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Everything posted by zifnab06

  1. S has a specific set of mods that are allowed, the rest are banned. http://redditpublic.com/wiki/Client_mods
  2. And mine is an Ewok. (I meant in game avatars, btw). Still, it'd be amusing.
  3. The ban appeals have been...lacking recently. However, I enjoy seeing staff members being previously banned (Amaranth): http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/941/amaranthus-ban-appeal And, "OMG THE MODS ARE UNFAIR": http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/2206/i-believed-that-bhrossman-only-bans-player-and-not-deal-with-the-appeal. And, my all time favorite: http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/2684/alcojew-needs-to-get-that-big-stick-out-of-his-ass On a side note: I get bored, and go through old appeals...
  4. fiance? Oh, and you look just like your avatar... We should do a "dress like your avatar and post a picture" thread...
  5. +1, haha thanks. I've actually played on S slightly more than normal the last few weeks, they aren't all bad...(I can't believe I just admitted this)
  6. Negative. The channel remains even after everyone has left (ie, its empty). There is a bug open on Github reguarding this (I just tested a few things/opened it) https://github.com/NerdNu/NerdBugs/issues/117
  7. From the rules: If the mod does NOT modify gameplay to give you an unfair advantage, and you AREN'T playing on S, then you should be fine. (Obligatory, "I am not a mod")
  8. As the majority of the playerbase probably knows, serverside lag has been a HUGE issue this revision, even more so (as far as I can tell) than other revisions past. I absolutely love the playerbase that is here. P is one of the most active servers I've ever seen. S is still a blast, even though I suck at PVP. Its probably the only reason I haven't left at this point. So with that, I'd like to ask the Admins one thing: What can we do to help?
  9. Doctor who? I'll return your question: where did your name (Sapphric) come from?
  10. 'Zifnab' was a wizard in The Death Gate Cycle. He was known for being slightly eccentric, not being able to follow conversations well, and impersonating other wizards and people (including Gandalf, Fizban from Dragonlance, James Bond, and the wizard of Oz). I have no idea why I picked it, I used to use 'solembum9912' beforehand (the cat from Eragon). The 06 really doesn't mean anything, I've been using it since long before then, it was just arbitrary numbers. 'zifnab' Probably a giant rabbit. With fangs. And claws. And laser eyes. Oh, and that dehydration gun from Megamind.
  11. I am zifnab06, the current mayor of Endor. I've been playing on P since rev8, I missed rev9 however. AMA! TL;DR: Long live Anvar!
  12. As a non S player, I tend to hear terrible things about S. Mostly, that the players are jerks. I do not know if this is true or not, however: If there was one thing you could change about the community on S, what would it be?
  13. Addendum to my previous questions: Is your name really John Adams? Or is it Brook Adams? Or, do you just pick random people and use their names?
  14. Just a random suggestion if this does go into play: Can we possibly get a CommandHelper alias to make chests public/donation? Essentially, something like: /donation = /unlock \ /cdonation /public = /unlock \ /public
  15. What is your favorite thing about being a padmin?
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