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Other languages than English on global


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As someone who spends far too much time playing...


Around, say, 1 AM - 7 AM EST is a time when the least percentage of native-English speakers are on and Europeans are largely the majority.  This is almost never an issue in any way.  And I'm quite certain that this topic did not originate because it's a frequent issue from a majority of users, but a semi-unique case involving a few specific individuals.  Having been around a lot, I know Zomise doesn't care when there's the occasional sporadic German/Spanish/French/whatever chat session with many people sharing their better-or-worse skills in the given language and being part of the community.  


It was that, during these "off hours," a select few were essentially spamming chat in a single foreign language, even after other users had asked on numerous occasions that they form a clanchat or take it to PM.  From what google translate could offer up, it seems a lot of these (in this case Swedish) general chat messages came down to were basically reporting what had happened.  UserA is off doing something somewhere, UserB and UserC and UserD are all continuously asking where that certain somewhere is over the course of many messages...things which, even in English, would most likely be asked by the other users to be taken to /m or /clanchat.  


At heart I don't think it's Zomise saying "100% English all the time", but pointing out that spamming general chat in a different language isn't often picked up on because it's 1) in another language so few people know what's being said (and how spammy it may be) and 2) the other language(s) stem from other timezones where fewer people might pick up on the spammy nature of the messages.  


TL;DR - The point wasn't that English should be the only language spoken ever, but that a few individuals were spamming chat in a foreign language even after being asked to form a clanchat or take it to PM, the same kind of chat-spam that would be warned in English as well.  

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Honestly see no point to this becoming a rule of sorts. I've been on servers where English only in global chat is a rule. However, those servers to my memory implemented said rule because of trolls in other languages; said trolling was difficult to moderate. I used to visit a French based server where they had no problem with me using English in chat. But here one of the things that sets us apart is the no tolerance racism/hate speech/homophobia policy. "English only or take it to clan chat" would be, in a way, discriminating against people that don't speak English. Not fair to them if I do say so myself. What I find funny is that Zomise is Swedish, so I don't understand why she, let alone anyone, would be annoyed by this?

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Honestly see no point to this becoming a rule of sorts. I've been on servers where English only in global chat is a rule. However, those servers to my memory implemented said rule because of trolls in other languages; said trolling was difficult to moderate. I used to visit a French based server where they had no problem with me using English in chat. But here one of the things that sets us apart is the no tolerance racism/hate speech/homophobia policy. "English only or take it to clan chat" would be, in a way, discriminating against people that don't speak English. Not fair to them if I do say so myself. What I find funny is that Zomise is Swedish, so I don't understand why she, let alone anyone, would be annoyed by this?


So what you're saying is that you read none of my messages?

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I wish this had been a thread asking for a /mute or /ignore command. I'll sign for that.


I think that's the better idea suited for the situation. So I hope it can be looked into.

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From reading over all the posts, it seems this issue had nothing to do with the players speaking a foreign language. They were spamming chat, English or not, and that is what it comes down to. If they were unwilling to use another method of communicating, it could have been handled by a mod. I don't see any point in making this a rule.

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I think the solution is already available to us at the current time. If they want to speak a diffrent language to communicate to people of the same language they could simply make or be put into clanchat. It allows them to communicate and people in general don't get confused on what they are saying.

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I think the solution is already available to us at the current time. If they want to speak a diffrent language to communicate to people of the same language they could simply make or be put into clanchat. It allows them to communicate and people in general don't get confused on what they are saying.

As for moderating a clanchat like this I have little to know clue how a staff member could understand any of it. Maybe have some sort of plugin that translates the mods chat to English? (If that's possible I'm sure a tech could get one on the go)

EDIT: that want supposed to be a quote, my phone is no friend to fat fingers...

Edited by Difficult1
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  • 2 months later...

The Obvious Solution:


Install an actual channel chat plugin. This whole issue could be avoided if an actual fully working chat plugin was installed. Clanchat is not a plugin, it is a script for CommandHelper, it doesn't have nearly as many features as every single channel chat plugin on bukkit dev or the spigot resources page.


Servers with hundreds of simultaneous players don't have these types of discussions because they have actual full featured chat plugins.


Some of us speak other languages other than English 95% of the day, and some of us don't want to read or hear other languages in chat. So having a channel for other languages seems like the absolute best solution.


In my personal case, I speak mostly Spanish with English used occasionally and on the internet.


These are 2 plugins that I found within 30 seconds to 1 minute of searching on dev.bukkit.org. Right off the bat, they have more features than clanchat.

Simple Chat Channels


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