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[PMC] Arrows/bows and /lb kills


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So when I test and kill a cow myself with a bow and arrow /lb kills reports:

2013-05-19 15:43:01 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-19 14:42:01 Arrow killed Cow with fist

I had always thought that was a skeleton (as did others) and that a player kill would show something like "player killed Cow with bow" but I was just investigating some animal farm grief in the end (currently modreq 589 on P), saw that the last four kills were by "Arrow" and knew it couldn't be a skeleton since it's in the end.


So that appears to be a way for someone to grief animal farms that we can't track.

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maybe the bow had punch?



I'll see myself out.


I know you're joking, but I'll take your prompt to explain further (for new mods and also because I just like explaining) that any non-tool kill will show up as "fist" giving us such fun oddities as:

2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-20 02:52:49 LightningStrike killed Squid with fist
2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-18 05:55:09 LightningStrike killed Sheep with fist
2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-18 05:54:52 LightningStrike killed Skeleton with fist
2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-18 05:54:43 LightningStrike killed Sheep with fist
2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-18 05:19:03 LightningStrike killed Cow with fist
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I'm less concerned with the kill logged as using a fist and more with who shot the arrow that killed livestock.  I estimate skeletons have a very very very small chance of hitting livestock by themselves (say, a snow golem is locked in combat with a skeleton and a cow wanders between the two), so more than likely arrows that killed a player's livestock were fired by a player (definitely grief) or were fired by a skeleton that was led by a player to shoot livestock in its way (also grief).  The problem for us is that we have no way of knowing who perpetrated the grief.


If this is a moderate to hard fix, perhaps we don't need it immediately if arrow grief is uncommon.  For now, I would say replace the mobs if you see they were killed by arrows, and definitely take note if you witness players shooting other players' mobs (ban for grief) or if you see frequent arrow kills in /lb kills.

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If this is a moderate to hard fix, perhaps we don't need it immediately if arrow grief is uncommon. 


In regards to how common, these numbers are for the entire revision in just the overworld:


Kills of victim cow from player arrow in world summed up by players:
Kills - Killed - Player
547    0         Arrow
0       547      Cow

Kills of victim sheep from player arrow in world summed up by players:
Kills - Killed - Player
191    0         Arrow
0       191      Sheep

Kills of victim chicken from player arrow in world summed up by players:
Kills - Killed - Player
253    0         Arrow
0       253      Chicken

Kills of victim pig from player arrow in world summed up by players:
Kills - Killed - Player
101    0         Arrow
0       101      Pig

Total deaths overall are cow 64537, sheep 12820, chicken 35998, pig 23434; so arrow kills account for about .85 percent of all cow deaths, 1.49 percent of all sheep deaths, .70 percent of all chicken deaths, and .43 percent of all pig deaths (in the overworld up to this point).


And of course with this broad of a look it's impossible to know which of those are grief kills or legit farming kills with replacements left or just kills done in the wild.

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Ooooh, good call tompreuss, forgot that numbers existed for this.  


I had mentioned "uncommon" because I rarely see any arrow kills when handling mob grief reqs, even ever since /lb kills was introduced.  Mods, just out of curiousity have you seen very many arrow kill grief reqs (goes without saying that these reqs must be on P)?

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In regards to how common, these numbers are for the entire revision in just the overworld:



Total deaths overall are cow 64537, sheep 12820, chicken 35998, pig 23434; so arrow kills account for about .85 percent of all cow deaths, 1.49 percent of all sheep deaths, .70 percent of all chicken deaths, and .43 percent of all pig deaths (in the overworld up to this point).


And of course with this broad of a look it's impossible to know which of those are grief kills or legit farming kills with replacements left or just kills done in the wild.


This of course makes perfect sense because most of the griffers join the server during their middle-school lunch time and really only have time to trash a farm and a few windows.  They certainly don't have the patience to gather arrows or craft a bow.


I suspect that the Bukkit API does allow the shooter to be tracked (PVP kills come to mind), but that LogBlock currently doesn't do anything with the information.

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Is it possible that some kills are from someone physically holding an arrow in their hand and then killing a mob?  How would that show up?


That would look like this:

2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] Kills from player tompreuss in the last 2 minutes in world:
2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 05-22 23:41:59 tompreuss killed Slime with arrow
2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 05-22 23:41:58 tompreuss killed Slime with arrow
2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 05-22 23:41:57 tompreuss killed Slime with arrow
2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 05-22 23:41:52 tompreuss killed Slime with arrow
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So when I added the death searching code into logblock I looked into fixing the who killed what and with what issue. However I ran into some problems which i can't remember, so I shelved it until later so I could get the actual search stuff out and in use. I *hopefully* still have the code that I was working on that better determines what should be used for those and will start working on that again soon.


In the long run though, LogBlock is afaik not adding any new features and primarily just provides fixes to work with the current version of minecraft. Ammar has started on LogBlock 2 however does not have the time to put into writing it. I have been looking into what we can do in the future and have come up with a few long term solutions.

  1. Continue hacking stuff into LogBlock
  2. Switch to a new logging platform
    1. Prism - Is relatively new (released in January I believe), logs more events, though I'm not sure it logs all the logblock events and I'm not sure how hard it would be to modify.
  3. Develop a new logging system
    1. I've been thinking of either working on LogBlock 2 myself, or starting a whole new project. Primarily because I want to log more than 'blocks'. My vision would allow for every single event to be logged. For example 'attack' events could be logged, which would be especially useful for PVP tracking say if someone places a locked chest in the way of a door during a fight. Now obviously this would take a lot of time to get working so is definitely not a short term solution.
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  • 5 months later...

Just found another arrow kill on P; turns out admin logs do log the player, mob killed, and coords, and they match rather well:


2013-10-28 22:21:50 | [KitchenSink] [MobKill] <Player>|COW|world|398|64|892|C[24,55]

2013-10-28 22:21:55 | [KitchenSink] [MobKill] <Player>|COW|world|397|64|892|C[24,55]




Looks like this has been resolved.

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