and access-restricted builds. This means that the area needs to only be accessible via iron doors that require a button press to enter. These entrances must be marked with signs stating that it is a PvP area, and that players enter at their own risk. The PvP-enabled area may not exceed 40x40 blocks, and may not interact with other PvP areas in any way. Enabling of the PvP flag will be done entirely at the discretion of server admins. Indirect forms of PvP are also not allowed (e.g. using a mob to kill another player).

    Old Rule: Unless specific permission is given, killing or stealing mobs that are "owned" by other players is considered griefing.  Mobs are considered owned if they are in clearly marked, enclosed areas, which are inaccessible without region permissions. Mobs found in the wild may be killed or captured.


    Proposed Rule: Unless specific permission is given, killing or stealing mobs that are "owned" by other players is considered griefing. Mobs are considered owned if they are in clearly marked and enclosed areas. This applies to hostile mobs if and only if they are contained so that anyone in the area can not be harmed by the mob (e.g. a skeleton should not be able to shoot players walking by). Also, players are not allowed to kill a horse being ridden by another player. Mobs found in the wild may be killed or captured.

    • Upvote 6
  5. Well, we always offer a small farm at spawn, and the UMC crew does a great job of making a much larger farm just outside spawn. There are always people willing to help the new players, we have that community cooperation that would actually make this successful. I think the need to rely on other people will help the community become even more close knit.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Since the poll doesn't end until after the first week of the Rev, that takes early Rev out of the equation...

    Regarding changing stats of mobs, techs say that it doesn't seem attributes ever got implemented. So, that would require another plugin to do, which means another thing to be updated, and I'd rather avoid that if possible.

  7. This has been brought up in the past, and is being brought up again. Now, we have a fancy poll system to be able to keep track of results. Many have been in favor of this, for the fact that it would add a challenge to the "vs Environment" part of PvE. For those who do not know what hard mode will entail: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Difficulty


    This poll will run until a week after launch (Oct 4, 2013). At that point we will take action on the results here.

    • Upvote 5
  8. So, I was thinking of ideas for event maps, just as something different from CTF. My idea builds off two previous events that some of you may or may not remember.

    First, for those on staff at the time, we had a staff "picnic". This was a semi-sphere island floating over an abyss, but had bare necessities. We were able to make tree farms for charcoal, sand generators, and cobble generators. It was fun building out of such little resources.

    The other event was a build competition where everyone was given a small floating island over a void. The islands were kinda close, but still had some space between them.

    What I want to do is merge these two ideas. I want many small islands that have essentials spread out on different islands. If we could get it so players spawned on random islands, that would be best. That way, you have to build to other islands, and work with other players to build things.

    Now, I think this would run best with two servers: one for PvP, one for PvE. Possibly use a lobby with some preset warps to different corners of the map.

    Thoughts, comments, and suggestions would all be appreciated.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Barlimore has mentioned that CTF and new p rev launch are not necessarily dependent on each other, and all the feedback I've seen so far supports this idea.


    This lack of communication and/or disregard for what the community is voicing is exactly the kind of thing that polarizes and makes people frustrated and ultimately why people quit.


    The thing is, we have been saying all along that we were waiting until after CTF. On multiple occasions we've stated this, due to not wanting to launch a map, then go down in a week or two for an event. We didn't expect it to take this long for CTF, or we might have reconsidered, but all along we knew it was almost time for CTF. I do think that occasional meetings (like that was mentioned in the last staff event) would be a good idea, I just have not got around to putting this into practice. I'll try to plan one of these soon, so be on the lookout.

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