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You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day.


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I believe I asked something similar in the past. Lemme see if I can find it.


here we go https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/659-theres-a-maximum-number-of-upvotes-you-can-give-per-day/#entry4363

Ahh, good deal. I'm up for hearing suggestions on change, but as I said earlier, I think having a limit makes them mean more when you see them on a post.

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I would like to see an increase in upvotes as well. I understand Denevien's point about limiting them to make them mean more, however in some of the longer threads, there are a lot of good opinions I would like to get up to the top. I dont think it would have to be a large increase, but 5 more would be nice.

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I would like to see an increase in upvotes as well. I understand Denevien's point about limiting them to make them mean more, however in some of the longer threads, there are a lot of good opinions I would like to get up to the top. I dont think it would have to be a large increase, but 5 more would be nice.

I have a better idea. Decrease the time limit to a half an hour, instead of 24 hours

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Something that's been bugging me for a while now. Don't get me wrong, but a bunch of upvotes that I see thrown around are given not out of agreement but rather because x person decided to post. Each time I come on these forums I see massive posts raising well thought-out topics with no upvotes, and somewhere in the comments is a useless, single-sentence comment with about 5 upvotes simply because people admire said person. A bunch of us here go with the flow and just agree with whomever has the most upvotes, but that doesn't do much good for anyone at times. It usually takes away from the conversation itself and turns into simply agreeing with a user with many upvotes. Just to clarify, I favour the upvote system but I dislike the way it's used by a bunch of us. It's good to see that the voting system doesn't apply to this section of the forums, it allows us to be more formal and actually raise ideas.

Edited by EeHee2000
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