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SAL Community Feedback: Floor of the arena


SAL Arena Floor  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the floor of the SAL Official Arena be stagnant (floor is the same every SAL day) or change (every SAL day the floor would change, meaning some days it could be plains, then desert, etc.)?

    • Stay the same
    • Changing

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Hey guys, during discussions on SAL we were discussing having the floor of the arena changing every time we host an SAL. The arena itself (stands, doors, etc.) wouldn't change, just the floor itself. We wanted to see what you guys thought of this, or if we should just leave it alone. So voice your opinion! :D

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Would these changes be purely cosmetic or would they effect gameplay and prizes?


Prizes wouldn't be affected by the flooring, since all results will be recorded with SAL. Gameplay would probably be a bit affected since every change would affect movement, if we added in a small pool of water somewhere, made it a bit more hilly, etc. The changes would basically be to keep SAL fresh each week

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