Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.
General Change Log
Web Site Change Log
Creative Change Log
- 2019-10-14: challenger2 started work on a 1.14.4 updated for creative.
PvE Change Log
- 2019-10-14: totemo disabled WorldEdit commands in mapworld until BlocksHub can be updated to implement WorldGuard region restrictions there.
- 2019-10-20: totemo added more documentation to the BeastMaster wiki.
Posted by totemo on Oct. 20, 2019 in Tech Admin
Take a look at Creative's newest warp : Brob!
What's Brob? Brob is love, Brob is life... but Brob is also a showcase of Verros' overflowing imagination.
Check out this build in game on Creative 1.13.2 at /warp brob
Posted by marting11 on Oct. 15, 2019 in Creative
Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.
General Change Log
- 2019-10-07: totemo updated CommandHelper in the lobby, fixing
- 2019-10-09: totemo implemented a script automatically update a server to the latest Minecraft snapshot.
- 2019-10-09: totemo set up the snapshot server.
Web Site Change Log
Creative Change Log
PvE Change Log
Posted by totemo on Oct. 13, 2019 in Tech Admin
Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.
General Change Log
- 2019-10-06: totemo accepted SafeBuckets PR #18 from Bermudalocket and released it as v1.1.20. Fixes:
- A dispenser containing an empty bucket cannot pick up water from a waterlogged block.
- Bubble columns cannot be flowed / bubble columns do not form from a single flowed water source.
- 2019-10-06: totemo fixed SafeBuckets bugs and released v1.1.21:
- Bukkit API 1.14.4 compliance (recognise the new sign types).
- Fix incompatibility with RecipeManager by making the custom glowing buckets fully comply with the API.
- Fix flowing bubble columns with unsafe buckets and the /flow command.
Web Site Change Log
- 2019-10-01,2,3,4: totemo worked on rendering BeastMaster configuration in HTML tables, as an exercise in learning Clojure and Cursive (IDE).
Creative Change Log
- 2019-10-06: totemo updated SafeBuckets to v1.1.20. Fixes dispensers with waterlogged blocks and bubble columns with
/sb flowsel
PvE Change Log
- 2019-09-30: totemo updated PvE to PaperSpigot build 207, which improves a few things, in particular noting elapsed time for some things that were not previously acknowledged by the Timings facility.
- 2019-10-06: totemo updated SafeBuckets to v1.1.21. Fixes dispensers with waterlogged blocks and bubble columns in all cases.
- 2019-10-06: totemo added RecipeManager and enabled the crafting recipe for Heart of the Sea (8 heart fragments in a ring).
Posted by totemo on Oct. 6, 2019 in Tech Admin
Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.
General Change Log
- 2019-09-25: totemo spent a little bit of time moving old schematics into a folder structure. We have 809 schematics.
- 2019-09-28,29: totemo worked on restoring function to some performance measurement graphs. Renamed NerdStats (a stripped down JSONAPI work-alike) to NerdPerf, largely just to free up the former name, and started work on a Python script to query performance metrics and plot them with
Web Site Change Log
Creative Change Log
PvE Change Log
- 2019-09-26: totemo spent some time looking into the current state of WGRegionEvents and enabled it on PvE to support various NerdFlags features. The
flag was removed from the NerdFlags
documentation since the code was removed some time ago. We'll probably address the deficit by adding a way to run commands in console, similar to the EasySigns opcmd
- 2019-09-26: totemo clarified the documentation of the EasySigns
- 2019-09-27: totemo had to disable WGRegionEvents again because NerdFlags is locking the weather to rain in the overworld.
- 2019-09-27: totemo did some more investigation of performance measurements and incorrect entity counts showing up in timings reports. Chunks are a bit more complicated in 1.14. They are kept loaded by "ticket levels" which are explained a bit here and here. While on the subject, a few days back, a player complained about items despawning even though the chunks were not within the view distance. I guess that reinforces the idea that view distance is a separate concept from what the server loads and ticks. In the case under discussion, the player was about 125 blocks away from the dropped items (slightly less than 6 chunks) and they despawned.
- 2019-09-27: totemo did nothing to help this but, in 1.15, horses and boats will no longer vanish on dismount (unless Mojang manages to break them again before release). Just gotta hold on a little while longer.
Posted by totemo on Sept. 29, 2019 in Tech Admin
Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.
General Change Log
- 2019-09-17: totemo modified EasySigns to accept floating point coordinates and optional yaw and pitch look angles for the
(teleport) action.
Web Site Change Log
- 2019-09-21: Deaygo Fixed progress bars and added more indicators to the donation page.
Creative Change Log
PvE Change Log
- 2019-09-16: totemo updated PvE to PaperSpigot build 192, which includes upstream (Spigot) fixes for WorldGuard protection of campfires against flame arrows, among other things.
- 2019-09-18: totemo made several improvements to EasyRider. Particularly of note: horses are now listed in the order they were tamed.
- 2019-09-19: totemo made numerous improvements to BeastMaster. Now that Spigot has fixed its code for drop chances, BeastMaster has reverted back to straightforward handling of drops. That only leaves the mystery of why mob equipment (armour and held items) drops when the drop chance is set to 0. Well because Looting adds 1% to the chance per Looting level, of course! Apparently that's long been considered a bug in Mojang's code, however, that will be fixed in 1.15. To work around it, where we really don't want equipment to drop, we're setting the chance to a large negative value.
- 2019-09-20: totemo improved the BeastMaster documentation for items.
- 2019-09-22: totemo changed the Doppelganger equipment drop rates to be negative too, after a couple of reports of unexpected drops.
- 2019-09-22: totemo fixed dogs in
after previously breaking it.
Posted by totemo on Sept. 22, 2019 in Tech Admin
/warp F1 has been completed this week!
Builder: marting11
View post on
Complete album
Check out this build in game on Creative 1.13.2 at /warp F1
Posted by Bardidley on Sept. 21, 2019 in Creative
Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.
General Change Log
- 2019-09-10: totemo looked into some problems using scoreboards on the fundraiser development server and produced a work-around.
- 2019-09-11: totemo fixed another NPE in TPControl.
- 2019-09-13: totemo did some work on system performance monitoring tools.
- 2019-09-13: totemo transferred the 2019 fundraiser server from development to the production host, and along the way wrote an internal tech note on how we transfer and sanitise the databases.
Web Site Change Log
- 2019-09-10: Deaygo did more work on the donation page.
- 2019-09-13: Deaygo did more work on the donation page while his wife gave birth (!).
- 2019-09-14: Deaygo did more work on the donation page.
- 2019-09-15: Deaygo finished the donation page.
Creative Change Log
PvE Change Log
- 2019-09-11: totemo corrected an error in the LWC configuration. You can now lock a chest even without build rights in the region (as per last rev).
Posted by totemo on Sept. 15, 2019 in Tech Admin
Slime Spawner has been found!
The second of four custom spawners on the map has been located by Sir_Didymus. You can find it with /place Slime_Grinder.
And, yes, it was hidden in a swamp. I honestly thought I didn't hide that one very well. Thanks for all the offers of bribes, the messages asking for hints, and the accusations of forgetting to place the spawner before the rev started. It is always more fun to be involved and you all kept me involved for the entire hunt!
This leaves two spawners left to find: the creeper and the witch. Remember you are looking for a 1 wide by 2 tall pillar of bedrock with a sign on it. If you find it click the sign to claim the spawner! If these are not found soon we think the scientists might be able to help!
Suggestion Box Responses
We have responded to the next batch of suggestions. You can find the responses here
Skull Planet is now Open!
Designed by kumquatmay, skull planet is a place where you can purchase decorative skulls you can not obtain through dopplegangers. There is a transport ship ready at spawn to take you there! You can purchase a Custom Skull Token, then click the sign of the decorative skull you want. And, don't worry you cannot die on Skull Planet. Check out the reddit post here
Admin Hunt
Thank you for all the suggestions for Admin Hunt arenas. We are going through them and have picked out a few we hope to use this rev. We expect to have the first hunt the weekend after the fundraiser.
Weekly Events
We would like to start up holding mini events weekly. This would change weekly from Spleef to Thimble, to PvP and archery events but we want your help! If you would like a week to be hosted in your town, build whatever style of arena you would like in your town and let us know when it is ready for use! More information will be coming soon
Other Events
Just kidding! No information on this until we are ready to release it, but something is being planned.
Around the Map
Pez, the dragon Slayer
No one will ever know the full story. What we do know was that the Pez252 will likely remain at the top spot of the dragon leaderboard for the duration of this rev.
We also know that Pez was trouble shooting the dragon fight, the dragon died and the announcement alerted those online that Pez252 killed the dragon in 3 seconds!
Buzzie71 created an amazing "recreation" of the feat immortalizing the event forever. You can find that video here. Buzzie did check with Hanstra before releasing the animation, and Hanstra is the actual current leader with a time of 6 minutes.
Solace has announced SPUNK, or Solace Platform Used for Nether Kills. It can be found North of the Northwest Nether Portal.
Pez252 has built a killing platform in the end, directly above the spawn area.
Feature Build

Welcome to Nepenthes.
The town is located in the South at -1373, 1797. Owned by Kirstae and Spook6 this is one place that is a must see this rev!

Named after the carnivorous plant also known as a pitcher plant, the natural beauty is amazing. Besides the town's namesake, you will also find other larger than life flora.

It is quite easy to spend a lot of time just looking around.

Be sure to visit!
Posted by Cujobear on Sept. 8, 2019 in PvE
Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.
General Change Log
- 2019-09-05: totemo completed initial configuration of a development server for the fundraiser and loaded the world that was provided by the Head Admins.
Web Site Change Log
- 2019-09-04: Deaygo committed more changes to the donation page of the web site.
Creative Change Log
PvE Change Log
- 2019-09-02: totemo updated the server to PaperSpigot build 183. In principle, this resolves the bugs we raised for ravager crop grief and a systematic error of 0.1 (i.e. 10% chance) on the drop chance for mob equipment.
- 2019-09-02: totemo updated WorldGuard, resolving a bug where it blocked splash potions as PvP.
- 2019-09-04: totemo audited RecipeManager source code and opened a bug report for an exception on startup that renders the plugin inert.
- 2019-09-05: totemo raised a feature request with the WorldGuard project to protect campfires.
- 2019-09-08: totemo spent some time looking at a pull request to fix some SafeBuckets bugs.
- 2019-09-08: totemo raised a feature request to improve LogBlock logging of bamboo.
- 2019-09-08: totemo investigated limitations on
not allowing owners of parent regions to edit signs. Getting a region parent is not possible with CommandHelper's SKCompat. That has to be added (per a feature request), or /signtext
written as a regular Java plugin command.
Posted by totemo on Sept. 8, 2019 in Tech Admin