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[PMC]2017 Fundraiser: The Plan


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Primary Event: Zombie Apocolypse

During the day... a peaceful city.


But at night... the undead roam the city looking for unsuspecting citizens!


And if you think you're safe inside... think again! These zombies can both climb up things using their inexplicably infinite sponge blocks... and break through many building materials!


Current plugins:

CityWorld - We're using this to generate the city in which we'll host the event.

CrackShot - We're using this to design various guns and other weaponry that players will be able to use.

MonsterApocolypse- We're using this to design and control the behaviour of our horde of zombies!

Potential Plugins:

VillagerRescue - We're presently looking into the possibility of some kind of 'villager rescue' mechanic. Silver has been researching possible plugins, and we're awaiting some tech input on this one in particular.

Goal / Vision for this Event

Until we can nail down which plugins will be used, further game mechanics are up in the air. Since the goal is a little more PvE orientated this time around (as frequently requested by players after the last fundraiser) we want to make sure that there are multiple reasons for players to come along and join in.

Options we could consider (some may be tech availability dependant):

  • Having both a PvP and a strictly PvE event.
  • Running competitions for best developed, safest, most aesthetic etc. settlement by players.
  • Declaring stats we will be tracking and offering regular updates to the leaderboards.
  • Implementing random events during the apocolypse, such as:
    • manually releasing other mobs
    • placing down special loot
    • admin hunts
    • 'pvp hour'
    • spawners or dispensers of useful items placed in dangerous areas.
    • hidden easy-signs around the city with mystery purposes
  • Players or staff, disguised as zombies.
  • Some kind of team mechanic for point scoring purposes.

If you have any input on gameplay / game mechanics, please let us know. We'll keep this section updated as we know more.


The CityWorld plugin that generates our zombie apocolypse city can be customised with schematics. These schematics are organised into themes, as you can see here. We're looking for people to offer at least a few custom builds for these categories, as the generated builds are very sparse with little interior or interesting features.

You can build these buildings anywhere, just mail me the server/world and coords, so I can come and schematic them. However, if you'd prefer a specific place to put them, I've set-up a quick plot area on /server build which you can warp to (in /modmode) with /warp cityplots. See below:



Secondary Event: The Carnival

The Carnival is going to run alongside the Zombie Apocolypse event, allowing players a respite from the constant attacks of the undead! This world is designed to house mini events (redstone games etc.) or arenas for organised games such as speedbuild or spleef.


The goal here will likely be that players can win prizes that will help them survive or accomplish goals in the zombie apocolypse world.


The carnival world is housed on the Creative server (as a few regular players are helping too). You can access it with /home silversunset fundraiser (its not a warp so as to remain invisible to most Creative players).

Below are the links to the Help Wanted forum tasks associated with The Carnival, if you'd like to let us know you're volunteering - it's open to any staff member (and a few players have been drafted as well):

Carnival Minigames

The dirt path areas in the picture above, lead to empty spaces we'd like to fill with builds, such as:

  • Redstone games that allow prizes to be won (YouTube has a lot of ideas)
  • Rollarcoaster!
  • A speedbuild arena (that would allow CAdmins to run speedbuild at the usual time, even though the fundraiser is running).
  • An other arenas that would allow staff to run events, such as spleef, archery, pvp, pve etc.
  • A giant community maze (more on this below)

Carnival World Ambient Decoration

Presently the carnival world contains a large circus tent which houses the spawn point, and not much else. The surrounding environment is in need of some ambient carnival related decoration to make the world feel a little more connected and interesting. Things like:

  • Decorative stalls
  • Decorative small circus tents and flags
  • Fence or boundary related builds
  • Landscaping, flowers etc.
  • Giant sculptures or 'inflatables' (or similar)
  • Clowns!
  • Balloons
  • Ferris Wheel (decorative)

Community Maze

In addition to the above tasks, we will be launching a community maze build on P (already set-up in the mapworld but not open for building yet), asking all players to create small (51x51, and 40 height) mazes which will hopefully be interlinked to create one large maze. If we don't manage to get enough help on the carnival area, we're hoping to at minimum be able to release this maze as an alternative activity during the zombie apocolypse, dependent on how many players take up the opportunity to participate.

Instructions at the maze plot spawn area (which will be accessible via an easy-sign at P spawn):


Example plot:


This community build will be launched in the near future.


Other: The Event Lobby

This build is already completed, barring some signage to explain all the things happening on the event server and how to access them.


If you'd like to take a look around it, you can visit it on the build server, (/server build), entering /modmode, and then warping to it with /warp eventlobby. We'd welcome any feedback!


Hopefully this all makes sense, but feel free to ask any questions (or suggest things) below!

Thanks for reading,



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I believe the thought was to keeps Below ground limited - citiworld does create a sewer system and we'll most likely give it little space below that but not much. We want to use the carnival world to award things like ores or materials to help build defenses rather than just digging for them. 

As for size we've not decided that yet. It will be smaller than pve's map however :)

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Carnival world update:

There are quite a few great builds on here thanks guys!! I've got some more ideas i've scrounged from the internet if anyone is looking for a place to start. If possible i'd love some more prize-awarding builds - no need to decide WHAT the prize is, we'll take care of that for you. If you can't find a spot or want help picking one out just ping me in game or on slack 

red - prizes can be awarded
blue - ambient/funsies
orange - ideas for new builds


Archery Challenge (Bluuefuzzy)

Bounce Castle (Socarch)

SnoFlo (Silversunset)

Connect4 (?)

Carousel (Dumbo52)

Roller Coaster (Dumbo52)

Ferris Wheel (Astronomew)

Mob Shooting Challege (Buzzie71)


Mini golf 

Obstacle Course

Hide and Seek


Mob Racing

Dunking Booth (planned: Astronomew)

Strength Meter



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