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Everything posted by tompreuss
[PMC] For the P admins: fallout from the upgrade to 1.6.2
tompreuss replied to totemo's topic in The Archives
This all sounds fine for now. Good, thanks. That sounds very useful, yes When directly asked I informed people that we were currently exploring the ability to give ownership of a horse to another player and were optimistic about being able to do it soon. /give-pet sounds excellent. Amaranthus mentioned something about getting different types of lag in Bukkit vs. Spigot when we were experiencing it during the latest CTF attempt. If Spigot helps with our short term issues now, I'd appreciate a look into seeing how it would do so. Thank you again for your help. -
And just for completeness sake, the lead issue can be found on Mojang's bug tracker here.
Ban #12124806 for Centallith on c.nerd.nu for grief nerd.nu/appeal by Socarch26 on 2013-08-01 22:49:06 Note #32969 for Centallith on c.nerd.nu: Warned for NSFW build on P by kitcatbar on 2013-07-27 23:20:29 Note #33006 for Centallith on c.nerd.nu: 2013-08-02 PVE11: grief by unwanted build addition on two house roofs by buzzie71 on 2013-08-02 13:57:40 Hi Centallith, Socarch26 will be along shortly to deal with the ban, but I wanted to take this opportunity to talk with you regarding a few things buzzie and I came across on P as well that ultimately ended with his adding of that second note. You added builds/redstone contraptions to the top of two other players builds in a town all three of you belong to: Do you have an explanation for what these are and how/why you built them? Modifying other players' builds without their permission is grief and griefing is not allowed. Since we're here I'll also just remind you again about the other note, that NSFW builds are also not permitted. Socarch, please take these additional factors and Centallith's replies into consideration when setting a ban length.
Chest minecarts are not affected by the KitchenSink cart-removal feature (neither are powered carts) since last August (bug report here, by yours truly (the only reason I remember)). And it's still that way now, I've found chest minecarts in abandoned mineshafts on P months into this current revision, and people use them in sort machines as well.
If you want to do this client side and have watson installed, you can /tag hide nc.any And when you want to bring it back, just /tag show nc.any
If my memory serves, /trust if from the old MCCondom plugin, it's not a part of No Cheat Plus. Additionally, I think the block place warnings are actually WorldGuard, not NCP. I don't think WG has any equivalent command to /trust.
Thank you Denevien. Hi Dinostorm, In my reply to your previous appeal, I gave you the following instructions: You did not do that in a timely fashion, so Cyotie911 closed the thread leaving you a note to open a new appeal instead. You've mentioned here that it's been some time since your previous bans. We take all evidence into account when determining the outcome of an appeal. While you may be forgiven for an offence, we do not forget that it occurred and you're always held accountable for all of your actions. The best way to not be punished for breaking our rules is to not break them. We especially take racist and homophobic language very seriously, and I'll go to special lengths to caution you here that any future instances of such will result in a much longer ban length. Unbanned.
My words were in a different order, but yes, that's exactly right! :D
The arena was built solely by Denevien (not in survival mode, if that matters) as a function of his padmin position so that we all could participate in a fun, exciting, and engaging community event. It's comparable to the arenas on S, insomuch as it's admin organized and run. This is why it's been advertised in the rotating [server] messages. Being admin run, we have the purview to advertise in this manner. Moderator run events get no special treatment. In fact, when a moderator organizes an event on P, they're actually acting in their capacity and role as a player of the server, not as a moderator. They shouldn't be using any of their moderator privileges to advertise or run the event. There's at times exceptions to this (like prizes for cross server contests, like faz's most recent one) but those are all brought to and approved by admins in advance. Players are welcomed and encouraged to hold and advertise their own events using the subreddit and/or forum. Several recent and successful events come to mind that were advertised in advance, for instance the fireworks in Seneca last night had several dozen attendees. Players can also advertise (as long as they don't cross the line to spamming) in public chat for their events. You'll often see players talking about upcoming spleef matches in this manner. Word of mouth is likely your strongest ally for getting people to come to your event.
I can not, a head admin would need to speak to that.
Any donations made are likely not tax-deductible, either in the United States or other countries, because the we are not registered as a non-profit organization. Please check with your tax advisor to obtain more information.
I did the blue east wall; when you get a chance could you please check it before I do the others.
Ban #11531431 for dinostorm on c.nerd.nu for homophobia, chat spam nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2013-06-11 19:28:31 Note #29798 for dinostorm on c.nerd.nu: warned for chat spam and excessive trolling in chat by WickedCoolSteve on 2013-04-13 00:52:22 Hi Dinostorm, This is what prompted your current ban: 2013-06-11 05:44:11 | Dinostorm[/##.##.##.##:#####] logged in with entity id 175467 at ([world] #Removed#) 2013-06-11 05:44:25 | <Dinostorm> GOD 2013-06-11 05:44:27 | <Dinostorm> DAMN 2013-06-11 05:44:29 | <Dinostorm> IT 2013-06-11 05:44:47 | <PlNG> what's wrong Dinostorm? 2013-06-11 05:45:04 | <Dinostorm> you know whats wrong?\ 2013-06-11 05:45:07 | CH: Running original command on player Dinostorm ----> /modlist 2013-06-11 05:45:10 | <Dinostorm> niggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggernigger 2013-06-11 05:45:14 | <Dinostorm> thats wit 2013-06-11 05:45:42 | <Dinostorm> keyboard warrior faggot 2013-06-11 05:46:20 | Dinostorm lost connection: disconnect.quitting Prior to this, here's some other examples from the past where your in game chat was unacceptable: 2013-03-12 04:33:45 [INFO] <Dinostorm> sometimes youre a faggot 02:18:11 [INFO] <Dinostorm> these enderfags are mad Additionally I've found prior bans for your account: imported from mcbans (building a penis on C) and chat spam. Taking these and the warnings you've received into account: you're banned for a week. Clearly you've been reminded about the rules before, but I'll have you again read nerd.nu/rules and additionally this post by Cyotie911 and reply here to this thread on or after 2013-06-18 saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from that moment forward to be unbanned.
Link to archives thread for reference. Unbanned.
My secret project - Doppelganger, a plugin for PvE.
tompreuss replied to totemo's topic in The Archives
Yeah, I already tested and told Den that we could make zombies that wear armor and have near infinite health that he could trap in a box for their own safety and the safety of the players around them. Now they will be wearing pretty colored leather armor as well: Thanks! I heard LadyCailin once say she could code an /easy-sign to do whatever Den wanted in less than 20 minutes. True story. If say you put a sign down at the mob's feet that would make a 2x1 box to cancel the target_player event? Or maybe that's crazy, but I'm sure she could come up with something. -
My secret project - Doppelganger, a plugin for PvE.
tompreuss replied to totemo's topic in The Archives
totemo, I'm having a ball testing out stuff so far, and I appreciate all the stuff you've added and helped me with already. Two additional things you may be able to help with: 1) I think Villagers just can't wear armor or carry items? I know I'm assigning them correctly, but I just don't think bukkit allows it since it's not possible in vanilla maybe? Or am I doing it wrong? 2) Is there any way I can define colors to leather armor? Maybe with org.bukkit.inventory.meta.LeatherArmorMeta or something? -
Sorry, you got caught in the crossfire during a spam attack. Unbanned.
My secret project - Doppelganger, a plugin for PvE.
tompreuss replied to totemo's topic in The Archives
totemo, Oh-ho-ho-ho! (devilish laugh) They'll be some/lots of details to work out amongst the padmins for how we want the configuration, but I'm a definite yes for this and look forward to seeing it in action. If you have time at some point in the near future to discuss/recommend things in mumble, that'd be great. -
Ban #11222879 for presidentpotato for homophobia nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2013-05-25 19:10:29 Hi presidentpotato, Read these comments by Cyotie911 and nerd.nu/rules and post back here saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from this moment forward.
Greetings! For those of you that enjoy handling the wonderful variety of exciting moderator requests on P, I have some joyous news! You can now (officially have the approval of the padmins to) handle animal grief modreqs! As many of you likely know, I've been doing these types of reqs and teaching you all how to do these types of reqs for... about five months now. I know plenty of you have been doing them as well, and I know just as many have been /elevating them instead, and both of those groups are perfectly 100% okay for doing what they've been doing. There was a slight bit of miscommunication (or non-communication) regarding the switch from the old time-consuming-admin-only-digging-through-console-logs-for-mob-grief-info to the accessible to all mods /lb kills method (thanks slide!) and how the latter could be used to handle animal grief reqs. But no longer do you have to /elevate them, you can handle them like any grief req. Meaning: take into consideration the things you'd normally consider for grief on P, including but not limited to the newness of the player, the amount of kills, the obviousness of the animal farm/pen, any other grief the player may have done, and if you can infer any malicious intent in regards to their actions. In almost every case if you're replacing a mob (giving away something for free) you'll be wanting to have warned someone, and/or added a note for someone, or banned someone. /lb kills fits seamlessly into the /lb syntax you're familiar with, usually a quick region select of the animal pen corners with a shovel and something like "/lb kills sel" or "/lb kills sel sum p" (with various time parameters if necessary) will get you on the right track for what's been done by whom, and then something like "/lb kills sel player playername" and/or "/lb kills sel player playername sum p" should work in most cases. There's also two extra params for /lb kills, victim and killer, which work just like you'd think. (for instance you can add "victim cow" to limit things to just cows). Play around with them next time you see a req come through, even if someone else is handling it, there's no accidental rollbacks or redos possible so have at it with testing. But just like any grief req, they're all going to be different and the many nuances are hard to explain in a paragraph, so please please please: As always if there's something you don't feel comfortable doing or just don't want to do feel free to leave it for another mod or to ask anyone in /mb with experience handling that kind of thing for help. Personally, if I'm on, I'm always willing to help and I'm always excited to educate people on new things and I'll always be in mumble if you're more comfortable talking there. Much <3 Tom and those other guys
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That would look like this: 2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] Kills from player tompreuss in the last 2 minutes in world: 2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 05-22 23:41:59 tompreuss killed Slime with arrow 2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 05-22 23:41:58 tompreuss killed Slime with arrow 2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 05-22 23:41:57 tompreuss killed Slime with arrow 2013-05-23 00:43:03 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] 05-22 23:41:52 tompreuss killed Slime with arrow
In regards to how common, these numbers are for the entire revision in just the overworld: Kills of victim cow from player arrow in world summed up by players: Kills - Killed - Player 547 0 Arrow 0 547 Cow Kills of victim sheep from player arrow in world summed up by players: Kills - Killed - Player 191 0 Arrow 0 191 Sheep Kills of victim chicken from player arrow in world summed up by players: Kills - Killed - Player 253 0 Arrow 0 253 Chicken Kills of victim pig from player arrow in world summed up by players: Kills - Killed - Player 101 0 Arrow 0 101 Pig Total deaths overall are cow 64537, sheep 12820, chicken 35998, pig 23434; so arrow kills account for about .85 percent of all cow deaths, 1.49 percent of all sheep deaths, .70 percent of all chicken deaths, and .43 percent of all pig deaths (in the overworld up to this point). And of course with this broad of a look it's impossible to know which of those are grief kills or legit farming kills with replacements left or just kills done in the wild.
I've gotten in the habit of when I see a server restart message to send any mod I know is in modmode and in the end a /cmsg with all caps to get out of the end in modmode for this reason. Not exactly ideal, I know, but it's helped more than a few times. But yeah, I'd imagine it's the same as the usual modmode quirks/bugs of entering/exiting while in non-overworld worlds, like buzzinbee and Random and kitcatbar mention here. I think @Deaygo (I think? maybe? not sure) would be the best one to ask about it, and I don't think I see an issue about on the github bug/issue tracker, so he may want you to put something there? I'd ask him first though.
I know you're joking, but I'll take your prompt to explain further (for new mods and also because I just like explaining) that any non-tool kill will show up as "fist" giving us such fun oddities as: 2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-20 02:52:49 LightningStrike killed Squid with fist 2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-18 05:55:09 LightningStrike killed Sheep with fist 2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-18 05:54:52 LightningStrike killed Skeleton with fist 2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-18 05:54:43 LightningStrike killed Sheep with fist 2013-05-20 14:01:47 [CLIENT] [INFO] [CHAT] ᅡᄃ605-18 05:19:03 LightningStrike killed Cow with fist