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Everything posted by defiex

  1. Weazol. Thank you. Ohgawd thank you. I turned off whatever that mod was from because it ended up being too hard to differentiate my blocks while in my inventory. <3
  2. Headed south for the weekend. Will miss CTF. Much bummed. Very sads. Intermitantly around June 24-27th. Will have a guard crayfish protecting the apartment. You've been warned!
  3. Feel free to use my forum email. The body is willing and waiting. :D
  4. >.> Yes...and Argoth has retroactively annexed both the Snoo Redstone Lamp creation and uh...The Cathedral. >.> ::cough:: yessssss.
  5. Definitely Argoth and our Sooper Sekrit Silo. But don't tell anyone, it's sooper sekrit.
  6. Idea for Spawn Portal :D Please? :D :D :D http://i.imgur.com/260HMp3.jpg
  7. Heading down south for Thanksgiving so I'll probably not be on much November 25-28th. Most of that depends on how awesome the jacuzzi in my hotel room is and the quality of the internets available to me.
  8. I concure and am equally if not slightly more jealous. ::Fistshake!:: Teach us your skill!
  9. I have been informed I must post the below(now edited with less GIANT images):
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