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Everything posted by buzzie71
I believe this table, showing a majority of your block edits on Creative, speaks for itself: In your time on Creative, you have destroyed quite a few blocks in builds (for example, from that structure in the background) - from the first two numbers you can see where I pulled the 1000+ figure from. You were also breaking blocks unusually quickly, which led me to suspect you were using a hacked client. You're banned for two weeks. Please read http://nerd.nu/rules and create a new appeal in two weeks (06-25-2013) stating: the rule you broke that you agree to abide by them from now on.
Rev 7: New Argoth Rev 8: Argoth Rev 9: Argoth Rev 10: NE Seneca Rev 11: Argoth ...seriously though, don't really have favorite towns; the ones I see are all impressive to me :D
Just wanted to emphasize the importance of avoiding a stalemate situation; as part of Red team last CTF I am aware of how we held all other flags within our inner base and literally held the game hostage until we got the other teams' complete and total surrender. :P Would it be possible to get the flag to drop as soon as someone enters the inner base? I'm a bit hesitant to have a timer on the wool carrying because, say, a player decided to take a treacherous path across the map and needs more time to traverse it than someone who takes an easy path.
Ooooh that's an idea. I've admittedly been deleting old videos from my hard drive after uploading but let me see what I can piece together... EDIT: Not sure if I can pull this off due to how I recorded the videos, so don't count on anything from me for the moment.
A really brief, temporary, and on the whole not necessary goodbye
buzzie71 replied to tacodude3's topic in The Archives
Good luck to you sir; we'll see you when you return! -
My secret project - Doppelganger, a plugin for PvE.
buzzie71 replied to totemo's topic in The Archives
I've mentioned some ideas to tompreuss already (we have also bounced ideas off each other), so in the interests of keeping them secret and appearing to be an evil mastermind, I will not reveal them here. (Of course I will also proceed to debate the accuracy of me being "evil", but that's beyond the scope of this post.) While typing this and noting the lung capacity above, would it be possible to make the doppelganger a water breather? Like squids, where they will eventually suffocate and die if out of water for too long? Other than that, this is awesome! I look forward to seeing this on P... -
In terms of a new server plugin? I'm unsure, and would admittedly be hesitant to add one that doesn't only make moderating easier (though if you have an idea, definitely suggest it and we can look into it!). I will mention that on my brief forays into other servers, the plugin that allows players to sit on stair blocks was my favorite. What is this strange concoction you call tea? It better not be one of those Nausea Potions that I got when I did /gin. teddylover had a similar question, which I answered on the previous page. To summarize though, in terms of moderating/staffing I didn't have any favorites in particular (maybe r11), but in terms of gameplay, r7 and r9 are hands down my best. Get a blue one. I get squashed so many times, once more won't matter much. I don't see anything fundamentally different about gameplay as the revs pass, other than the updates from Mojang. But players come and go, and in the last year that I've been here, I've seen players who I've enjoyed playing with suddenly disappear into the annals of time, becoming old legends in my history book. Certainly I wish they would come back (or see them again somewhere else), and that would likely be the only reason I would "miss the old times". But in the end, I suppose, legends will stay legends, and the only way to go from there is onwards. Suggest and participate in all the things! Especially suggestions - we cannot begin considering how to act on an issue we don't know about. We, as staff, try to think about new policy pretty thoroughly before enacting it, but we aren't omniscient and will invariably miss something. If you see something you feel is not right, or if you have suggestions for the server, please please contact us so we can look into it. I honestly cannot stress this enough. Send an email to admins@nerd.nu, PM us on the forums or subreddit, make a post in the forums, tell a mod and (nicely) ask the mod to bring it to the rest of staff, whatever allows you to be heard. (Just please don't make a post on the subreddit, that place is pretty lousy for discussions.) Also, if you see a build contest for anything - arenas on S, decorative builds on P to name a few - build! It might make it into a new official revision, and then you can tell everyone that you built part of the map :D. I know if I debuff a bunch of them with Weakness and feed them all Golden Apples, one of them is bound to sell me diamond gear. What they look like is amusing, but irrelevant. We are on c.nerd.nu, are we not? I believe that anvil that got caught in the cobweb overhead was forcibly despawned by the server :D. As someone who hasn't looked at the smilies here, I do not know. Perhaps the techs can help you in that regard. My opinion is that we don't need an auto-unbanning process. If banned players want to return to the servers, the appealing avenue is always open to them, and provided their ban reason was not severe, more than likely we will unban pretty quickly. As a water-dweller, something that makes the oceans more interesting - coral reefs, colorful fish, even hostile sharks maybe. The ocean is currently bland and tranquil; it could use a bit of color and danger.
From my time on S I know that the XP plump they use there already makes any grinder, even a crude whack-everything-that-comes-out-of-a-spawner-with-a-sword grinder, faster than P's End grinder on its best day. Certainly you could get more XP even faster at the End grinder if the plump affects it, but any grinder with the plump would be adequate for enchanting.
This is buzzie. Just want to mention that the Padmins know about this and are looking into it. I urge you to please be patient with us, and focus on the question at hand. Opinions in this thread, we appreciate; attacks on players or towns, we do not. thrawn nailed the topic under debate in the previous page, but I've pasted it here for convenience:
I would be a huge fan of anything that revolves around team play. This would include CTF for sure - was thinking also if it were possible to implement something like Payload or Control Points (from TF2) as well as allow for class differentiation (similar to TF2, how each class has a unique loadout designed for a certain gameplay style), that would be pretty awesome too. BTW, if maps are needed, I volunteer P spawn spaceship for incorporation :D
Sorry about that, it was meant to be a passing remark and not an attack. That said, I apologize for sounding overly officious :S
Where's your TARDIS?
It should show up as "<killer> killed <victim> with arrow."
I was going to go for something more dramatic given that I do not wish to show my face, but this was all I came up with: ... But if you do want a full body shot of my Minecraft self, I can offer this thing I made really quickly: http://i.imgur.com/XuFE8Zw.png
I disagree with the word choice of "promoted", but I can add admins as managers to the clanchat when I get the chance. If you need to be invited to the channel, just find any of the managers and they should be able to invite you to the channel. (As far as I know, you need to be online to receive a clanchat invitation.)
No idea :S. I don't know how it helps buzzie ego, but check this out and make your choice at the opinion poll: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/118-automatic-locking-of-containers-chests-furnaces-etc-on-p-not-s/ Not accounting for the current poll results at the moment, enabling auto-locking chests is up in the air at the moment; that will be guided by staff discussion as well as the thread discussion/poll results. I would say, though, that this is seriously being considered (ie, we didn't decide to throw out the suggestion five days ago). EDIT: It's live on P now! Fast answer: P. Fancy answer: Though PvE itself is unarguably a virtual world, I would argue the community that has arisen from it is very much real - a diverse one that came about simply from the premise of playing blocks together. In my opinion it is one of the best communities out in cyberspace, and I am honored to help make the server a fun place to be...admittedly if it includes being chased.
Ooooh, good call tompreuss, forgot that numbers existed for this. I had mentioned "uncommon" because I rarely see any arrow kills when handling mob grief reqs, even ever since /lb kills was introduced. Mods, just out of curiousity have you seen very many arrow kill grief reqs (goes without saying that these reqs must be on P)?
I'm less concerned with the kill logged as using a fist and more with who shot the arrow that killed livestock. I estimate skeletons have a very very very small chance of hitting livestock by themselves (say, a snow golem is locked in combat with a skeleton and a cow wanders between the two), so more than likely arrows that killed a player's livestock were fired by a player (definitely grief) or were fired by a skeleton that was led by a player to shoot livestock in its way (also grief). The problem for us is that we have no way of knowing who perpetrated the grief. If this is a moderate to hard fix, perhaps we don't need it immediately if arrow grief is uncommon. For now, I would say replace the mobs if you see they were killed by arrows, and definitely take note if you witness players shooting other players' mobs (ban for grief) or if you see frequent arrow kills in /lb kills.
I'm on the fence about it, for reasons I do not want to be made public. That said, I'd be eager to do a "wait and see" approach and see what happens when auto-LWC is turned on, even for a brief period.
I can't recall an embarrassing mistake I made during gameplay - all my blocks went exactly where I wanted them to go, and all mistakes I made were easily fixable. Probably my worst mistake then would be something in chat...but I don't recall much other than pretending to backstab people in chat? Now while on mod duty, that one's easy. I checked out a modreq for a rogue clay block that somehow made its way into a pillar of a build on P. The last edit in that location was a destruction by the player who made the modreq, which seemed impossible to me. I selected the clay block and typed in the command to redo the player's edits in the last five days or a week (forgot how long it was)...except I forgot one crucial parameter and ended up redoing the player over the entire map. Luckily, since it was a redo, many of the builds were not altered significantly, but certain bits of terrain went missing and some old dirt scaffolding reappeared. And in that madness the clay block refused to disappear. Nevertheless, I had thought I was done for (as staff) and radioed the mods going "omg I've done a global redo of someone, what do I do, please help D: ", but was relieved to be met with forgiveness and assistance instead. I told the player what I had accidentally done, and I was relieved by his understanding as well. Anyway, once the metaphorical dust cleared, I returned to the original modreq location and simply destroyed the clay block by hand. Still, I remember it as a moment of carelessness and strive to avoid repeating that mistake. Perhaps Denevien or thrawn can answer this better than I can, considering I have only been around for one map preparation cycle. I can speak for this one though - discussion for the new map had actually started sometime in December (less than two months into the map at the time) and work on the map and spawn started separately around that time as well. The map was finished pretty comfortably before the launch of the map (hours before launch, I think?); spawn was declared done at literally the last minute (oops). As for favorite revision...in terms of gameplay or in terms of moderating? In terms of gameplay I would easily say rev 7 and rev 9 were my favorites - 7 for being introduced to PvE and seeing all the marvelous builds and experiencing the friendly and lively atmosphere, 9 for completing the underwater build I didn't complete in 8. In terms of moderating/staffing, I did not feel there was one in particular, save perhaps the current map (11) :P. Of course, I invite thrawn and Denevien to mention their favorites as well. As a 5K quester, FISA spleefer, and that-guy-that-runs-away-a-lot on S, this particular buzzie holds the ancient and noble art of sprinting and parkour in the highest esteem, and (currently) believes horses, with their increased speed and better terrain traversing, to be, well, blasphemous. That said, if the buzzie chasers are embracing the changing times and can go ever faster and easier on horseback, then the buzzie has no choice but to adapt its strategy along with them. Looks like it's happening. Can't answer that. I can tell you that I am wary of domestic cats.
Apologies for the wait, I have been in contact with Ooer and will unban you for him. Please take a read through the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules before logging in. Welcome back.
Still would like to pass on this question for the same reason as above, sorry :S.
Ahhh yes you did, sorry about that. Err...I would like to stay silent on this one, worrying it would reveal personal information.
I imagine it should be pretty easy to ban placement of hopper carts (I know TNT carts are currently banned on C, P and S as well maybe?), but the challenge would then be to block attempts to force-place them using dispensers.