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About Haiku

  • Birthday 08/24/1917

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  • Gender
  • Location
    British Honduras
  • Interests
    singing in the shower, Drawing

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Member (1/1)



  1. uwu~~ that aside, I kinda like the decent sized islands i used to build my city on, although i would like larger islands and maybe a larger ocean area. on spleef, i love the event, however i feel like the arena needs to be updated. A player contest could be done to create a new arena. I like idea of groupbuild as it creates a closer bond within the community, as everyone usually can contribute something. overall i think the C Team is doing great, keep it up, proud of you guys.
  2. I have read the mentioned literature and have agreed to follow the new policy regarding staff impersonation. :))
  3. Oh SORRY my phone autocorrected mod to kid thanks for unbanning me
  4. Hello, I was banned for staff impersonation after attempting to mess with mewcifer, who I had neglected to realize was a kid and was indeed committing staff impersonation in my pursuit to meme. I understand that I have broken the server rules.
  5. Why yes i so do, Thank you for asking me, son I'm Quite good at them. a blue blur, running around at the speed of sound got places to go, gotta follow his rainbow
  6. Because i live in the sewers because im pOOr ....yes https://gyazo.com/399607dc5e4aa055532a480457716929
  7. I like Ballard music and classical alot, i also like Spanish French, Chinese, and Japanese pop. Never I like Realism and Cartoonist alot but I'm only Semi Decent at Realism For Movie id have to say the Great Wall, and for show ive been enjoying The Man in the High Castle Lately. Probably Drawing and Singing in the Shower tbh
  8. Because i literally answered 4 questions last time i prOmise ill reply this time guys
  9. Haiku

    am Haiku AMA

    ye its in my bloodstrem
  10. The magic was 9/11, which was in inside job.
  11. Haiku

    am Haiku AMA

    Krispy Krene, that goooooood shit k bb come C me anytime
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