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Posts posted by Denevien

  1. Ban for ryno013 on c.nerd.nu for Hacked client on survival. (Flying) nerd.nu/appeal by cab417 on 2014-01-04 19:13:5


    Please wait for cab417 to respond to this appeal. If he has not done so in 48 hours, feel free to bump this post. We appreciate your patience.

  2. For clarification, why is it that MCP supposedly isn't on good terms with /r/Minecraft? For a community that is known as the Reddit server, we never have anything to do with the largest subreddit dedicated to Minecraft.

    Back in the early days of our servers, /r/Minecraft was our home. Then people began posting random things about minecraft that wasn't related to our servers, and eventually part of the community there asked us to leave. We made a new subreddit, and lived there ever since (this was all before my time, this has just been passed down over time).


    Also, have you taken into account how advertising might affect us? We'd be painting a big red target right on our foreheads if this isn't done correctly. Whether it be the myriad of griefers/"hackers" that are to follow suit, or the countless trolls, and even the downright stupid ones.

    We've always had a big red target on us, which is why we get DDoS'd very often. We're not really worried about griefers or hackers, or anything like that, because we have tools in place to prevent/fix any potential damage.



    And I can foget policy, you cannot possibly expect to advertise to Reddit and not expect the Reddit culture to make it way back onto the servers. I know we've prided ourselves as being a mostly civilised bunch, but if we want to advertise ourselves as the official Reddit server again, things are going to have to change.


    If we advertise on Reddit, we will not be changing ourselves to suit them. We are letting ourselves be known, and if they want to come play, they can follow the rules just like everyone else. I know the Reddit culture can be more abrasive than we allow, but they will have to become a more "civilized bunch"



    Could the process of how this is being handled be revealed? Rather than making a contest out of it?


    • Upvote 4
  3. This section is for players to post upcoming events that they are planning. These events can exist on any of our three servers (or any combination of the servers). Be sure to add a tag for the server when creating the event. Have the title of the post be the name of the event, then put all the details regarding it in the body of the post. Staff will try to get these events added to the calendar, so it is easy to glance and see when things will be happening. The calendar entry will have a link back to your post here, so people can find information easily. This is a useful site for pasting the start time of events.

    • Upvote 5
  4. Firstly, I would like to call attention to the fact that you are a player primarily on P and this is a discussion about S.

    I don't think this should stop anyone from commenting their opinion, considering there was much discussion about this on S in the first thread, which was about safebuckets on P.

    • Upvote 4
  5. Your account has connected to us from the same IP as them at least once in our history. Both are banned players. I'd be willing to believe it was a case of a compromised account if you didn't know what you did to get banned, but since you know what you did, we can rule that out. Would you like to change your story, or are you sticking with your story?

  6. As I've done before, and will do again if needed, I'm closing this thread. The forums are for us (players and staff alike) to come share our opinions and have mature discussions. Someone can feel free to start a new thread of the same topic, and everyone is welcome to try discussing this again.

    • Upvote 7
  7. After much discussion, we've come up with a new list of possible moderators. Each of the ones on the list have been approached to see if they are interested in appearing in this voting thread. Keep in mind, when voting, a "Yes" means "I am supporting this person, and want to see this person as a moderator". On the other hand, a "No" can mean either "I can not support this person as a moderator" or "I do not know this player well enough to support them". If you (as in staff members or any player reading this) has a valid reason you feel one of the names here should not be a moderator, feel free to contact one of the Head Admins about it. We have tried to be able to get to know the potential mods, but it does not always happen. Voting will end on January 11th, and and new moderators will be announced by January 18th.

    • Upvote 6
  8. Care to explain the items in this chest? This was one at the top of your base that only existed for a short while, but had the most edits, thus the "many" in my original post. This shows you filling one of your chests with stuff from your modmode inventory (specifically pictures 6, 7, and 8). Everything was removed from this chest and destroyed. Where were you getting these items in modmode (as you should always be vanished, and unable to pick up items), and what happened to them?

  9. Hi. Newly re-modded former S rev. 19 librarian/book-publisher/mini-game-enthusiast here. Are the contents of the books just a brief summary, like a sentence or two, of the actual story/book? Or are they like, a chapter out of the story?

    Would be cool if each round was a different book, and each book was part of the story. So, not until they are all found, do you know the whole story.

  10. Ban for mrthewil on c.nerd.nu for xraying nerd.nu/appeal by cyotie911 on 2013-12-30 07:00:21 (1 more bans, 2 notes)


    Note #35411 for mrthewil on c.nerd.nu: warned for general grief on survival by LadyRavenOwl on 2013-12-27 13:58:43


    Note #35456 for mrthewil on c.nerd.nu: Combat logging on S (2013/12/29) by redwall_hp on 2013-12-29 21:34:14


    Please wait for cyotie911 to respond to your appeal. If he has not responded in 48 hours, feel free to bump your post. We appreciate your patience.

  11. Ban for 99zombies on c.nerd.nu for grief on survival; crops and stained clay flooring; no legitimate edits nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2013-12-23 17:41:30 (no more bans, no notes)


    Please be patient while you wait for totemo to respond. If he has not answered in 48 hours, feel free to bump this post. Until then, please refrain from posting.

  12. "We're not opposed to exploring some sort of bounty system but we want to do it in a way that finds some sort of balance that allows everyone involved to have fun.


    Absolutely no out of game rewards for killing people."

    No it doesn't

    • Upvote 2
  13. Why not just sell the perms to people? I know thats not really what nerd is about but it would deter abuse, people tend to care more when they put money into it. 

    The only real problem i see with this is possible elitism, however as it stands I think this is better than the server dying.

    No. We will not be selling abilities, or giving perks to donators.

    • Upvote 5
  14. So, we're looking into doing some Ads on Reddit. For those curious, info on reddit ads are here. We plan to target the /r/minecraft and /r/mcservers subreddits with these ads. Now, the reason for this post: We want you to design it! Like we did with the server icon contest, we want everyone to make up some ads (preferably to have each ad represent all three servers). After they are submitted, we will vote on which one is our favorite and run it. If it seems to go well, we may use some runner ups in future ads. We don't have a set end time yet, but I will update this post once a deadline is set. So key info:

    • Must follow all MCPublic rules.
    • Must respresent MCPublic as a whole
    • Must be 70 x 70
    • Must be submitted by: TBA

    So, go and be creative!

    • Upvote 7
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