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CS:GO Tournament Info


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The Tournament starts at 8PM EDT / 5PM PST today with the opening of the server.


Tournament Status: First set of matches to being at 8PM EDT today.


How it all works:

- This is a casual gamemode with no spectating allowed. This means there is a pistol only round followed by rounds where you can buy weapons. All weapons are allowed except for the AWP. The AWP is not allowed to be used. Using this weapon will grant a win point to your opponent.

- A total of 3 rounds will be played

- A round consists of winning 8 points on one team, and then teams are swapped, starting the next round

- First person to reach 2 round wins will win that match and advance in the bracket

- Players have 3 days to complete the match they have been assigned. If the players fail to do the match in 3 days and do not contact me within that time, both will be disqualified

- All matches must be played on the Nerd.Nu Server with a staff member spectating. The staff member that spectates does not matter who it is

You are responsible for contacting your opponent and setting up the match. If you are unable to contact them please contact me.

- When the match has been finished and a player has won, please notify me and tell me who one and the staff member that observed.


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me here or PM me.


I will be available to spectate matches most of today and tomorrow, and hopefully the following week as well. Come find me in Mumble, IRC, or send me a PM here if you would like me to spectate your match. If you would like another staff member to watch you will need to contact that staff member.


Tournament Bracket (Live):



Current Scheduled Matches:



Match History:



Round 1:

Lt.Worf vs OleToothless - Winner: Lt.Worf 2-0

d3north vs SwitchViewz - Winner: SwitchViewz 2-0

Noahyoda vs smellykid50 - Winner: Noahyoda 2-1

slide vs Alex - Winner: Alex 2-1 (This was close! 7-7 in the last round!)

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how do we know what your opponents steam name is and how do you find them and how do you find the server or contact people

Server info will be posted later tonight when the announcement post for the server goes up. As for contacting your opponent, you will have to figure out how your going to do that. One way is to send them a PM here on the forums, as everyone that signed up replied to the forum post.

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I have extended the first round by one day due to the amount of people unable to fullfil the 3 day timeframe.


Today is the last day to get your matches in or to contact me if your partner has not been responding to you.


If you are having trouble contacting your opponent I suggest sending them a PM here on the forums, in game, or on reddit.


Any matches not completed by today will result in a forfeit for the players that did not show.

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Round #2 of Matches beings today!


You have 3 days from today to complete your second match.. If you are having trouble scheduling a time please do not hesitate to contact me.


All players that failed to do there match or contact me within the past 4 days have been disqualified and their opponent moved up to the next match. The only match to still be played is zburdsal vs Four_Down and they have both been talking to me about it and difficulty in scheduling their match.

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I have extended the second round by one day due to the amount of people unable to fullfil the 3 day timeframe.
Today is the last day to get your matches in or to contact me if your partner has not been responding to you.
If you are having trouble contacting your opponent I suggest sending them a PM here on the forums, in game, or on reddit.
Any matches not completed by today will result in a forfeit for the players that did not show.

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Round #3 of Matches beings today!
You have 3 days from today to complete your second match.. If you are having trouble scheduling a time please do not hesitate to contact me.
All players that failed to do there match or contact me within the past 4 days have been disqualified and their opponent moved up to the next match. The only match to still be played is zburdsal vs Four_Down and they have both been talking to me about it and difficulty in scheduling their match.
The only match waiting to still be completed is Eehee and SorryNotSorry however they have contacted me regarding it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can we get some disqualifications up in here?

Per request of Mrloud15, you have been disqualified!


In all seriousness, as we are so close to the final match and with people being busy with school starting back up I was giving SorryNotSorry and Tortella extra time to complete there match. The bracket has been updated to reflect the new standings.

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