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2016 CTF Fundraiser - End Credits & Map Download


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Hey all,


Before we wrap up the CTF related stuff, I just wanted to take some time to credit the wonderful contributers amongst our staff and players - all the people who helped to make sure the event came together.


redwall_hp: redwall was our lead tech for this year's event and put in countless hours so that we could all enjoy the wonders of the cosmos via jetpack, and suffocate in the vacuum of space! He listened to an endless array of annoying queries and issues from me, and still somehow managed to help create an amazing event without throwing me off a cliff \o/


I'm sure I'm missing a huge amount of background tech horror stories that I will never know anything about. Sufficed to say, we could not have held the event without him - so please thank him if you see him, as he deserves it a hundred times over!


Thanks to buzzie71 and schererererer for building those amazing lime (buzzie) and red (scher) team spawn ships! scher also built both team domes, and buzzie as you know, helped out with some backstory for the event, and spent a good portion of it shooting video too! We benefitted immensely from both these guys' great building skills early on in the project, and I'm sure you will agree with me that the outcome was pretty great!




Thanks to Zomise for making us trail through the intestines of a space monster... by building the SW buff! She also built a ton of space rocks, the lime flag bases, and spent some time recording video too, including the brilliant trailer you watched prior to the event. Oh! And those creepy cavespider islands, or that water ship that killed everyone? #blamezomise :P




Thanks to Bluuefuzzy (with help from zburdsal) for the space station globe NE buff filled with staff statues. I visited it numerous times during the course of the project just to laugh at the job roles people had been assigned on their statues. If you came across a large set of beautiful islands covered in vines, that was down to these guys too.




Thanks to Narissis for The Othello, our giant spaceship puzzle at the centre buff. I don't ever want to attempt to understand the redstone behind it! He also wrote some extensive backstory for the ship, in the lead up to the event that really added depth to the build.




Thanks to Tharine for the egg shaped lobby you initially spawned in! She jumped on the project at the last minute and did an amazing job!




Thanks to Sapphric for making the custom texture pack that had you running from blue eyed spiders, spacesuited zombies, and staring at the Earth instead of the moon!




Thanks to my fellow insane asylum inductee head admin Silversunset who helped fill some gaps with misc. rock and island builds, helped with regions and other general set-up, did amazing work with sign commands and generally stuck around with me to try to make sure the event went as smoothly as it could.


Other space builders to thank:


robr - Lego spaceships!

StarMinion1 - Spaceballs & Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy references everywhere!

marting11 - Giant space duck!

MasterCommaThe - The Crystelline Entity (giant glass stars)

Weazol - Fully equipped space house with attached ship.

zburdsal (on behalf of Solace) - Stolen Donated abandoned villager islands.


Decoration, Smaller Projects or Other Misc. Help and Support

Barlimore, defiex, ghrey303, Herr_Fawkes, Lappy486, pez252, SirTacoface, Skrapssparks, SwitchViewz, Twilexis, torteela, wyndysascha, and the tech team in general for various answers and bits of information and help.   


If I've forgotten anyone I'm sorry! Please let me know in the comments - and thank you too :)


And without further ado, here is the map link (thanks totemo!) so that you can download this world yourself:



MD5 Checksum: 047c41c4f3d5d8396614c51989529829 *ctf-2016-06-world.tar.gz


And if you don't want to do that, don't worry! Due to popular request, we're hoping to be able to reopen the event server so that you can fly around an unedited (and uneditable) version of the map in creative mode. Stay tuned :)

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I don't ever want to attempt to understand the redstone behind it!


Most of the redstone in the Othello is very simple! Just a toggle switch for each blast door, wired so that the override button would toggle it open and the exit airlock button would toggle it back closed. The hard part was actually fitting all the courses of redstone wire into the walls, ceilings and floors. XD


But torteela definitely deserves a thanks for designing the functional redstone for the oxygen plant, so that it could detect water buckets. :)

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