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Admin Hunts, Roadside Attractions and Other Information

Full Listing Now Available -

We are now about 3 months into the revision, and everyone's builds are looking great. We also noticed that the Roadside Attractions no longer stand out as much as they did early in the rev. So, for anyone that has not yet traveled the map, or for those that are only missing 1 or 2 attractions, the following is a list of the Attraction Names, their corresponding numbers, and the builders.

  1. Historic Greenhouse, Smirkules
  2. World's Largest Block of Kelp, ixhi
  3. World's Largest Rocking Chair, LetsBFehr
  4. Eiffel Tower, CephalonOrdis
  5. Blarney Castle, AndyJF
  6. Spire Pond, ixhi
  7. Vanasauras Wreks, iNerd71
  8. Historic Spider Station, King_of_queso (Mystery Sand, iNerd71)
  9. Giant Ball of Twine, fazaden
  10. UFO Crash Site, Tomzski
  11. Stepwell, Treppich (nether)
  12. Western Border Crossing, Block86
  13. Big Potato, NastyHabits
  14. The Ruins, tadrogers
  15. MOW (Museum O' Wonder), tadrogers
  16. Giant Lapis Block, pez252
  17. Amazing Giant Geode, buzzie71
  18. The Mystery Shack, Weird_Grim
  19. Water Park, Raffone_Bros
  20. Bonehenge, Smirkules
  21. Charlie the Chicken, assasymphoni
  22. Historic Noob Settlement, King_of_queso
  23. Ooer Monument, sansapants
  24. Nether Pyramid, Weird_Grim
  25. Dragon Tower, ixhi (nether)

Upcoming Events

Selfie Scavenger Hunt -

Starting July 6th we will be releasing a series of scavenger hunts! There will be 3 levels (easy, medium, and hard). Each level will have 25 things you must locate on the map and take a selfie with. Send the screenshots in an imgur post to earn prizes! More details and a full list of rules will be released soon.

Admin Hunts!

We will be hosting a number of Admin Hunts over the July 4th weekend! This hunt will be a Gary's Mod Prop Hunt style of admins in disguise and players hunting them down and killing them to earn prize boxes. We will be re-visiting Revision 7's Bromland for this event. Exact dates and times will be released by Tuesday Jun 30th.

Points of Interest -

Many revisions back padmins had developed guidelines to determine if a place request would be granted. Things like number of builders, types of services (farms or villagers) that were in the area, arenas or other reasons to visit, and finally how complete the area was.

This revision there are many builds that don't hit some of those criteria and we ultimately responded no to place requests. HOWEVER, we still want players to visit your awesome builds. We have been marking down some of these builds on a list of Points of Interest. If you have built or have seen a build you think should be included in this list please contact cujobear.

Summer Sta-cation!

It’s Memorial Day Weekend!

The unofficial start to summer! Time for a ROAD TRIP!

Wait . . . we’ve been doing that, let’s switch things up a bit.

It’s time for a STA-CATION!

Ok, we understand that sounds like no fun at all, and honestly when we told the moderators that they wouldn’t be able to take their scheduled road trips this weekend they were not happy with us. Actually, they are still REALLY mad. So mad they grabbed their summer gear and took off anyway. They will even attack any player that tries to get in their way.

Starting in approximately 24 hours and going through Monday, May 25th at 10:15pm (CDT) Rev 25’s Summer Sta-cation Event will be running on PvE. Angry moderators will be running amok across the map trying to get away for the weekend. Stop them! There will be a number of summer themed items to collect and you may even make the moderators lose their heads!

Disclaimer: Please do not try to attack or kill any actual moderators during this event

A Very Creeper Easter

Did you know that Easter is the Creeper's absolute FAVORITE holiday?

This year the creepers wanted to go all out with a major celebration. They got all dressed up, gave candies and gifts to their friends, and dyed eggs to hide. It turns out that mobs not only don't like to share, they are greedy and they ruin everything! Now the creepers don't want to give up the beautiful eggs they colored and are keeping them to themselves. And to make things worse, the Easter Bunny is not pleased to hear that a bunch of creeps are trying to take over his holiday.

Join us on PvE for a Very Creeper Easter!

The antics will start in just about 24 hours from now and run through approximately 10pm EDT April 16th.

To get the full experience use tict0c's Easter resource pack by typing /usepack to list your options.
There are 2 options /usepack easter or /usepack easter-no-music.
You can use /resetpack to clear the resource pack you were using. You can also pre-download the resource pack from here if switching packs with the command causes connection problems.

Here's a breakdown of what you can look for during the event-

Most regular mobs (zombie varieties, skeleton varieties, witches, and of course creepers) will be replaced with an Easter version. All Easter mobs will appear in the overworld only. Zombies, skeletons, witches, and drowned may spawn holding candies, an easter basket, or some Easter Lilies. Creepers will spawn with a chance to drop goodies, an Easter Egg skull or BOTH! Killing Easter Creepers can also earn you Easter Tokens which can be used for special trades at spawn.

Lastly, you may catch a glimpse of the Easter Bunny, be careful, he is cranky, but if you are able to catch him you may earn a unique skull.

Happy Easter from the padmins

Revision 25 Information


At 6 PM Eastern time on the 13th of March, Chaos of Revision 24 will draw to a close. There will be a downtime of approximately 90 minutes if all goes well, where we’ll aim to launch Revision 25 at 7:30 PM Eastern.

We will be launching on 1.15.2! We aim to run this revision for a minimum of 6 months. In this document we hope to lay out the information you’ll need in preparation for the new revision.


We strive to design each revision in a way that every player can enjoy playing in their own style. However - We strongly recommend establishing a clear claim border before starting work on your builds in earnest. Please see below for an update to the claim border policy. Please make every effort to return death pile items to your fellow players. For restarts, always try to avoid logging out while on a minecart or horse, while flying, or with a chest open - just in case it results in a loss of items. Please be aware of server performance before logging in any bots to idle in any area. See below for more details.
Staff reserve the right to take appropriate actions against any player in order to maintain server harmony.


This revision’s theme will be Road Trip! This theme will be represented at spawn as well as through events, challenges, and collectibles for each of you to seek out over the course of the revision. As always, players are under no obligation to build within this theme, participate in the challenges, or collect the collectibles.


We understand that many players enjoy the benefits of having a bot sit idly at a grinder while playing on their main account. We also, however, want to make it clear that our goal is to have a playable server the whole community can enjoy. Please do not use bots for at least the first month of the revision. If you decide to use a bot with automatic logging, please set the bot to log out once per hour. Padmins reserve the right to kick any bot (or idle player) found with built up mobs at any time necessary to improve server performance.


The overworld for this revision will be 6000 x 6000. We opted to have a vanilla generated overworld, to allow players to experience the full benefits of vanilla features, like the Pillager outposts and bamboo forests. However a few sections of the map have been World Painted.

Special Biomes

Once again, we ask that no player or town make large claims in new and rare biomes, like warm oceans and bamboo forests. Protections for builds will still be granted but unfairly large claims may be considered invalid at Padmin discretion. Please be considerate.


Revision 25’s spawn was designed by cujobear and built by the padmin team, with lots of sprucing by staff members.

Points of Interest in Spawn:

  • Welcome center - You will begin your road trip in Spawnville’s Welcome Center. Meet our mascot Mr. Safety Moose and be sure to read all the rules!
  • Free food - you will find some free samples at food carts just outside of the Welcome Center.
  • Transit Station - Rails out of Spawnville and Bus Service to Mapworld, Events, and more will be found just east of the Welcome Center
  • Bank - Found some odd items? Maybe the bankers will trade you for them?
  • Shops - The shops in Spawnville will start populating with merchants a few weeks into the revision, be sure to stop back often!
  • Post Office - Claim yourself a PO box located on the second floor.
  • House Plots - There are 40 plots located inside spawn. To claim a plot stand inside and type /nerdplot claim. There is a limit to 1 plot per player and plots are only 10 blocks high. You are welcome to add a house or shop of your own to Spawnville; however please keep the small town feel in mind, follow general server rules, and any unused plots will be reclaimed by padmins.


At this time we have decided to keep the vanilla villagers in place. We will be monitoring server performance closely and will make a decision in the near future. Please limit the number of villagers kept in one location.


Continuing the practice of a non-vanilla Nether, the Nether for Revision 25 has been custom made by Totemo and is 3000 x 3000. It also contains new custom mobs designed by cujobear. Nether spawn has been left undeveloped, in the hopes that its development will be handled by the community.

The End

Cheezychicken has, once again, custom generated the End. There are plenty of resources to gather spread across its 5000 x 5000.

Dragon Fight

The dragon fight will be vanilla for the first month of the revision, and no elytra will be awarded. This will allow time for players to explore on foot. Following that, a new dragon fight will make its debut to PvE.


Elytra will once again be a guaranteed drop for slaying the dragon, once the custom fight has been added.


Shulkers will continue to be a respawning mob throughout the end for you to hunt down! We will be adjusting the number of shulkers spawns to less often than last revision.

Land Claims

Land claims indicate areas which you intend to build within. They must be clearly identifiable with a continuous non-natural wall or fence around the claim area. Regular signs (10-20 blocks apart) with your username and the date must be placed on the claim fence If your wall choice requires, reasonable entry points should be provided so the map remains accessible.

Admins reserve the right to invalidate a claim for any of the following reasons: Being too large (larger than you will reasonably use), claiming an area solely for access to resource mining, encircling another claim in an effort to take over, an incomplete or poorly identifiable claim fence, or violating any other build rules currently in place. Don’t block waterways with your claim fence, place it one block above the waterline or place regular access points. It is best practice to allow a ten block buffer between your claim and the nearest claim fencing for server harmony.


In the overworld, ore generation has not changed significantly. Ores can once again be found in the End! These ores are plumped in some areas and nerfed in others. There are trade offs for this, custom drops do not exist in the End.

Nether Portals

Revision 25 will include 8 claimable nether portals on the map, with an additional portal at spawn, as always. Nether portal markers will appear as a sign designating the portal location (i.e. North, South, etc) The portal is “claimed” by the first player to punch the sign located on the marker. All 8 bedrock portal markers will be on the map at rev launch, with no additional portals being introduced later. They can be claimed by clicking the sign on the marker, which will make a modreq for you alerting the padmin team to your claim. Portal owners will have 14 days to place their portal and request its activation. Portal frames must be placed within 100 blocks of the marker and cannot exceed the maximum size of 25x9 within the frame. Once portals are placed they will only be moved for technical / padmin error, so make sure you contact padmins for questions before requesting the portal to be lit.

Here’s a link to the portal/custom spawner document that will be updated as each is found:

Custom Spawners

From day one there will be four custom spawners hidden on the map: creeper, slime, squid, and drowned. More may be added at a later date. If you should find a custom spawner, click on the sign to claim the custom spawner as this will auto generate a modreq from you as proof. From this moment, you will have up to 14 days to request placement of your custom spawner within 100 horizontal blocks of the bedrock marker. If the spawner is not placed within the required time period the marker will be re-hidden somewhere on the map. The squid and drowned spawners have placement requirements, talk to a Padmin about where you plan for it to be placed before starting your grinder build! That link again:

Iron Golem Spawners

We have made a few changes to the golem spawner costs to reflect feedback from last revision. Cost for a spawner will include 10 golem souls, 3 padmin skulls, 320 stone blocks, 60 wood, 60 wool, 20 workstations, and 1 bell. The cost of upgrades remain the same from last revision. Please note: Any stone type, wood type, wool color, and padmin head will be acceptable. Acceptable heads are i_c_e_, tict0c, cheezychicken, cujobear

Here is a cost sheet and visual representation of an accepted chest:

We will continue to allow a maximum of 4 spawners per grinder and 1 grinder per town; however, you may have a grinder containing between 1 and 4 spawners and you may upgrade them to higher tiers individually.

Please keep in mind that spawners will not be moved once placed.
The most efficient grinders use 4 spawners spaced 8 blocks apart from each other and spaced 5 blocks away from any wall.


We will be continuing with the established policy regarding grinders, where you can set a grinder to be private and you do not need to share any of the drops. The exception to this rule will continue to be for guardian grinders, blaze grinders and any custom spawners which must remain 100% public only at all times.


We’re continuing the recent practice of having the livemap available from day one, but not having the terrain visible to start with. The live map will become available after 2 weeks. Mapworld Mapworld has once more been carried over from the prior revision! You can teleport to mapworld from spawn. The teleport into map world will now spawn you in the SE quadrant where there are more empty plots available. We will be continuing to do some maintenance early rev, but feel free to use map world at any time.

Please remember that you must have an empty inventory to enter and leave mapworld. We have placed an enderchest near the entrance for your convenience. We have also added a command to mapworld's exit to automatically clear your inventory.


We will continue to run our current plugins including hyper-carts and easy rider. It’s a Trap will be updated to include the new mobs soon. Gone Batty will be updated to include skulls of every mob soon. To see a full list of plugins visit

Custom Recipes

At this time we do not have custom recipes added back in. Recipes or traders will be added a few weeks after the start of the revision.

Tweak of the Week #16 - December 15, 2019

Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.

There were no technical changes to report for the weeks ending December 1 and 8, 2019.

General Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Web Site Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Creative Change Log

  • Nothing much.

PvE Change Log

  • 2019-12-12: totemo updated the server to PaperSpigot #236, which is the final update in the 1.14.4 series.
  • 2019-12-12: totemo updated BungeeCord and in the lobby ProtocolLib and ViaVersion to support 1.15 client connections to the lobby.
  • 2019-12-14: totemo set up a Trello board and began planning the 1.15 plugin updates. PaperSpigot has started producing 1.15 builds.
  • 2019-12-15: totemo began work on 1.15 updates. pve-dev is currently running 71 plugins on 1.15 and it seems reasonably happy. ModMode has problems with the new LuckPerms API and it has unresolved issues from the 1.14 era, so I'll resolve that with a rewrite. CommandHelper has changed a lot, again, as it does often and many scripts will need some fixes to keep it happy.

Creative is ready for the Christmas season!

Creative is now ready for the Christmas season with its newly decorated spawn! Festive themed weekly builds are coming back very soon!

Happy Holidays!

Tweak of the Week #15 - November 24, 2019

Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.

There were no technical changes to report for the week ending November 17, 2019.

General Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Web Site Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Creative Change Log

  • Nothing much.

PvE Change Log

Tweak of the Week #14 - November 10, 2019

Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.

General Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Web Site Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Creative Change Log

  • Nothing much.

PvE Change Log

  • 2019-11-09: totemo fixed bugs and added new features in BeastMaster v2.11.0 and improved the BeastMaster documentation for mobs.

Tweak of the Week #13 - November 3, 2019

Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.

General Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Web Site Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Creative Change Log

  • Nothing much.

PvE Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Tweak of the Week #12 - October 27, 2019

Tweak of the Week is our weekly roundup of server configuration changes where we list everything we changed during a specific calendar week.

General Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Web Site Change Log

  • Nothing much.

Creative Change Log

  • 2019-10-25: challenger2 and Deaygo debugged some problems with the BungeeCord proxy, apparently triggered by issues with Mojang's servers.

PvE Change Log

  • Nothing much.