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Everything posted by Draykhar
S'pose you're right, it's not really posted anywhere. We like our ban appeals somewhat tidy for faster searching. This means the account name followed by the name of the banner in brackets. If they've requested a head/server admin to handle their appeal, it helps to put that in the brackets as well. ie draykhar [CROCKODUCK/Head] You don't really need to edit their post to do that, the link to it ought stay, and they'll still receive notices when it gets replied to.
Fuck it, I'm bumping it. With all the drama and discussion that has come up recently, I feel this thread is far more relevant than when I posted it. However, there's still no discussion going on. Let's get the ball rolling and start talking this all out in a centralized thread. What are we doing here, guys? Do we have any direction after the fallout of the last month or so? Shererererer suggested something similar to a Constitution, and I've heard a few other moderators say things along the same vein. Should that be what we're looking towards?
Big one I've been hearing across the board is set rev end dates. While it's hard to say "We'll be ending on XYZ date" I'd like it if we starting aiming for a standard rev length - Personally speaking I think about two months is perfect.
Wanting someone to be appalled is the most inefficient way of getting someone to agree with your way of thinking. And calling something both a narrow and a 'popular' point of view is contradictory. Care to clarify yourself? Comparing beds on survival to PvP on C/P is a faulty analogy. Aside from the fact that they are both things on the server that are permitted on one server and not another, they have virtually nothing in common. PvP is a play style, not an in-game item that has its functionality disabled. Beyond that, The Padmins /have/ come to us Sadmins asking if arenas were okay on P. We permitted it without question - as it's something their player-base wanted. With any of the servers, if the player-base want something (such as the pvp-esque arenas on P, KoTH, beds) then admins ought work towards giving it to them when it is both feasible and not for the detriment of the servers. Isn't the function of an Admin to cater to their current and future player-base? Arenas on P aren't going to pull from S - they cater to the PvE player-base. So too would beds be catering to the players of S. Combat logging is honestly the one rule set I didn't consider in this. It eliminates spawn camping and the fringe instances of base camping. I don't have a straightforward thought or solution to the combat logging side of it - I'm sure plenty others in this thread can contribute there. My most immediate thought would be to change the amount of deaths and the timeset to a reduced amount, but that opens up the field to players waiting a minute between kills and just camping a base.
<N00ble_6> I refuse to click that <tobylane> shush cis fag <N00ble_6> wow <tobylane> to use a phrase from your culture You know full well what you were saying, and you know fully the rules of this community; you've been along plenty long enough to know that is inappropriate, and even have been banned for this prior. You know better, tobylane. I'll see that you are unbanned from irc within the next twelve hour. In the mean time, play blocks and keep your cool.
What? Beds are a vanilla feature of minecraft (They're not copywrited to P) that S admins turned off prior to prevent bed-camping. I'm not asking a Padmin for permission on this, and am honestly appalled that you even considered it.
[AC -> PMC] Rev 23 Planning and Discussion Thread
Draykhar replied to Draykhar's topic in The Archives
Claimed for further developments. -
We have begun to start the preparation for Survival rev 23. Ultimately, we are looking to get this rev built and out within about a weeks time frame. We're taking a different approach to a few things than usual, and would like to get everyone up to speed on a few things we're planning. If you have concern with any of them PLEASE bring them up to one of us Sadmins. We'll be editing this post (and my claimed-for-space post following) to continue working towards the next chapter in Survival. Spawn Hopefully will be outsourced to players again this rev, we've posted our looking for builds threads here and here . We've got nothing set hard in stone on it, aside from the regular expectations of all survival spawns "at least include a suitable safe zone to spawn into, as well as a section either immediately or close by to list the rules". Allowing players to build the spawn, arena, and various other buildings on Survival has continued to allow players to feel like it is their server, and that's something I feel we would all like to continue. We're considering placing it in the Nether this rev. So there's that. We're looking at putting a portal there to the over-world, as well as a few warp signs to the general region around 0, 0 on the map. It'll help further clear up spawn camping, and allow us to put the arena in the center of the map. Map/Terrain Vanilla seeds tend to work perfectly fine on Survival, and I think we'll be going with one again this time around unless someone has a custom map they've been working on that I don't know about. If we go with vanilla, we need to look for a 0,0 (spawn) biome that is not ice/snow, jungle or ocean. These do not make appealing starts to revs. Players often complain of one road being entirely ocean, so that's something we ought to avoid as well. Seems cyotie has found us a seed. Pending approve/deny. EDIT: Seed found - hosted on build server. Roads The current simple cardinal-direction road system worked great this rev, however we'd be open to suggestions to any different road setups. We're not stuck on it, but it's worked well thus far. Why fix it? Contemplating dropping first set of portals, and placing one in spawn area. Plugin/Features We're looking at keeping the current load-out of plugins, and hoping to add a few new ones. We recently added MobLimiter, and we'll continue to monitor that and player response to it. We'd like to look into...well generally redoing our chat functionality in it's entirety, which is a huge change, but something we'd like to further look into with HeroChat . It's got a lot of nifty features and a working ignore function, which is something we're still largely missing. We've also fallen in love with the SimpleClans plugin It'll allow for structured clans, as well as groups on the fly. It's got heaps of handy little bits of utility to it (such as friendly-fire modifiers and an ally/rival system - not to mention it's own kill/death ratio tracker). We're looking towards higher clan and group functionality - through this and a few other methods - but trying to eliminate placing any sort of constraint on 'clans' or what they are on Survival. Another I've heard many players wanting is KillStreak although I truthfully have no hard opinion on it either way. RebalanceVillagers is currently broken. Zombies villagers will not convert, and villagers won't breed, although there seems to be a pull request on the git that fixes the breeding problem. We'll need to look into alternatives that allow us to replace the trade sets with our own variable trades. We also want to be able to bring in our own trades, such as horse eggs. One temporary fix to the availability of horses would be a trade sign in spawn. We'll be looking into the implementation of these on the Chaos map and hopefully getting feedback from it there. Policies https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/1028-beds-and-survival Looking into the reintroduction of beds on Survival, current way would be through Syn's plugin, Lucky if it's finished (of if someone has an alternate idea?) 3 deaths within 5 minutes resets you to spawn proper. This'd allow for beds to be brought back, and mitigate some base and spawn camping. One thing viewed as both a problem and a benefit: it might spread the map out a bit. We'll be solving that, hopefully, by placing the world border at 1500 out and expanding it to 2000 after a week or so. https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/817-grief-bait/ Grief bait's a somewhat unclarified rule in the Survival list, along with plenty others. I'd like to go forward from Trooprm's thread and make a decision on revising that rule. Survival chat can often be a harsh place. While we all can agree, some shit talk is part of the PvP experience, some players often take things to far. In lieu of a working ignore function, and in response to the sometimes dickish attitude on S, I think we ought look towards reworking our chat rules. Low priority to getting the rev up, but worth discussion. Some Non-Vanilla Last rev we brought in about 8 creeper spawners per quadrant, by replacing existing poison spider spawners with them. We intend to do the same this rev. It allowed for better access to splash potion materials. We're considering doing the same with witch huts this rev, and putting witch spawners in them. We'll be keeping moblimiter as is
Elephant in the Room (xpost with /r/mcpublic)
Draykhar replied to Zuziza's topic in Minecraft General
To start, I'd like to adress ROCKONN: Judging by your post, I would like to assume you've rarely, if ever, actually interacted with Tharine. After playing on these servers with her, from clanmates, to moderators to admins both for eight revs, I think I can speak with a little credibility that Tharine was not "an immature, irrational, selfish little runt trying to take down the pillars of the community on their way out". To say such of her casts all others in a foul light. Passing beyond that. Tharine dedicated countless hours to this community, her commitment to the Survival server is a large reason many of the players there stayed. She pushed through numerous changes to the server the last few revs, and has always willing to help resolve issues within the server. No one ever had issue contacting Tharine with their concerns. She was always open to suggestions on any part of how Survival works, and did what she could to change it. While Survival (and this community as a whole) still has plenty of room for improvement, Tharine laid much of the groundwork, repaired some of the cracks in it's foundation, patched up the walls, and opened what so many are considering to be Pandora's Box on the way out the door. Tharine brought forth concerns that many others, both players and staff, have been bringing forth for a while. The only thing /new/ within it is her actual leaving. This post has become a focal point of many of the issues within the past few months. These concerns are nothing new. Is this community perfect? No. Absolutely not, as no community is perfect - there is always something we can work towards improving. The nerd community has changed a lot since when I started playing here, and I can imagine had undergone much change between then and its founding. Judging by the levels of dissent and emigration, I'd say we're due for some changes. What? I'm not 100% sure, but we've got to orientate ourselves towards a goal. C and S's numbers have been steadily declining, let's look at fixing that. Our player-base has changed, and the current player-base is looking for a transparent administration where they feel their input is of value. As staff, we are obligated to the player-base. Not in that we owe them something, but rather it is our duty to work towards making the servers an enjoyable place to play. The current administration generally tends to work pretty well together , but certainly has worlds of room for improvement. Half of us (myself included, sorry) aren't here for days at a time - this puts way too much work on the few who remain and they suffer from burnout. We don't use all of our channels of communication correctly - whether it be appropriate conversation in IRC, or properly dispersing critical information. We've got some work to do.- 34 replies
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[Free] IRC Bouncer (24/7 Persistent Relay Connection)
Draykhar replied to Synergetrick's topic in General Discussion
God damn it speck. -
I've always worked under the assumption that there is no Min/Max for any admin position - server, head, or tech (hell, we've had less than the default 5 Heads for a looooong while now). More admins ought be placed in as the duties necessitate, and cycled out as their want and will to assist the servers dwindles.Three just tends to be a good working number. That being said, yes! I wholeheartedly agree that if you feel C needs a 4th admin, go with it!
To move beyond the tech talk and to push towards 'on server' discussion with this thread, I'd like to voice my thoughts on this plugin and how it would affect game play on Survival, and encourage others to do the same. Simplifying the tech lingo, Anachronos works against time and rolls back edits done to regions. A player on a region list would edit their region as normal, placing and destroying blocks without noticing any difference. However, a player not on the region and breaking blocks within it - whether it be in attempt to murder the Steve inside or merely grief - would find no drops to be had, and the blocks would roll back after a set amount of time. Play wise, it eliminates much of the fear of not replacing blocks after breaking in to other peoples bases. It disallows for the permanent editing (griefing) of other peoples bases, be it block spam or destruction. It allows for more cohesive land borders (as your claim would be a region proper) and therefore less land claim disputes. Moderation-wise, it increases requests on one front and decreases them on two. There would obviously be a substantial increase in regions requests that would need to be filled, and we'd likely have to train much of S's moderation on how to do so. However, it would cut out a large number of 'grief' requests, as well as the much more complicated field of land claim disputes. A plugin like this represents a huge shift in 'grief' and how we can better handle it. Personally speaking, I think it has a lot of potential.
Closed due to inactivity.
While I wholly appreciate the response of WickedCoolSteve, I feel as if this isn't getting the attention it deserves. There's been plenty of discourse about what mcpublic was, is, and can be. If the Heads permit, may I move this over to ModChatPrivate to open it up to a wider audience?
Threads dead, and there's nothing I see in here that'd spoil anything for the current rev.. Kosher to move this over to Public Archives?
Yeah, oops. That's not there any more. But it should be. We'll update the wiki to properly reflect that. In the mean time, here's a makeshift wording of the rule to follow: "Using any method of teleportation (such as the end portal, /spawnme etc.) to avoid pvp encounters will result in a ban. If observed by a staff member using spawn to avoid pvp in such a manner, you will be asked to move immediately or face a ban."
Upon being approached in your base by another player, you logged to avoid combat with them. Even if you have not been physically hit, logging to avoid combat is against the rules. 2013-08-12 19:41:03 | kmankris101 lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-12 19:41:39 | [Redacted] issued server command: /modreq slicace kmankaris101 Obvious logging to avoid combat, logged when they saw [Redacted] This was modreq'd within 10 blocks of where you and your clan mate were when you logged off. 2013-08-12 19:43:51 | kmankris101 logged in at ([world] -72., 63.0, -129.) This, combined with your warning already for combat logging have merited me pulling you aside and making sure you reacquaint yourself with the rules. Please feel free to post here on the 17th of August and we will see that you are unbanned.
Upon being approached in your base by another player, you logged to avoid combat with them. Even if you have not been physically hit, logging to avoid combat is against the rules. 2013-08-12 19:41:01 | slicace lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-12 19:41:39 | [Redacted] issued server command: /modreq slicace kmankaris101 Obvious logging to avoid combat, logged when they saw [Redacted] This was modreq'd within 10 blocks of where you and your clan mate were when you logged off. 2013-08-13 05:31:42 | slicace logged in at ([world] -66., 63.0, -126.) This, combined with your warning already for combat logging have merited me pulling you aside and making sure you reacquaint yourself with the rules. Please feel free to post here on the 17th of August and we will see that you are unbanned.
Signs are done, sorry!
Clanhall pasted in and modified to better reflect surrounding biome. Still need to properly setup sign wordage. Protections and flags set. Surrounding terrain will be molded shortly.
Survival Revision 22 Change & Discussion Thread
Draykhar replied to Tharine's topic in Minecraft General
Spoiler! Do NOT click if you do not want the RebalanceVillagers plugin specifics told to you! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eifx7f22uhwb3tw/t54vXdSJrA This link contains the configuration files for RebalanceVillagers. I've left out one portion that isn't finished, but this is the majority of it. Enjoy, and please bring any concerns you have with it up! -
Looking back: likely to make Saddles and armor craftable. Stablemaster class'll sell animal eggs and nametags. Haven't written the stablemaster class yet, but here's the current config files. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eifx7f22uhwb3tw/t54vXdSJrA
Bit late posting in on this one, sorry. I agree with all the builds decided on, I'd like to extrapolate on Creeper Spawners and the potential concern of horses and their respective armour being scarce. I'm sticking behind my opinion on Creeper spawners. Allow either spider spawners or Zombie Spawners to be modreqed into creeper spawners. It prohibits there only being a select few on the map, and doesn't take away from anyone being able to use them. It'll speed up potion-making, which I feel is one of the larger hindrances of fair pvp. In regards to the concerns with horses, allowing them to spawn in the plains biome near spawn will help out quite a bit. Beyond that, I've envisioned another villager class that could be set up with Rebalance Villagers. It'd essentially be a stable-master. Selling Horse eggs, Saddles, and Horse armor (as neither of those are craftable, and are extremely limited items) in exchange for emeralds. If wanted, it could be expanded to include other animals such as sheep and cows, but I don't particularly see a necessity for that. Opinions?
Nope, I'm Chicago bound. After a little over a week around there, I'll be headed to Santa Cruz for a week, then back home.
I'll be going on vacation for most of July starting now. I'll not be seen in game for most of it most likely. Feel free to hit me (or any other Sadmin) up via forum mail. At least for the next week that'll be my primary means of communication with mcpublic. Beyond that, I might be able to pop into game and Mumble for a little bit of time after the 21st. Long days, pleasant nights to ya!