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Posts posted by Denevien

  1. If you don't mind, could I ask your reasoning for such a small time frame? The contest goes until next month, why make the deadline for imports so soon?

    Being a contest like this, it is only fair if all people participating can see other entries. We're trying to keep a level playing field, but allow those who already started to not have to start over.



    He asked for the reason for the decision, not the person responsible for the decision.

    Slide did all the work getting the lobby set up, as well as the contest. He is in charge of it, and was the one to set the rules for now. As he said, there will be more in the future, with different rules, that will accommodate other design types.

    • Upvote 2
  2. What about something like a kill rating. I could do some math that accounts armoured kills and play time. That way, it encourages you to go out and fight, but wouldn't favor those with more time to play. So, you'd have roughly the same rating with 10 kills in 10 hours of play time as someone who has 1 kill in 1 hour of play time.

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  3. It's not about pomp and circumstance. It's simply about notification. If you feel a subreddit post is too special for returning mods, it would be nice to at least have a post in the mod chat or private mod chat on the forums.


    I think some of us are merely asking for some indication that a player's status has changed. As it stands now, current moderators have no idea that a player has even requested reinstatement of their status, much less had their staff powers reinstated. I was caught off-guard the other day when I saw an unfamiliar player flying on P. What I initially thought was fly-hacking instead turned out to be a newly reinstated mod who I had never seen before.

    That's a fair point, I hadn't thought of it that way.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Except that in some circumstances, a lot of the people who were around when they were first modded might not even be around anymore, so people will by and large have no idea who these people are.


    As TheRandomnatrix stated earlier, this is the exact reason we've made returning moderators be active in the community before we get their powers back. It allows the community to get used to them being around, and shows that they are interested in being part of the community, not just to be on staff.

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  5. Using the IP that this was posted from:


    Ban for cpdoyoueven on c.nerd.nu for villager griefing on P nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-01-05 20:45:28 (no more bans, 1 notes)

    Note #35611 for cpdoyoueven on c.nerd.nu: additionally, broke open obvious hostile mob enclosure on P by tompreuss on 2014-01-05 20:47:22

  6. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't reddit ads larger than 70x70? They just seem to appear that way at least.

    I was confused when I first read into this. This won't be a sidebar ad, it will be an ad at the top of the subreddit. You know sometimes when you go to a subreddit, the first line is a "sponsored link"? It will be one of those. Currently there is no way to select sidebar ads.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I believe I know the two of which you speak. One, I see no logs or anything discussing why/if they were removed, and we can't very well go on hear say. The other involves a situation where policy has changed, as apparent in some related ban appeals. But to the original topic, from the expectations for staff:

    "If you are feeling stressed or burned out by staff duties, we can temporarily remove your mod powers at your request to give you a chance to take a break. We'll be more than happy to re-enable them whenever you are ready to rejoin us."

    Currently, mods that have been gone a while have to spend time back in the community for a bit before we remod them. Then, we make them go through a retraining session. We will discuss this, but this does not guarantee anything will change.

    • Upvote 5
  8. Ban for maniacman2 on c.nerd.nu for Homophobic slur in chat. nerd.nu/appeal by mrloud15 on 2014-01-11 21:19:22 (no more bans, no notes)


    Please wait for Mrloud to respond. If he has not responded in 48 hours, feel free to bump this thread. We appreciate your patience.

  9. 4. I'm going to be frank, Denevien's reply to my post on the Advert thread felt as though it was brushed off. I agree with Rock that the advertisement issue should not be a contest, and rather something a bit more organised. I asked if we could be informed with the process of how we'll be advertising and was simply given a childish and silly response in return.

    I tried to answer each part of your question in that thread the best I could. The last part (in which I answered "WAT?") was because I had no idea what you meant by the question. I had hoped to see you respond and clarify, but I guess that didn't come across as intended. The thread was called "Advertisements on Reddit", my first post said we were looking to do ads on reddit, I linked the relevant info from the reddit page on ads, and specified which subreddits we planned to target. If there is more specifics that you want to know, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them, but I feel that the post contains almost all plans for the ads.

  10. We have a thread here regarding ads on reddit. Now, we'd like to start looking at where else we should advertise. Things to keep in mind regarding this:


    • We will not be giving any sort of in game rewards for voting on sites.
    • We do not have copious amounts of funding, so cheaper is better.
    • If it is a site that requires an account to be made, do not make one for us. Post it here, and we will handle the registration.

    So, get posting ideas!

    • Upvote 3
  11. On this, what is the current process for mod selection? I believe it is:


    Players are nominated - Discussion in private - Heads decide from discussion which names go forward  - Public vote - Heads decide who gets selected


    If so, what is the point in the final stage? Why can't the people who get more yes votes than no be selected, rather than having the heads pick through the names again? I'm really curious as to why Magnyus didn't get it last round along with several other players who should've been there. Without meaning to take this too off topic, I don't think it should be ultimately the heads' choice. Allow the final choice to come down to the vote.


    Also, think about editing the voting options. Rather than having 'Yes' or 'No' where the no also includes not knowing the player well enough, add a 'Neutral' or 'Don't know player' option. With there being so few mods playing on C, they're unlikely to know the players, so the players will get a straight no, limiting their chances further. I've brought this up with a couple of staff members before and got a mixed response, but I think it'd make the vote fairer and increase the amount of C players getting past the voting stage.

    The reason Heads have the final say, is that we encourage people to come to us with their concerns of players on the list. We are not in the business of dragging names through the mud, so we don't make these issues public. But, if a name makes it to the voting thread, then doesn't actually become a mod, I hope people can trust us when we say that there is a valid reason for it.


    Regarding your second point, we kept away from that, because we didn't think it fair to the player to be posted up in public, just to have a NO thrown at them by someone. Now, recently we've changed it so that we ask the player if they want to be on the voting, and make sure to mention that it doesn't always mean they will make mod. Since they are agreeing to being there, maybe this is something we can revisit for next round.

    • Upvote 2
  12. Should staff members concerned with physically creating/writing advertisements for the server- among other players, I am more than interested in assisting doing so. Contact me with your plans as soon as possible, or post your status on this effort with the same haste.

    If you feel advertisement is that important, why have you not submitted anything here. I was excited about getting ads out there, but I'm not very good at designing them. So, instead of throwing something together that would probably cause complaints from the community (you all remember the server icon I drew up), I decided to let the members of the community who are better at this sort of thing have a chance. Since becoming a Head Admin, I've tried listening to people who say that the community should have a voice. Now, in this thread alone, two separate topics are being discussed saying that we should just make a decision, and that there is no need for a contest. I'm willing to work with and for the players, but everyone needs to take a second and decide what they want.

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