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  1. You were warned previously and kicked by the anti-cheat, talked to by a mod, and kicked twice last night by me. Please make sure you re-read the rules here. I have snipped a small section: You are now unbanned, any repeat offense will be subject to a longer ban.
  2. Allow anyone to place private shulker boxes in player protections. It is not fun walking ages and searching around to place one. Shulker areas are commonly missing, full, or just ugly. Grief would be obvious (locked chest) We do not plan on implementing this. Too often, shulkers are placed and left behind with no way for the region owners to move them. Shulker spots are created to limit where in protected areas other players are allowed to place boxes, otherwise there would be shulker box spam everywhere. If you do not see a shulker spot in an area that you would expect to need one (like a villager market) please reach out to the region owners and inquire about where one is or adding one. Play an anvil sound on your fist block break in a claim you are not a member off Players are allowed to harvest resources inside claims, so having a sound play upon breaking a block inside a claim we feel would be ignored. It is the payers responsibility to check for claim areas before building in an area, not while collecting resources. We also know a number of players that play without sound, which is why there is a message sent to the player in chat when entering a claim. never reset /lastseen don't reset /seen Yes we all miss our friends from past revs, but we do not feel the need to have every player profile ever kept just to check on those that no longer play on the server. now that horses aren't trainable, it's really hard to get good skele/zombie horses. it would be cool if we could request with a good horse & a skele/zombie horse to have the stats transferred We will discuss some ideas and see if we can come up with a way to allow skele/zombie horses to get better stats. strikethrough text command While having more chat options can be seen as fun, right now we do not plan on adding more editing options to chat. use a plugin where cured villagers work for everyone We will be keeping the cured villagers as they are for now. disable phantoms cuz there is no reason for them to exist other than slow falling potions NO update the /map command to take off the carto link (403 error) Done Pls add /tableflip and /unfliptable πŸ˜› similar to the /shrug text thingy We have asked the techs to add a few new emoticons. Please note, staff has the right to ask players overusing emoticons to stop if it becomes too spammy pls /clanchat mute [clanchat group] sometimes I really can't be bothered to keep up with a clanchat but also don't want to leave... Please add this as a suggestion on the github page of the plugin. This way it goes directly to the techs who manage the plugins Please can you add custom recipes to use normal deepslate to make its varients (instead of having to use cobbled deepslate, mojang is dumb) No, this is a vanilla mechanic and it is really not difficult to take 2 picks mining, or remine blocks at home to make the deepslate cobbled boat trains We can dream, but we do not think this is possible at this time just want to thank you for the no-safebuckets thing! It's such an amazing quality of life update for us normies. πŸ™‚ Glad the flowing water and lava has worked out this revision. We are happy with the game as well πŸ™‚ There is no current info about HOW to build a padmin dopple, please add to the rev 30 info post If this has not been done as of this post, it will be added soon. Sorry for the inconvenience, we sometimes forget that are community may include newer players that were not around when padmin dopples were introduced ~the padmins
  3. The fact that the trapdoors were not locked by WG does not give permission to flip them just to be annoying. That would be like saying an unprotected build gives someone permission to grief. I did not see the initial genchat message, it was brought to my attention by another player. I did not immediately vanish to follow you around. The point is that you have been around long enough to know better and you still want to be treated as if it's ok to do these things until someone tells you to stop. We are beyond that point. You have been unbanned. Next time you are bored, find somewhere else to troll people.
  4. Dear Duke Rokkuwu Esq. III of Whiteoak, Thank you for taking the time to write such an eloquent ban appeal. I can only dream of being able to write so well. However, this appeal lacks any sort of remorse or acknowledgement of wrongdoing towards your fellow players. While, I am sure the trap doors would accept your apology if they could, I read this appeal as a continuation of the disrespect and trolling in which you were banned for in the first place. It was very clear by your chat before hand that your actions were intentional and meant to upset specific players. You will remain banned until a proper appeal is submitted. ~cujo
  5. Please remember that doing something against the rules cannot be offset by a "just a prank bro" sign. We welcome you back to the server and hope to see no more "trolling" builds.
  6. You were banned because you found an afk player, suffocated them in sand. removed the sand, stole the death pile and then lied and said you didn't. When I mentioned I had logs that proved otherwise you logged out. Please read our rules at https://nerd.nu/rules/ , especially PvE section. When you are done, please reply to me you have read the rules and I will unban you.
  7. Suggestions Pulled 30 Oct 2022 add some custom crafting recipes for uncraftable items like saddles, bells, etc. Items like saddles and bells may not be craftable, but they are easily obtained by visiting a villager market. Some harder to get and rare items may be added to a custom villager at spawn in the future. to help with mob limiter problems, just delete phantoms Well it wouldn't be a suggestion response day if we didn't have a suggestion about phantoms. Again, this is a vanilla mob and we will not be removing any vanilla mobs from the game. A "perfect" dropper/hopper that moves a stack at a time. Reduce lag by redusing overall time that machines operate. eg, auto-sorters can operate up to 64x faster. We are working with techs to find the best option that will work for the server. While moving a stack at a time will help with some farms, it will likely break other hopper uses. We still encourage players to be considerate when using redstone mechanics on the server. Keeping builds reasonable and minimizing sources of lag ensures a good playing experience for all. instead of removing phantoms just lengthen the time until they start spawning so that sleeping at the start of events means no phantoms will spawn during the event. Phantoms still exist but won't disrupt as much We like this idea better, but for now no changes will be made. We will continue to listen to your suggestions regarding phantoms, but this vanilla mob will remain on PvE disable enderman blcok grief in protected regions; they mess up terraforming and place block where they're not wanted Can we turn off enderman griefing We all agree that enderman grief can be frustrating, but, just like the phantoms, we intend to keep this mob in it's vanilla state. chest shops or some sort of way to trade items in chest like 32 chicken for a diamond or something. Nothing is stopping players from trying to set up shops like this. Most times trades happen in chat and we like that players buy/sell/trade with each other in gen chat. I would like it if we would be able to modreq for lightblocks as we can for barrier blocks in arenas, would make it easier to prettiry them without spamming torches in the play area We also like this idea. Look for a update as soon as we decide on a price and how best to implement it You should make it so that ShakShuk specificly gets infinite bread forever nope because you guys have been complaining to us about darkroot lag, you should let people get perfect librarians (maybe 3 or 4 to fit all of the core enchants) and maybe make it so that we need every core enchant and like 9 stacks of em blocks Everyone was asked to cut back on things they were doing that were contributing lag. The fact that darkroot was by far the biggest contributor (from multiple sources) means they were asked to cut back multiple things. This is in no way targeting or punishing only them. Players should always be thoughtful and respectful of others. If there is an issue and lag is being created to the point of making the game unplayable , being asked to cut back or modify should not be an issue and should be done tnt for regions plz so we can make tree farms This suggestion comes up quite often, and while we would also love to see tnt used for some farms and mini games, there are still too many what ifs associated with tnt explosions. These farms would also require tons of tnt to work and tnt dupers are not allowed on the server. Instead of allowing us to trade Pokemine stuff to other Pokemine at spawn, just trade them for squids and release an list of what drops where What? ummm, no. You don't have to participate, but what is the point of a game if you don't want to play it. make a suggestions discord channel as its the most common place of ideas and suggestions Splitting the suggestions up into 2 sources will just make it more difficult to keep track of, especially as a discord channel. They will also no longer be anonymous. This also insures that suggestions are from players that actually play the game and not just hang out in the discord check out the techstuff discord for a variety of options for moderators to be able to moderate chat without going against our morals The tech stuff channel is listed under general and is meant for general chat between tech loving members, not under the Minecraft header. This is not a channel for server specific tech talk. That being said, having the genchat kept English is not a new concept or new rule. It has been an unwritten rule, but it is considered to be like political talk, a quick hello, or a message or 2 is fine, but longer conversations should be moved to a pm or clanchat. We have reviewed this policy with all staff. Expect official word from the heads to come out soon. make staff elections truely demoratic and representitive of all our community, let members vote on new staff. You are free to self nominate or nominate a player you feel would be a good mod for us to review, discuss or vote on. This server is not and has never been a democracy. However, we will pass this suggestion on to the heads. there should be some sort of apology mechanism for when staff do or say wrong on non staff/staff, apology mechanisms are used on member in appeals and such, why not staff? We do our best to admit mistakes as we think it is the right thing to do, but don't think there needs to be a formal process. Apologies are not required in appeals, just a statement that the player has read, understood, and agrees to follow the rules though we do appreciate when an apology is given. Add cooldown to the /pvp off, currently highly proine to abusement as it stands We will work on getting this implemented in the near future!
  8. Suggestions Pulled 16 Oct 2022 I'm not for custom sacks/bags of holding/whatever, but it would be nice to have something that held all the custom items (like pokemine cards) Not sure of anything we could add that we be much different than shulker boxes. We suggest using those! Maybe soon someone will find that hidden shulker spawner in the overworld and shells will be plentiful! there should be more suggestions We agree! Keep sending in your suggestions I would love it if players could request a full rollback on a build they've done if they are planning on abandoning it completely If a player decides to move away, they should tear down their own build before leaving. Incomplete builds that are not in a region can be modreq'd as an abandoned build. If the player has not logged in for 30 days we will move the build upon request. Again this is for INCOMPLETE builds in an area you would like to build. We DO NOT remove completed builds that are protected. give regen effect at spawn We give away free food at spawn to get you started. If you are looking for regen for spawn secrets, we suggest coming prepared. If you are not quite geared up (food wise) maybe work on farms before hunting spawn secrets it would be neat to be able to check if a bed is anyone's current bed, I'm always worried I'm moving a bed 10 people are using You should never move a bed you did not place, and we do hope that town mates discuss sleeping arrangements before moving a town bed. However, we do think that there could be some benefit in having such a command. We will bring this up to a discussion with techs. let us ride phantoms For now such things would only be used for very special occasions. The best we can offer is a phantom disguise saddle, coming SOONβ„’.
  9. Thank you for reaching out. I am excited to have you rejoin the community. I was heart-broken when I had to ban someone I considered a great part of the community and a friend, and my hands shook as I typed out the words. But I could not give a stern warning for an action that others have been flat out banned for without a word or discussion in the past. I understand that there was no ill will in your actions and the build was indeed beautiful, but I just wish it had been built in the overworld. The other builds you found were previous admin hunts, builds from previous revisions we pasted in to hold an event at. I am glad to see you back Standish
  10. Thank you for your response. While I appreciate that fact that you know what you did, I am missing the bit where you acknowledge that you know what you did was against the rules and that you will not do it again in the future. I will unban you, and please refrain from these kind of actions again.
  11. Thank you for your response. I understand that curiosity can get the better of us sometimes and I appreciate that you understand why what you did was against the rules. The world you glitched into is indeed the area that admins use to create events such as the admin hunts which use builds from past revisions and as such these builds would be hard to include into the overworld. Padmins do put a lot of trust into our player base and it honestly hurts when that trust is broken. I am taking into account that you have been a long time upstanding player that has never caused issue on the server in the past and the fact that you realized that you should not have been where you were and left the area without making edits. You are now unbanned.
  12. Closing this as a duplicate appeal.
  13. Thank you for your well written response. I have to say I was furious when I found the build. I am not sure if I was more furious at myself for putting trust in players or that that trust was broken. I understand that you meant no harm, but I still see that there was a bit of malice in your actions. Using the 'trick' to escape took effort to get somewhere you knew you were not meant to be. The arena was fully enclosed for a reason. We will in the future now have to put extra effort into arenas made in the event world because we can no longer trust players to be respectful of boundaries. I do hope in the future the measures we take will prove unnecessary. I am taking into account that you have been a long time upstanding player that has never caused issue on the server in the past. You will be unbanned shortly.
  14. Distant future suggestion -- powdered snow clumps in the end instead of regular snow As if the end isn't terrifying enough! Although we haven't player with powdered snow enough to know why large quantities would be needed, we can certainly look into adding powdered snow clumps in the end in future revs. Boost moss creation range (customly) to a bit higher (1-3 radius more) make bonemealing tall grass over moss also bonemeal the moss Once again, this is a new game mechanic we do not know a lot about. However, at this time we feel that this is not something that needs plumping for a multiplayer server. Moss seems easy enough to get. Like how we can ignore deaths, can we ignore pvp on/off alerts? thank you ❀️ We can understand how the alerts can become annoying during events or when players are trying to get their head to drop. We can look into adding something, but no promises. ok so, mob heads aren't exactly the EASIEST thing to collect, so why not make them the currency for buying spawn eggs once they become available at spawn? It is an interesting concept. Heads are fairly easy to come by with a channeling trident, and most players looking to buy eggs want to because they CAN'T find the animal. Regardless, we feel that the current way of buying eggs is fair. /mutechat please... I only wanna see clanchat sometimes Try going into Options -> chat settings -> commands only a /jail? I feel as if it would work to punish players instead of instantly banning/kicking them We aren't trying to "punish" players. There is a consequence for deliberately breaking rules. We have very rarely, if ever, instantly banned a player. Using a kick as a warning and ultimately banning if the rule breaking continues we feel is more effective and less disruptive than a "jail" in game would be. Apply the glowing effect to anyone who has bad omen, so if they come into our villager area they can be called out for it. We understand that having your villager markets subject to raids is very frustrating, but we feel that bad omen and raids are part of normal gameplay and precautions should be made by players to keep villagers safe rather than "marking" players that have bad omen. Whoever builds a grinder and opens it to the public can modreq placement of an information sign in Spawn. Players that want to share the location of their grinders can modreq for a marker to be placed on the live map.
  15. Make portal shards non placeable. it makes so much sense to fill the portal with portal shards that I did that, now my shards are useless. Yes, I am aware I should have read the rules more carefully, still sucks. Have "portal shards" represented by prismarine shards or any non placeable item to prevent folk placing the shards thus wasting time and currency remove nether portal shards and just use guilders. Not only were shards explained in the info post and on the item itself https://imgur.com/a/WY7dChE so there really should be no confusion on how to use the shards. However; we have changed the portal shards into a non-placeable item. Since we have made this compromise to make things easier for you, we hope that in the future you will also take the time and effort to refer to the info post or ask questions if you do not understand something.
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