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Head Admin Changelog and Announcements


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Guest Former Staff

Communicated the first step in our plan for Survival, with collaboration from LadyRavenOwl and the head admin team.


Aiming to update both Mrgauthier34 & Rtr69's permissions shortly once we have received a further communication from them both.

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Guest Former Staff

After checking in with MrGauthier34 and Rtr69, we have now updated their permissions.


MrGauthier34 has been moved to our past moderators & Rtr69 has rejoined our moderating team.


(Just a side-note to mention that I'm working on a tool that should help for us to fix, track and maintain all the permissions which are incorrect across our services. There seem to be a significant number that would be best done in one sweep. Such as people lacking access to services such as IRC and the moderator channel to ensure ban appeal notifications are more noticable).

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Guest Former Staff

Smiler100 has had his permissions updated to reflect the move from the Tech Admin role to the Past Moderators, this is due to increasing real life commitments.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Former Staff

Allnaturalx has been moved from the tech admin group to the role of founder, as suggested by AvadaKedavra. This move better reflects our current tech admins and provides a bit of history to where our community began.

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January Admin Meeting Notes:

Donation Drive

  • For more of a thought out idea and to contribute your ideas please review this link: [Redacted]

    • CLIFF NOTES ON DESIGN: [Redacted due to ongoing planning using these ideas]

  • Funding

    • Previously all funds were in one pot that went to just running the servers; with the suggestions of advertising, other minecraft games, etc. separate buckets need to be made to sort of tier out so that we can determine how much we are going to spend on the other items other than running the main servers (PvE, S, and C)

    • slide23: First Goal should be 9 months of primary server hosting, which gives us buffer time if we don’t do another donation drive in 6 months, anything in excess that is raised can go into the other buckets of funding

    • Advertise the tiers so that people understand and work towards what they want to have on the servers

  • Launching

    • Coordinate the Donation Drive with the map resets for 2 or 3 of the servers

      • Launch at least two or three weeks after P rev launches (approx. End of February)

      • Launch C (or P), then P (or C), then Event


Server Status & Updates (State of the Servers Address)

  • Creative

    • Working on getting the next map ready; sirtacoface is working the new map on the dev server (slide will put it up)

    • Shooting for the end of January to mid Feburary for launching the next map

  • Survival

    • Working on the document for the next rev currently

      • Document outlines fleshing out features, finding plugins, determining what stuff needs to be coded, etc.

      • First draft of the document expected to be released to rest of the admins sometime this week for review

        • First draft will be discussed among Sadmins and narrowed down

      • Developmental Survival Post [Link Removed]

    • Instate a Chaos rev with a different map type (i.e. Skylands) and shut down S so Sadmins can focus on developing the new rev

      • Add an arena for players

  • PvE

    • Working on getting the next rev set up

      • Adding a few new features

      • Need to get spawn done

      • Aiming for the end of February release


General Meeting

  • Document prepared on breakdown of funds

    • Explanation of the number that Deaygo gave on what it costs to run the place

    • What we have that will lead into the donation drive

  • Advertising

    • Extend it to public for ideas on how/where to advertise

      • Anyone who has experience can come on and help with that

      • Graphics and video contest

        • Come up with ads that fit the size requirements for reddit and and project wonderful

      • Head Admins will makes posts on r/minecraft and r/mcservers for servers

  • Dropping the reddit name from the servers

    • Just switching to nerd.nu as overall name

    • Switching the banner on MCPublic to say just nerd.nu

    • Logo Design Contest

      • New logo for subreddit and for the forums


Website Progress

  • Base code done!

  • Integrating new features meow like modreq, etc.

  • Beta release to staff in approx. a month


Updating Moderator References

  • Move things into Mod Chat Private

  • Contribute server moderating tips, (PvP, land disputes, etc)


Mini Games/Other Minecraft Server

  • Mini games plugins available until smiler100’s plugin is ready

    • sethbling has a parkour generator

    • Different generators/scripts for dungeon style maps/builds etc

  • Releasing adventure maps periodically

    • Either already built maps or pre made maps

  • Eadmin will post a list of event ideas in a separate thread in admin chat (Tah Dah!)



February Admin Meeting was cancelled.



March Admin Meeting Notes:

Nerd.nu Admin meeting - March 19, 2015

  • Updates from the servers
    •  Creative
      • No updates
      •  [Post-meeting additions from SirTacoface:]
      • Map will be expanding shortly.
      • Hosting a new contest for a Speed Build Arena, Winner receives warp and Speed Build games shall commence!
      • Finding date for a General meeting to discuss Creative with the people of C.
      • Going to put our last thoughts together on ExcessiveToker and decide on when to bring her to Cadmin.
      • Going to work on Command Blocks once things settle down a bit (probably after Toker comes)
  • PvE
    • Feburary 20th, launched new rev.
    • Mooshrooms - event to give them out
  • Survival
    • Prepping to launch rev 28, April 3rd
    • Removing auto locking chests
    • eConomy coming to survival
    • Getting rid of rulebook (still have a command to get it)
    • Moderators to help with roads
    • Spawn already done
    • Adding in newtab player list (NerdGreeting)
    • Welcome to (name) server.
    • /found to tell us how they found the servers
    • Automated messaging, moderating (opt-out command)
    • Word replacement
    • Voting perks
    • Community meetings, 2 per rev
    • ~2 weeks after rev launches
    • address glitches, plugin issues, etc
  • General issues
    • Lag, potentially from LogBlock - investigate this
  • Nerd Permissions
    • Ability to change groups, permissions via API on the fly
  • Additional responsibilities of moderators (events)
    • Moderators having issues with them organizing events
  • Possible candidate for new Event Admin
    • SwitchViewz for eadmin?
  • Donation drive planning
    • Needs to be done by July
    • Todo list on what needs to be done
  • Staff and Community Meetings
    • Staff meeting
    • Community meeting for all servers
    • Staff meeting follow up
  • Player and Community Interaction
    • Ticketing type system built into the website
  • Solution to [Redacted issue]
  • First Step Advertising plan
    • Targetted ads on r/mcservers has apparently been terrible
    • Project wonderful seems alright
  • Expansion to new Games
    • Team Fortress 2
    • Garry's Mod  --  Secondary box
    • CS: GO
  • Budget allocation
    • Accounting for advertising, new server
      • $238 / month - Primary System
      • $70 / month - Secondary System
      • more depending on what other games we want to run
      • ~ $5000 / year
    • Stripe + Paypal for donation
  • Rules Revamp
    • Rules at a glace, very small book of rules, link to full rules
  • User help / command documentation
    • Make better reference guide to commands for (new) users
  • Other
    • Plot me on Creative for lobby event
  • ModReq system
    • Adjust to acknowledge that their mod request completion
    • Add a check done command (show last 5 done)
    • Last 5 closed with message, any that are open
  • NerdGreeting
    • Header and footer on the tab list
    • Title screen (Title and subtitle)



April Admin Meeting Notes:


21:00 EDT, April 22, 2015


Part 1: Updates

  • Server updates [server admins]

    • Creative

    • Survival

    • Pve

    • Event

  • Update on Event server / Donation Drive prep [head admins, E admin]

  • Update on website [slide]

  • Update on mass ban amnesty [Deaygo]

  • Update on temp ban capability [Deaygo]

  • Financial update [Deaygo, head admins]

  • Update on expansion to new games

    • Commit to specific games to host given certain amounts of money raised in donation drive

Part 2: Permissions

  • Who is responsible for the lobby.

  • Limits of the eadmin role on P, C, S, E, mumble, etc.

  • Bringing non-staff members on to help with events.

  • AdminMode, standardizing admin perms on all servers

Part 3: Miscellaneous

  • Lag / Logblock / mySQL issues, reducing number of days stored in the DB, removing WorldEdit logging on creative to reduce database size.

  • Changing IRC servers, changing subreddits

  • Updating the rules.

  • Writing specific guidelines for things like protections, chat moderation, etc.

  • Writing up a list or doc about the capabilities of moderators and different admins on all the different servers

  • Retraining of all staff members to better unify the application of rules and policy.

  • Discuss [link removed]

  • Changing twitter name/account.

  • Adding more Tech Admins.

  • Updating the subreddit’s CSS

  • Create a new default skin for the forums.

  • Create a sub-forum to replace uservoice.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Former Staff

We've begun a staff clearup, following on from the returning staff and staff inactivity policies being added to provide us with clearer guidelines on managing our volunteer force in a fair way. A guideline for staff responsibilities have been added too.


With the data gathered, we've also approached the moderators / admins who are missing permissions for some of our services, such as on irc, mumble and steam.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Former Staff

Scherer's permissions were updated on 3rd September to reflect the move to moderator from head admin.


Dizney has been removed from staff upon request while he takes a break from nerd, drop him a message here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Former Staff

KedNys has returned to the moderating team. We're reaching out to find availability before re-training.


Edit: KedNys has been retrained as of Saturday 3rd October.

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Guest Former Staff

We've declassified a number of topics from private mod chat and moved them into the archives. Some are quite old, others are a little more recent.

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