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Week One Update


Plugin is not ready, we hope to bring it to the server soon™


Towns with portals will be shown on the live map as a nether portal, we will not be adding a second house marker to the live map. If you want /place for your town to lead players to a location that is not near the nether portal, you are welcome to ask for a /place, but a second marker will not be added to the live map. If you have a mob farm that is open to the public, we will add a skull marker to the live map but will not be adding mob farms to the /place listing


Due to the custom generation used to create the map guardians are not spawning in the ocean monument, we have opted to add spawners to mimic the vanilla generation of guardians.


Due to the custom generation used to create the map, pillagers are not spawning in or around pillager outposts. We have opted to use the Beast-master plug-in to replace mobs in the area with pillager mobs, similar to how the end respawns shulkers. This will be implemented soon.


If you would like to purchase nether roof access please place 64 $pudcoins per 1 block of bedrock in a chest and modreq which blocks you would like removed. You must remove all possible blocks that are not bedrock, admins will not clear excess blocks. Theres is no limit to the size, we ask that roof access be located in the wild (global region) or above your own nether portal (please do not add holes above someone else's build)


We realize that the Terra map generation is missing some of the flowers from the overworld. We have added Florence the Florist who will sell flowers and plants at the following rates: 1 $pudcoin or 128 seeds for 16 flowers or 1 double tall flower

If you find that other items from 1.16 are missing, please contact the admins.


LadyCailin has created a new notification system for PvE's suggestion box. We hope this change will help us keep on top of suggestions throughout the revision. Another new feature added is that the padmins can respond to your suggestion in game. We will also keep a track of all suggestions and responses here


Speaking of LadyCailin, she has also added a couple of new commands to PvE. The first one is /cdefault which can be used to default your lwc shest lock before placing chests. Please remember to change your default back to private when finished using the default to make a number of region or public chests. Admins take no responsibility for chests being locked incorrectly which then led to a lose of items Next is /shrug, which does pretty much what you expect it to.


We are still looking through the current set of region flags available and have marked the following as flags you can modreq to have set in a protected region (not a claim) This list may be expanded later. Please remember that this revision is being used as a test revision and some of these flags may not continue to be offered.

For all Protected Builds (for decoration purposes only)

  • Crop-Growth deny
  • Vine-Growth deny
  • Ice-Form deny
  • Frosted-Ice-Form deny
  • Allow-seating deny
  • Use-Trap-Door deny
  • Use-fence-gate deny
  • greeting messages
  • farewell messages

For Arenas Only

  • Enderpearl deny
  • Chorus-Fruit-Teleport deny
  • PVP allow
  • Mob-Spawning deny

Revision 27 Rails

Hello all!

So the revision has been up for almost a week, and we are starting to get questions about spawn rail connections. Sorry this detailed information was not included in the revision info post.

Spawn rail station has a total of 256 outgoing rail lines and it is set up so that you can either add a drop to an underground rail, or build overland rails in any direction. We do ask that all overland rails be made with consistent materials from start to finish, and any bridges be completed. In other words, please make overland rails look nice. Each destination is a block and wood combination. The outgoing lines have their destination selector combo at the edge. Like this Please make a mod request stating which line you would like to use and what name/town name you would like listed on the directory board. You can also make a modreq so admins can help you connect your rail in the spawn region.

For incoming lines there is also an option for overland or underground returns. For overland rails, there is a return drop at each corner of spawn as seen here For underground rails there is a water elevator return located at -46, 11, -10

Incoming rail lines will need to be a collaborative effort among all the players and we hope that having incoming rails join to share 1 of the main lines into spawn will not be an issue. We do ask that you contact the rail builder before joining your rail into theirs. Feel free to modreq to ask who the line belongs to.

Contact a padmin with any questions you still may have.

Chaos coming to PvE

Let's end this revision with a BANG!!

Revision 26 will have it's final save this Thursday at 7 pm Eastern.

The server will be brought down at this time for the final save and it will take approximately 2 hours for the map to come back up for Chaos.

We are planning to have pvp enabled and keep inventory turned on.

Please do not pre-add lava, withers, etc. We would like to have the final map save look like what PvE is really like and not like everyone was preparing for the apocalypse.

See you on the other side!

Rev 27 is coming!

Hiya Nerds!!!

All good things must come to an end, and Revision 26 is no exception,

As you may be aware, Mojang has split the 1.17 update into 2 parts.

This, unfortunately, threw our original plans for Revision 27 for a loop. Without the new blocks and terrain we had been expecting, we had to go back to the drawing board.

Rather than waiting on a release date for the 1.17 update, we have decided to move forward with a new revision, but with a bit of a twist!

This revision will be a bit different than the recent revisions we have hosted on

To start, we plan on Revision 27 to last 4-6 months instead of the 6-8 month revisions we have hosted in recent years. We are hoping that this will help to get back in sync with Mojang updates.

Because we expect the revision to be shorter than usual. this will be a simplified revision. We have opted out of an overarching revision theme, instead the spawn will be simplified and custom mobs, drops, and dragon fight will be omitted or simplified.

As part of the changes due to the shortened length, we would like to use Revision 27 as a test for implementing some changes to our usual policies. Examples of some of the changes we are looking at are personal nether portals and changes to how claims are marked. (see below for more details) However; please understand that no decisions have been made final and all final decisions will be announced in the info post that is released 24 hours be revision launch.

We have made the decision to announce the launch date a bit early with the hopes that the community can also offer suggestions and input in any changes they want to see us try.

PvE Revision 27 will launch on June 25th (5 weeks from this Friday)

Some of the policies we are looking at updating:

  • Allow portal placements by any player.
    • The connection radius of portals can be reduced and would lessen crossed wiring
  • Personal PvP toggle
    • We are still discussing the implications of this idea
  • The Not Quite SOOO Perfect Villagers
    • Looking into changing the villager trade setting so that they are not as OP
  • Usable region flags
    • We will create a list of region flags we will allow players to request on their protected area.
    • Current flags include vine growth deny and trap door use deny (for decorative trap doors) we hope to expand this list
  • New claims system
    • This is the biggest one. Please read the Region Changes Document for more detailed information. This was a proposal written by zburdsal.
  • Sleep vote
    • A game rule will be added to 1.17 to handle sleep voting on a server. At this time we will wait for the vanilla gamerule rather than adding a plugin.

Please feel free to offer any other suggestions or input of ideas you would like to see discussed.

We look forward to another exciting revision!

~ the padmins

Easter Admin Hunts

Spring is in the air! And the admins will need a spring in their step to stay safe this weekend.

This weekend the Padmins will be hosting 4 sessions of Easter Admin Hunts.

How do Admin Hunts work?

Admin Hunts work like Prop Hunt. Admins can be disguised as blocks, mobs, or even other players. Find them and kill them to earn loot boxes. We ask that player be respectful of each other and make sure the loot boxes get to the player most deserving of the prize. This could mean that a player that found and did 90% of the damage to an admin be given the loot box by the player that swooped in and got the final killing swing in. Since admins are particpants if they ask you to pass a loot box to the player they know deserves the prize, please be considerate and pass the box over.

During admin hunts many of the admin will also be in mumble. While we do try to give hints in the event clanchat, it is quite fun to hear us fret and scream in mumble!

Where is the Admin Hunt?

This Admin hunt will be held at Itamashi City from Rev 14. Itamashi City was built by TheAcademician, with help from buzzie71 and Mumberthrax.

You can get there by taking the ship in the South East of Spawn. You will need an empty inventory to enter the arena. However, there will be chests available at the warp. Use /cprivate to claim a chest and add your name to the sign on the chest.

When will the sessions take place?

Session 1 - Friday, April 2 @ 7:30pm EDT

Session 2 - Saturday, April 3 @ Noon EDT

Session 3 - Saturday, April 3 @ 4pm EDT

Session 4 - Sunday, April 4 @2pm EDT

But what about an Easter Egg Hunt?

Glad you asked! In addition to the usual 20 event tokens and admin hidden around the arena, there are also 20 Easter Eggs to find and collect. When you see a deco head egg in the arena, look for a nearby sign and click it. Each sign has a max use of 1 per player.

Luck of the Irish

Top ‘o the morning to you!

Do you have the Luck of the Irish? You’ll need it!

PvE’s St Paddy’s Day Mob event will have you fighting Leprechauns and searching for their pots of gold!

According to Irish legend, the land of Hy-Brasil is a phantom island that is shrouded by mist and only becomes visible once every seven years. This weekend the mist will lift and the lands of Hy-Brasil will be visible. To find these mythical locations you must fight Leprechauns and steal the compasses that will lead you to their pots of gold hidden in these legendary locations.

Here is how the event will work.

Starting this weekend, Leprechauns will begin to spawn in the overworld and they will be ready for a fight. Each Leprechaun will have a 20% chance of spawning with a compass in their off hand. Each one killed will have a 50% chance of dropping that compass. There are 20 different compasses that will lead you across the map to our version of Hy-Brasil. Each location will have a sign you can click with your compass to take your golden loot! (have 5 open spaces in your inventory when you click the sign)


In addition to the compass drops from Leprechauns, other overworld mobs will drop custom St Paddy’s day items. Collect these items and trade them in at spawn for Event Tokens or Drachnerd.

The Leprechauns will spawn from March 12 - March 21 (exact time TDB, but it will be around 10pm CST)


For the weapon trades - you will need 4 sharpness III items to combine into 2 sharpness IV items, to then combine into 1 sharpness V item. Using an anvil to combine the items will keep the name and lore on said items. This way of combining items for trade at spawn has been tested and works.

For the armor trades - use a grindstone to combine pieces of event armor to repair them fully. Again, this was tested and worked.

In both cases, use only event pieces to repair event pieces.

Poppies are Red . . .

Poppies are red,

Cornflowers are blue,

This Valentine’s Day

We have an event for you!

Hi all!

February is here and love is in the air! Padmins once again would love to host a Valentine’s Day card event

Here’s how it would work: Create a mailbox at your location It can be as simple or as fancy as you would like Something like this -

Something like this

or this - or this

Just make sure to include a mailbox (donation chest) with your name on it.

Send the coordinates to me via in game mail (/mail send cujobear) or a dm on discord and say “I want to share the love!” by Feb 10th. Next gather some Valentines - a simple named item, or go all out! You will also be able to buy gifts from Nerdmark located in the NW of spawn (the same plot the 12 Days of Christmas was in). On Feb 11th there will be guide books available at the same plot to let you know who has a mailbox you can place a valentine in.

Update - We have asked totemo to turn on the lovedup plugin on P for the month of February. You can find info about the plug in here

Welcome the newest villagers available for your villager market -

The Perfect Cleric

To purchase a cleric with unlimited trades you will need to train 5 clerics to master level. Then place 3 stacks of emerald blocks in a chest near those clerics. Next make a modreq asking for a perfect cleric. Please include the location you would like the cleric to be placed and if you would prefer a biome type for your new trader.

The Perfect Butcher

To purchase a butcher with unlimited trades you will need to train 5 butchers to master level, 1 each of the 5 possible meat trades. Then place 3 stacks of enerald blocks in a chest near those butchers. Next make a modreq asking for a perfect butcher. Please include the location you would like the butcher to be placed and if you would prefer a biome type for your new trader.

The Perfect-ish Mason

This Mason will not carry everything available by having multiple masons, but should cover 99.9% of what you would like a Mason to offer.
For a Perfect-ish Mason you will need to train 10 masons up to their highest level (master). Each mason should have 1 of the 16 possible terracotta trades (for a total of 10 different color trades) When you have the masons trained, place 6 stacks of emerald blocks into a chest near the trained masons and make a mod request for 1 perfect mason. Please specify the location you would like the mason to to be placed and if you would prefer a biome type for your new trader .

The Perfect-ish Mason will have the following unlimited trades*:

20 Stone → 1 Emerald 10 Clay → 1 Emerald 16 Granite → 1 Emerald 16 Diorite → 1 Emerald 16 Andesite → 1 Emerald

1 Emerald → 10 bricks 1 Emerald → 1 White Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Orange Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Magenta Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Light Blue Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Yellow Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Lime Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Pink Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Purple Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Gray Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Light Gray Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Cyan Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Blue Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Brown Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Green Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Black Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Red Terracotta 1 Emerald → 1 Quartz Block 1 Emerald → 1 Quartz Pillar

FAQs -

Why did padmins decide to only offer 1 perfect mason?

We cut out the polished granite, diorite, and andesite trades because the polished stones are easy enough to make. We cut the glazed terracotta trades because once you buy the terracotta, you can use a furnace to obtain the glazed variants. Finally, we cut the chiseled stone bricks for the same reason, it is an easy enough block to obtain by other means.

Can I still keep other villagers of the same type in my village once I get a perfect version?

No, the reason we have created the perfect villager is to reduce the total number of villagers on the server. For this reason we ask that you do not continue to keep other villagers of the same types in your market once you obtain a perfect one. And really with unlimited trades, there is no need

Can an individual player have a perfect villager?

Anyone that can meet the purchase requirements can have a perfect mason. Perfect villagers follow the same guidelines as Iron Golem Spawners.

Are the trades really unlimited?

The perfect villagers can be traded with 9,999,999 times. So, while not infinite, we consider the trades to be unlimited.

Will other villagers be available in the future?

We hope so.

Snow Beast Event Trades are HERE!

How to trade for items:

Turn in the custom drops for the Snow Beast Mob Event at Spawncropolis.

Look for Ermis at the Ice Stall near the South entrance. He will buy your drops in exchange for Snow Coins.

Omiros, to Ermis' right, will gladly take your Snow Coins for an assortment of items and gear.

Be sure to look at all the trades before you start making trades for coins or items.

If you decide to buy and enchanted skull, please be aware that the skull will show the glow associated with enchantments. Also, if an enchanted skull is placed the enchantments are lost.

There will be no refunds or exchanges.

Christmas Events!

Holiday Events

Please check this post again, as I will be adding more events as I get times nailed down.

White Elephant Exchange

Many said they missed out on the Secret Santa gift exchange. I don't have all the details yet but if you would like to be part of a White Elephant Event, please start getting your White Elephant Gift ready.

If you do not know what a White Elephant is, it's a gift of dubious value made up of funny or useful stuff that is not necessarily valuable.

The current plan is to have the exchange take place around 8pm EST on Christmas Eve. You will not need to sign up as gifts will be given randomly and if you can't be there but would like to take part you will need to turn in your gift by Dec 23rd.

Travel to Kitty's Gift exchange Acropolis at -2704, -2677. There you will find a drop off box. Place your white elephant in the double chest (please have it in a shulker box) and name a piece of paper with your playername and add it to the lower left barrel.

At 8pm EST on Christmas Eve we will play a gift exchange game to decide who receives which gift. Those that cannot attend will have a gift randomly chosen for them to pick up later.

Admin Hunts!

Come celebrate the season by killing your favorite admins!

Prop hunt style Admin hunts will take place throughout the weekend. A warp sign will appear on the ship in spawn just before the first scheduled time.

The hunts will take place at the following dates and times:

Dec 25 - 9pm EST

Dec 26 - 12pm EST

Dec 26 - 4pm EST

Dec 26 - 9pm EST

Dec 27 - 12pm EST

Dec 27 - 9pm EST

Weekend Player Event - Christmas Mini Games at Christmas Town Frontier

Instead of the normal weekend event times, this weekend we will have the player made weekend event on Sunday Dec 27 at 3pm EST. Christmas Town Frontier, made by The_Hero27 and others, will include an obstacle race, pvp, and bumper cars.

Mob Event

Attack of the Snow Beasts Dec 28 - Jan 4


There are a total of 8 snow beasts to kill during this event.

Each mob has a chance for a collector head to drop.

4 of the mobs have a full suit of armor to collect.

7 of the mobs have a specialty item that can also drop.

There are also 4 general custom items that can drop.

Keep the drops as we will add a trader in spawn after the event has ended.