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  1. I was literally just mining pumpkins in the village trading hall and I might have accidentally destroyed some pumpkin seeds but I was going to replant them and I don’t see how that deserves a ban.
  2. share your builds and projects here
  3. Suggestions Pulled 16 Oct 2022 I'm not for custom sacks/bags of holding/whatever, but it would be nice to have something that held all the custom items (like pokemine cards) Not sure of anything we could add that we be much different than shulker boxes. We suggest using those! Maybe soon someone will find that hidden shulker spawner in the overworld and shells will be plentiful! there should be more suggestions We agree! Keep sending in your suggestions I would love it if players could request a full rollback on a build they've done if they are planning on abandoning it completely If a player decides to move away, they should tear down their own build before leaving. Incomplete builds that are not in a region can be modreq'd as an abandoned build. If the player has not logged in for 30 days we will move the build upon request. Again this is for INCOMPLETE builds in an area you would like to build. We DO NOT remove completed builds that are protected. give regen effect at spawn We give away free food at spawn to get you started. If you are looking for regen for spawn secrets, we suggest coming prepared. If you are not quite geared up (food wise) maybe work on farms before hunting spawn secrets it would be neat to be able to check if a bed is anyone's current bed, I'm always worried I'm moving a bed 10 people are using You should never move a bed you did not place, and we do hope that town mates discuss sleeping arrangements before moving a town bed. However, we do think that there could be some benefit in having such a command. We will bring this up to a discussion with techs. let us ride phantoms For now such things would only be used for very special occasions. The best we can offer is a phantom disguise saddle, coming SOON™.
  4. Neuxs


    Hmmm Redstone contraptions that can help people......
  5. Hi all! Just wanted to let you know we have a public creeper farm that is located in Frontier! Cords are: -2537 -1992 And not to toot my own horn, but drops are quite good 😛
  6. Join us this weekend for Trident PvP in Cape Puffy. Riptide your way around the arena and kill your opponent. Use /place event to find your way!
  7. Join us this weekend for Trident PvP in Cape Puffy. Riptide your way around the arena and kill your opponent. Use /place event to find your way!
  8. Join us for this weekend's event! Use /place event to find your way to the arena.
  9. Join us for this weekend's event! Use /place event to find your way to the arena.
  10. Join us for PvP in a rebuilt arena from days gone by. The original arena by schererererer has been remade by NastyHabits. Use /place event to find your way.
  11. Join us for PvP in a rebuilt arena from days gone by. The original arena by schererererer has been remade by NastyHabits. Use /place event to find your way.
  12. Join us for this weekend's event! Use /place event to find your way to the arena.
  13. Join us for this weekend's event! Use /place event to find your way to the arena.
  14. Join us for this weekend's event! Use /place event to find your way to the arena.
  15. Join us for this weekend's event! Use /place event to find your way to the arena.
  16. until
    Located at 2285, 1525
  17. until
    Located at 2285, 1525
  18. Located at -57, -74 in the end!
  19. Head to the arena via the ship at spawn
  20. Head to the arena from the ship at spawn
  21. Use /place event to find your way!
  22. Come join us for our first event. AdmiralAntilles & ghrey303 have built a Knockout Arena at -62, 51, -192 in the NETHER!
  23. Come join us for our first event. AdmiralAntilles & ghrey303 have built a Knockout Arena at -62, 51, -192 in the NETHER!
  24. What a wonderful adventure this Road trip has been. We have seen amazing things and have the postcards to prove it! Our Suitcases are bulging with souvenirs and tee-shirts so on October 30th it will be time to pack up and head toward home. The end of a trip can be sad BUT as one adventure comes to an end, another one seems to be dawning on the horizon . . . Behold !! The " Ancient Wonders of the World! " Your client will need to be on 1.16.3 to join in this exploration of these incredible sights. As per usual, the Revision info post will be posted 24 hours prior to rev launch. Want to help spruce up the next map? We will once again be co-hosting a build contest with the Cadmins. Starting Oct 11th through the 17th. Hop over to the Creative server and do /warp Weekly Build, to claim a plot! The theme will be “Ancient Dungeons” with a nod toward ancient Greece- We are looking for temples, caves, monuments, mausoleums etc. Builds chosen will be hidden on the map and possibly used in events. Map World will close and be saved on October 16th for us to do some tidying. It will be back for the new rev with the same maps in the same places, so don’t worry about losing your work. The current revision will end with an event that is TBD! With Halloween right around the corner there may be a few tricks and even some treats. Who knows what may go bump in the night, and what evil may lurk in the heart of men or Padmin ! As is the custom the map will be saved for the final time to be put up for download, Then let the fun begin. Please check back for the announcement of how we spend our final Days !
  25. As all good Road Trips do, the time is approaching where we must start packing up and planning our return home. We would like to hear your feedback on the revision to help shape things for Revision 26 and the Next adventure ! The Spawn: Was spawn easy to navigate? Could you find the things you needed to find easily? Is there anything you would like to see done differently with Spawn in Rev 26? We tried make spawn very interactive, having plots players can claim inside spawn with some building restrictions, how do you feel this went? The Over-world: Do you think that this map size (6k x 6k) was good? Should it be bigger, smaller or similar next rev? This rev we used vanilla map with some painting. Do you feel it was a good mix of custom and vanilla? Were any biomes lacking or too abundant this revision? How did you find the distribution of ores this revision? The Nether This revision we had another custom Nether (3000x3000) created by totemo, it featured different biomes designed to provide areas for bulk mining resources like concrete powder and with structures from Community build contests and Padmins. How did you feel about the custom generated map this revision? Would you like to see a custom nether again? The Nether contains new custom mobs designed by cujobear. How did you feel about the custom mobs this revision? Weren’t the twins adorable? How was the distribution of quartz and glowstone? The End: This revision we had a custom generated End created by cheezychicken, (5000x5000) It featured separate islands of biomes to retain The End’s feel. We also redesigned the Dragon Fight- The Dragon Fight plugin was developed by totemo, and the bosses were designed by totemo and cujobear with input from all the Padmins. Generation: How did you feel about the custom End this rev? Did you like the separation into islands? How did you feel about having ores generated in areas of the End that were plumped but didn’t have custom drops? How was the ore distribution? Dragon Fight: How did you feel about The New Dragon fight? Was it too easy/difficult/just right in your opinion? Any other suggestions you’d like to share for the fight? Elytra: How did you feel about the method of obtaining Elytra this revision? Did you enjoy the Prize Boxes ?Did you feel the prizes awarded were worth the battle? Did you like the option of collecting different Prize Boxes? Do you have any other ideas you have for methods of obtaining Elytra? Shulkers and other mobs: Did you enjoy continuing to have free range shulkers instead of a shulker spawner? How did you feel about the other mobs that appeared in the end? Mapworld: Are there any additions you’d like to see in Mapworld next revision? Portals: This revision we had 8 claimable portals across the map, all available from day 1 of the revision. Did you feel that the number and distribution of portals this rev was good? Do you have any ideas for how portals should be implemented next rev? Iron Golem Spawners: The Iron Golem Spawner costs changed for this revision, based on the feedback we had received from the last revision. The cost of the upgrades remained the same Do you feel that the cost of an iron golem spawner was fair? Custom Spawners: This revision we had a Creeper, Squid, Slime and Drowned spawner, all available to be found from the first day of the revision. How do you feel about the inclusion of custom spawners in the map? Would you prefer to have, or not have them? Would you like to see more added as time progressed? Which custom spawners do you think are particularly useful in a multiplayer setting, if any? Were the spawners well hidden? Should they be harder to find? Easier? Custom Drops: This revision we continued the use of custom drops from ores, mobs, and in loot chests. How do you feel about the rates of custom drops dropping, too frequent or too rare? Do you have any ideas for new ways to obtain custom drops? How have the custom drop trades been so far this rev? Any kinds of trades you’d like to see in the future? Custom trades: Have you enjoyed the custom trades this revision? Would you like to see them return for next revision? Is there anything you want to see available from the custom traders? Events: We Continued the weekly events this rev, would you like these to continue? Does the time of the weekly events suit you? What time might be better? Were the prizes from events appropriate? Are there any other items you would like to trade for? Do you have any ideas for events or an event that you particularly enjoyed? Rev Theme: This revision the theme was Road Trip ! This Rev we worked with C to host a Build Contest which resulted in player builds being hidden around the map . Was this something you felt added to the experience of this rev? Did you enjoy discovering them as you searched the map? Would you like this to be included again? Do you feel the theme of a revision adds to your experience? Should events and server planning be more tied to the theme? Less? Do you have any ideas for themes that you would enjoy? End of Rev: In the past there has been end of rev events such as ending the world in Chaos and a Zombie Apocalypse, would you like to see the return of something like this? Do you have any other ideas for how to celebrate the end of rev? Any other comments? Is there anything else you want to tell us about your experience on the server? Things thePadmins can do improve?
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