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Modification of the Month #18 - August 2024

Welcome back to Modification of the Month, where we're only a day late! Not too much happened this month as a lot of the tech work right now is bigger plugins.

General Change Log

  • August 8th - PPGOME - Added /tableflip, /unflip, and /cheer

Web Site Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Creative Change Log

  • August 29th - PPGOME & Pez252 - Bluemap is added, replacing Dynmap.

PvE Change Log

  • August 8th - PPGOME - Updated MobLimiter to avoid culling allays holding items

Modification of the Month #17 - July 2024

Welcome to Modification of the Month! We're changing up the formula a bit from Totemo's Tweak of the Week blogs, as not many updates happen between weeks and so PPGOME has an excuse when he forgets to publish these!

General Change Log

  • July 12th - PPGOME - VehicleControl is fixed for 1.20.
  • July 13th - PPGOME - Updated NerdMessage to only stop alerting players of new mail once they run /mail inbox, instead of their first join after receiving it.
  • July 14th - PPGOME - Fix, clean up, and add a few CommandHelper commands.
  • July 19th - Pez252 - System patches.
  • July 20th - PPGOME - Removed Rifle's Chairs due to how broken it was. Replaced with GSit. Same functions, but now with /sit and /lay!
  • July 20th - PPGOME - Added some new moderator commands and made links clickable again in a variety of message formats.
  • July 28th - PPGOME - Added /pants.
  • July 28th - PPGOME - Modified some moderator commands.

Web Site Change Log

  • July 19th - Pez252 - Forums are updated.

Creative Change Log

  • Nothing much.

PvE Change Log

  • July 12th - PPGOME - Moblimiter is fixed for 1.20.
  • July 12th - PPGOME - /maps is updated to remove the unused carto map link.
  • July 14th - PPGOME - Attempted to fix Rifle's Chairs as sitting was broken and players were clipping through chairs into the ground below.
  • July 14th - PPGOME - Fixed perfect farmers to now include cookies.
  • July 14th - PPGOME - Fixed various bugs, including the notorious fall bug that caused players to die mid-air.
  • July 16th - PPGOME - Changed /dynmap hide and /dynmap show to now be /bmap hide and /bmap show. Can also use /bmap to toggle between the two modes automatically!
  • July 16th - PPGOME - Updated some moderator commands.
  • July 16th - PPGOME - Increased the shulker cull limit in Moblimiter to avoid breaking shulker farms.
  • July 17th - PPGOME - Fixed bugged states in Moblimiter where some mobs had cull values but the plugin never acted. Includes foxes, axolotls, and frogs.
  • July 18th - PPGOME - Tested and discovered that the new death pile item radius is a new in vanilla and is meant to explode that far out. Nothing will be changed.
  • July 20th - PPGOME - Added a Xaero's minimap waypoint message to /place, so players with that mod can now click to add the /place to their maps.
  • July 20th - PPGOME - Updated KeepBabyMobs to make tadpoles stay tadpoles when named.

Padmin Ponderings

Hello Nerds!

We are just over a month into Revision 30 and wanted to take a moment to give a few quick updates.

Photo Contest Winners!

The votes have been counted and here are your winners

First Place

Marin Martian by CARnivore_nds

Fireworks by cujobear

Second Place

Busy day at CFC by Chef_zuul

Third Place

Astral Plane by Chef_zuul

Loved Up by cujobear

The Starting Line by Chef_zuul

At the Drive In by CARnivore_nds

Thank you to all those that stopped by the Arts building to vote. Prizes will be handed out to the winners as we see them online.

The Village of the Cities

Don't forget to claim a plot to represent your city/town/build at spawn!

There are still plenty of spaces available. To claim a space, stand in the numbered plot and make a modrequest.

We would love to see everyone represented in spawn.

Dragon Fight

Once again, life likes to play havoc on our free time and we are slightly behind schedule in releasing the dragon fight.

Planning and development are under way and we will release it as soon as possible.


Padmins have pulled the first batch of suggestions from the suggestion box and hope to have responses posted to the forum by this weekend.

Thank you for your submissions, we appreciate your comments and ideas.

There were a couple of suggestions asking to add information to the Rev 30 info post. We will be updating (or in some cases, have updated) the info post with new information. Make sure to check the info post for information regarding the revision throughout the rev.

~the padmins

Creative Revision 38 Launch Date & Details

— General Info —

Map size: 7000 x 7000, same as Revision 37. The map was generated using World Machine and World Painter, it's the first map to have generated underwater features such as coral/kelp with warm ocean biomes.
We will be launching on Minecraft 1.20.4 (same version as PvE)

Map features include: Large water body with rivers, mountainous terrain combined with superflat plains including low terrain to utilize the full height limit.

— Spawn City —

Yes spawn city is coming back, and in force! The general inspiration for the spawn area is the San Francisco Bay. The city comprises over 400 plots (yes you read that right). It might be the most extensive spawn city to ever feature on !

It comprises :

  • Downtown plots for skyscrapers and other large buildings
  • Shop plots in various sizes
  • Residential plots for : suburban homes, beach mansions, row houses and apartment complexes
  • An industrial district
  • Some park plots within the city
  • A large campground on the outskirts of town in the mountains
  • A marina with boat plots
  • A forested area for cabins
  • Many of our minigame arenas are also integrated into Spawn City.

— Launch schedule —

TNT party beginning approximately 24hrs before launch.

Saturday June 22 at 8PM Eastern Time : Launch of revision 38

Note that there will be no regularly scheduled event due to the launch of the revision. We will resume event schedule the following week!

— Multiverse info —

Redstone, Map World, Testbuild: Builds and plot ownership will transfer to Rev 38 Current Rev 37 map will transfer and be accessible via /warp Rev37. It will be in read-only mode. Make note of your current build coordinates so you can locate it, modreq for ownership and use World Edit to copy/paste to your new claim.

— Warps —

Standard warps will include the classic BigTown and Pixelart, as well as warps to minigames, and warps to districts of spawn city, Warps for player builds will be granted to significant builds as the revision progresses. Send us a /modreq if you think your build is worth a /warp !

— What’s new in Minecraft 1.20 —

If you don’t know already, 1.20 has plenty of new additions which will be useful for Creative:

  • Bamboo: Planks, buttons, doors, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, slabs, boats, stairs and trapdoors.
  • Cherry tree: Planks, buttons, doors, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, slabs, rafts, stairs and trapdoors.
  • Chiseled Bookshelf
  • Decorated Pots
  • New Flowers: Pitcher Plant, Torchflower
  • New pets: Camels, Sniffers (which you will be able to spawn with /pet)
  • Hanging signs
  • Various decorative items

— Teaser Screenshots —

Happy building!

Rev 30 Info Post

Rev 30


At 11:30 am on Saturday, Jun 1(Eastern US) Revision 29 will draw to a close. There will be a downtime of approximately 1.5 hours if all goes well, and we plan to launch Revision 30 on Saturday, June 1 at 1:00 pm US Eastern Time. We will be launching on 1.20.4. In this document we hope to lay out the information you’ll need in preparation for the new revision.

Please read the following thoroughly, as while some of the information is a refresher, new policies, plugins, etc are described below.


We strive to design each revision in a way that every player can enjoy playing in their own style. However, you must make sure to follow the server rules and play respectfully. Please read the rules at spawn, even if you have been around for many revs, a quick reminder doesn’t hurt! For restarts, always try to avoid logging out while in a minecart or on a horse, while flying, or with a chest open - just in case it results in a loss of items or life.

Staff reserve the right to take appropriate actions against any player in order to maintain server harmony.


This revision, our general theme is Fairs! Welcome to the Rev 30 Nerd Fair. In the fairgrounds you will find displays of’s history, art, agriculture displays, and of course rides and food stalls! Our custom currency will be Nerd Tickets. You will be able to use the currency to buy portals and holes in the nether roof, as well as items at the fair and from wandering traders. As always, players are under no obligation to build within this theme, participate in any challenges or events, or collect collectibles.

The Lost Pavilions

Once again we ran a build contest and this revision we chose 27 builds to pre-place across the map. When you find one of these builds, hunt for a sign to collect your prize.

Builders include mats1300, za_zaa, layla_moon, j4bble, CARnivore_nds, treppich, Ulyn_, Omega_Orion, Daisydushess, baronHark, zongsoe, OleToothless, King_of_queso, and buzzie71.


We understand that many players enjoy the benefits of having a bot/alt account sit idly at a grinder while playing on their main account. We also, however, want to make it clear that our goal is to have a playable server the whole community can enjoy. Please do not use bots for at least the first month of the revision. Starting July 1st, if you decide to use a bot we ask that you set up automatic logging, set to log out once per hour. Padmins reserve the right to kick any bot (or idle player) found with built up mobs/items at any time necessary to improve server performance.


The overworld for this revision will be 10,000 x 10,000. We once again used Minecraft’s vanilla generation to allow the new biomes and structures to generate. Look for those new cherry trees and that suspicious looking sand and gravel. Ores have not been plumped.


Revision 30’s spawn theme was chosen by cujobear and designed and built by TemporarilyAlive and cujobear with sprucing done by the padmins and the moderation team. The fair island includes a rail station, stables, traders and much more!

Once again we have spawn secrets hidden by staff. Make sure you explore every nook and cranny of spawn! HOWEVER - New this rev we have separated out Spawn Challenges. Make sure to visit the challenge tent. We currently have 9 challenges, and hope to include more later in the revision.

If you would like to connect a rail line please /modreq and list which connection you want. Cardinal road builders, we expanded the cardinal road off the main fair island. You should be able to connect from there, please let us know if you need help blending the road into the spawn region

Village of the Cities

The Nerd Fairgrounds has a special section set aside to highlight the towns and cities of There are 28 claimable plots for players to build something to represent their towns. These plots will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. To claim a plot for your town stand near the plot sign and /modreq I would like to build in this plot please. These plots are meant to be embassies or visitor centers representing your town (past or present) DO NOT use these plots as a storage dump or early rev base. Plots not used in a timely fashion will be forfeited and given to another player interested in building.


This revision’s nether will be a 6000 x 6000 vanilla generated map. The nether spawn area has been left for players to develop. If you would like to take on the task of designing and building the nether spawn hub, make a claim request just as you would in the overworld.

Nether portals

There is a change to Nether Portal pricing this revision!

The revision will once again start with 9 preplaced nether portals, one at spawn and eight hidden around the map. The eight preplaced portals will be a hidden sign. If you find one of these signs out in the world, punch the sign and it will automatically create a modreq claiming the portal and announce in genchat that you have found a portal. (If multiple players hit the sign, the lowest numbered modreq will be counted as the owner of that portal) The portal frames for preplaced portals must be placed within 2 weeks of the modreq and within 100 blocks of the pillar. These portals will be lit by padmins for free.

Still want your own portal? You can buy a portal of your own, once all 8 preplaced portals have been found. The cost of a portal will now include a padmin dopple head and 1 portal shard per portal space, this makes the smallest possible portal (2x3) cost 6 portal shards and 1 padmin head. Portal shards can be purchased at the spawn traders for 64 Nerd Tickets each.

Padmins encourage towns near each other to work together to create a portal hub towns can share. Padmins reserve the right to deny portals that may be too close or may interfere with previously placed portals. (Click Here to see a list of the locations of the found portals)[]

The End

Cheezychicken has, once again, custom generated the End. There are plenty of resources to gather spread across islands on this 5000 x 5000 map. Shulkers will continue to be a respawning mob throughout the end!

Dragon Fight

The dragon fight will be vanilla for the first month of the revision, and no elytra will be awarded. This will allow time for players to explore. Following that, the custom dragon fight will return, with new stages and a guaranteed elytra drop.


We are continuing with the claims system we currently have in place. Once you have 4 clearly marked corners /modreq to have a moderator create your claim. They do not need signs, a fence or a continuous wall, BUT including those visual markers will help to make your claim clearer to other players. A build-allow region will then be created for your claim, which will allow for everyone to gather resources from the area but also make it clear that someone intends to build in the area. Claims must be rectangles with 4 clearly defined corners, staff will not make oddly shaped claims. Remember claims do not protect your area, they are meant only to notify players of your intent to build there. If you want to find out if you are currently in a claim, use /rg i. Claims should not be excessively large and, while not required, we recommend a buffer of 3-5 blocks between claims. Claims must be used within a reasonable timeframe and cannot encompass other claims. Padmins reserve the right to resize or remove unused claims


Protections will continue to be granted and created under the same policies as previous revisions. Once your build is mostly complete /modreq to ask for protections and a mod will create a region around your completed build. Less complete builds in higher risk areas may be protected to prevent grief. We will NOT protect natural resources or unbuilt areas.

Iron Golem Spawners

With the relative ease that high speed golem grinders can now be created, we will continue allowing players to create their own vanilla golem grinders. Please be efficient with your villager usage and don’t use too many. The PAdmins reserve the right to convert any and all golem grinders to spawners if it is deemed that they are causing excessive lag.


To help mitigate server strain caused by villagers, this revision we will continue to offer perfect villagers. Perfect villagers are villagers which have all possible trades for their profession. For this rev the max trade limit will remain at 1000 so your villager will need to be able restock from time to time. The idea is to only need 1 villager of certain professions per villager market. Make sure to keep your villager safe, as those killed by natural causes will not be replaced and will need to be repurchased.
To get a perfect farmer you will need to train 5 farmers to expert level (1 carrot farmer, 1 beet farmer, 1 potato farmer, 1 wheat farmer, and 1 melon & pumpkin farmer. Place the farmers in an enclosure and include a chest with 5 stacks of emerald blocks nearby. Make a modreq that includes the location of where you would like the villager placed and what biome style you would prefer. A padmin will collect the payment and place 1 perfect villager.

To purchase a perfect cleric you will need to train 5 clerics to master level. Then place 3 stacks of emerald blocks in a chest near those clerics. Next make a modreq asking for a perfect cleric. Please include the location you would like the cleric to be placed and if you would prefer a biome type for your new trader.

To purchase a perfect butcher you will need to train 5 butchers to master level, 1 each of the 5 possible meat trades. Then place 3 stacks of emerald blocks in a chest near those butchers. Next make a modreq asking for a perfect butcher. Please include the location you would like the butcher to be placed and if you would prefer a biome type for your new trader.

For a Perfect-ish Mason you will need to train 10 masons up to their highest level (master). Each mason should have 1 of the 16 possible terracotta trades (for a total of 10 different color trades) When you have the masons trained, place 6 stacks of emerald blocks into a chest near the trained masons and make a mod request for 1 perfect mason. Please specify the location you would like the mason to be placed and if you would prefer a biome type for your new trader . This Mason will not carry everything available by having multiple masons, but should cover 99.9% of what you would like a Mason to offer. The Perfect-ish Mason will have the following trades: 20 Stone → 1 Emerald 10 Clay → 1 Emerald 16 Granite → 1 Emerald 16 Diorite → 1 Emerald 16 Andesite → 1 Emerald 1 Emerald → 10 bricks 1 Emerald → 1 White Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Orange Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Magenta Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Light Blue Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Yellow Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Lime Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Pink Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Purple Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Gray Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Light Gray Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Cyan Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Blue Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Brown Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Green Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Black Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Red Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Quartz Block 1 Emerald → 1 Quartz Pillar LIMIT 1 PERFECT VILLAGER OF EACH TYPE PER TOWN. Additional vanilla villagers should NOT be added to markets once a perfect villager is in place.

Spawners / Grinders

While private farms/grinders are not in the spirit of PvE, we will be continuing with the established policies. You can set your vanilla mob (zombie, skeleton, spider) or iron golem grinder to be private and you do not need to share any of the drops (please add a sign stating it is a private farm). The exception to this rule will continue to be for guardian grinders and blaze grinders which must remain 100% public at all times. We also encourage nether gold farms and bartering markets to be kept public. This revision we will not be including custom spawners from the start of the rev, however padmins do reserve the right to possibly add custom spawners later in the revision or as event prizes.


For Rev 30 we will continue to use Headmart! The physical headmart store has been closed and you can now buy your decorative skulls remotely. There are now around 75,000 skulls to choose from! You will still need to purchase Custom Skull Tokens from the traders at spawn. Once you have a Skull Token in hand type /headmart to open the shop. A menu will pop up and you can browse through categories or search by clicking the compass. Do not click on a skull until you are ready to purchase it. If you would like to see a skull before buying, we suggest you hop over to the Creative server which is also running this plugin. You can also search the website Padmins will not refund any purchases.


Weekly Events

When we created the weekly events we were hoping to encourage more player run games with staff in attendance to help out. Over the last few revs it has come down to staff running the events each weekend. While we have the regular event times (Friday Night @ 7:30pm Eastern and again on Saturday @ 1pm Eastern) we encourage players to develop and host games at other times as well. To host an event make a modreq and a padmin will contact you for more information. Arena builders will be given 3 event tokens for building the arena and 3 extra tokens if they host the event. Participants at the weekly events will earn an event token and a collectible, winners will be given trophies.


Even though we have updated the headmart remote store, we will continue to offer the Microblocks Collection through Wandering Traders. This collection will be just for fun and no rewards will be given for collecting them all. Microblocks will also keep the same price of 1 diamond and 1 block.


Big news! We are moving to bluemap the revision. Bluemap is a two in one option that allows players to flip between a top down and carto style view. We’re continuing the recent practice of having the livemap available from day one, but not having the terrain visible at the start. The live map will become available after 2 weeks or once players can provide a full map on the subreddit. Want your town/build added to the live map as a marker? Make a modreq. We will now add more builds and towns to the live map, even if they do not qualify for a /place.


Mapworld is bigger than ever! We have carried mapworld over from rev 29 and have also added more plots! You can teleport to mapworld from the main building in spawn. We will be continuing to do some maintenance early rev, but feel free to use map world at any time. Please remember that you must have an empty inventory to enter and leave mapworld. We have placed an enderchest near the entrance for your convenience. We have also added a command to mapworld's exit to automatically clear your inventory.


We have had some major changes to a few of the plugins used on


We have transferred from LWC to Bolt for lockable items. This will include chests, furnaces, etc. Please check out the Bolt section of the rules in spawn. We will update /help as time allows.

Blue Map

As stated above, we will now be using bluemap for our live and carto map.


The Safebuckets plugin has been removed. Water and lava will now flow naturally in all build allow regions. Griefing builds by using flowing water and indirect pvp using flowing lava are bannable offenses.

Easy Rider

We will continue to use the easy rider plugin to lock horses, mules, donkeys, llamas and camels to players. However we are removing the leveling up part of the plugin to handle health, speed, and jump. Players will now need to use vanilla breeding mechanics for statistics.


We will continue to use beast-master for custom drops. However, killing mobs will not have a chance to drop currency. This should allow for vanilla style mob farms to work properly.Padmins reserve the right to use mobs for custom drops during special events and holidays, but will leave creepers vanilla whenever possible.

We will continue to run all other plugins. To see a full list of plugins visit

Revision change over Schedule

Below is our Revision changeover schedule.

Please be aware that due to technical issues, some times may be subject to change. This is the schedule we hope to keep to.

Rev 29 End of Rev Fireworks Extravaganza

Rev 29 Final Map Save

Rev 29 Chaos Begins

Rev 29 Closes

Rev 30 Launch

Just want to thank everyone for an amazing Rev 29 (longest revision to date)

~the padmins

Rev 30 World Build Contest

The Rev 30 Nerd Fair will be launching on June 1st and you can help bring the map to life!

Our map wide hidden builds has become a tradition and we want to once again ask for your help!

To fit within the revision theme we are looking for fair pavilions or other world's fair style builds. Unsure what builds are World's Fair famous? Seattle's Space Needle and the Eiffel Tower are a couple, check this link for a wikipedia article. Please use these pictures as inspiration to create a unique build.

We have been doing this style event for a few revs now, but in case you forgot here is a quick rundown. Padmins will hide the builds around the overworld before the revision launch for players to explore and find a collectible. We are limitng the complete set at 20-25 collectibles so we may not choose all builds entered.

Due to not having 1.20 blocks available on the Creative server we will allow players to build in their single player worlds and turn in a litematica schematic to be pasted into a 1.20 world and judged. For those without litematica we can change some blocks to 1.20 blocks after pasting (talk with cujo via discord before beginning your build if you want blocks replaced)

How To Participate:

In game

  • log into the Creative server
  • type /warp WeeklyBuild
  • Make sure to read the rules below and the category before starting
  • Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim
  • You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit!
  • The contest will run from tonight until Sunday, May 12th, at 10PM EDT.

Using Litematica

  • Keep builds to a 25x25 area footprint, you can build 50 high and 25 deep
  • build on flat land
  • Send a copy of the schematic to cujobear via discord by May 12th


  • Builds must follow all regular PvE rules. No NSFW builds
  • builds can be any size, as long as it fits within the build plot, no more than 25 blocks deep.
  • you can enter as many builds as you would like, and can even build more than one entry per plot
  • All entries become the property of
  • Not all entries will be used in the next map, depending on how the build fits in the theme, build size, and how the build will fit on the map

Recap & Other Info

  • 1.20 blocks will not be available on the Creative Server
  • these builds are for the overworld
  • Like in previous revs, padmins will be adding a collectible to the builds used
  • Builds should be able to be explored in under 10 mins
  • Your builds will be protected from grief, but also be sure not to include player traps or areas that would require the player to dig or build

~the padmins

Actual Announcement

Rev 30 is coming soon!

Attention all nerds! This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill!

Its happening!

On Saturday 1st June the Rev 30 Nerd Fair will be rolling into town! Rev 29s final save will be on Friday 31st May and there will be 1 day of chaos before closing for new rev prep maintenance. Please note that we will be launching on 1.20.4 with a view to possibly upgrading to 1.20.5 mid-rev (depending on any technical limitations). The theme will be worlds/state fairs!

Please note that we have made a few changes to the usual 'extras' we provide over the vanilla experience which are as follows;

1: SafeBuckets

We have removed safebuckets meaning your water and lava will now flow unimpeded just like vanilla! Water will not be able to flow into or out of worldguard regions or claims however. This is a trial & pending feedback/results we may re-introduce safebuckets later in the rev.

2: EasyRider

We have removed the levelling & thirst on horses, camels & donkeys in favour of vanilla breeding and stats. Tamed horses, camels & donkeys will still lock to their owners and be invincible when not ridden just like before.

3: Dynmap

We have replaced the dynmap livemap with BlueMap! This means there is now an optional interactive 3D mode available on the livemap for the first time. The command to hide & show yourself on the livemap will now change to "/livemap " As previous revs this will not be available for the first few weeks. Once it becomes available it will be blank, and will reveal areas that have been mapped in-game with vanilla maps.

4: LWC

We have replaced LWC with its spiritual successor Bolt! This means a few of the commands you use to control locks have changed. For example; "/cprivate" is now "/bolt lock private" & "/cremove" is now "/bolt unlock". These new commands will be listed in game at spawn & with "/bolt help" You can also use Bolt to lock decorated pots, plant pots & signs (as well as everything available previously with LWC) Bolt will also replace ItemLocker for locking item frames & armour stands.

5: Signs

With 1.20 you can now edit in game signs by right clicking them. Signs in worldguard protected regions can not be edited, however the sign edit GUI does still open if clicked. To prevent this you can click any sign with a honeycomb to lock it. Once this is done the only way to unlock the sign is to break and replace it. (/signtext will still work as before for region owners).

6: Spawn Secrets

We have split spawn secrets into 2 categories; Secrets & Challenges. Secrets are signs hidden around spawn which when clicked will give you a collectible head with an announcement in chat. Challenges will be more skill based secrets such as parkours, quizzes or mob fights. Entrances to these challenges will not be hidden, but instead be available from the challenges booth at spawn.

Here is a little teaser of whats to come! Here is a little teaser of whats to come

More details will be added to the info post 24 hours before the rev launch & some details on this post may be subject to change.

As with previous revs we will be running a build competition for hidden structures, which we will reveal in a separate post soon.

We look forward to seeing you all there

~The PAdmins

Announcement Announcement

Revision Update -

Hi all!

We are sorry for the continued delay of the launch of Revision 30. We do however want to announce that we are getting close to a new rev announcement. Well I guess technically this is an announcement while at the same time it’s not. We do not have a set date for the new rev, but we know some players have noticed a flurry of activity on pve-dev. We will still give you a full month notice once techs and padmins have settled on a launch date. Staff have been working on preparations while we still wait on a few things that need a bit more work, and the release of 1.20.5. There will also be some significant changes in a few of the plugins or “sprinkles” players are used to, so be sure to read the full info post when it comes out!

Until then, we would like to announce a Screenshot Photo Contest. Send us your favorite screenshots from any revision 1-29. If possible resize images to 256x256 and send an imgur link to cujobear on discord, or in the reddit comment section.

We look forward to an amazing Rev 30!


Rev 29 World Tour

Greetings all!

Due to some very busy schedules and a US holiday, this weekend there will not be a regular gaming event.

However, There is a trader in spawn offering a Self-guided World Tour.

Starting Friday July 7th you will be able to turn in the tokens for prizes at the same booth you picked you the book.

Happy Exploring!