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  1. There's a tree nearby. That ought to narrow it down!
  2. I ate it. I ate all the vanilla. Now we just have pistachio. I'm sorry (but not really).
  3. BernzSed

    /me farts

    What the heck has been going on in this server while I've been gone?
  4. I vote yes. In Vanilla Minecraft, we'd be able to make AFKable gold farms (using portals) and have plenty of spare gold nuggets, so this is an ok compromise.
  5. Brom. All of it, but especially the southwest island. (Btw, there's a nice hidden sewer chamber under the fountains) (BTW, the elevated freight rail on the southwest island connects to the roof-less farm building southeast of the Christmas tree. Drop some items in the hoppers there, and a cart will soon roll by. If you time your fly-by of the island just right, you can get a moving cart in the video, which might be kinda cool.)
  6. I'm still hoping they'll update Spigot, which will fix all the hopper bugs.
  7. That was actually what I did in Brom; I had a pulsing redstone signal along the top of the hoppers. 3 ticks on, 1 tick off, repeated. It pulsed for several seconds after an item was detected in any number of hoppers throughout the top-level hopper line, ensuring that it would pulse when there were items to sort, and not pulse when not needed. It worked, more or less. but it made the game unplayable for everyone nearby; FPS dropped down to the single digits while the redstone was pulsing. Eventually, I tore that solution down down and tried a different solution based on hopper directions, which only seems to work for a seemingly random one-third-ish of the hoppers. And Brom is still left without a working item farming/transporting/sorting infrastructure this rev.
  8. I do kind of have a "workaround" in Brom's autosorter, but it results in a crippling FPS drop. I'd share my solution, but we'd probably bring down the server with the lag from all the redstone updates. Hoping to hear from the tech admins about the progress on the issue. Does anyone know what version of Spigot the server is running?
  9. Do we know when or if we can expect the hopper problem to be resolved? Thanks!
  10. Radiolab and Planet Money are pretty good NPR podcasts.
  11. I give you the signature meal of Rochester, and the reason I gained so much weight in college: The Garbage Plate. A true American meal. More information
  12. This is a forum. In the old days, forums used to be the the hubs of the internet, the centers of culture, the places where memes were born. And then social media hubs like Reddit came along, and everyone abandoned the forums because Reddit is better than a forum. And then some redditors started a Minecraft server, and made a subreddit to talk about it. And then they created a forum to talk about it, because a forum is better than Reddit. And then muldoonaz said "wtf is this place?" and "someone hold me" and then Cyotie911 said "Come here, I'll hold you... :)" And then BernzSed made a long post explaining things that didn't need to be explained, and then the monkeys took over the world and enslaved mankind, but then Charlton Heston appeared in his time-traveling spaceship and yelled "God damn you all to hell!" and then in one of the sequels he traveled back in time with one of the monkeys and showed him the Forums of Old, and then Reddit came along, and everyone abandoned the forums because Reddit is better than a forum...
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