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Strange issue with Redstone/LWC


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Hey guys, jsojl and I are having a really odd issue with redstone timing and possibly LWC. Recently jsojl has been working on a automatic shop that he designed and tested in singleplayer and then reconstructed it on PvE on top of the UMC Tree Farm Building. The shop works great with no problems at all! Since that was just a test and meant to be adjusted to PvE hopper timings, we decided that we were going to build another one in the shop below the UMC Farm Tower.


We successfully rebuilt the shop and it is identical block for block, however we are having this issue where the hoppers are taking items faster then they are giving. After several hours of scratching our heads and rechecking against his in SP and the one on top of the farm building, we could not find anything at all that was different. So we decided to try a shot in the dark, we removed all the hoppers/chests and replaced them. For some reason, this fixed it. It now worked perfectly fine with no problems. We were unsure exactly why this fixed it, but for some reason it did. Who cared, it worked! So we went to set it up with its proper items, ST Books and Diamonds. Once we put the item we were actually going to sell, and tested it it still worked fine. I then decided to make the purchase chest from cprivate to cpublic so anyone could use it. Once I did this, it broke again. It started taking items faster then it gave them again.


Now might I note that no matter what we did to the one on top of the farm building, whether it was cpublic or cprivate, or whatever blocks we used we could not get this issue to happen. Yet the one under the tower is having issues. The only thing at all that we could find different between the two is that one is inbetween 2 different chuncks, while the one under the tower is on the border of a chunk.


We are really scratching our heads on what is happening. We spent hours trying to figure this out with no luck. Hopefully by posting here we can find out what exactly is happening as jsojl and I have absolutely no idea.


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I wish I knew more about this stuff.  I haven't had much time to play this rev.


Last rev, when I set up a couple of chest sorting machines I had no end of frustration, either from them getting stuck due to being active on restarts, or items going into the wrong chests because of overflow on the sorting mechanism.  I ended up adding an overflow detection circuit that sets an RS-NOR latch to disable the whole thing.


I think that hoppers are inherently pretty flaky.  I would recommend that you introduce a circuit at the item input that throttles the rate at which items enter the system (add an extra chest to buffer the items and use a comparator to sense the presence of an item in the buffer chest and only enable the hopper that feeds the buffer chest when it is empty).

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Hoppers are indeed mysterious beasts, even in single player. I spent hours trying to do a 50/50 split for an iron grinder, with half going into a public chest and the other half going into a region-locked chest. (The drops had a bias to one side of the collector, and I wanted it to be true 50/50.) One would assume that you could just have two hoppers coming out of a chest, but the game distributes it funny and just dumps it through one hopper. I ended up having to use item detectors and an RS-NOR latch to alternate powering hoppers.

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Just going off of personal knowledge. For some reason, Redstone acts up while traveling from chunk to chunk. This is not always the case but I have dealt with Redstone circuits on C before that didn't work correctly but if I moved the build over to a different chunk (and I know everything was Identical because I used WE to move it) everything worked. I never tried to troubleshoot it any further than that though so your guess is as good as mine as to the actual reason as to why it doesn't actually work.

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Just going off of personal knowledge. For some reason, Redstone acts up while traveling from chunk to chunk. This is not always the case but I have dealt with Redstone circuits on C before that didn't work correctly but if I moved the build over to a different chunk (and I know everything was Identical because I used WE to move it) everything worked. I never tried to troubleshoot it any further than that though so your guess is as good as mine as to the actual reason as to why it doesn't actually work.

If we suspect that might be a problem for us on C are we allowed to have our builds moved?

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